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CZ Card Black Orchid Essence by Cuzco



€19,99   year 2015

The activation of this CZ Card puts you in tune with sophisticated and sensual energies, synonymous with an iconic style and modern timeless glamor. The essence of elegance. It opens up a whole new universe to discover esteem door, sex appeal, charm, exoticism, femininity', mystery and seduction.

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CZ Card Bushukan Buddha's hand by Cuzco


10521459083?profile=RESIZE_400x€19,99  year 2015

The Activation of the CZ Card Busukan Buddha's hand connects to' energy of this particular fruit historically native to Asia, particularly to China, Japan and North India. As the name suggests attributed to the fruit is considered as one of the best thank-you gifts to offer to Buddha. Two fruits joined together can remember the shape of two hands clasped in prayer. Dona Fortune, Prosperity, Fertility, Health, Longevity, and connection with the Divine. In Japan, where the fruit is called "bushukan" is considered to be the bearer of good fortune and is one of the typical gifts that Japanese exchange New Year's Day. It is used in homes as a decorative element in place of the flowers, even the table, or is placed close to the symbols and  religious figurines.

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€19,99   year 2015

The rooster herald the dawn and' a symbol of vigilance and Spiritual Awakening. It' also considered one of the symbols of masculine power and procreative. This brings Empowerment virtue' treatment, protection, spiritual awakening, health, clairvoyance, messages from' afterlife', courage, strength, victory, security, decisiveness, boldness force, protection against witchcraft.

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CZ Card - Longevity Sphere by Cuzco

€19,99  year 2015

It enables you to work in close connection with Energie Ancient, primordial and interact with the body on a physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual to balance and harmonize body, mind and spirit. These energies have the power to relax the mind favoring a 'antidepressant action. Increasing the flow of energy prepare the mind for meditation and induce relaxation. In addition they can also be used to purify stagnant energies from workplaces, homes etc. Draw out every day to the inexhaustible source of these energies to regain and maintain full health and harmony

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CZ Card Patchouli Essence by Cuzco


€19,99  year 2015

CZ Card Patchouli Essence Patchouli evokes avoidance, mystery, travel and freedom', the imagination takes flight to distant horizons. The energies of the CZ Card Patchouli Essence also possess the ability 'to "hit the ground" those who live in a dimension enhanced by psychic experiences. They are a great help for those who find difficulty 'to identify with their own bodies. Play antidepressants beneficial effects on those suffering from mental and physical exhaustion, stress, anxiety and sexual disorders, increase concentration and help the gland gland to produce endorphin hormone of well-being. They function as an aphrodisiac for those who have problems of frigidity 'or otherwise suffer from reduced libido.

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CZ Card Power of the Camargue by Cuzco

€19,99  year 2015

The Camargue kidnaps the heart of the visitor. Among Pink flamingos, bulls and white horses nature amazes and fascinates. It 'easy to meet in cowherds or meet gypsies, the wind and the sun are the masters and everything takes place with the rhythms of nature by livestock farms, fishing or harvesting of salt in the salt pans.

This attunement connects you to your free spirit. It lets you express who you really are. It is a' healing energy that heals the emotional and spiritual bodies, is an expression of joy, love and happiness that recalls the physical world and the spirit world together facilitating receiving messages and sacred visions to help to manifest your desire.

The free-spirited energy helps to follow your dreams, to follow your heart and spirit to work for your goals. The free spirit and' associated with most of the gypsies who do not fear change and move to face every challenge with courage and joy.

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CZ Card - Primitive Wisdom by Cuzco




€19,99  ear y2015

This activation brings the gift of the Primitive Wisdom of our Ancestors. He teaches to focus on the little things that we often underestimate. Shows "under the surface" invites you to dig deep to eliminate old patterns of thought. Gives physical strength and balance to overcome any obstacle.

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CZ Card The Firefly Gifts by Cuzco

€19,99  year 2015

The Fireflies are tied with the Element Fire, as Totem give the enthusiasm to achieve their goals in life. We do understand that not 'need to forge ahead to achieve our objectives, each has its time and must be respected.

They remind us that the earth and 'a beautiful garden and we have to respect nature and its inhabitants. Connected at night recall the world of dreams and spirits.

They bring these energies Creativity ', Inspiration, Perseverance, Intuition, awareness

.They help to believe in dreams and deepen all issues relating to the unconscious. Rediscover the lightness of life and childlike wonder but without 'only surrender, to instinct and quickly to avoid falling into bad situations but acting always just for our highest good.

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CZ Card The Reindeer Power by Cuzco



€19,99  year 2015

Reindeer in the ancient cultures was a Psychopomp Being able to guide souls in the other world, a messenger between the living and the dead. Both male and female have horns that recall the lunar symbolism that gives us insight, cycles, fertility 'and femininity'. This animal has special skills in knowing how to juggle in hostile environments. The reindeer also brings us Protection, Divine Help, Help from other worlds, wisdom, intelligence, creativity 'and capacity' to adapt. It can 'come to the aid as an animal of power if we are to take "a more' active role in the life.

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CZ Card The Turtle Energy by Cuzco


€19,99  year 2015

The Tortoise and' an ancient symbol, and' one of the most' powerful Totem of protection. The turtle teaches to administer well our energies, it gives concentration, invites you to explore new horizons in and out of ourselves and spurs us to enjoy the journey of our life to throw too fast in the waves choices avoid misjudgements.

This empowerment brings blessings, longevity', patience, strength, protection, intuition. We can use its energy every time we hear around us negative energies, unpleasant interference.

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CZ Card Two Spirit by Cuzco


€19,99  year 2015

In the majority of the population the identity', the role of gender and the match biological sex ("Cisgender" people). Gender identity is the way an individual perceives its own kind: this inner awareness leads to say "I am a man" or "I'm a woman." Sometimes the' identity' of gender and sex are not the same. The concept of "Transsexual" and' typically Western and based on the concept of two opposite sexes with distinct characteristics and culturally approved, Only recently we start to accept socially men in touch with their feminine side, and vice versa. Turning to the CZ Card Two Spirits gives us self-esteem, it helps to "understand", to appreciate and allow for variations in ourselves and other lifestyle. It helps to awaken and develop dormant psychic powers facilitating the connection with "The Great Spirit" for our highest good.

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