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Lunar Balance by Mariah Windsong


Lunar Balance by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Lunar Balance energy system assists your emotions to stay balanced throughout our moon's many phases each month.

Some people are highly adversely affeted by some of the phases of our Earth ' s moon .The moon 's pull affects the tides of our oceans and as our emotions are likened unto water so too are our emotions affected by the moon 's phases

Lunar Balance is best activated during the times of the month that you guess that your emotions are most adversely affeted by the moon .Each person is different .A power time for one person can be an emotionally scattered time for another person

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Mind Control Resistance Rays & Master Level by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

This is a free wil lzone ,here on Earth Yet freedom is only as real as is our ability to keep our mind free of other person 's manipulations of our will

Mind control can be as subtle as implanted thoughts from clever advertisements or the constant harrowing of a relative or boss to do and think in a certain way in order to be in accord with what is expected.

Mind control is generally accomplished through a very purposeful set of intentions together with energetic pressure of some kind that radiatescertain thoughts into your mind on a regular basis.

Unethical use of telepathy or black magic by other with the intention to make you paranoid so that you seem mentally unwell or unable to conduct your own financial or legal affairs in a competeten matter and more,...

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Light Body Integration by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 16.99

If you experience strong influxes of energy that seem to have no place to go inside of your body this energy system is for you

If beneficial spiritual energies are arriving unto you ,yet build up instead of being utilized by your body Light Body Integration will help you

Light Body Integration assists your body to utilize rather than resist the more intense energies of you that have arrived from the higher realms of you.

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Alabaster Caverns Empowerment by Mariah Winsong

EUR 14.99

Alabaster Cavernes Empowerment is an empowerment to the energies of the various forms of alabaster found in the Alabaster Caverns in Oklaoma

Your Alabaster Caverns Empowerment also gives you the right to activate Alabaster Essence

Alabaster Essence is uplifting and purifyng .Of the many kinds of Alabaster ,Alabaster Caverns contains pink,white and black alabaster.

Alabaster Caverns Empowerment provides you with both the energies of the alabaster stones and crystals as wellas the underground stream that was once a river and helped form these amazing alabaster formations

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Inter -Dimensional Medical Team by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Prerequisite Master Reiki or Seichim

The Interdimensional Medical Teams is a team of Eternal Light Beings who have many areas of exepertise.They will provide a comprehensive session for you that goes far beyond what you may have experienced thus far in the realm of healing and inter-dimensional synergy

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My Way Home by Mariah Windsong


My Way Home by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 36.00

My Way Home energy system is the answer to many prayers of people who have been trying to get a better sensse of where they came from.This energy system's attunements provide you access to the energy streams from your preferred home ,the home you originally came from ,and your Eternal Home of Divine Will

The energy of these homes are fantastic !

Connects a person to Home.Home has very different meanings for each person.Many people feel that they had an existence somewhere before they arrived into this physicality.. and more

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Ganesha Anointing by Rev. Mariah Couture


Ganesha Anointing by Rev. Mariah Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Remover of obstacles and Lord of New Beginnings.

Ganesha 's Anointing is fantastic for brinding your an anoiting of Ganesha 's energy that you can wear as an energy garment .

When you wear Gansha 's Anointing around your body and being ,his energy greets all people and situations ,assisting to move obstacles from your path and life .This garment does need to be consciously renewed daily ,and many people do so in the morning as they put their physical clothing on .

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449285508?profile=RESIZE_710xWound Healer Reiki Level 1-2-3 by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 65.00

Prerequisite Master Reiki o Seichim

Levels 1 - 2 - 3 each Level price 21,99 $ total price 65,97$

Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds

It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers

is a unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being

Complete instructions for doing a session for another people in the same room

Level 2 Wound Healer Reiki tends to wounds you experienced in other times and places and during other incarnations

You are taugh how to conduct healing session for in person or distance healing work ,for wounds that occured in other times and places incluiding their various incarnations or dream states

Wound Healer Reiki 3 brings an upgrade of the energies ,more strength and a broader band of healing .After you receive your Wound Healer Reiki 3 attunement ,you will find it easy to send these energies long distance for locations on Earth ,Trees,Rocks ,Crystals and other Mineral Beings ,Ocean Life ,Wild Animals,Birds and others life here on this planet

You would follow the instructions set forth in Wound Healer Reiki level 2 for long distance healing .Once you have your attunement for Eound Healer Reiki 3 you will notice moreand more opportunities to heal in Service to Source.The Source of Eternal Life ,Love and Light will beckon you to assist with healing of the various life forms here on Earth

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Adrenal Care Shakti by Mariah Windsong


Adrenal Care Shakti by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Adrenal Care Shakti heps to balance ,replenish and reset your adrenals.

Adrenal Care Shakti arrives unto you whwn you accept your attunement and actively attends to reversing adrenal fatigue.Over active adrenals or lack of function can make many other systems in your body go awry

If you have problems sleeping ,lack of energy ,new allergy problems,musculoskeletal ,autoimmune ,metabolic or hormonal issues,your adrenals could be in need of assistance.Stress causes problems for your adrenals

Adrenal Care Shakti brings harmonization within the body that helps many body systems work in synergy instead of against one another

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Sephiroth Care by Mariah Windsong


Sephiroth Care by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

Sephiroth Care Energy system is for the cleansing and replenishing of each Sephirah Tree of Life energy center in your body

Energy at the topis the most undifferentiated beginning in Source

As energy moves down from Eternal Sacred Source various attributes of Divinity are more prominent .Eventually energy has reached Malkut ,Kingdom and is here in this reality on Earth

I believe that our bodies are physical embodiments of Divinity and a microcosm of Creation.When our Sephiroth energy centers flow clean and strong ,it is key to synergy with Eternal Sacred Source.Now we are more likely to manifest here in physicality with increased speed and accuracy .

The corresponding Hebrew Names of Gold open and infuse each Sephira with the resonant Divine frequencies from the Higher Dimensions

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Spirulina Spectrum Ray by Mariah Windsong


Spirulina Spectrum Ray by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 21.99

Spirulina Spectrum Ray brings you 3 main benefits:

1)Increase ability for your bodyy to use the Light beyond the light of our solar sun as food in addition to your physical food

2) Interface Templates for your consciousness to link up with the consciousness of other Beings ,increasing your access during meditation or spiritual / shamanic style journeying.

Spirulina Spectrum Ray is renowned for its access granting "betwix and between" experiences known during meditation and shamanic style journeys

3)Genetic Keys to any species originating in this Source system.In the spirituals realms during meditationor " journeying " this provides case of shape shifting.Each person 's access to shape shifing genetic key codes varies widely based on your Higher Self ,Soul and Source

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Azure Shakti by Mariah Windsong


Azure Shakti by Mariah Windsong

EUR 20.00

The Azure Shakti is a sentient Eternal Divine Intelligence whoese sole purpose for so long as you choose to work with her ,is to bring you into full contact with your own soul .After taking you on a spiritual yourney up to your soul ,the Azure Shakti causes you to become consciously aware o your soul ,from here ,within your own body .The Azure Sakti may bring a stronger concentration of your soul energy here to you ,in your body ,if you are ready for this experience

The Azure Shakti provides a unique experience of your own soul ,bridging the gap between embodiment here in physicality and all you are .

The Azure Shakti may ,upon occasion.indeed bring your conscious awareness up into the fullness of your soul to help you learn about yourself

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Eternal Cosmic Christ Empowerment by Mariah Windsong- Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 33.00

Benefits of the Eternal Cosmic Christ's Energy include but aren't limited to :

Increased Authenticity in your life and in the people you attract

Increased faith that somone beyond this reality cares about your wellbeing

Asense of purpose and Divine Birthright to receive love and sustenance

Courage to lok within and be honest with yourself about your life.

Increased self worth so that you can accept more complete healing

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Replenishing Shakti by Mariah Windsong


Replenishing Shakti by Mariah Windsong

EUR 20.00

Sakti is the feminine creative ,sacred living force which throughout all of creation.She is the embodiment of divinity at the purest most regal and holy emanation of replenishment.Shakti are intelligent divine forces who in their creation ,can also destroy the old to make way for the new .

You may wish to think of Sakti as beings similar to Angels,but of a different lineage.They are rarely seen,and if so ,usually flow in waves of color and movement,all sparkly and wispy.There are however ,Shakti who do take one a more corporeal form,but l've not witnessed any visually

It tend to think of Sakti as little ,power packed beings who may seem small in physical size ,but because of their small size ,they can easily enter into a cell in your body to assist.They are well received by most people because of their purity and good intentions

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Ascension Vibration by Mariah Windsong


Ascension Vibration by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 22.22

Ascension Vibration reconciles the separation betweenmatter and spirit .here.and beyond. Freedom of movement through the dimension in spirit and possibly through the incrreased vibration of your physical body into a light body is enhanced with Ascension Vibration

Ascension Vibration is unity through the balance of polarities that exist in this reality ,realities beyond and inside you . Ascension Vibration 's yin yang symbol is utilized to bring into balance inner ,outer,upper,lower aspects of our being and our positioning to the world around us

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Synergy Within by Mariah Windsong


Synergy Within by Mariah Windsong

EUR 19.99

Synergy Within provides you the functions necessary to easily adjust the ratios of male and female energy within your body at any time .Spme people are unconfortable in the genger body they were born into.Gender Freedom ! If you were in an androgynous form prior to your life Earth ,being in one gender is an odd inner pressure until balance is known

Anyone ,single or in a relationship will benefit from Synergy Within 's influx of the perfecct balance of Divine Masculine and Feminine

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Chaos Flush by Mariah Windsong


Chaos Flush by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Price $ 25

Chaos Flush energy system works quickly and thoroughly to flush away chaotic energies that may have collected in your energy fields. Any chaos energies from other people that you may have been near or walked through could have disturbed your well designed energy fields. Such a disturbance can last hours or days after the chaos itself is no longer present.

Chaos is felt more strongly by those of us who tend our energy fields regularly. We notice when we’ve walked through and energy that is discordant and throws our own energy out of sync with itself.

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Trauma Care by Mariah Windsong


Trauma Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 39.00

Trauma Care Reiki by Mariah Windsong

for mind,body spirit

Your attunement provides you with the right to activate a Trauma Care session

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Ophanim Empowerment by Mariah Windsong


Ophanim Empowerment by Mariah Windsong

EUR 16.99

You may seek our audience – Splendor of Majesty we reveal to you.

Peoples expect words – Worlds limit – We are much more than words!

Being in the Presence of Someone Greater and Otherwordly gives you New Perspective – widening your horizons.

We know not how else to cause you to know the Greater Horizons and open you to more Splendor in your lives.

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Full Presence 2011 by Mariah Windsong


Full Presence 2011 by Mariah Windsong

EUR 17.99

Full Presence 2011 ™ invites more of who you are from
your soul to arrive here into your body and the proper integration
Provides assistance.
Full Presence 2011 ™ is an energy system that is
comprised of 5 Strength Movers of the Light who will also help you more fully
return from your night journey dream work. Anyone who has ever
felt only half here upon their waking from slumber in the morning will love
this energy system!
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