daelyn wolf (356)


Clearing Business Fears, Anxiety, & Negative Attachments by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 14.99   year 2018

Fear causes anxiety and results in negative thoughts and attachments that stick solidly to your energy fields.

This fear is actually illusion and wrong thought.

It is controlling and it consumes your mind and turns all your thoughts to worry and anxiety.

You feel anxiety because you know that you are under control of fear and that it is only illusion.

Yet you don’t know what to do about it because you are so consumed by it all.

You may feel trapped in the illusion that holds you and prevents you from moving forward.

When these fears are focused on business and finance, you self sabotage all of the good fortune that would normally come to you.

The energies of this system work to remove, clear, and banish business fear, all fear connected to money, prosperity, and abundance.

There is a powerful symbol to help you clear instantly fear thoughts about business and money anytime it pops into your mind.

It is important to rid yourself of business fears and the anxiety and negative attachments that go with it in order to achieve success and abundance.

This is a powerful system that works to empower you to overthrow business fears, break the illusions, and take back your personal power.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 14,99 EUR



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Empath Protection Reiki by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in Japanese

EUR 9.99  year 2018

Empaths are very sensitive people who are able to feel emotions that other living BE-ings, including people, animals, plants, mother earth, and more feel.

These feelings are very powerful and can cause the Empath to get caught up in feelings of despair, depression, etc. of others around them feel this emotions very strongly. Therefor it is extremely important for anyone who is an Empath to protect themselves and their energies from any negative influences and feelings of others around them.

The energy of this system surrounds you so that you are shielded and protected.

This prevents the energies of others from disrupting your personal energies and strengthens your power for energy work.

you wiil receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Protection & Shielding from Curses, Hexes, & Negative Energy Reiki by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in Spanish or in German

EUR 14.99    year 2018

This reiki attunement course, protects and shields you from curses, hexes, and negative energy.

It connects you to the pure powerful source of universal love and light for protection and empowerment.

Sometimes no matter what you do there are people who will put a curse, hex, or other form of dark, hate energy on you.

This can be someone that you know, or someone you chance encounter, or even someone from a distant past life or relative who decides to bring bad mojo upon you or your family for generations.

There are ways to clear these curses, hexes, and negative energy and to break their chain of attachment in your energy or DNA energies.

And there are ways to protect yourself and those you love from curses, hexes, and negative energies.

This system is very powerful and is energetically charged to protect and shield you from these dark energies that seek to bring destruction and harm to you.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball attunement

 14,99 EUR



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Animal Soul Connection Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2018

The Animal Soul Connection Reiki system helps bring a healthy, deep connection between you and any animal. With this system, you begin to feel at one with the animal.

Your connection helps you to become closer to your animal friend.

The connection joins your soul to the soul of the animal in sort of a melding of energies when you are working with the animal and helps with deep friendship—pack—flock— etc. connection for you and the animal.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Animal Soul Compassion Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2018

The Animal Soul Compassion Reiki system connects you on a deep soul level for empathy between you and any animal.

With this connection there is a soul love that recognizes the concern and consideration of what is best for each other.

When you have a deep soul compassion connection there is an unconditional emotional connection that lasts a lifetime and beyond.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Animal Soul Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


Animal Soul Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2018

Animal Soul Healing gives you a very strong and powerful deep soul connection with any animal for healing.

It works with emotional healing as well as physical healing.

Often times something can be missed with an exam, and if you are really aware and connected with the animal, you will see things, feel things, and intuitively know that something is not right (as a treatment) or that something else is being missed.

This close connection for healing on a soul level connection helps you by increasing your personal healing powers and your abilities to help make sure that nothing is missed and that the best treatments are given for your animal friend.

It also helps the animal to be more accepting of treatments, and also energy healings.

you wiil receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR


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Animal Soul Aggression & Fear Calming Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2018

Animal Soul Aggression & Fear Calming Reiki connects you and the any animal on a deep soul level for understanding what the animal fears, and what is causing her discomfort and aggression.

It works to bring a mutual trust between you and the animal and to sooth and calm the animal so that it can learn to trust and let go of fears.

Often when animals are aggressive it is because someone has mistreated them, or they are very afraid of something.

Once you understand this and get a good idea of what is at the root of this behavior, you will be better able to help the animal be calm and to sooth their emotions and energies.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Spirit of the Fox Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2014

The Spirit of the Fox Empowerment connects you quickly to the energies of the fox. It works to help you with being alert and aware of all that goes on around you.

The fox helps you also with outsmarting the circumstances,
being cunning enough to figure a way around obstacles and issues, and also with being able to discern the truth.

Fox helps you to know when someone is trying to deceive you.

The energies of this attunement are quick to access and helpful in any situation.

This is a very empowerment attunement.

The fox is a wonderful spirit guide—so cunning and swift.

They are delightful to watch if you have ever seen one. tail.

To those who connect to the fox energies, fox brings intelligence, cunning, knowledge, figuring things out.

He brings in playfulness, happiness, and truth.

When you work with the energies of fox you begin to notice you are more alert, more aware of things, and you see beyond the surface of things.

Fox has a great sense of instinct and is an opportunist. As such, you will discover new opportunites.

Whenever things seem to be going wrong, call on fox energy to help you see the opportunites that are in front of what appears to be a bad situation.

Fox sees truth of the situation and knows there is something good there among all that seems to be going

 7,99 EUR


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Angel Guardian Watchers Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2014

Angels are light BE-ings who are helpful to us in so many ways.

They do not ever interfere with our lives without being asked, except on very rare occasions to protect you when you still have so much work on this earth to do.

The Guardian Watchers are very powerful protection Angels who are always watching us in order to keep us safe.

These Angels can be called upon to assist us in protection from physical, mental, and spiritual negativity, entities, and dark energies of all types.

This system connects you quickly and easily to the Angelic Guardian Watchers, and guides you in seeking their assistance in all matters of protection and guidance to stay
safe in all areas of your life.

you wiil receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Summoning Your Personal Familiar Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2018

Summoning Your Personal Familiar Reiki works to connect you to source energy and to etheric realms to bring to you any familiar animal you want.

It works to summon animals as guides in both spiritual and physical reality to you that benefit you as guides and close companions.

This system is very powerful for drawing the perfect animal as your personal familiar for comfort and guidance.

you will receive pdf manual and chi Ball Attunement

9,99 EUR



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by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2018

Summoning Money Reiki works to connect you to the pure energies of source, to your inner self, your higher soul energies for empowerment and abundance.

The energies of this system summon up from within you the ideal vision and energy of money, prosperity, and abundance.

It helps you to draw to you opportunities, people, and information that are needed to increase your cash flow.

It opens the windows of money to come to you so that you can manifest it on the physical realm.

It helps you to create and line up your energies with the cash flow you want to achieve and manifest.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Summoning Success Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


Summoning Success Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2018

This system connects you to pure source energy and to your inner self for ascension of personal power and empowerment.

It works to draw from within your deepest soul the energy to summon success.

All that you need is within you, and in summoning up the energies for success, it opens doors to opportunities and synchronization to manifest success on the physical plane.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Summoning True Love & Friendship Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2018

This system works to connect you to your inner self, your soul consciousness, and source energy for empowerment and raising your vibration.

It helps you to draw to you like energies of love and friendship that are compatible with your soul energy.

People that are drawn to you are vibrating at the same level of energy as you and with this system you raise you energies and vibration to meet others of a higher vibration and manifest true love and friendships that are long lasting and real.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

9,99 EUR



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Multidimensional Karmic Ascension Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 19.99  year 2018

Multidimensional Karmic Ascension Reiki is a powerful energy attunement that connects you in body, mind, and spirit to Universal Source Energy for empowerment, healing, and ascension.

It is often difficult to raise your energy to higher levels without a form of higher energy that speeds your ascension and boost you higher than you can do normally.

It can often take years and years to achieve higher levels of energy.

This system works to boost you higher energetically, to connect you in body, mind, and spirit to the higher energies that open pathways and opportunities to higher energy dimensions spiritually.

Multidimensional Karma Ascension works with the laws of karma that govern your ability to ascend to higher levels.

There are rules and laws that can slow or speed up your dimensional karmic ascension to higher levels and can assist you in manifestation when applied in positive ways.

When you are not using these Karmic laws it will slow you down and often prevent you from achieving your goals as blocks that must be mastered in order to move forward positively.

It is essential that you learn these Karmic laws and master them so that you can move forward into higher energetic states of BE-ing for your highest good.

This reiki system teaches these laws to you and gives you a symbol to help you focus higher energy faster and raising your energies for multidimensional creative leaps that help you change your situation and improve your lifestyle.

The energies of this attunement are powerful and life altering for the highest good.

The lessons taught in this manual are excellent at helping you to master them quickly and easily so that you can raise your energies for multidimensional insight and leaps to higher ascensional energies for body, mind, and spirit.

There are 6 levels of attunements—one for each of the lessons to this system. However, you will only need to use one symbol in this reiki system.

This makes it easier for you to use and remember, though there is a slight variance for each attunement is how it is used.

I am happy to have been able to channel this powerful system, and I feel certain this in one system you will definitely want to have if you are looking to raise your energy for ascension in mulitdimensional energies, and manifest your goals.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunements

19,99 EUR



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Communication With Spirit Guides, Angels, & Totem Animals Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Japanese

EUR 9.99  year 2018

This reiki system works to open the channels of communication with Spirit Guides, Angels, and Totem Animals.

It connects you to pure source energy and all of the Spirit Guides, Angels, and Spirit Animals.

It is a very high energy system so that the path of communication is opened and not broken as you speak with higher energies of love and light.

This system does not work to help connect with any dark energy beings or entities, because the connection is in harmony only with positive energy beings of love and light

As you work with these energies, you will find that it becomes very easy to communicate with positive spirits and guides.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR


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Business Organization & Time Management Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2018

This system is channeled to help with business organization and time management.

Although it is channeled with the main focus on business success,
it is also very helpful to anyone who wants to organize their home, their activities, their goals, and their time for maximum productivity and so that they too can accomplish their goals.

The energies work to expand time so that you can get things done in less real time, and it also helps toward keeping your business or personal goals organized and orderly so that you can follow the steps easily and get maximum benefit from your work and time.

The energies are very powerful and help you to stay on track and take steps that are manageable so you can be successful at whatever you choose to do in business and personal ventures.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Sales & Marketing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2018

Sales & Marketing Reiki connects you to spirit and higher energy realms for helping with improving business, sales, and raising income.

It works along the lines of better business energies but with a focus on sales and marketing.

The energies work to bring in more sales by drawing new clients and customers that are in alignment with your energies and your business energies.

It never “magicks” anyone but opens the path for like energies and those who are in tune with the energies of what you are selling (business or personal) to become aware of it for the increase in sales.

The energies are powerful and work to attract new customers and those interested in similar items and business for more sales and improved success.

It can also help with selling your home, car, and other things you may want to sell. It helps draw those who would be happy with and love these things.

Everything has its own energy those who love the items and things you sell are on the same energy level with those things.

They are brought together with universal energy that is the basis for Law of Attraction. Like attracts like, but with a boost of power.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

9,99 EUR



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Overcoming Panic Attacks & Excessive Fear Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2018

Overcoming Panic Attacks and Excessive Fear Reiki connects you to higher source energy for healing, empowerment, and soul comfort.

It works to bring relief and healing from all types of panic attacks and quiets the mind from excessive fear.

Often we have panic attacks from some trauma that has happened in our lives, or from conditions and programming when we are young that creates fear which can become excessive and at times very irrational.

These fears and panic attacks can be devastating and stop us in our tracks, causing us to be unable to function normally.

The energies of this system are powerful and it brings a feeling of calmness, serenity, and inner peace as it sooths the mind and helps you let go of the panic and fear emotions.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Scoliosis Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2018

Scoliosis Healing Reiki connects you to pure source energy for healing and empowerment.

It works to bring healing to the body, mind, and spirit and to help straighten the curve of the spine.

Scoliosis is a disease that causes the spine to curve side to side.

This energy system helps to heal the spine and to relieve pain and stress on the spine.

It helps to bring positive healing and renewal of good health.

This is a powerful energy that comes purely from spiritual source energy to boost your immune system and to help strengthen and straighten the spine as well as relieving pain and physical stress on the body.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

9,99 EUR



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Male Sexual Enhancement & Confidence Reiki Energy by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2018

This system connects you to source energy and your higher self for empowerment.

It works toward enhancing male sexual energy and to build confidence in your abilities.

Many men hope for improvement in sexual function, and even growth and size.

While all things are possible, no reiki attunement can guarantee physical enlargement.

However, all reiki energies bring positive and good energy that works toward improvement in all areas—physical, mental—emotional, and spiritual.

The energies of this system are powerful.

They are channeled to bring improvement which flows to you from pure source energy.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 9,99 EUR



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