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year 2013 $ 28,     

Sacred Moon Light very helpful in restoring the tranquility and the ability to think and analyze When going through difficult times.

When you feel lack of autonomy and independence in some area of your life, it generated your bravery and strength to get it back And Also Provide an unyielding personality to your inner life.

Sacred Moon Light Provided for great stimulate to your willingness and drive to work hard and as a fuel for your perseverance and tenacity.

It help one to raise the docile nature in others, to obey without question. in an extreme situation, it leads you to take in charge and Eliminates the feelings of hanging on to a hopeless endeavor or relationship.

It supports to deal with separation and disharmony in love.

Give the ability to convincing people to see things your way and Increase your leadership abilities.

Sacred Moon Light remove any feeling overburdened or depressed and unrestrained immorality

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EUR 28 



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year 2013 $ 35, 

Sacred FlameLine Essential purifying the whole body from negative entities and assist your center of faith in the spiritual realm to be alignment with the Divine Will.

It's a powerful energy to seal a bond of love or in marriage.

Sacred FlameLine Essential Absorbs and amplifies thoughts, improve behavior and personality through personal reflection.

Also it raises the inner push down the strengths and weaknesses.

Sacred FlameLine Essential very good for repairing your emotionality to draw personal prosperity

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year 2013 $ 40  

"Warok" is a powerful figure and the core in the creation of the Reog Art.

The Art of Reog is derived from Ponorogo town in East Java.

Narrated, Warok Suromenggolo daughter, Cempluk fell in love with Subroto, son of the ruler of Trenggalek (East Java). However, Suminten, daughter of Warok Surogentho, Also enamored with the same guy.

Both Warok was fighting to defend His daughter and Warok Suromenggolo win. Warok Suromenggolo powerful story spawned the legend of the invincibility of That Warok become a community pride. Warok imaged as a strong group respected.

Warok Suromenggolo Essence bring dignity and Promote a powerful your mystical protection from enemy attack.

Modify your bravery and your natural defensive shield become a very strong defensive energy vortex. it raise self-esteem and awaken the giant inside you to manipulate others obedience at any Circumstances

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year 2013 $ 24,   

Heal Star Energy protects you from darkness entities.

It exudes energy vibration to release any negative patterns and Encourages the fearless for you.

It's a great device to assist the spiritual and mental growth to seek a personal enlightenment.

Heal Star Energy give a strong influence to control and balancing one's mood and reduce depression.

Also it excellent for healing deep sadness.

Heal Star Energy cleanse and stimulate the Base Chakra.

It's one Strengthen connection with the Mother Earth and empower the energy to lift up healing ability.

Physically Heal Energy Star helps to deal with migraines, abdominal pain and reduce the ulcer's effect

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year 2013 $ 28   

is unique energy to fuel Strengthens the heart and liver, relaxes the body, and Relieves cramps, soothes the pain and benefits nerves.

It warding off anxiety, enhancement of speech articulation, and success in relationships and marriage.

It drives away evil spirits.

It assists in empowering any detrimental changes in you and your life.

High Cyclone Energizer is a powerful clear one's for meditation, sending / receiving guidance.

It stimulates natural crystals in body tissues to resonate at new healing frequency and higher spiritual enhancement frequency.

It's very good for one's with a high definition of vision and mission, High Cyclone Energizer helps to become an unstoppable person, to chase your dreams and Strengthen your true inner principal.

High Cyclone Energizer Strengthening the "breath of life" inside and bring a wonderful prosperity, wealth growth and promotes a high level of self developmen

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year 2012 $ 24  

Inner Passion Flame is a great tool to Generates fighting spirit Within It leads to Feel Impact of the best qualified individual spirituality to improving the quality of life.

Inner Passion Flame supports willingness and goodwill from within.

Also it suppress any bad intentions and negativities explosions from within. This is very good to improve our spiritual relationship with the loved one.

Also it works as a booster to start a love relationship or business.

Inner Passion Flame as a transformers and amplifiers of various energies into That biological energies rebalance and re-energize our biological system on the cellular level, as well as on our emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

it Increases the immune system energy reserve by stimulating the thymus gland. It raises your personal vibration.

These higher vibration used to assist you in your spiritual journey.

The raising of your vibration may allow you to make contact with beings Also from other dimensions and spirits in the higher realms.

It is a great advantage modality to have. It aids you to move forwards in your life.

It give you a high sensitive emotion control. Inner Passion Flame Provided for beautiful vision of you to another Receive

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EUR 24  



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year 2012 $ 28, 

Earth Light Vortex supports the connectivity with your Higher Self for a calmness of spirituality and support your spiritual journey.

It give an experience of real calm.

It provided for it online to connect with the higher energy realm of the Earth.

It's an instant links to deep feelings and close emotional connections with everything important things in your spirit and worldly life.

Earth Light Vortex can deal with mental health issue, work problems and to repair difficult relationship.

Strengthen intuition about the going of your plans for the day ahead and remove any paranoia or fear inside.

Earth Light Vortex promotes a great peacefulness and tranquility And Also deep self reflection.

Physically it helps to Overcoming headaches and insomnia

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Heart of Thunder by Ferry Puthut Handoko


year 2014 $ 35   

Heart of Thunder especially works to raise the mental power and bring the divine transformation to your soul and spirit.

It's a very powerful shield from malicious intention, anxiety, grief and evil intervention.

Heart of Thunder will draw the incredible Dominion to you, Strengthening your ability to receive the news and programming incoming or knowledge and increasing time the power to receiving the messages from the Other worlds.

Respect, authority, power of speech, confidence and bravery will be raised automatically

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year 2013 $ 35  

Business Heal Energy help to wake the lethargic business.

It give a protection for your business from witchcraft or bad influence from outside.

Activate it to the working place, to foster confidence of your clients to you

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35 $ year 2013  

is a powerful energy to increase to one's determination and courage and assist in changing situations.

It's a self protector from witchcraft and can be used to protect the children from dangers.

Bloody Bubble Protection will keep you stay in success in business ventures.

It help to detect possible danger in front of you; in business And Also in traveling.

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35 $ year 2013  

On the fourteenth day of the Hindu festival of Yadnya Kasada, the Tenggerese people of Probolinggo, East Java, make offerings of fruit, rice, vegetables, flowers and sacrifices of livestock to the mountain gods by throwing them into the caldera of the volcano.

The origin of the ritual lies in the 15th century legend where a princess named Roro Anteng started the principality of Tengger with her ​​husband, Joko Seger. The couple were Therefore childless and beseeched the assistance of the mountain gods. The gods granted them 24 children but stipulated That the 25th child, named Kesuma, must be thrown into the volcano as a human sacrifice. The gods' request was Implemented.

The tradition of throwing sacrifices into the These ancient volcano to appease deities continues today and is called the Yadnya Kasada ceremony.

Though fraught with danger, some locals risk climbing down into the crater in an attempt to recollect the goods sacrificed That they believe could bring them good luck.

Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level and has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). while the danger area is a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromine. ( by.wikipedia.)

is a special unique energy essence.

Mount Bromo Essence brings a powerful energy of good luck and protection. It protects from metaphysical or physical evil attacks.

Encourage the positive energy to take in charge at us.

it Strengthen one's faith to God and the instructions themselves. Mentally, the energy of Bromo Mount Essence refresh the mind and vision and remove anger

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year 2012   US $ 27 

Liquid is the very beginning of our life, it has a powerful energy to empower.

Magic Liquid Energizer works to Strengthen the desire to join and Maintaining the integrity of the relationship. It helps to adapt quickly and appropriately in any new environment and the changing of our living conditions.

Magic Liquid Energizer Increasing self attractiveness to become a much-needed and well-respected in the workplace and in social life.

Magic Liquid Energizer helps us to reconnect with the Mother Earth. It's good for grounding and healing assistance.

Magic Liquid Energizer give a great feeling inside and Provided for mental and spiritual purity And Also recharge the declining passion. Increasing en sexuality sexual desire and fertility Provide productivity .

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EUR 27  



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24 $ year 2013  

Deep Flush Energetic helps to stimulate your creativity and ingenuity to develop yourself.

It makes focus in mind as a daily behavior.

Deep Flush Energetic Provide emotional balance and peace of mind.

It leads to manage mental and emotional in any situations and conditions.

Physically it protects digestive system and Strengthens the nervous system.

En Also a treatment for the Heart.

Deep Flush Energetic is a big Encourages for real life and spiritual transformation; it's very good for one's that need to build a new life

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EUR 24 



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24 $ year 2013 

Divine Light Elixir attracts and direct the energy of abundance, true love and health.

Give a great will power inside you and give a great push to the spirit When you got to working hard by yourself. It brings loyalty, success, and perseverance

As a self-protection of going horrified, nervous and desperate.

It helps to discover your emotional and spiritual depths to find the truth of your path and take control of your own destiny.

Divine Light Elixir is a beautiful energy pattern elixir to nurture spiritual accretion, mental balance, heart purity, playfulness, curiosity, and self expression.

It raises your brain work, speed and a better focus

Physically, it help to recover from throat inflammation

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24 $ year 2013   

Divine Magic Flush Provided for higher flexibility, wisdom, generosity and self- confidence. It heals one's depression and excess self-focus.

It stabilize your emotions and sexual imbalance.

Divine Magic Flush fused with the vibration of your Heart and it's a calming energy for meditation. It's a protective energy pattern against the evil thoughts,

Also give a charm gaze and high prestige at once. Activate it when in a bad mood to turn your mental to a beautiful happiness and release excess regret.

Physically, Divine Magic Flush helps to expedite the blood circulation and remove toxins from the body.

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23 $ year 2012   

Essential Supreme Starlight give clear vision of knowledge and truth of life.

It generated awareness to Achieve higher spiritual level and as a powerful spiritual protection.

It support the improvement and sharpen spiritual sensitivity when in the process of meditation as well as in the use of other modalities.

It give mental clarity and lead us in a scary and misleading situation.

It supports to guide us in managing and modifying our horizontal relationships with others and our vertical relationship with divinity.

This strongly supports mental renewal process. Essential Supreme Starlight Increasing the power of imagination and inspiration to be Represents the highest dream into our subconscious and make us as a person who always think and act based on our highest dreams. It's a bravery booster.

Physically Essential Supreme Starlight is good for clean-up stomach and liver from any disease and toxic.

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year 2012 - 23 $      

Assists in increased At good perception and helps to regulate the emotional and intuitive energies. Provides patience and perseverance.,It gives a very strong connection between the physical and astral bodies.

Silver Light Energetic Device enabling vital centers to be opened, stimulated, cleared and activated.

Silver Light Energetic Devices Provide protection again evil intent and reflecting spells of harm back to the sender.

It stimulates your psychic awareness but simultaneously lulls the conscious, so as not to overwhelm. Closer and multiply good luck in life.

Silver Light Energetic Device producing psychic dreams and Balance your life and growing what is good and Necessary while remove whatever That Prevents your spiritual evolution.

It clears energy blockages.

Physically is an antibacterial and immunity booster. Clean the body from chemical materials and helps to eliminate toxins at the cellular level

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28 $ year 2013    

Fertilize one's maturity in Judgment and to take a difficult decision in Certain Circumstances, it makes you more conservative with your principle.

With too many Responsibilities, burdens and problems on your shoulders, it Provide calmness and remove the excessive stress.

Aid Device Personal Energetic Increase your awareness and carefulness in your business and family relationships and anche in romance.

It leads your heart to forgive and forget.

Aid Device Personal Energetic promotes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. it Strengthen your psychic ability to realize That someone is being deceitful or endanger for you.

Aid Device Personal Energetic release some fear or frustration especially When Something is not going as plan

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30 $ year 2013   

Living Golden Energy useful for Strengthen dominion in any environment you are in and it's a powerful attractor money.

It raises the vitality and Strengthen the immune system against disease.

Living Golden Energy Also help to calm anger, dispel negative emotions and attract love

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EUR 30 



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year 2013 $ 30    

Protect from enemies psychic attack, sorcery and push away the bad luck.

It's a guard against a bad risk and bad business influence.

It can drive good luck for business and guard from hard illness.

Magic Ray Protection Encourages one's mental ability to solve conflicts by peaceful means.

Use it before you pray or take the meditation session to balances mood swings, to get inner peace and Strengthen the connections between you and God or the goddess to Provide double blessings for your life and business.

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EUR 30 



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