
Sales & Marketing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2018

Sales & Marketing Reiki connects you to spirit and higher energy realms for helping with improving business, sales, and raising income.

It works along the lines of better business energies but with a focus on sales and marketing.

The energies work to bring in more sales by drawing new clients and customers that are in alignment with your energies and your business energies.

It never “magicks” anyone but opens the path for like energies and those who are in tune with the energies of what you are selling (business or personal) to become aware of it for the increase in sales.

The energies are powerful and work to attract new customers and those interested in similar items and business for more sales and improved success.

It can also help with selling your home, car, and other things you may want to sell. It helps draw those who would be happy with and love these things.

Everything has its own energy those who love the items and things you sell are on the same energy level with those things.

They are brought together with universal energy that is the basis for Law of Attraction. Like attracts like, but with a boost of power.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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