by cuzco artist channeller (63)

€19,99  year 2018

These energies contain and represents everything that has to do with emotions and feelings, helps to attract emotional stability by making love come into your life and stay for a long time, linked to emotions and the control of feelings keeps away the sadness, the jealousies and the uncertainties of love.

These energies work in an introspective way, that is, they attract love for themselves because, in this way, they will attract the love of others. If you do not love yourself, you can not expect someone else to love you because love starts with you and this is the strength of these energies.

When you emanate love for yourself, you become a magnet for other people and therefore also you to attract love into your life.

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€19,99   year 2018

The powerful lotus plant has been used in East and Southeast Asian traditional medicine and cuisine for centuries. The lotus has the title of India’s national flower and is a symbol of purity in Buddhist and Hindu traditions.

The lotus is a perennial plant and is often confused with water lilies.

There are over 100 species of lotus, have types of lotuses also include the double-flowered lotus, which can have over 100 petals, as well as white pink and red varieties etc.

The lotus is a beautiful symbol of healing. After receive the attunement you may using these energies as an all-purpose healing energy and use it to enhance meditation. You can using it by intention as is done with Reiki and used for hands-off and remote healing.

They also work to increase compassion and serenity and is a progress to spiritual happiness and wisdom and more..

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€19,99  Year 2018

Are a high magic energies!!

These very powerful magickal energies channeled in the CZ Card are applicable for bewitch in every situation and area in terms of success.

Use these power in your rituals cast you a spell.

Becomes a powerful magnet of success in any areas of your life.

Use these magical powers intuitively.

If you want used for on and gain control over by magic, please you any use it wisely and responsibly.

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€19,99  Year 2018

These great energies channeled in the CZ Card gives us the message of the beauty that we can experience daily by connecting to the Earth Mother" with our roots".

They brings and signifies the attitude that we need to have to walk in beauty and balance, the represent the fruits of our labors, and they catches and brings sacred pollen to give us great abundance in our lives.

If we think of our body as a plant and nurture it as we would a plant growing in the ground, we can both grow and walk in the beauty of life in a balanced, sacred way and a with warrior spirit that reminds us to keep balance in all the things.

In the life we need to be loving and giving but we can not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of.

While we keep ourselves grounded and create boundaries from the bad things of life, we must also freely share our inner beauty and our gifts of love, we must open our hearts to those around us and knowing when to close.

These wonderful energies teaches us to trust with the strength of wisdom and more.

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€19,99  Year 2018

These are a magickal energies wonderful for to strengthen the physical body and for produces physical invulnerability when fighting sharp to punches, blows etc.

Are a great protection from any forms of curses and brings you a super power booster of bravery useful to dealing with your greatest fears, they increases physical strength and charisma and helps us to acquire respect from friends and enemies.

Great aid for strengthen the inner energy to build a strong defensive fortress from witchcraft and any negative power attack, to nullify the curses, clear out any negative energy and aid the healing process of the body and spirit from the bad influences, diseases that are caused by demons and from the already existed witchcraft attacks.

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CZ Card The Ghosts Portal by Cuzco

€19,99  Year 2018

These Higher and Magickal energies that i have channeled in the CZ Card The Ghosts Portal they deals with the world of ghosts, magic and witchcraft.

They helps clean the spaces from negative substances and out carry exorcist séances, as well as neutralize negative programs created with the help of witchcraft.

They helps create powerful protection for the persons and the spaces.

For working with a room you do not need to define the contaminated zones, the energy will itself find and neutralize them and If you need to neutralize a program implemented in an object remember do not touch the object!

If you already have been working with the energies for a long time and possesses additional occult knowledge you he will obtain an ability to contact ghosts and protected by these energies you not have to fear that you he might be enslaved by them.

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CZ Card The Cave of the Shamans by Cuzco

€19,99   Year 2018

Working with the energies channeled in the CZ Card can allow you to feel the great powers of the Ancient Shamans and carry they with you in your healing practices.

These energies also are useful for a powerful purification and a will help to understand the shadow aspect of our self, only when all the masks will fall really you will be in contact with the Source.

They are higher energies but only after you have received the attunement the energy channeled in the image is renewed automatically for you for the rest of your life.

You can see the image CZ Card and call to the Ancient Shamans and state your intention to accept whatever lesson the Shamans may have for you and in meditation you may thank for whatever teachings or gifts you have received.

Are very powerful energies useful for your sacred spiritual path, for your rituals, healing sessions etc.

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€19,99   Year 2018

Raggiungi il potere, sei il vero vincitore Alzati sopra tutti quelli che cercano di farti del male.

Blocca i tuoi nemici di qualsiasi tipo e gradualmente rimuovi i loro poteri impedendo loro di continuare la loro lotta contro di te.

Impara il potere di influenza e autorità, sarai più potente che mai, sarai intoccabile e la tua posizione protetta.

Lavorare con queste grandi energie genera forza fisica e mentale, ti dà un coraggio che non hai mai provato prima e ti riempie di forza e fermezza costanti.

Queste energie sono un aiuto molto potente, costruiscono una protezione eccezionale e combattono automaticamente per te.

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€19,99  Year 2018

Reach the power, you are the true Winner Rise above all those who seek to harm you.

Block your enemies beings of any kinds and gradually removed their powers preventing them from to continue their fight against you.

Learn the power of influence and authority, you will are be more powerful than ever, you will untouchable and your position protected.

Working with these great energies generates physical and mental strength, gives you a courage you have never felt before and fills you with staying power and steadfastness,

These energies are a high powerful aid, they building exceptional protection and automatically fighting for you.

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€19,99  Year 2018

Working with these energies create a strong connection with the higher mystical and spiritual healing energies.

The shield of mystical light create a powerful shield around your aura and protects you from any kinds of black magick and psychic attacks and dissolves them in shortly.

These Mystical energies are extremely effective to remove and destroy any forms of dark-forces, evil eye, negative entities, black magick, and any negative or destructive forces etc.

Also are very effective to clears and purify an environmental or a space and heals a situation.

They are a powerful healing energies to heals also at distance any forms of diseases physics o metaphysics.

If you want you can use these Mystical energies to overcome metaphysical powers and breaks spiritual and magickal shielding of your enemies.

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€19,99   Year 2018

Remove all Negative Energy Attachments from you and your home.

These energies they work like are as a magnet useful for cleansing all negative energies forms, for to remove completely remove negative energy and any entities from you, your home, and anything you bring into your home or in your office etc..

These energies are powerful and very useful have for anyone working with energy because your light and energy work sometimes attracts attachments.

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€19,99  Anno 2018

Se sei in una relazione stabile, vengono generate nuove vibrazioni amorose tra voi per rafforzare i sentimenti esistenti e qualsiasi blocco d'amore di qualsiasi tipo sono distrutti e il vostro rapporto è protetto e benedetto.

Lavorando con queste potenti e magiche energie che ravvivano il desiderio sessuale ti sentirai innamorato come il primo giorno.

Usa queste magiche energie d'amore e incanta gli altri con un solo sguardo, attira l'attenzione, la passione e la fiducia degli altri nei tuoi confronti.

Queste grandi energie d'amore non hanno solo effetti sull'area della relazione d'amore, ma anche su tutte le relazioni interpersonali.

Usa queste energie in modo intelligente e saggio, le possibilità sono infinite nelle seguenti aree e molto altro.

Forte attrazione d'amore, grande successo nell'amore e nel tuo business, sensualità, carisma erotico, grande potere personale, fascino autoritario, aura erotica, ringiovanimento della mente e del corpo, sex appeal, autostima, resistenza fisica, vitalità, eliminazione di stati d'animo depressivi, seduzione, bellezza irresistibile, sguardo magnetico e molto altro.

Sono potenti energie anche per l'uso nei rituali d'amore per risvegliare il potere femminile e il controllo in materia di amore per il dominio degli uomini e altro ancora.

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€19,99   Year 2018

If you are in a stable relationship new love vibrations are generated between you for strength the existing feelings and any love blocks of any kind are destroyed and your relationship is protected and blessed.

Working with these powerful and magic energies that revives the sexual desire you will feel in love as the first day.

Use these magic love energies and you enchant other with just one glance, draw attention, passion and confidence from others to you.

These great energies of love has not only effects in love partnership area but also in all interpersonal relationships.

Use these energies smart and wisely, the possibilities are endless in the following areas and more.

Strong love attraction, big success in love and your business, sexiness, erotic charisma, great personal power, authority charms, high-erotic aura, mind and body rejuvenation, Sex appeal, self-confidence, self -esteem, physical stamina, vitality, elimination of depressive moods, Seduction, irresistible beauty, magnetic glance and much more.

Are powerful energies also for use in the love rituals for awakening an the power of the female and Control in matters of love for dominate of men and more.

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€19,99  Year 2018

Invoking these Mystic and Magickal energies you will receive help to propitiate sentimental unions with people of the same sex.

These wonderful energies are used to support homosexual union and solve the problems and misunderstandings of a homosexual couple, or to favor an LGBT union.

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€19,99  Year 2018

Go in Contact with the spiritual world and awakened your of psychic abilities.

Working with these energies to awaken your psychic abilities, doubt to your own mental abilities will be destroyed and the abilities awakened.

Working with the energies channeled your third eye will be opened, psychic abilities will develop, clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreams, premonitions, visions or healing abilities, etc..

Brings you an extremely pure and powerful energy useful for psychic visions.

It greatly reinforces the intuition and more of psychic abilities but now immediately exactly develops what at the moment and right for you the spiritual world know what's right and develop what powers are useful good for you now.

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€19,99  Year 2018

( Pra'd Mill in the Infernotto Valley in Piedmont Italy)

Working with the energies channeled in the CZ Card can allow you to feel the great healing powers of one Meisinoira of the Pra 'd Mill and carry they with you in your healing practices.

They are great energies but only after you have received the attunement the energy channeled in the image is renewed automatically for you for the rest of your life.

You can see the image CZ Card and call the energies of healing of one Meisinoira of the Pra 'd Mill, and through meditation you can find much uses of these energies and feel guided.

Are very powerful energies useful for your sacred spiritual path in and for aid you in your healing sessions etc.

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€19,99  year 2018

These energies are a high magic defense against all negative energies, an very strong protection at all levels for all people, healers, magicians etc.

Working with these powerful energies will make you invincible.

Nothing will easily weaken you or harm you and any kind of negativity, malicious spirits of all kinds, black magic, curses etc. will bounce off you.

Working with these energies Brings aid in the following areas and more:

Brings full protection, magical abilities, mesmerizing glance, mental influence,huge personal power and strength, removes fears, confusion, panic, strengthens the personal psychic abilities, bring courage, perseverance, conviction of yourself, brings protects against energy loss and empowers the voice and gives brings huge energy boosts and much more.

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€19,99   Year 2018

Queste energie sono un'alta difesa magica contro tutte le energie negative, una protezione molto forte a tutti i livelli per tutte le persone, i guaritori, i maghi, ecc.

Lavorare con queste potenti energie ti renderà invincibile.

Niente ti indebolirà facilmente o ti danneggerà e qualsiasi tipo di negatività, spiriti maligni di ogni tipo, magia nera, maledizioni, ecc.

Rimbalzerà su di te. Lavorare con queste energie porta aiuto nelle seguenti aree e molto altro:

Porta piena protezione, abilità magiche, sguardo ipnotizzante, influenza mentale, enorme potere personale e forza, toglie paure, confusione, panico, rafforza le capacità psichiche personali, porta coraggio, perseveranza, convinzione di sé, apporta protezione contro la perdita di energia e potenzia la voce e porta enormi aumenti di energia e molto altro ancora.

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€19,99  year 2018

Is possible! Everything is Possible! Any your Desires or great dreams it is realized. The true Manifestation happens here and now in this dimensional reality. Working with these great energies gives you the power of true manifestation. These energies channeled are a great sacred cosmic, magical, magnetic, mystical energy blessing that vibrates multidimensionally for the manifestation. Working with this sacred power requires a free, pure and clear mind, a heart and a certain model of thought that considers that everything is possible. Are a energies power applicable in every area of life.

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€19,99  year 2018

These wonderful energies channeled in the CZ Card represents a balance between earth and sky, allows us to stay in a good balance with our earth and sky elements that are within each of us and can be used to stimulate at reaching the highest realms of our consciousness while it assists us in staying grounded to Earth. They can purify on all levels. and are very useful in spiritual, emotional, and physical healing, promotes healing and can strengthen the healing abilities of people who have receive the attunement. They are powerful energies to bring balance into our lives along with keeping us grounded they helps to gain a feeling of inner strength and well-being, health, stability and peacefulness.

Work with these energies also as a general protection, they provides protection on all levels of our being and offering the protection we need in our daily lives.

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