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Fantasy Magic Wand by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Magic Wand by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro ...

this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name. There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ". This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Magic Wand acts in the following areas:

Bundles energy and increased it by a mutiple

Seals energies / magical and energetical works

Selas auras / chakras / houses after a cleaning

Serves as a magical wapon

Great for defense rituals

Cover with powerful protection (places, web stores, objects, peoples etc.)

At pleasure programmable for ANY purpose

Applicable for all areas (love, money, business, success etc.)


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Mystical Moon by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Mystical Moon in the following areas:

Mystic femininity

Female power / self-esteem

Contact to goddesses

Witches Magic

Expansion of consciousness

Incredibly fascinating meditation travels

Mystic Aura

"Add things" (luck, success, love, positive energy etc.)

"Remove things" (bad luck, negative energies, failure etc.)

Sexy attractive charisma / grace, elegance in movements and words


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Mystical Rose by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name. There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled.

I have created this magic and picked a suitable name. Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Mystical Rose in the following areas:

Enchantment of the opposite sex

Reveales truths in love affairs

Opens the heart of the coveted person

Provides a mystically romantic atmosphere

Brings longing tender in the sought after person

Stimulates love feelings towards you

Helps to create a partnership with the coveted person

Helps to convince the opposite sex from you

Envelops you with an irresistible love energy

Helps to get the person to fall in love with you

Lets shine your eyes and provides you with beauty energies AND MUCH MORE ...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Warrior Goddess by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Warrior Goddess acts in the following areas:

Massive Power

Awe-inspiring radiance

Warrior energies

Magical abilities

Mesmerizing glance

Mental influence

Enormous protection

Reversal of any negative energies, situations

Enforcement of goals

Defense of harm, failure, misfortune etc.

Strengthening of your own position and MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Red Lipstick by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Red Lipstick by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled.

I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Red Lipstick in the following areas:

Sexy charisma





Love / Sex

Arrest attention


Be the focus

Highly erotic aura AND MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Love Water by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Love Water by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Love Water in the following areas:

Big success in love

Strong love attraction

High-erotic aura

Seduction Irresistible beauty

Magnetic glance

Power of the female

Control in matters of love

Dominate of men and MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Golden Love by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Golden Love by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name. Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Golden Love in the following areas:

Increase of love vibrations

Removal of disharmony in love relationships

Maintenance of love from others towards you

Golden aura

Strengthening of love between to persons

Refinement of thoughts

Love attraction

Finding suitable mate

Attract and hold up affection from others and MUCH MORE.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Lilac Power Lightning by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 -199,99 euro

manual in German

…der magische „Blockadenlöser“… …eines der heftigsten „Energieausbrüche“ und Energiekonzentrationen, die ich kenne.

Es zerschlägt mit einer gewaltigen Kraft, JEGLICHE Art von Blockaden!!

Die Strahlungen und Energien dieses Blitzes arbeiten sehr präzise, schnell und effektiv.

Nutze es für Blockaden in der Liebe, Geld, Erfolg, Spiritualität etc. oder Blockaden, die durch schwarze Magie, Flüche, Besetzungen, negative Energien, wie Stress, Streit,

Angst, Zweifel, Sorgen etc. entstanden sind. Lasse dich von Blockaden nicht aufhalten!!

Auch, wenn dein Körper, deine Psyche und dein Geist noch so „schwer“ sind… …überwinde dich und aktivere dieses System…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Iron Giant Empowerment by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 -299,99 euro

... to "giant" among the magical energies!

A giant magical that makes you a HUGE "giant of iron"!!

Nothing will easily weaken you, "blow you away" or harm you. This empowerment will make you "Heavy", irrefutable and insurmountable !!

ANY kind of negativity, such as black magic, curses, hauntings, malicious spirits of all kinds, insults, bullying etc. will bounce off you!

And negative emotions, like sadness, depression, despair, worries, fears, doubts, etc. will be destroyed. AND MUCH MORE !!

All that makes up YOUR life, like your position, your personal path, your livelihood, such as your income, financial stocks, business, business

relationships, etc., but also everything else that you want to be, will be under an exceptionally strong protection ...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Lilac Power Essence by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 -199,99 euro

manual in German only

…der magische „Spiritualität-Booster.“

Lilac Power Essence richtet dich auf die Spiritualität und spirituelle Energien aus. Öffnet kraftvoll, blockierte Kanäle, reinigt, bringt dein energetisches System zurück in einen optimalen Zustand, verstärkt JEGLICHE spirituelle Energien und psychische Fähigkeiten.

Stellt den Kontakt zu höchsten Wesenheiten her, bringt dich in deiner spirituellen Entwicklung schnell voran, beseitigt das Gefühl, innerlich leer zu sein, erfrischt deine Seele und deine Gedanken.

Es bekämpft auch Besetzungen jeglicher Art, negative Energien, bösartige Wesenheiten, Flüche, negative Angriffe etc., schützt deine Spiritualität und deinen spirituellen Weg und ist allgemein, als kraftvollen, magischen Schutz anzuwenden UVM.!!

Nutze es intuitiv.

Es ist ein unglaubliches Gefühl, wenn diese Energie durch einen fließt…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Lightflight by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 - 70 euro .

manual in German only

..dieses System ist PURE Magie.

Es ist nicht mit spirituellen oder anderen Energien kombiniert. Der Name des Systems ist ein Fantasiename, deswegen befindet sich das Wort „Fantasy“ im Systemnamen.

Es werden keinerlei Energien, die dem Systemnamen entsprechen hier verwendet.

Es ist eigenständige Magie, die benannt werden wollte. Diese Magie wurde NICHT gechannelt. Ich selbst habe diese Magie erschaffen und den passenden Namen dazu ausgesucht.

Die Inspiration zu dieser Art von System habe ich aus der geistigen Welt erhalten…

Fantasy Lightflight wirkt in folgenden Bereichen:

Erleichtert die Seele von Belastungen (Ängste, Sorgen, Zweifel, Trauer etc.)

Befreit von negativen Energien verursacht durch negative

Emotionen/Gedanken (eigene Emotionen/Gedanken und jene von anderen)

Bringt frische, verjüngende Energien

Schenkt Geborgenheit, Ruhe, Zufriedenheit

Entspannt tief

Klärt den eigenen Weg

Beseitigt Hindernisse

Bringt Klarheit und allumfassendes Wohlbefinden

Bringt ein tiefes Gefühl von Freude, Erleichterung und Sicherheit

Energetisiert mit weißem, reinigendem Licht

Bringt positive Energien ins Leben



You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Black Blood by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 - 70 euro

Manual in German

...dieses System ist PURE Magie.

Es ist nicht mit spirituellen oder anderen Energien kombiniert. Der Name des Systems ist ein Fantasiename, deswegen befindet sich das Wort „Fantasy“ im Systemnamen.

Es werden keinerlei Energien, die dem Systemnamen entsprechen hier verwendet.

Es ist eigenständige Magie, die benannt werden wollte. Diese Magie wurde NICHT gechannelt. Ich selbst habe diese Magie erschaffen und den passenden Namen dazu ausgesucht.

Die Inspiration zu dieser Art von System habe ich aus der geistigen Welt erhalten… Fantasy Black Blood wirkt in folgenden Bereichen:

Sehr starker magischer Schutz in JEGLICHER Hinsicht und auf ALLEN Ebenen für Medien, Heiler, Magier etc.

Hochmagische Abwehr von JEGLICHEN negativen Energien

Gewaltige persönliche Macht / Stärke

Entfernt Ängste, Verwirrung, Panik etc.

Stärkt die persönlichen psychischen Fähigkeiten

Macht energetisch unsichtbar, Schützt vor Energieverlust

Verleiht den magischen Blick, ehrfurchtgebietende Erscheinung/Charisma

Ermächtigt die Stimme und gibt ihr eine besondere Macht

Erdet SEHR stark, bringt gewaltige Energieschübe

Bringt Mut, Ausdauer, Überzeugung von sich selbst UND VIELEM MEHR !!!


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Oriental Beauty by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is pure magic. it is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is to Fantasy name, that's why the word "Fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy here which match the system name. this magic was NOT channeled , the myself have created this magic and picked to suitable name, where got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... this is to system of the "Fantasy series " of my magical systems.

Fantasy Oriental Beauty acts in the Following areas:

Luxury energies

Sexy orientalic radiance

Seduction skills of to goddess

Spell of 1001 nights

eroticism and passion

puts pheromones in auric field

richness on all levels

Superiority over men

Big financial success and Much more.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Miracle Cleaner Energy by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 299,99 euro

…magical all-round talent in the matter of energetic cleaning.

Miracle Cleaner Energy is a highly magical, highly effective and an incredibly flexible energy!

It simply cleanses energetically EVERYTHING...


This magical energy is also a perfect mood raiser and brings highly magical, white light...

Even to the "darkest corners"...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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I' m a Megastar by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 - 199,99 euro

manual in German only

...großer Erfolg. Kraftvolle Magie, die dich genau dorthin bringt, wo du in deinem Leben hingehörst.

Nämlich zu großem Erfolg!!

Ein jeder, der guten Willens ist, hat diesen verdient!!!

Blockaden werden hiermit durchbrochen, Selbstsabotage beseitigt, negative Energien neutralisiert, Menschen die dir bewusst Schaden wollen oder versuchen, automatisch gebannt und zum Schweigen gebracht etc.

Darüber hinaus erhältst du einen segnenden Schutz gegen Neid, Hass, Missgunst, Unglücksfälle, Unheil, Intrigen, falsche Wege, schwarze Magie, Verfluchung, negative/satanische Kräfte aller Art, schlechte Laune etc.

Es hilft deine Position einzunehmen, diese zu halten und der Sieger zu sein UVM. !!!

Hole dir ab, was dir zusteht…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Blazing Flames Protection by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 249 euro

A tremendous force.

Magical, blazing flames of protection burn everything that harms you.

Blocks any negative attacks with a tremendous force and the power of your enemies and opponents will shrinking to the size of a grain of sand.

This magic makes you "huge", powerful and "heavy" like a mountain, which cannot be relieve from his position!

Do not let you banish out of your position what you deserve!!

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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I am the Winner Empowerment by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 199,99 euro

…victory on all levels.

This magic let victory fly to you like a storm!

Clears obstacles and blockages from your path and fills you with infinite superiority and confidence.

Suddenly, hopeless situations will be crowned by success and you the winner.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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The Wonder... by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 - 500,00 euro

manual in German only

...göttliche Wunder.

Wenn man aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus kommt, erlebt man göttliche Wunder.

Dies bedeutet auch, dass man ohne Unterbrechung, mannigfaltige Segnungen von Gott erhält.

Willst du aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus kommen?

Dann ist dieses magische System genau das richtige für dich.

Es öffnet dich für die Segnungen des Himmels…

Doch bedenke: Gott ist nicht zimperlich, seine Macht ist GEWALTIG.

GROSSE Veränderungen können hiermit auf dich zukommen !! Begegne der Macht Gottes und lasse dich überraschen was er für DICH bereithält.

Nun ist es Zeit zu empfangen…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Magical Cleaning Fire by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 200 euro

…powerful magical-energetic cleaning.

This magic cleans energetically, blazingly fast and sustainably, your aura, your energetic system, your environment, objects, distant places and situations, etc., of any negative energies.

Depressive and oppressive feelings in every respect will be removed and your consciousness clarified.

The magic is automatically seal any energetic cleaning with magic light.

It's an incredibly powerful energy!!!

You'll be surprised how free you can "breathe" again...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fire Flowers by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2013 - 350 euro

manual in German only

Fire Flowers...eine scheinbar, unscheinbare ist eine Magie…die man mit Worten kaum beschreiben kann.

Fire Flowers agieren im Hintergrund, umhüllen dich und alles was DU willst…Sie wachsen überall; an dir, an Orten, Gegenständen, deinem Geschäft, auf deinen Angeboten, veredeln deine Energiearbeiten, wachsen auf deinen Dienstleistungen, energetischen „Bahnen“, deinen geschäftlichen und Liebesbeziehungen, sogar in anderen Realitäten! Die Liste ist endlos…soweit dein Bewusstsein reicht…reichen auch die Fire Flowers.

Sie sind Träger für Machtenergien;

erblühen nach und nach bis ihre Magie durchschlägt…und dafür was dann geschieht, gibt es keine Worte…Keiner wird es bemerken das du sie aktiviert oder irgendwo „gepflanzt“ hast.

Keiner wird deine erworbene Macht erkennen und doch hast du die Oberhand! Agiere aus dem Hintergrund und hole dir den größten Erfolg und die größte Macht für DEIN Leben ab das du dir vorstellen kannst!

Hole dir das ab was dir zusteht; die vollkommene Kommandogewalt über DEIN Leben!!!

Wirkung der Fire Flowers im Einzelnen:

Eine unglaubliche Magie und Energie

Verleiht dir die Oberhand in jeglichen Situationen

Extrem starke Energien mit Durchschlagskräften

Innere Stärke, mentale Stärke

Autorität, Respekt anderer, Ansehen

Macht und Überlegenheit

Veredelung, Ausgleich

Unsichtbarer ALLUMFASSENDER Schutz

Eine mächtige, verzaubernde Ausstrahlung die sich keiner erklären kann

Magisches Wissen

Mediale Fähigkeiten

Vollkommene Kommandogewalt

Zerstörung von JEGLICHEN negativen Energien

Beseitigung von Blockaden

Vernichtung von schwarzer Magie

Auflösung von Flüchen



You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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