Course Divine Harmony - by Winarso


25,99 $ for Level 3 levels

Divine Harmony Cours 3 levels

Divine Harmony Attunement 1

A manual that read this, is about Divine Harmony Attunement 1. After you have receive the attunement of Divine Harmony Attunement 1, you can doing some other attunement belong this Divine Harmony Attunement by yourself (Self attunement). Each attunements facilitates inner change & transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing.

The attunements that including at here is:

1. Auric Protection Attunement

2. Being Present Attunement

3. Clarity Attunement

4. Concentration Attunement

5. Self Confidence Healing Attunement

6. Creativity Attunement

7. Decisiveness Attunement

8. Emotional Balance Attunement

Divine Harmony Attunement 2

Pre- requisite: Divine Harmony Attunement 1.

Now the Divine Harmony Attunement 2 is in you hand. After you have receive the attunement of Divine Harmony Attunement 2, you can doing some other attunement belong this Divine Harmony Attunement 2 by yourself (Self attunement). Each attunements will more facilitates inner change & transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing. It will be more than the Divine Harmony Attunement 1.

The attunements that including at here is:

1. Inner Feminine Attunement

2. Forgiveness Light Attunement

3. Abuse Removal Attunement

4. Family Healing Attunement

5. Relationships Healing Attunement

6. Inner Calm Attunement

7. Doubt Transformation Attunement

8. Enhancing Meditation Attunement

Divine Harmony Attunement 3

Pre-Requisite : Divine Harmony Attunement 2.

Now you have achieve the Divine Harmony Attunement 3. Like as the Divine Harmony Attunement 1 and 2, after you have receive the attunement of Divine Harmony Attunement 3, you can doing some other attunement belong this Divine Harmony Attunement 2 by yourself (Self Attunement).

The attunement that including at here ,is:

1. Inner Freedom Attunement

2. Inner Harmony Attunement

3. Inner Joy Attunement

4. Inner Peace Attunement

5. Male – Female Integration Attunement

6. Inner Wisdom Attunement

7. Attachment Removal Attunement

8. New Horizons Attunement

Manual English, attunement chi ball, lineage.

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Course Divine Harmony - by Winarso