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Rainwater Tea Essence by Mariah Windsong


Rainwater Tea Essence by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Rainwater Tea is as much about ceremony as it is about the physical ingredientes

Rainwater Tea is often spoken of as simply being lemongrass and roseship tea

By receiving your Rainwater Tea Essence attunement you will access to the essence of the entire sacred ceremony of Rainwater Tea preparation as it was reveleaded from Mariah

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Image Impact Intensity Reducer by Mariah Windsong

EUR 14.99

When you' ve witnessed ,experienced or been told about something that is visually intense the emotional impact can be traumatic and repeat often as your mind returns to the image in your mind's eye

It is beneficial to have help reducing the intensity and thus the emotional impact such images hold

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LW Random Generated Shield Overlay by Mariah Windsong

EUR 6.99

Random Generated Shield Overlay goes around our consciousness as a flexible crystalline membrane to increase security and reduce interference It looks similar to the surface of a soap bubble that moves and shimmers

Your RGS Overlay has random numbers all over its surface that are constantly changing sequence

This makes it near to impenetrable for anything that does not belong to attach to your energy signature

No one wishes to arrive home from a nice enjoyable spiritual meditation journey and find cling-ons ..entities be they negative or simply curious ..your RGS Overlay provides enhanced protection for your consciousness and spirit against attachments ,implants and nano -tecnology that does not belong in us

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Responsive Nadi Reneval by Mariah Windsong


Responsive Nadi Reneval by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

This energy attunement brings you the cleansing energy of Quan Yin' s Lavender Rose Flame Reiki and the fulfilling energy of Shamballa MDH or Hgher energy

You will also be granted the Lotus Jewel of Freedom whose dispensation is Sovereignty

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Revolving Thought Re Solver Mariah Windsong


Revolving Thought Re Solver Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

People often deal with thoughts that continue to go around and around in their mind as a loop

Universes are full of paradox

The mental body does not like paradox

This energy system assists you to have a better mental life

We need to feel safe inside and sometimes help is required to feel safe

When our minds work with us ,we have peace

Thoughts can take on a life of their own

Manifesting originates in thought strengthened to intent

Thoughts out of alignment with our intentions reduce our ability to manifest what we really want

Consists of 8 Attunements

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LW Improved Allergy Protection by Mariah Windsong

EUR 6.99

Many people suffer from Allergy and to help them,Mariah has channelled three attunements that can help you through the spring and summer where it is more likely that you are surronded by pollen and insects that bite you

The attunements are histamine blocker field ,particulate screen and tourmaline spectrum ray

Each has its own function

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Virility Care by Mariah Windsong


Virility Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00


Virility Care brings males the influx of energy and Care for their masculinity

This infusion of energy and very individualized Care from the Care Team of Light Beings increase your ability to father children

Causes you to emanate masculine sensul energy in such a way that is attractive to the person you want to mate with

Energy practices are included to assist your body to be aroused by your loved one

Helps your body to respond in conin conjunction with your heart and mind so that you can achieve the sexual union you desire

Please note that Virility Care is designed for loving encounters ,not casula sex and will not increase the chances of casula sex occuring

This energy works in synergy with your heart mind and genitals

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Parental Pattern Flush by Mariah Windsong


Parental Pattern Flush by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

25 $

Is a energy that can flush away undesirable patterns we' ve acquired from our parents or patterns that we do not want to inadvertently pass down to our children

When we ' ve lived around someone it is easily to hold positionings to life that they did ,even when we don ' t want to

Parental Pattern Flush works with your higher self and soul to help free you of limitation resulting from how you were raised

Genetic predispositions to mental disorders and pessimistic attitude on life can also flush away ,freeing you to more consciously choose your responses to life

If you are a parent ,and have struggled with reactions or patterns in life that unfortunately resemble those you saw your parents struggle with ,can free you and your children from these patterns

Activate Parental Patterns Flush for both yourself and your children often

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Back Care by Mariah Windsong


Back Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00


Back Care energy system brings you easy to activate soothing comfort for your back care needs

Your Back Care Team of helping ,healing responsive beings of love ,light and life bring you immediate energy assistance

After your attunement you may activate it anytime and anywhere you are simply with thought intent

Back pain can occur as a result of many different reasons

Any type of pain discomfort can be lessened with Back Care

Your back house your spine the structural integry of your ability to stand upright and bend in various ways

Many of a person 's back pain arises not from the bones in their back ,but from the muscles and tendons therein

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Intention Increase by Mariah Windsong


Intention Increase by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00


Intention is the act of aligning yourself with a purpose within a certain topic

Spiritually speaking intention is the mental positioning you hold and extend forth with the power of your own will to instruct Eternal Sacred Source about what you desire to bring into your life

That is the outgoing energy the response from Source is the incoming energy that fulfills our intentions

Increase is simply the verb ,the action you are directing to occur

Intention is the single most powerful tool you have as a belivier in Eternal Sacred Source responding to you requests

Som epeople speak about how the universe will respond when you align yourself energetically with what you want .Positive thinking can be beneficial ....

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Family Care Practitioner & Master Levels by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Family Care attends to the cohesive family unit by completing adverse karmic agreement that had previously brought challenges into the family

People in a family often exist together in order to complete certain agreements or heal previous wounds of heart and soul

This is why you can have both fondness toward a family member one moment andmight feel repelled by them the next

You are forning new connections with that person ,yet the feelings of any previous interactions propel you to say and do things that you may not understand

If you knew this person in a previous life or even between lives in the heavenly realms ,there is a history that affects the now

Family Care bring unity in families where people who have not known each other in any other time and plasce and currently feel foreign to one another

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Virus Inhibitor Field by Mariah Windsong


Virus Inhibitor Field by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Purpose :To restrict virus replication and thus reduce the possible damage within a physical body

Re-activate the Visrus Inhibitior Field every 36 hours for maximum benefit

This is an energy field gifted to us by Source to reduce the harmful effects viruses can wreak within physical bodies

Less replication gives our own immune system a better opportunity to flght the virus and either eliminate it or keep its effects minimized

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Written Intention Reversal by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 34.00

34 $

Written Intention Reversal energy system helps you to achieve your goals personally and professionally by erasing old intentions

Anytime you write something with strong feeling you are setting forth an instruction to the universe

When your intention and goals change ,it is important to reverse or erase your previous intention

Words are very powerful

The written word holds strong instructions for the universe to follow on your behalf

A person who has shifted their focus and has new intentions for a relationship or job ,may send forth their intentions ,asking for assistance

Any old intention that you set forth previously are still seeking support from the universe ,Eternal Sacred Source and your helping healing angels

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Virtual Massage Empowerment by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system by of egual or less value

EUR 37.00

37 $

Virtual Massage energy system contains 3 levels and attunements

A person must already be attuned to the Master Reiki or Seichim in order to qualify to receive any Virtual Massage Attunements or levels

Virtual Massage level 1 acquaints your body with the energy techniques that allow it to receive touch in a physical bodies

Virtual Massage can be received by any area of the body you direct with your mind

Level 2 of Virtual Massage teach you how to facilitate long distance virtual massage for other people in real time

Level 3 teaches you how to co create virtual massage sessions for other people in a manner that makes it available for a person to call in at their convenience to receive a complete session

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Wing Care by Mariah Windsong


Wing Care by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Wing Care is born of the desire to live in a richer awareness of all the gifts we have even those we are just noticing

Wing Care consists of these functions

Wing Cleanse ,Wing Lights ,Unfurl ,Breathe ,

All of us have spiritual energy wings

We can awaken them and use them to channel energies

We can channel energies of a different vibration than what we are currently channeling through our hands while working on clients or loved ones

If you are a pet person and allow the animal to lay beside you as you retire for your night sleep with your wings you can send your pet energies

You can then use your own physical hands to send yourself energy from energy system that your pet is not so fond of

Your energy wings may also be used to bring in additional energy frequencies for your own body

There are times to have your wings unfurled and brilliantly glowing with Love and Light

There are times to fold them carefully to your back

Sometimes blending into your surroundings is safe and wise

Please be aware that young children can othen see your energy wings and if already verbal they will tell their parents about you

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Trager Team Empowerment by Mariah Windsong


Trager Team Empowerment by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Trager Team Empowerment promotes freedom to move your limbs and joints in comfortable ways ,more frequently and for longer periods of time

Be more comfortable in your body

Relax and have more energy

Regain extended range of limb movement faster and with more ease

Your Trager Team will send gentle waves of energy through your body to give your muscles and limbs the message that movement is comfortable and easy

You may enjoy a spa like experience or simply feel relaxed later the same day

Many people value Trager Team Empowerment for the assistance they give to those who have had physical traumas or a deteriorating disease

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Vocal Cord Care by Mariah Windsong


Vocal Cord Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

25 $

Vocal Cord Care attends to your vocal folds flexibility and to the health of the mucus which lubricates them so that your voice is clear and strong

Vocal Cord Care energy system provides healing for any emotional issues that have limited your vocal range and your ability to speak your mind

This attunement may be accepted by anyone but only a Reiki or Seichim Master can pass an atttunement onward to others

Also has the energy functions of Silence Empowerment Vocal Range Enhancement ,My Voice Empowerment and Smoothing Elixir

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Subtle Body Care by Mariah Windsong


Subtle Body Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00


Care means Calling All Responsive Eternals

Subtle Body Care removes clutter within the subtle body which interferes with you reaching a centered ,clear state of mind and being

Subtle Body Care uses the intelligence and sentient awareness of all the Responsive Eternal Beings who arrive toassist your subtle ( energy) body to regain balance and vibrancy

If you are aware of and feel subtle energies you may experience this energy system in some unique and enjoyable way

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Eye Care Master - by Mariah Windsong


Eye Care Master - by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 55.00

Price $ 55/75

Only Reiki Master

Eye Health Enhancement energy function increases eye health.

My Sight Restoration restores and increases spiritual sight.

Visual Distortion Flush drops away visual perceptual distortions.

Vision Enhancement is to hepl improve vision in this reality.

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Body Care - by Mariah Windsong


Body Care - by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Care means: Calling all Responsive Eternals
Asnyour spirit and body's energy frequency increase the spaces between your cells also need to match thier vibration, otherwise you feel out of sync.
Body Care energy system brings the vibration of the spaces between your cell into resonance with you, and your body's consciousness.
Body Care used in meditation helps you to be more present in your body.

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