Rubiolo Teresa's Posts (5819)

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EUR 7.99  Peace Savior Amulet Energetic 40 $ year 2017

Often we do not know That When there is an obstruction in our schedule of events, is Often an attempt of the universe to keep us safe That would otherwise bad events happen.

Peace Savior Amulet Energetic helps you become sensitive to more positive encouragement slightest.

Peace Savior Amulet was Energetic I channeled know you can receive positive energy in any form.

Peace Savior Amulet Energetic brings Peace Within Yourself and with this energy you are helped to be incendio think more fully with logic and then take active steps to Fulfill your desires and the intuitiveness of Realizing When a obstruction may possibly be in our best interest

you will receive manual and ChI Ball Attunement

 EUR 7.99

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Add to Car  Peace Savior Amulet Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


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EUR 7.99  Charming Luck Magnet Energetic  40 $ year 2017

Charming Luck Magnet Energetic assists good luck to draw close to you.

This energy helps you become a powerful magnet for the fortunes That roams around you.

Charming Luck Magnet Energetic helps your business become enhanced your career and become profitable more.

You will enjoy going to work more fully than before.

Working with Charming Luck Magnet Energetic, you are helped to gain more trust than ever before.

Charming Luck Magnet Energetic helps you to radiate energy That is very tempting teaser for fortunes to be Attracted by your side

you will receive manual and ChI Ball Attunement

EUR 7.99

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Add to Car   Charming Luck Magnet Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


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Golden Eternal Fire - by Jalu Wasonoadi


EUR 16.99  year 2018 - US $ 40

Golden Eternal Fire forms a shield that protects the circumference of your energy field and inhibits the

formation of foreign patterns that can decrease your physical and etheric body health.

This energy helps you to prepare your body to receive and process a higher flow of energy.

Golden Eternal Fire assists you in receiving personal alignment energy from your environment and

strengthens the intended results of all your activities while increasing positivity.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR 16.99

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Add to Car  Golden Eternal Fire - by Jalu Wasonoadi


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EUR 16.99  year 2018 - US $40

Golden Path Abundance Energetic helps you to radiates your enchantment energy , to attract abundance

of any kind.

That includes love, abundance in material form and also abundance in the form of self-ability.

Golden Path Abundance Energetic helps to centralize and amplify the vibrations of the tempestuous of your

desires, and to be a support force for you to determine the definite step in making it happen.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 16.99

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Add to Car  Golden Path Abundance Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


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Golden Medallion Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


EUR 9.99  year 2017 $ 40

Golden Medallion Energetic energy assists for the expansion of potential and to intensify your focus and learning into a new skill that will develop into other potential capabilities.

Golden Medallion Energetic helps you with exceptionality with your new skill expertise well as strengthening your creativity.

An added benefit of this Golden Medallion Energetic is that it helps you to stimulate your sex chakra and strengthen the vortex of energy in it.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 9.99

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Golden Circle Energy Vortex by Jalu Wasonoadi



EUR 9.99  year 2017 $ 40

Golden Circle Energy Vortex helps you to be back "on track" again, and retrieve your focus and energy which has stolen by unnecessary circumstances.

A high benefit of this energy, it that it assists you to be better protected and more able to neutralize the negative energy that whirls around you.

Golden Circle Energy Vortex helps you to remove any energy connection with vampires, this is the energy that has been eating away your focus and energy, draining your power and strength.

Golden Circle Energy Vortex helps you to reject the energy connections with energy vampires that can or will lead to an energy dependency to them and lead to harm to your mind, spirit and physical well-being.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR 9.99

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Add to Car Golden Circle Energy Vortex by Jalu Wasonoadi


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 year 2017 $ 40

Blast of Wealth Empowerment was channeled to vaporize all boundaries And blockage that hold back your

wealth and abundance improvement.

it Will push the expansion of your luck and stimulate the blossom of your Abundance to the next level.

Wherever you go, Blast of Wealth Empowerment will make sure that good luck will stick around you and

Good opportunities will never stop you coming to you.

It is a powerful one Fortress from bad luck and an encouragement for you abundance growth

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR  40

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Add to Cart Blast of Wealth Empowerment by Ferry Puthut


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year 2017 $ 40

Genius Money Maker Energetic was channeled to improve your Intelligence and ability to build your own

business empire.

It is able To recover the mental adversity that is caused by a deep failure in Business, remove all bad trauma and replace it with a strong one Hope and determination

to awake and fight for the next goal.

Genius Money Maker Energetic are very good to help you deal with bad finacial condition.

It strengthens your intuition and your instinct to join again in The business competition, rebuild your faith and your spirit to success And release the hidden ability within


Genius Money Maker Energetic will draw all the positive energy and all the good opportunities From any directions to you

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 40

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Add to Cart Genius Money Maker Energetic by Ferry Puthut


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year 2017- $35.00

Magic Cloud Essential was channeled to reconnect the Higher Self with the source of the Divine power.

It is able to repair the mess of your spiritual growth.

It is strongly help to draw you back to your true spiritual path.

Magic Cloud Essential will open your inner sight to be aware of your purpose of your daily routine and

strengthen your determination to reach the higher spiritual force

and manifest the perfection of your physical life.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 35

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Add to Cart   Magic Cloud Essential by Ferry Puthut


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Bio Spark Energetic by Ferry Puthut Handoko


year 2016 - $ 40.00

Bio Spark Energetic was channeled to protect and strengthen the mental and emotional balance;

it helpful disclose the truth and guide the inner sight in answering every doubt about your important

relationship that will or you're already.

Bio Spark Energetic able to improve the accuracy of your decision and encourage to take an important

action, immediately.

Your inner persistence and the self illumination, will lifted up and spread stronger than ever before.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 euro  40

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Add to Cart  Bio Spark Energetic by Ferry Puthut


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year 2017 $ 40

Silver Dragon Energetic Fortress was channeled to prevent psychic Attacks and protect your physical body from any kind of harm.

It is Helpful to relieve the mental pressure in working place and assist Setting your mental to be ready and fully aware to receive sudden Responsibilities.

Silver Dragon Energetic Fortress will improve your Adaptive capability and you will easily rearrange your working methods To protect you from the possibility of a new

negative energy influence when You get any changing situation, partner or duty replacement in your work.

Get the "whole you" to be prepared and protected from all Negativities and ready for all kinds of good opportunities

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


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Add to Cart  Silver Dragon Energetic Fortress by Ferry Puthut


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 year 2017 - $ 35

StarLine Heat Energetic was channeled to bring clarity to your inner sight and gives divine vision to lead you

to a higher spiritual quality.

It will encourage the positive attitude even in a tense situation.

StarLine Heat Energetic stimulates your mind to be systematic, methodical and logical to resolve every

responsibilities in your life.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EURO 35

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Add to Cart   Starline Heat Energetic by Ferry Puthut


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EUR 100   year 2017

Toad Bufo Alvarius empowerment - Put ego to sleep, deep meditiation, access superconsciousness, and more

known as "the toad of the dawn" or "the Sapo DMT".Live in the present beyond illusions Sexual-emotional disorders, abuse, additions, guilt conflicts,
determents your disconnection of your true self.

DMT is released by the pineal gland while a person is approaching

death. Thus explaining the imagery reported by survivors of near

death experiences. This to the beginning of the soul. He often

referred to the drug as the "God molecule" or the "spirit molecule"

Effects of DMT

Intense visuals

Altered concept of time

Stomach discomfort

Overwhelming fear

Lung irritation

Increased heart rate

Increased body temperature

Using DMT can be a serious health risk that results in death. Users can go into a state of unconsciousness or a drug induced coma.

5-meO-DMT a neurotransmitter molecule from the glands of the

Bufo Alvarius, a toad living in the Sonara (Mexico) desert - is one of

the deepest experiences, that a human being can obtain on this

planet at any level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

This empowerment breaks the chemical filters that the human mind uses to prevent a continuous state of perception, awakening and
complete consciousness. These filters are necessary for our day to day life, as they help us to function in this three dimensional reality,limited by space and time.

As soon as we open those filters it seems that we are finally able to put our ego to sleep and then go into a state of deep meditation, that means that we would be able to access the superconscious part of our mind, our true nature, oneness and unconditional love.

With this empowerment you do not need the chemical. Effects and dangers of bufoteina and DMT are suppressed.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 100

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Add to Cart   Toad Bufo Alvarius empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez


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  EUR 150   year 2017 Special price limit time

GOLDEN PURPLE JADE EGG EMPOWERMENT - Cleans Entire Energy System, All diseases of the reproductive system, and More

In golden jade divine egg is contained everything and all things originated from it, bringing the world into a fine balance for life to evolve.

The truth is the entire solar system is a series of such eggs - nested one within another- all resonating out of the Sun's golden spiral.

We live inside this solar system - growing in the yolk of an enormous fractal egg laid by the Milky Way. Etheric or physical it works either.

Purple Jade is a stone of mirth and happiness.

By purifying the aura and dispelling any negative feelings or attitudes, it allows for the spontaneous joy of life to fill the soul and spill over to others. Purple Jade, in shades of light to dark violet, is also a stone of discernment. Its frequency speaks of spiritual knowledge and the ability to use that information to decide what is most aligned with one's personal path.

Purple Jade aids shamanic journeys and in meditations when receiving information is the primary goal. It is also useful for enhancing dreams, dream recall, and interpretation.

It is a stone that because of its physical and energetic qualities (also mythical and mystical) allows us to enter into that spectrum of our subconscious to reveal the repressed contents of the feminine. Is a natural therapeutic tool that helps us heal diseases of female organs. As we all know, vibrational medicine focuses on healing through subtle bodies. On it we establish the scientific bases of the therapeutic work that explain the form of healing of such a valuable instrument. -

Cleans the entire energy system via the central channel, which includes the chakras, nadis and meridians, making it a valuable instrument of preventive medicine. -

Help in the healing of fibroids, cysts and all diseases of the reproductive organs when the woman is open to the process, since these are not diseases, but dense crystallized energies adhered in the physical body. -

It is a geometry that heals through the female sexual energy, from physical affections to emotional, which makes it highly recommended in the climacteric. -

Increases electromagnetic fields, which enhances the connection of women with their own physical and energetic strength. -

It supports the recovery of women's personal power, increasing their self-esteem. -

Energies of previous relationships that clog the energy flow of the current relationship are cleansed. -

It works in the belief system, so it is expected that the woman will achieve greater clarity as to their identity, their feelings and their choice. -

It works with the creative power of the woman and comes to unlock all the dense energy of the human energy system that goes from the sacrum to the head. -

Help in personal inner work and power all energetic practices such as meditation, qi gong or tai chi, among others.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 150

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Zapharel Therium Ray by Ramon Martinez Lopez


EUR 500  year 2017 Special Price limit time

Will start energetic changes and clearings that over time will bring harmony and peace in relationships with others – both in romantic relationships and friendships and working relationships.

Issues carried during this lifetime and previous lifetimes will be healed and cleared and you will feel less laden and more at ease with those closest to you.

Zapharel is a member of the Seraphim which is closest to Source of spiritual light.

This ray can be more easily able to clear blocks and restore our energy to work in harmony with all around us. So often people feel intense energy for healing themselves and others to become a pure and strong channel of energy.

therium ray

Activates the energy in your heart to manifest cooper-silver-green light desires and increases love frequencies, healing frequencies, abundance frequencies, soul frequencies, joy ecstasies frequencies.

Thelema is all manifested existence that arises from the interaction of two cosmic principles: the infinitely extended and omnipresent space-time and the atomic Principles individually expressed from Life and Wisdom. The interaction of these two gives rise to the principle of the consciousness that governs existence.
Thelema connects the sun with every individual star.
It is the Fire of Desire at the Heart of Matter.
The combination of the upward-pointing triangle of and the downward-pointing triangle forms the Star of Spirit (the Hexagram). The union of the infinitely small and the infinitely great that causes an explosive rapture which leads to Samadhi.

Each person possesses a soul or "Body of Light" that is arranged in "stratums" or "covers" that surround that physical body. Thelema considers that each individual also has its own personal "Holy Guardian Angel"; Which can be reflected both as the "higher self," and as an independent, sensitive, divine being.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 500

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Add to Cart   Zapharel Therium Ray by Ramon Martinez Lopez


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EUR 250   year 2016 special price limit time

They help you in love They bring you the elixir of romance

The mixing of elixir within your heart represent the fragrance of romance exuding from you. These angles come to you as guidance to follow the pathway of those feelings. Perhaps you’ve met someone who made your heart jump, and you wondered whether to pursue him or her. These angels encourage you to take action by making your feelings known.

If you’ve recently been longing for more romance in your life, these angels are a signal to take charge of making that happen.

You can also actively track the path and attract romance.

You’ll receive these angels as a signal that you are ready for a new relationship. It then guides you to take action, such as being aware of people you meet who may be potential partners, as well as frequenting places associated with your hobbies and where such potential partners may be.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 250

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Add to Cart  Angels Romance Elixir Attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez


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EUR 275   year 2017 special price limit time

- Let go of Negativity, Meaning in past experiences, forgiveness, mercy, love, let go of pain

Ramon states in the manual:

Archangel Mariel has been making himself known to me in dreams

and told me an awakening name to contact and heal with him.

So I tuned in and there he was, waiting tolerantly for me to get it.

I asked him if he would like to come through to us, and share about

himself and what he does. His response was very interesting. He

said, I work with many Lightworkers at the level of the 11th

chakra, or at their Soul Star.

I am an Archangel to call upon when you begin to desire to let go of

negativity and to seek the Light of your Divine Being. I will help you

to find meaning in your past experiences. I will help you to find

forgiveness, mercy and love in your heart so that you can let go of

your pain and move on.

Release old patterns and behaviour, strength your nerve

system. Softy and tender, strong and focus. A new soul has been

awakening, connecting your soul-higher mind and will into motion in

your physical world.

Lift those old energies and give them to us, the Angels and Archangels!

In the energies of the expanding world, please allow yourself the

healing that releasing painful recalls will bring to you. Call upon me,

please. And call upon your personal guides and guardian angels,

God and Divine Creator to assist you all along the way!

I AM eternally with you,

Archangel Mariel “

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 275

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Add to Cart   Archangel Mariel Attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez


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EUR 19.99

year  - 2015  -  198 euro

Auszug aus dem

Light Avatare - Time Lords Light Technology 5D.

Time Lords: Die Time Lords haben die Fähigkeit, mit den Akasha Energien zu wirken und seit dem Jahr 2012 ist es ihnen auch erlaubt mit uns tiefgreifend auf unsere Akasha Chronik zuzugreifen und negative Erfahrungen vergangener Zeiten umzuschreiben, d.h aufzuheben und sie außer Kraft zu setzen.

Dies ist nur eine ihrer vielen Fähigkeiten die sie uns zur Verfügung stellen, wenn wir dazu bereit sind.

Sie können uns auch helfen, bei Regeneration, Verjüngung, Heilung usw. unseres materiellen Körpers, sie können uns helfen nach positiven Talenten, Fähigkeiten und körperlichen Attributen aus der Vergangenheit oder einer unserer Zukunftsrealität zu suchen und sie in unsere jetziges Leben/Realität zu bringen, damit wir sie uns jetzt zunutze machen können.

Was befindet sich in deiner persönlichen Akasha Chronik:

Eine multidimensionale Akte über jedes deines Lebens

Alle Energien aus dem, was du als Mensch erreicht hast

Alles Unerledigte (Lebenslektion)

Karmische Gruppen Attribute

Alle Talente und Fähigkeiten, die über alle Leben erworben wurden

Jegliches spirituelle Wachstum

Eine Quantenaufzeichnung über das was du getan hast

Alle deine sämtlichen noch bevorstehenden Potenziale

Pfad 1 - Time Lords - The Energy of Time Lords

Seit Anbeginn der Zeit (Zeit verläuft im Kreis), bereisen die Time Lords als multidimensionale Wesen, das gesamte Universum und besuchen uns auch in jeder Realität/Zeit, denn sie existieren in einem Quantenzustand und sind deshalb zeitlos. Dies ist der 1. Pfad der hochenergetischen Light Technology 5D der Time Lords und wenn du dazu bereit bist, wirst du eingeladen, mit den Time Lords in die tiefsten Tiefen des Universums zu reisen und ihre hochenergetische Energie empfangen. Lasse dich von ihrer intergalaktischen Energie durchfluten und reise mit ihnen zu ihrem Heimatplaneten durch Raum und Zeit.

Dies ist der 1. Pfad und dient auch zur Vorbereitung für Pfad 2.

Pfad 2 - Time Lords - Awakening to Time Lords

Dies ist der 2. Pfad der hochenergetischen Light Technology 5D der Time Lords und wenn du wieder dazu bereit bist, wirst du eingeladen, mit den Time Lords in die tiefsten Tifen des Universums zu reisen und auf ihrem Heimatplaneten das Erwachen der Time Lords für dich persönlich, in einem hochenergetischen Ritual zu empfangen. Nach diesem für dich persönlichen hochenergetischen Ritual, wird dir ein Time Lord zur Seite gestellt um mit dir für dich zu deinem höchsten Wohle zu wirken.

Er wird dir ermöglichen in Freude und Leichtigkeit Zugriff auf deine persönliche Akasha Chronik zu erlangen. Lasse dich einfach überraschen, denn es werden Wunder in dein Leben treten.

Hinweis: Die 2 Pfade werden im Abstand von 24h vollzogen!

Diese Light Technology 5D ist nur für erwachte Avatare, da höchste Frequenzen in dich einfließen werden und massive Transformationen/Transmutationen in deinem Sein erfolgen werden.

 EUR 19.99

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Add to Cart   Light Avatare - Time Lords 1 & 2 - Light Technology 5D - 2015 by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer. -in German only


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EUU 19.99  year 2015 - 699,00

Auszug aus dem Skript:

Energy Rhythmen der Anpassungsphase der Avatare der Unendlichkeit Cyril 9.

Intergalactic Light Technology Cyril 9 - Completion Phase 1&2 -

Intergalactic Light Technology - Team Avatar der Unendlichkeit Cyril9.

Diese Intergalactic Light Technology ist nur für erwachte Avatare mit einer Lichtkörperausdehnung von über 88% !!

Die Avatare der Unendlichkeit sie stammen auch aus einem für uns Menschen noch unbekanntem und weit entfernten Sternensystem, wie die Smaragd Avatare, Ihr Planet trägt die Töne: Cyril 9.

Sie sind auch Sternenwanderer und ihre Frequenz ist sie Frequenz der 20. Dimension.

Ihre Fähigkeiten sind die der machtvollen Zero Point Magie, die der höchsten Licht-Technologien und der Fähigkeit sich ewiglich im Fluss der Unendlichkeit zu bewegen.

Der Avatar der Unendlichkeit, vom Intergalactic Light Technology Team Cyril 9, der Spezialist der höchsten Licht-technologien, seine Namenstöne schwingen in: Kirum.

Bei der hochenergetischen Intergalactic Light Technology Cyril 9, wirst du von dem Avatar der Unendlichkeit: Kirum eingeladen, sich mit ihm auf eine fantastische Reise zu seinem Heimatplaneten Cyril 9 zu begeben. Dort angekommen, wirst du mit Kirum einen großen Kristalltempel betreten und wenn du dazu bereit bist, die Completion Phase 1&2 empfangen.

Dies ist ein ganz persönliches Erleben und wird für jeden Avatar vollzogen, sowie es passend ist für ihn.

Completion Phase 1&2

Die Completion Phase 1&2 ist eine Intergalactic Light Technology, die erstmlas jetzt auf dem Planeten Solvana freigegeben wird. da der Planet Solvana kurz vor der Höchstphase des Übergangs in die Anpassungsphase steht. Die Completion Phase ist eine so hochenergetische Licht-Technologie, die dich, wenn es für dich passend ist, in deine Erleuchtung/Verlichtung führt.

Es werden dir bei den 2 Phasen, höchste lichte Frequenzen aus der göttlichen Merkaba zugeführt, die noch niemals freigegeben wurden.

Dieses Energiesystem ist darum nur für erwachte Avatare mit einer Lichtkörperausdehnung von über 88%

EUR 19.99

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Add to Cart    Avatar of Infinity - Completion Phase 1&2 in German only by Solina Grill-Mitterhofer.


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EUR 19.99

year 2015 - 300 euro

Auszug aus dem Skript:

Magic Crystal Activation 5D - Neueste Magic Light Technology 5D - Kristalline Magie.

Der Magic Crystal, das magische Kristallsymbol, wurde am 03.05.15 von Merlin an Lady Solina überbracht.

Dieses magische Kristallsymbol ist mit der neuesten Magic Light Technology hinterlegt, es trägt kristalline Magie.

Diese kristalline Magie, sie aktiviert dein Kristall-Bewusstsein in deinem Kristallkörper.

Sie verbindet deine 19 Aspekte in dir, aktiviert deine Merkaba und überträgt auf dich auch die Heilungsströme der Magie.

Weiteres baut sie ein leuchtendes Dreieck um dich auf und aktiviert Excalibur in dir, die flammende DNS deiner Göttlichkeit.

Bei dieser neuesten hochmagischen Light Technology 5D wird in deinem Sein der Magic Crystal von Merlin verankert und du erhältst das hochmagische Crystal Bild für dich persönlich.

Dieses hochmagische Magic Crystal Bild ist hinterlegt mit kristalliner Magie.

Dieses Bild wirkt hochenergetisch beim Anschauen, es wirkt wie eine weitere Aktivierung und dient deinem höchsten Wohle.

Bitte lasse diese Bild nur 30 Minuten täglich auf dich wirken!

EUR 19.99

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Add to Cart  Magic Crystal 5D - Magic Light Technology 2015 by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer in German only



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