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Sale price€98,00

Special of the day 19,99

Attunements UPGRADED November 2019!

Including 10 Attunements + Bonus Energy Workshop!

You do not need to know anything about astrology and planets to use this healing system.

Simply refer to the cheet sheet and use the energy/energies connected to the issue of concern!

If you know astrology, you can use the knowldge of the birth chart, to "cancel out" many negative aspects in the chart. Also you can further enhance the positive aspects!

Here's a list with the planets corresponding to the parts of the body:

MARS (Aries) = Head, face, skull, tendons, muscles, sense of taste, male sex organs other than the testicles.

VENUS (Taurus, Libra) = Neck, vertebra in neck, throat, tonsils, vocal cords, thymus gland, kidneys, lower jaw, female sex organs and the testicles in men.

MERCURY (Gemini, Virgo) = Lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, brain, thyroid gland, central nervous system, mouth, tongue, sense of sight.

MOON (Cancer) = Stomach, digestion, breasts, menstruation, fluids, cerebellum, the body itself, gall, liver, the lower ganglia, lymphatic system.

SUN (Leo) = Heart, anterior pituitary gland, pancreas, sides and upper portions of back, the heart, arteries, spinal cord, vital force.

JUPITER (Sagittarius) = Liver, intestines, weight balance, hip joints, external genitalia, sciatic, thighs, blood, arteries and veins.

SATURN (Capricorn) = Skeletal system, bones, Joints and tendons, skin, hair, teeth, knees, spleen, hearing.

URANUS (Aquarius) = Calves, ankles, circulation, distribution of bodily fluids, intuitive intellect.

NEPTUNE (Pisces) = Feet, toes, lymphatic system, endocrine system, the pineal gland, psychic faculties.

PLUTO (Scorpio) = Sex organs, elimination, the pancreas and enzymes, bladder.

The course has 3 modules

Bonus Workshop: I have included a bonus workshop within the Astro Healing System called Celestial Reiki, including 1 attunement!

you will receive pdf manuals and chi ball attunements


19.99 euro