Divine Harmony Level 1 -by Winarso



From Hari Winarso

25,99 $

Divine Harmony Attunement 1

Divine Harmony Attunement 1. After you have receive the attunement of Divine Harmony Attunement 1, you can doing some other attunement belong this Divine Harmony Attunement by yourself (Self attunement). Each attunements facilitates inner change & transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing.

The attunements that including at here is:

1. Auric Protection Attunement

2. Being Present Attunement

3. Clarity Attunement

4. Concentration Attunement

5. Self Confidence Healing Attunement

6. Creativity Attunement

7. Decisiveness Attunement

8. Emotional Balance Attunement

receive manual, attunement chi ball , & lineage

$ 6.99  paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Divine Harmony Level 1 -by Winarso