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Sole Wolf Journey Reiki by Amanda Hadley


year 2017

Prerequisite: None Personal Awakening, Transformation & Self Love Sole Wolf Journey is also the Journey of the Soul. Sole Wolf Journey Reiki includes a reiki attunement to connect you to your Sole Wolf as well as supplying you with a Guided Meditation that you can use after you have received your attunement.

This Guided Meditation is given to help you Journey with your Sole Wolf.

There are times in each of our lives when we might find ourselves on a Journey that has to be made alone which can at times feel very Lonely. It can be a Frightening Prospect and at times almost Unbearable, but we must at times follow our path like the Lone Wolf, Walking Alone but knowing that we have a Spiritual Companion by our side. Sole Wolf Journey is a Reiki Attunement that has been designed to help you on your path.

This path may be a path that takes you through a Personal and Life Changing Period of Transformation or it may be a path that takes you on a Spiritual Journey of Self Discovery and Awakening. Many Healers and Lightworkers struggle with feelings of Isolation and Loneliness. The Spiritual Path can be an Overwhelming one paved with feelings of Self Doubt and Fear.

Sole Wolf understands you and offers you Guidance and Strength in times of need, Encouraging you to listen to your Heart and to follow your Instincts.

You receive pdf manual, Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready




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Celtic Soul Reiki by Amanda Hadley



year 2020

It is recommended that you have some prior knowledge of energy work before receiving this attunement.

Celtic Soul Reiki is an Earth Energy, the energies are natural and healing, resonating with ancient Celtic wisdom and knowledge.

The focus of the energy system is in bringing our own energies back to the earth, to natural healing, to the life force that runs through all living things, to the Earth’s vibration.

We are of the earth, we are all connected, we are natural beings.

The energies of Celtic Soul Reiki can help you regain a sense of wholeness, of reconnection to ancient wisdom and healing. In this modern, fast paced, technological world we inhabit, it can be all too easy to forget our true selves, we can feel disconnected, lonely, separated from our natural state of being. The earth energies of this system can help reconnect you to your true self and to all things, aligning your vibration to the earth and her healing energies.

The energies call in the natural world, they reconnect us to the earth, to the vibration of all things.

The energies help us to be grounded down into Mother Earth and channel the healing energies of nature all around us to promote spiritual healing and awaken our senses to the natural world, to the natural healing energies.

The energies assist in creating wellbeing and balance, they can help bring peace, harmony and unity within and without of yourself, promoting spiritual awareness and natural healing of the self.

You receive pdf manual, Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.





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year 2018

The Intention Amplifier Empowerment is a wonderful energy to help you manifest your desires and strengthen your intentions.

The Intention Amplifier Empowerment can help you in two ways; firstly, the empowerment works to help you form strong intentions that are worded without ambiguity and focus solely on your desire. Secondly, the energies of the empowerment then work to amplify the power of your intention, charging it with positive Source energy so that it vibrates at the powerful frequency of manifestation.

This system has many uses for manifesting and can be used as part of daily ritual- you can activate the energies each day and then state your intentions for the day.

The energies can also be used for a particular project; you can focus on changing something in your life like your job, your mindset, etc.

This empowerment is very beneficial to energy workers to help amplify their intention when sending energy, either for healing purposes or to attune others to a particular energy system. It can help create stronger intentions with greater resonance.

It can also help when working with any energies for yourself and activating energies through intention.

The Intention Amplifier will help you to increase the intensity of your intention when calling in new attunements or activating energies from other systems.

You receive pdf manual, Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.




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year 2019

The energies of this empowerment are from Source, from pure light and love to help connect you in a gentle and loving way with your guides.

I am frequently asked about how to connect with spirit guides and so I hope that this empowerment will aid others in making that unique and beautiful connection in their lives in order to enhance their lives, bring harmony and divine connectivity.

We all have spirit guides, they are ethereal, they may be from the angelic realms, ascended masters, light beings, spirit animals, ancestors, mythical creatures, etc. Our guides are assigned to us before we are born in to this life, to help us through this life experience.

All of our guides are loving and want to help and support whenever they can. Connecting with spirit guides is a peaceful and joyful experience, filled with love and light.

Your guides can provide you with creative and unimaginable solutions, helping you to feel empowered and aligned with source energy.

You receive pdf manual, Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.




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year 2019

Magickal Stone Reiki Attunement will enable you to create Magickal stones for any purpose; protection, abundance, love, etc.

It is a system that I channelled this year in 2019, but is deeply rooted in many years of stone collecting. The energies of this system are Magick infused and will enable you to imbue your chosen purpose/properties into any stone that you wish. Once created the stone will hold and emit the energies it has been infused with continuously. Magickal Stone Reiki can be used on garden stones, precious stones, riverbed stones, rocks, tumbled stones, pebbles, crystals, etc.

The energies of this system are open ended in how you use and develop them. You will be attuned to the magickal energies to imbue any stone with any intention and this will grow and transform for your own personal needs.

Please note that the energies of Magickal Stone Reiki can only be used for light and love, the energies of this system connect you to Source energy and can only be used for positive means and the good of all concerned.

Once you have infused a stone you can use it in any way you choose. You can: -carry it in your pocket, wallet, purse -use it in jewellery -sew it onto clothes, furniture -place in your home, office, car, by your bed, on your altar/ sacred space, etc. -use it with affirmations, meditation, healing sessions, energy work, spell work, etc. You can create infused stones for your own use or dedicate them to others. You can also dedicate them to pets, plants, etc.

You receive pdf manual, Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.





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Chakra Cleansing Empowerment by Amanda Hadley


year 2015

This chakra cleansing empowerment has been written with the intention of providing a simple but effective way of cleansing all 7 major chakras.

It can be used before a meditation to enable a deeper state of calm and connection. It can be used prior to any form of healing or energy work to help clear the chakras and thus allow the energies to flow through you freely and perfectly.

It can be used prior to giving or receiving an attunement or other empowerment as a means of clearing the chakras to enable the energies you are working with to flow at their maximum for all concerned.

You receive pdf manual, Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.



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