
Healing Relationships Reiki - Reiki für die Heilung der Beziehung by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in German or in Japanese

EUR 14.99  year 2019

If you are having trouble in the area of love in your life, you may find this energy attunement to be helpful.

It helps to heal relationships so that the two of you open up in communications, romance, and draws the two of you closer.

There can often be situations that push couples apart, or distances them from each other because of lack of communication or understanding.

When this happens lovers tend to spend less time together and they can grow apart.

The energies of this system connects you on a soul level with your spouse or partner so that the two of you can grow closer and deepen your love for each other.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 14,99 EUR