Hagith empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez


 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

Olympic spirits are supernatural beings and cannot be controlled.

The magical system of Olympic spirits gives you a way of asking the universe for something they arenot organizing about.

You cannot threaten them or do anything which is a usual instrument of magic. You are getting in touch with one of the prime forces inthe universe and the most powerful source of magic.

However they act according to their own will and according to their own plans. In some cases they will not give you want you want, and in other cases they will let you have it even if itis not recommended.

Gods are like that.

Empowerment to the seal of hagith

use it for clearing your path of abundance and communication between your inner self and higher self and more applications of use. you can be guided.

hagith imaginery

5 and 4 rays ,Green, pink, white ,Venus ,Friday

A King with scepter ridinga Camel ,A young woman clothed and dressed beautifully ,A naked young woman ,A she goat ,A camel ,A dove
A white or green garment ,Flowers ,The herb Savin ,Vanilla ,Tulips ,roses
Aphrodite ,Ishtar ,Hathor ,Bast ,Epona ,Love ,Sex ,Creativity ,Grace ,Music
Art ,Joy ,Beauty ,Nature spirits ,Young women ,Chamuel ,Gabriel

If the seven rays are thes even archetypal Gods from which all metaphysics is based, then The Olympic Spirits are remains of the divine union, as we are, and therefore must bebrought together in the mind of the Magician as part of the journey home.

Remember that the Olympicspirit is the archetype of all Gods and Goddesses which are part of that ray.

They are there to provide you with guidance on your life path.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR 100  http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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