Light of Enlightenment Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


Light of Enlightenment Reiki by  Daelyn Wolf

EUR 14.99  year 2019

This system works to open your body, mind, and spirit to new ideas, new points of view, new ways to see things, perceptions of things you often overlook, and raises your vibration to a higher energy.

To be enlightened means you have wisdom, knowledge, and higher perceptions.

It means you can see things from many angles and get a better overall view of life, of problems, of possibilities.

The Light of enlightenment opens you to what is beyond the normal range of perceptions, ideas, and thoughts.

It helps you to be more creative, to solve issues and problems easier, and to feel a sense of confidence because you are enlightened and can have a deeper understanding of life, of your path, of all things spiritual as well as physical.

When you know things and see things more clearly, you can achieve your goals and manifest the life you truly want to live easier.

This is a powerful system opens your mind to visions, depth of understanding, and higher vibration.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

14,99 EUR