

The Nusta Karpay were gifted to us from the Andean Q’ero medicine women and men of Peru, via Don Mariano Quispe They recognized and responded to the cry of the Great Mother, Pachamama, to heal her wounds and imbalances.

These wounds and imbalances of the Mother are reflected in our wounds and disharmony, and in the wounds and imbalances of humanity.

The Q’ero medicine men and women understood that the surest way to bring harmony and balance back to our Mother Earth, Pachamama, and to bring ourselves into Right Relationship with Pachamama and the sacred feminine was by gifting these ancient rites to re-introduce and elevate the Divine Feminine to her rightful place.

The Nusta Karpay - 7 Goddess Rites From Peru attunements are the initiations of the seven Andean goddesses from the Incan shamanic tradition.

The seven initiations can be seen as seeds of light which are transmitted to your chakras and aim to help balance the feminine and masculine energies within you and expand your self-awareness.

Amongst many different attributes, these goddesses may help you to overcome hostility, anxiety, lack of confidence, put you in touch with your gifts, align you with your cosmic path, help you to live in the present moment, heighten your intuition, boost spiritual growth, release confusion and reconnect with life.

The seven goddesses you will work with are Mama Ocllo, Doña Mujia, Mama Simona, Doña Theresa, Maria Sakapana, Huana Waman Tiklla and Thomasa Waman Tiklla.

Additionally, you will learn about each chakra and their symbol, colour, location, principle, purpose, element, gemstone, corresponding essential oil, sense, effect, aura, body part, mantra and tone.

You will be able to energetically pass on the Nusta Karpay - 7 Goddess Rites From Peru to others once you complete the attunements.

You will receive 7 distant attunements and a 62 page manual. You also will need the following to work with the Nusta Karpay (NOT INCLUDED in your Purchase) Seven stones - these can be ordinary pebbles or gemstones.

Flowers and water.

Gold Sheen Obsidian gemstone (you can use black obsidian too).

Ornament or representation of a bird of prey.

Three candles - red, white and yellow.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

