Golden Magnet Business from Maha Kamaleksana


25 $

Golden Magnetic Business is a powerful and high frequency energy that allows us and our business to attract any energy that appropriate with our intention. This high frequency works at our sushumna (main meridian) to stimulate our chakra along its channel, to work properly and draw off the strong and high energy charge. Thus it can produce and radiate the strong and wide magnetism energy into our surroundings.

This system enhances our business to achieve power, strength, wealth, warmth, happiness, love, hope, optimism, intelligence, justice, balance, perfection, summer, harvest and the sun. it brings glorious moment within our business and spread the warm into surroundings.

The system interfuse the essence of gold and the power of bio-electromagnetic energy to new combination energy that is in certain frequency, to generate a powerful energy to attract prosperity, opportunity, cooperation, wealth, glory appreciation, honor, etc.

receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

7,00 $

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Golden Magnet Business from Maha Kamaleksana