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Courage and Strength Manifestation by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Italian or in German

EUR 6.99

Connects you to source energies so that you can quickly draw bursts of positive energies you may need to face any situation

Often there are times when you need a quick burst to push you through an emotional situation that requires immediate attention

But it also works to help you draw the courage you need to face any challenge in live and the strengt to see it through

This is a powerful sytem that gives you that extra energy and self empowerment you need to get through any situation

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Healing Happiness Manifestation by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Italian or in German

EUR 6.99

Connects you to higher self for guidance in achieving happiness

The energies of this attunement fill you with love and light of a complete univewrsal energy

It works to help you heal happiness through giving yourself permission to be truly happy

There are time when we may feel that things are overwhlming

However it is during those times when we must realize that our energies may be feeling very heavy

In order to relieve the stress that makes us feel unhappy we must focus on something positive

Very often we simply do not give ourselves permission to feel happy

Most of the time we feel we do not deserve to be happy

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Joyful Wealth Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Italian

EUR 6.99

Joyful Wealth Reiki connects you to the energies of Spiritual Creative Source and your higher self

The energies of this attunement work to help you realign your energies with happiness and joy in order to bring more wealth into your life

Many people have plenty of money but do not have wealth Being joyfull wealthy means beings in harmony with all that you need and following your true path

When you do what you love to do and when you love yourself enough to always take care of yourself ,joy will come into your life and bring all of the wealth and love you need and more

Helps you to connect to the Universal Creative Source in order to align your energies with your path for your highest good

Help you fulfill your highest potential for the highest good by helping you to realign your energies to a higher vibration

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Prosperity Clearing Reiki by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99

The Attunement conncts you to Spirit and the Universal Prosperity Creative Source

The energies of this attunement work to help you clear out any negativity and blocks that may be preventing your cash flow from pouring it to you freely and abundantly

Prosperity Clearing is easy to use works quickly to clear and heal the blocks to your money flow and helps draw positive prosperity to you

Prosperity Clearing can be used to help you and others to clear out negativity ,heal issues that prevent prosperity and brings in positive energies to draw prosperity to you

It works to help individual people and also business to become more prosperous with positive energies that clear and trasmute the thoughts issues and blocks that block your path to abundant prosperity

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Rainbow Chakra Circle Reiki by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99

The Rainbow Chakra Circle Reiki connects you to spirit ,to your higher self,and to the energies of your chakras for healing energetic empowerment and alignment

The Rainbow Chakra Circle Reiki spins the energetic essences of the colors light power of the chakras through you body and also your energetic imprint etheric energy and aura

During the cycle of running the energies of this system you will feel a sense of relief lighter energy and healing of all your chakras will take place The healing runs on a very deep level and expands oul to heal your energy bodies ,including your aura

This is a powerful system that works very fast ,yet the healing and energies are not harsh or upsetting to your system

The energies do not causes the often associated clearing symptoms that some systems may bring on ,heals with pure positive energies that work with your body ,at the level that works best for you .and more....

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Success Flow Reiki by Linda Colibert


Success Flow Reiki by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99

Success Flow Reiki connects you to Spirit and also draw in the positive energies of success.

Staying in the Flow is sometimes difficult without focus and a helpful connection to recharge the energies of Success when you need it quickly

In order to manifest success you must be in harmony with and your energies may need to be raised and adjusted to a higher vibration of success

Success Flow Reiki helps you to manifest success by aligning you with the higher energies of success and keeping you in the flow of positive success energies

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Vitamin and Mineral Assimilation Healing by Tracey Hansen and Linda Colibert Manual in English or in French

EUR 6.99

Vitamin and Mineral Assimilation Healing connects you to the ethereal realms of vitamins and minerals your higher self and Spirit

This system works to help you absorb and assimilate the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to be healthy and happy

There are many people that suffer from being unable to absorb the nutrition they need from the food they eat

THey may have an illness that prevents them from absorbing the vitamine and minerals from their food or they may have an eating disorder that prevents them from eating nutritious food.

Vitamin and Mineral Assimilation Healing helps you and others ,including animals to absorb and use the nutrients needed for good health and healing

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Guidance Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Guidance Reiki connects you quickly to the creative source energy for divine guidance and messages from High Beings of energy

Angels Ascended masters and your personal spirite guides often carry messages to you from the Universal Creative Source Energy ,God ,Goddess ,Divine Source

When you connect quickly you often will receive messages that are important to any decisions you are making throughout the day in a fast flash of vision or gut feeling instinct otr intuition

Being able to understand these messages and respond quickly influences your actions

Your decisions would be so much easier qnd the peace of mind of following your guidance can have powerful energies of change in positive ways

Guidance Reiki helps you connect and understand with divine clarity how to follow your path

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Butterfly and Moth Energy Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Butterfly and Moth Energy Reiki connects you to the spirits of the butterfly and the moth

It brings empowerment through the guidance and the healing medicine of both of these beautiful creatures

Their energies bring not only transformation but true healing as you learn to let go of the old and embrace the new

The butterfly embraces and connects to the sun and the moth embraces and connects to the moon ,which brings a completeness of transformational energies in all areas of your life

The Butterfly energy brings new beginnings good luck ,sunshine and happiness.It draws positive energies to help you with challenges and transition

The Mothalso feces changes and challenges in life

Transitions are of equal measure to the butterfly ,yet the moth is connected to the moon and seeks the light

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Bam !!! Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German or in French

EUR 6.99

Bam !! Reiki is a high energy attunement that connects you to infinite Intelligence for guidance empowerment and protection

The energies of this attunement work like an explosion that causes blocks and negative energies to break up and fall away

Bam !!! Reiki works to smash and blast away psychic attacks of all kinds ,negative energies that surround you ,environmental and personal attachments that are not for your highest good and any other kinds of dark or negative energies ,thoughts or patterns that prevent your ability to be successful ,happy healthy and prosperous

Bam !!! Reiki totally crushes and breaks up psychic attacks of any kind no matter how strong or powerful the negative energy directed toward you may be ,and the shattered negative and harmful energies will just fall away

This system is very easy to use

Bam !! Reiki While we may not like to think that there are people out there who will send negative or harmful energies to us on purpose ,the fact is ,that there are some people who do this sort of thing are reacting out of one of the lower darker emotions such as anger ,jealousy and envy fear or they are psychic Vampires who feed on the chaos and negative emotions they create through their actions

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Magickal Crystal LightWork Program by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Finnish or in French or in Italian

EUR 7.99

The Magickal Crystal LightWork Program will connect you to the basic energies of all crystals stones

By being attuned to these energies you will find have the more specific types and subcategories of crystals and stones will have a heightened and increased energy when you work with them and this in turn will enhance your abilities to communicate with and use the crystals and stones in energy transfers for healing ,psychic work and manifesting your desires in all areas ,such as love ,prosperity ,protection and success

There are 4 attunements

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Angel Guides Empowerment by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

The Angel Guides Empowerment connects you with your personal Angel guide or guides.

Thid energy is very high and helps you to vibrate on a level that allows you to communicate with your angel guides.Your Angelguides assist you in following your path.

They will help you to heal from any illness or injury ,often much quicker than would be expected.

And you personal Angel Guides will work to help you understand what steps to take to improve your life and they work to help you become empowered,to feel better ,and to create the life you desire and are meant to live .You do not need an attunement to work with your Angels Guides ,but the energies of this attunement does help you to connect easir and faster and to vibrate at a higher energy than you normally would. Angels are always ready to help you- all you need todi is connect to them and allow your energies to become a like to communication, understanding, and inspiration so that your Angel Guide can help you reach your goast.

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Antidepression Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Antidepression Reiki connects you to your higher self and Spirit for healing.

This system works to heal your body ,mind,and spirit to balance any hormones or physical causes of depression.It also helps heal issues that lead to depression emotionally ,and raisesyour mental energies to help release any negative vibration causesof depression.

The love and light energies of Antidepression Reiki helps to lift your spirits and give you hope ,which lights the way out of the darkness of depression .The energies are excellent and very healing .You may feel lighter immediately after receiving this attunement and also any time you run the energies

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Constantine Reiki -The Power Within by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Constantine Reiki -The Power Within

Whether you realize it or not ,there is a struggle within and a struggle between the dark and light energies . The Constantine Reiki -The Power Within ,connects you to the inner light ,the power within you to defeat the darkness ,to overcome the night mares ,to reach beyond the limitations an demons of your own creation and more.

This attunement has a strong energy that does not allow darkness to dominate or rule your thoughts.The darkness always flees the light- they cannot exist in the same place and dimension at the same time.Constantine Reiki is the power within you that shines the light on your soul ,your heart,and your environment.

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Protection Reiki Empowerment by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German or in Japanese or in Italian

EUR 6.99

This attunement works to surround you with protection to prevent others from draining your energy.

Whether you are a Light worker, caregiver, or just need some extra protection from negativity, this attunement will be helpful to you.

Most of us have known people That just seem to drain our energy.

These people are actually Energy Vampires.

They suck the life right out of you.

When they leave, you are left feeling tired and fatigued.

These people are actually draining your energies and Often they do not even they realize they are doing it.

You will notice That Energy Vampires will always seem to feel better after spending time with you.

This attunement will put you in a circle of protection to prevent others from draining your energies.

Manual in english language or in German and attunement chi ball

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Abundance and Success Empowerment by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Finnish or in German

EUR 6.99

The Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki attunement connects you to the higher frequency energies of Spirit That puts you in harmony with positive abundance and success.

This will help you clear any blocks to your abundance and success and it works to draw positive abundance and success opportunities to you.

When you are in harmony with the vibration of abundance and success, you will begin to draw in the things you need to be abundant and successful.

Manual english language, attunement chi ball

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Light of Prosperity Empowerment by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in Finnish

EUR 6.99

The Light of Prosperity Empowerment connects to you and puts you in harmony with the energies and vibrations of Prosperity and Spirit.

You will even be connected to Archangel Michael to help you clear and release negative thought forms Concerning money, and to the Angels of Prosperity and the Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and Spirit to help you to draw positive energies and opportunities of abundance in the form of money.

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Wings of the Raven by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Wings of the Raven is an empowering reiki attunement that connects you to the spirit of the Raven in a way that helps you to learn the mysteries, enhances your magickal abilities, and helps with shapeshifting-understanding, connecting to, and becoming “One” with your animal guides. The Raven is a bird of death and rebirth, new beginnings, and magick. The Raven also carries Divine messages from Spirit.

Your connection to the Raven in the Wings of the Raven attunement, will enhance your intuition and abilities to “hear” messages in the wind, including those messages from Nature Spirits and Devas.

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White Dragon Reiki by Linda Colibert Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

White Dragon Reiki connects you to the spirit of dragons, particularly the White Dragon. This Dragon is the Dragon of purification, cleansing, and protection from negative energies and entities. The White Dragon clears your path, removes blockages in your energies and energy fields. The White Dragon heals sorrow, regrets, guilt, and negative emotions within your being and energy fields. The White Dragon, then fills each chakra with pure love and light to bring peace, love, light, harmony, and happiness into your life. The White Dragon is so highly connected to Spirit and The Creative Source that you will feel a very beautiful, loving, energy as the White Dragon works to purify, cleanse, and heal you in body, mind and spirit.

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Spiritual Animal Healer by Linda Colibert Program Manuals in English or in German or in Finnish or in French or in Italian

EUR 9.99

By Linda Colibert

There are 6 attunement levels in the Spiritual Animal Healing Program, each one connects on a deeper level and allows you to communicate and heal animals with a higher degree of energies:

1. Level 1: Animal Communication-strongly enhances your abilities to understand and communicate with animals.

2. Level 2: Emotional Trauma Animal Healing-this attunement allows you to connect with animals on an emotional level and works to heal them emotionally. You will learn what causes emotional trauma in animals and how to help animals deal with it.

3. Level 3: physical Animal Healing-this attunement connects you to powerful healing energies that work to help heal physical ailments in animals, including relieving pain, and speeding recovery of injuries, illness, and disease.

4. Level 4: Animal Behavior- this attunement helps you to understand what causes behavior problems in animals and works to help heal animal behavior problems.

5. Level 5: Wild Animal Environmental Healing-this attunement connects you to the energies of animal species and their environmental habitat in the wild and works to help heal the environment as well as helping animals species to survive in the wild, including endangered species.

6 Level 6: Crossing Over Animals-this attunement connects you to animals on the deepest level, and works to help you cross them over in peace and with love.

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