Attention to Detail Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


year 2020 - 9,99 euro 

This system connects you to your higher self and to spirit. It works to help you have a keen eye for details so you don’t miss something important.

Often, we are not as alert as we need to be while doing tasks, and this can lead to missing a detail that is important to the task we are doing.

You may be driving, you may be at work, you may be doing anything that requires your complete attention and having a keen eye for details, and if you forget something, or your attention drifts, even for a few seconds, it can have serious consequences.

Attention to Detail Reiki helps to keep your attention on the task, and it helps you to be more alert and aware of all the details. It helps with forgetfulness so you remember to include everything needed and necessary.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement


9,99 euro