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Inadequacy Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture


Inadequacy Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Inadequacy Flush Has Been brought` to us in order That We may flush away Those feeling of not being good enough. "Not being good enough" are feelings That can strip away joy and confidence.

Feelings of inadequacy are some of the most insidious of all feelings.

This is Because of the emotional injury Which Occurs When a person feels That they do not meet standard. Your immune system's health is adversely affected by emotional imprints of trauma or unworthiness.

When a person Has Been Told That they do not measure up in the eyes of another, they feel "less than". Often this can be registered by Their body as not being good enough.

This is stressful. such Stress is the leading cause of a person's immune system being weakened.

Inadequacy Flush is a fast and easy way to flush away Those imprints of being "less than".

Self Confidence Enhancement is Also included to help you Increase your self confidence, thus rebuilding your health in many ways.

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Forgiveness Freedom Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Forgiveness Freedom Rays ™ are the energies of forgiveness That flow inward and outward to others to you.

There is no need to "work up the energy "to forgive yourself or others.

If you feel resistance at the mere thought of forgiving yourself or others, this energy system has an energy technique for that too, the Resistance Forgiveness Flush ™! Forgiveness Freedom Rays ™ flow easily to bring you emotional freedom!

There are no laborious lists of who Wronged you or who you Wronged. These rays only require your willingness to allow forgiveness to happen.

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Disappointment Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture


Disappointment Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

year 2011

™ with Hope Empowerment ™ Disappointment Flush ™ energetically flushes away the emotional impact of disappointment and helps you be ready to think of your next steps.

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Acclimation Rays Master Teacher by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

year ,2012

When a person acclimates to something they get accustomed to a new climate or condition in Their Life.

If someone does get accustomed to the new conditions and Their body emotions become stressed and Their mental acuity drops. Performance, Whether physical or mental declines and Their natural resistance Also to disease and illness declines.

When a person acclimates to the new conditions, be they environmental or interpersonal (related to social interaction or relationship changes) they are i maintain or Increase Their effectiveness in all areas of Their Life.

Most people can acclimate if they are given sufficient time. It is the gap in time between encountering the changed environmental conditions or other life and the time they finally acclimate That can be very uncomfortable. Some people do not even realize why they feel unbalanced

They might not attribute Their lack of being "on target" or functioning well, to the change they encountered. Maybe, previously in a similar life change did They not adversely affect them, yet now they are having a difficult time acclimating. Some people simply feel distracted while they acclimate.

How wonderful it is That We now have Acclimation Rays ™ to assist us to acclimate quickly to any new condition we encounter!

I'm very excited to bring you access to These divine Acclimation Rays by way of this attunement So That You Can Use them anytime

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TMJ Care -Mariah Windsong Couture


TMJ Care -Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

year 2011

TMJ Care is care for your Temporomandibular joints.

These are the That gliding joints connect your jaws to your head.

There are a variety of That disorders can cause this joint to have inflammation and slip out of place.

An ache or pain in your jaw, headache, dizziness and tooth or earache can all be indicators of TMJ disorders.

The CARE Team brings you relaxation, and relief of tension So THAT any physical joint misalignment can be adjusted.

TMJ Care ™ energy, When activated attends to any other area of your body That may be out of balance as a result of your Temporomandibular joint problems. Chakra spins are adjusted and inflammation of your TMJ joint can He is reduced.

TMJ Care ™ promotes physical healing of Both your jaw joints.

TMJ Care's energies synergize with all other healing modalities for you.

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Inflammation Reduction Ray by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

Inflammation is a problem for many body areas.

Inflammation is the body's natural response to outside influences That it Deems to be a threat.

When the threat is no more and inflammation remains it causes problems in the body such as swelling, tissue damage and pain.

Inflammation is a protective attempt by your body to remove the injurious stimuli and to get the healing process moving forward

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Bio Life Sphere by Mariah Windsong Couture


Bio Life Sphere by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 19.99

Bio Life is self sustaining Eternal Living That energy most optimally fuels all biological organisms from the Heart of Eternal Sacred Source

Humans are the only species That Seem to have forgotten to reach to Source always.

Bio Life Sphere replenishes the body and being of any species.

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Prostate Care by -Rev. Mariah Windsong


Prostate Care by -Rev. Mariah Windsong Napieralski - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 30.00

year 2011 - 30 $

Prostate Care is an energy system Which brings the care of All Responsive Eternal Beings to assist your prostate to be healthy.

Your prostate is an organ That sits just below your bladder and completely encircles the urethra.

As men grow older, this organ Enlarges Often, putting pressure against the passageway Which must flow through the urine from your bladder, out of your body. this causes many uncomfortable urinary difficulties.

The prostate fluid Provides That Nourishes and protects sperm. When you ejaculate, your prostate moves this fluid into the urethra, where it sends it out with sperm as semen. Since your body uses the same passageway for urine as it does During the sex act for semen, it makes sense biologically to have this That organ surround passageway.

Unfortunately, When the prostate does enlarge, the pressure exerted your urethra and bladder can make you need to urinate, more often than usual.

Prostate Care can help reduce discomfort

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Chiropractic Care by by Mariah Windsong


Chiropractic Care by by Mariah Windsong Napieralski - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 33.00

year 2010 - 33 $

Your Chiropractic Care attunement is an empowerment to the Light Beings called the Ethereal Chiropractic Team.

Chiropractic Care IS the energy your Ethereal Chiropractic Team moves through your body to bring its structure into alignment.

Chiropractic Care energy Tends to your body in a comprehensive manner.

Our body is composed of so many interconnected components.

Just think of all the bones That Are threaded with nerves and ligaments and so many other delicate connective parts That are required for ease of movement.

We are a miracle!

Often we move our bodies less than our ancestors did. We stay stationary in one place for hours or move in ways repetitious if our work or hobbies require it. This can slowly put pressure on nerves Within the joints and causes compression. We Know That there are structural body parts, joints, connective tissue; the nerve and blood piping systems are entwined through them all. This means That we have solid and soft parts in one body. When the structurally solid body parts He has slipped even slightly to a location That they were not designed to inhabit, the soft body parts can get squished. This can be as immediately painful as a pinched nerve or a slow rubbing away of the protective lining of a joint. If a joint's lining and cushion gets rubbed away, eventually there will be bone rubbing against bone and yes, That can be felt and no one wants to experience That pain.

Chiropractic Care energy directed by your Ethereal Chiropractic Team will help your body's moving parts to stay free in Their correct places. They send supportive energy Divine That is noticed as replenishing and infilling by your body. Your body responds to the slight change in pressure your Ethereal Chiropractic Team Provides energetically and naturally shifts toward or into its proper structural position.

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Etheric Hands Awakening by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

year 2011

Hand Care or Etheric Hands Awakening is prerequisite to Acupressure Therapy.

Etheric Hands Awakening ™ is designed to awaken your innate ability to use your spiritual not physical hands to channeling the healing energies and bring a physical touch to your or other people's bodies.

Etheric Hands Awakening ™ works first to clear the various energy centers otherwise known as chakras, in your hands and arms.

This is essential for your gifts and natural abilities to flow freely.

Then you'll be channel healing energies effectively and be ready for your etheric hands to fully awaken.

If your etheric hands are active Both awakens and Strengthens your ability to manifest no physical arms, hands and fingers to physically touch your or other people's bodies for healing purposes.

You must have a high level of integrity to be granted the full abilities this awakening Provides.

this awakening requires much responsibility and can only be used for good.

You may gain the ability to cause another person to feel your touch even at a distance

. This is different than simply channeling reiki healing or other modalities at a distance

. You will be deliver a physical touch That responds to your intention of massage, or apply pressure to a pressure point.

There are many healing modalities, such as Those in Shamanism That require the ability to extract foreign illness causing energies from a person's body.

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Lavender Plant Shakti System LW by Mariah Windsong Napieralski

EUR 6.99

In regards to physical benefits of Lavender Plant Energies, you may intend That each Shakti run its function

The Three Levels

Level One is for personal healing use.

Level Two Will Provide you with the ability to activate the Shakti to run on other people, both in person and over a distance.

Level Three Provides you with the ability to pass level Two and Three attunements on to others.

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Self Knowledge Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture


Self Knowledge Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

year 2011 - 25 $

Self Knowledge Rays speeds up the time it takes for you to learn about yourself.

When you know yourself you can make wise, steadfast decisions.

Self Knowledge Rays brings to the surface the information you need to make educated decisions about what is right for you in any life situation.

Many people experience regret When They make commitments Which they later learn are incongruent With Their natures.

This is a cause of dis-ease.

Self Acceptance Rays are included to help you accept That Which is not Within You ready to change at this time.

There is value in knowing yourself and accepting the core of your self, without a need to change it.

Self knowledge is a key to knowing what is right for you and what is not.

This knowledge is incredibly beneficial for you to have prior to any major life decision. Entering a school, job, career, relationship or marriage requires That you know enough about yourself to discern if the commitment will be healthy for you years later.

While it is not possible to know all of how you will feel about a person or situation down the road, Self Knowledge Rays will bring your attention to the areas Within You That Are Necessary to consider right now. You may notice your inner truth in a way That you could not before.

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Bio Life Fuel by Mariah Windsong


Bio Life Fuel by Mariah Windsong

EUR 20.00

year 2011

Bio Life Fuel ™ Bio Life Refers to sentient consciousness That resides in a biological body here on Earth.

Bio Life Fuel ™ arrives to us from kinetic energy, the energy of motion. Bio Life ™ is an energy That biological life forms notice and accept as sustenance.

Many energies are too raw and of a vibration That Are not easily received or used by a biological body.

Bio Life Fuel ™ is excess energy from tidal waves, and atmospheric pressure changes sono stati That Transformed into a fuel source for biological bodies here on planet Earth.

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Bio Life Spiritual Awakening by: Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 30.00

30 $ year 2011

Bio Life means life eternal energy That is compatible with and sustains all biological life forms here on planet Earth secondo Eternal Divine Blueprint for ascending eternal life.

Bio Life Spiritual Awakening ™ is an Which energy system dissolves out any blocks to your spiritual awakening That you are ready to release, anywhere and any When They may be.

Bio Life Spiritual Awakening ™ functions as a "tune up" for people, anywhere they are along Their life path. You can be new to conscious spiritual living or decades along your path of spiritual awareness. Passion Flower Essence ™ is included to help you use any weakness or disliked characteristic as a positive beneficial attribute in your life.

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Bone Care - by Mariah Windsong


Bone Care - by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Any sincere seeker can receive Bone Care attunement and activate with

intention the beneficial energies of :

Bone Karma Cleanse

Structural Alignment

Optimal Bone Density Field

Ideal Calcium Concentration

Bone Marrow Vitality

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LW Pure Potency Energy by Mariah Windsong


LW Pure Potency Energy by Mariah Windsong

EUR 6.99

Bringing more of you, here and now

You-more of you concentration (wholeness).

Pure Potency energy is the beacon whose Light you raise up oy descend deeply within to connect to more of you and your Creator.

This is mainly a Self Heling System, but you may also intend to run Pure Potency for another person.

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Proper Perspective Empowerment by Mariah Windsong

EUR 15.00

Proper Perspective Empowerment Provides you with the mental That perspective is proper for you

"Proper" is different for each person

Proper Perspective Empowerment is designed to be activated even while you are in the middle of an emotional crisis.

It will help you rise above the emotions to look at your situation from the perspective That is best for you.

Proper Perspective Empowerment ™ gives you the ability to immediately be in the perspective That is most advantageous, even if your body and emotions are screaming from another perspective.

Now you can function and make That decisions are proper for you, right now.

Then you can heal your emotions and the rest of who you are will align to your chosen perspective.

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Credit and Currency Empowerment by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 24.99

24,99 $

To maximize a person's ability to fair trade for the daily life necessities, including housing and food, both credit and currency are beneficial.

Your one attunement to the Credit and Currency Empowerment ™ gives you the ability to activate the Disappointment Flush ™, Self Blame Flush ™ and Self Empowerment Trust ™.

These additional flushes and empowerments are included in the Credit and Currency Empowerment Because energy system of the usual energy blocks That exist for anyone who has financial experience disappointment.

Self Blame may feel useful to keep you from repeating in mistake when in actuality it limits what opportunities can enter your reality.

Credit and Currency Empowerment ™ removes emotional resistance from previous experiences while aligning you with your optimal financial flow.

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Thought Progression Adjustment Shakti Master by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

year 2013

This practitioner and teacher of Thought Progression Adjustment Shakti is for Reiki Masters only.

Thought Progression Adjustment Shakti ™ assists your mind to overcome previous thought patterns Which may be disturbing to you. Have you ever had your mind proffer up to you the next thought, Although you did yourself not consciously choose to think That thought? Our mind likes to "help" us by providing the next logical progression of thought even if it is along the lines of worry or "worst case scenarios" rather than an uplifting outcome. Some people's minds show them the next thing to do. These are not always the best thing to do, but might feel urgent to the person. For example, you might see the next place to hang laundry on the line. That will not hurt anything, but what if you feel drawn to cross the road, right now, despite a car approaching?

Some people feel an urgent need to follow the direction of Their thoughts with physical immediate action. Other people feel glued to where they are in Their Lives two to worry or fear from the future progression of the thoughts show them.

You can break free

The spiritual assistance this energy system can bring may help you with but is not limited to:

Gain freedom from overwhelmingly negative, scary or worrisome thoughts.

Be the one guided your thoughts rather than feeling victim of your Mind's thought progressions.

Spend less time batting away thoughts That you did not purposely have or think up.

That easily drop away thoughts do not pertain to what you want to think about.

Train your mind to treat thoughts That You purposely think with a higher priority than thoughts arriving from previous patterns of thought.

Train your mind to treat thoughts That You purposely think with a higher priority than any arriving from sifting through information it He has collected.

Train your mind to only proffer up to you future related probabilities When you ask it for That Particular type of information.

Put to rest historical topics that your mind is still using as applicable information when lifting up to you thoughts to consider.

More easily be the driver of your own mind's thought processes, instead of feeling like a prisoner of the past.

Attend to topics from your night dreams.

Attend to topics Resulting from karmic agreements not complete yet.

Attend to topics Arising from karmic unbalance from this lifetime.

Attend to topics Arising from physical ancestral karmic issues

Adjust soul lineage ancestral mind patterns to serve you here and now.

Reduce the adverse effects of various mental illnesses or challenges.

Tone down the chatter in your mind That does not apply to what you are thinking about consciously.

Manifest your heart's desire easier Because the power of your mind with be focused in accord with your emotional power.

Manifest prosperity easier Because old examples of what life brought` you do not need to be taken into consideration by your mind daily.

Notice a thought That you did not consciously put there and let it go.

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Psychic Privacy Protection Master Teacher by Mariah Windsong

EUR 15.99

Master Teacher Level Pre-requisite Seichim or Reiki Master

Psychic Privacy Protection ™ is an energy system you are attuned to and then you can activate anytime for the remainder of your life. this protective Energy is especially designed to conceal information you wish to remain private, from the prying eyes and consciousness of other people.

There are people who hire psychics to look and probe anyone who Their clients ask to them.

I'm sure you do not want your private information to be revealed just Because someone paid a psychic to do so.

There is a need for special protection for your private thoughts and now it is easy to protect the information you carry in your mind from others

. You may not have had any reason to consider your thoughts and the information in your mind to be anything other than private

Some people are naturally psychic and will "pick up on" your thoughts without even trying to. In truth, for These People, they try hard to screen out other people's thoughts. However, if something applies to list them, it is difficult not to notice your thoughts.

In "spiritual" communities, where many people have psychic abilities, the boundaries of privacy can feel blurred and this energy system is very valuable.

When you are around people or just in contact by email or telephone with people who can instantly perceive your thoughts, privacy takes on an additional level of major importance.

Remember to activate it as Often as you think of wanting your privacy to be strong and intact

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