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White Fir attunement essence by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 40    year 2013

It helps the respiratory system, fever and muscle aches as well as rheumatic pain.

The Fir tree and its beautiful shape is powerful in its benefits to protect and connect. All trees bring us a sense of grounding and connection to our generational roots.

Sometimes the things we have inherited from our That includes ancestors beliefs and behaviors are not healthy.

White Fir can These help in revealing unhealthy patterns and allow us the choice to not be held back any longer by destructive family patterns such as addictions, abuse, alcoholism, tempers, codependency, eating disorders, the need to be right.

When moving beyond the unhealthy roots of our past, white fir offers a refuge and protection to Encourage you to stay true to your path of healing, When Your family might even oppose your choice to leave unhealthy patterns behind

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KAWIBAWA EMPOWERMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez


KAWIBAWA EMPOWERMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150

year 2012 advised price $300.00

Develop a Powerful Presence

With the Kawibawa power you shall acquire a powerful mien and become someone as though with authority.

An unlimited magical force will be stored inside of you.

Your eyes and voice will be full of power.

People might feel your force as overpowering and obey your command.

This power is especially useful to dominate or intimidate aggressors.

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 EUR 150


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Poas Kumara Reiki Grand Master by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 120     year 2013

Poas volcano has the biggest crater in the world

Poas volcano is the earth seat of the holy kumaras

Poas kumara reiki update the traditional reiki usui and attune you to its origin.

Poas means streams of water.

diamond kundalini pink prana

very unique prana activation in your kundalini with pink light. In general it awakens your kundalini energy coming from the center of the earth and clears the path with pink light. Clears and activates your pranic channels.

poas turquoise dragon active

poas dragon produces a turquoise flame which connects to the mint essence of the healing plants. It is the pure energy that runs energetically through the heart. It is all about healing inside and out. It is good to heal very rooted fixed believes and patterns in your subconscious mind.

waters of poas active

Unblocks your emotional traumas, emotional release. It Purifies your emotional body. And Rejuvenate Your Cells

poas fire heart transformation

Transforms the energy coming from the center of mother earth to purify your patterns and your heart. Balance the connection between your physical heart and spiritual heart.

without love there is no life.

shamadi poas kumara reiki

this is a buster for joy and ecstasy to your cells and life.

poas lava cleaning and shield

to clear and protect physical spaces and your aura.

Your electromagnetic field is updated constantly after receiving poas kumara reiki


like reiki but updated and more powerful .

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Lady Master Nada Chohan of the Sixth Ray empowerment and attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300 

year 2013 Advised price $300.00
Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the purple and gold ray, of peace, service and brotherhood. She tutors souls in mastering these qualities in the solar-plexus chakra, and helps them prepare to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. In addition, she is known as the unifier of families and twin flames. The word Nada means the voice of the silence, and also a receding of the personality into the nothingness, giving way to the Christ Self.

Healing is one of Her actions or services to mankind. She is one Who directs healing to the mankind of Earth. She uses a Pink Flame for some of Her work. Nada is a member of the Karmic Board and represents the Third Ray in that body. She has recently assumed the Chohanship for the Sixth Ray for the time being. Her symbol is a pink rose.

Nada also serves on the Karmic Board—a group of eight ascended masters and cosmic beings who dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every soul. Through both these offices in the Great White Brotherhood (chohan and member of the Karmic Board), she teaches the path of personal Christhood by expressing love through ministration and service to life.

She assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government as well as those devoted to serving the needs of people in every branch of human and health services. You will also find her at the side of businessmen and -women, blue-collar, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of freedom and revolutionaries of love in every field.

Assisting Saint Germain in his "great gathering of the elect" who will serve with him in the cause of world freedom is beloved Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray. This Ascended Lady Master also serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the Third Ray. Through both offices she teaches Jesus' path of personal Christhood through ministration and service to life.

and more

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Ascended Master RA-MON Attunements and Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150

year 2013 Advised price $300.00

Ascended Master Ra-mon (Ra-Mo) is the Master of initiations and attunements.

In our ascension we pass through many personal initiations and he is here to help us through these.

He is a good Master for all Reiki practioners to work with, especially when giving or receiving attunements.

Aloha, Elohim of the 6th ray – the purple, gold and ruby ray. She and her twin flame Peace are working to spread the Christ consciousness around the world.

Their aura colors are gold with a purple luster. They are working with the Ascended Master Ra-mon at this time.

Ra-mon is the first kumara send to earth by divine council of SANAT KUMARA and work with Multi-interdimensional light for healing the soul-heart-dna frequencies of light- love.

It remakes your bodies; physical, mental, emotional, karmic and celestial. Your heart chakra strengthen and unfolds 1000 times.

More energy flow than other previous Reiki systems.

LINGQI- 靈氣- means the spiritual energy of the mountains.

It is Consistent, solid energy and everlasting and indestructible, Door of immortality, Forever lasting existence. It shows how to transform negative energy and release blocks and patterns.

Also means cosmic vital energy.

These are the original kanjis of reiki base upon.

Elohin here means “bring us the joy of creation”

With Ra-mon and elohim you are attuned the following characteristics:

7th ray it brings spirituality into the physical plane

6th ray brings faith into the physical real, to surrender to higher forces of light and clears the subconscious mind of obsolete paterms. Renew your emotional body. And it brings joy to your cells.

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THE nabi yusuf attraction PRAYER ATTUNEMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez.

EUR 30

Advised price $300.00 - year 2012

The Nabi Yusuf Attraction Prayer Attunement increases your sex appeal and makes you appear attractive, handsome or beautiful, to your lover and or attract women and men in general.

You can use the prayer to cleanse your aura and be invigorated by the energy so that you will emanate an attractive aura.

You can even use it before you are about to meet your lover.

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Radharani empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 60

Advised Price $300.00

Krishna, and topmost of all goddesses. Her name means that She is the most excellent worshiper of Lord Krishna. However, She is also an expansion of the Lord’s energy. Since She is also an extension of Krishna, She is the feminine aspect of God. Thus, in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, God is both male and female. They are one, but Krishna expands into two, Himself and Radharani, for the sake of divine loving pastimes.

Radharani is the source of all expansions of the energies of God – the shaktis, or other goddesses. Thus, Vishnu, Rama, even Shiva are all expansions of the one Supreme Being, Krishna, and similarly Lakshmi, Sita, and even Durga are all expansions of this Supreme Feminine form of God, Radharani.

Radharani has many names according to Her qualities and characteristics. Some of the names that Radharani is known by include:

Govinda-anandini–She who gives pleasure to Govinda [Krishna];

Govinda-mohini–She who mystifies Govinda;

Govinda-sarvasa–the all-in-all of Lord Govinda;

Shiromani Sarva-kanta–the crown jewel of all the Lord’s consorts; and…

Krishnamayi–the one who sees Krishna both within and without.

She is also known as Sarva-kanti, which indicates that all beauty and luster rest in Her body, and all the Lakshmis derive their beauty from Her. Sarva-kanti also means that all the desires of Lord Krishna rest in Srimati Radharani. As Lord Krishna enchants the world with His beauty and charm, Sri Radha enchants Him. Therefore She is the Supreme Goddess. Sri Radha is the full power, and Lord Krishna is the possessor of full power. (Cc.Adi-lila, 4.82, 84, 87-96) Thus, the two are non-different, as the sunshine is nondifferent from the sun, or as the energy is non-different from the energetic or source of energy.

In this way, without Radha there is no meaning to Krishna and without Krishna there is no meaning to Radha. Because of this, in the Vaishnava tradition we always pay respects first to the Lord’s internal energy in the form of Radha, and then to the Lord. Thus They are referred to as Radha-Krishna. In this way, Radha and Krishna are one, but when Lord Krishna wants to enjoy, He manifests Himself as Radharani. Otherwise, there is no energy in which Krishna can attain pleasure outside Himself.

Appearing 500 years ago in Bengal, India, Lord Chaitanya propagated the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra as the only means to experience Radha’s love for Krishna.

The Hare Krishna mantra directs one’s attention and devotion to Radha as well as Krishna. Radha is also known as Mother Hara, which is the name Hare in the vocative form within the mantra. So in chanting Hare Krishna, we are first approaching the Lord’s internal potency and asking Radha to please engage us in the service of Lord Krishna.

She is also the compassionate nature of the Lord, and thus more easily approached than trying to reach Lord Krishna directly. And when we read these descriptions of Radha, it is no wonder why they are devoted to Her. For example, it is explained that Srimati Radharani has unlimited transcendental qualities, of which twenty-five are principal.

These include:

1) She is very sweet.

2) She is always freshly youthful.

3) Her eyes are restless.

4) She smiles brightly.

5) She has beautiful, auspicious lines.

6) She makes Krishna happy with Her bodily aroma.

7) She is very expert in singing.

8) Her speech is charming.

9) She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly.

10) She is very humble and meek.

11) She is always full of mercy.

12) She is cunning

13) She is expert in executing Her duties.

14) She is shy.

15) She is always respectful.

16) She is always calm.

17) She is always grave.

18) She is expert in enjoying life.

19) She is situated in the topmost level of ecstatic love.

20) She is the reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula.

21) She is the most famous of submissive devotees.

22) She is very affectionate to elderly people.

23) She is very submissive to the love of Her friends.

24) She is the chief gopi.

25) She always keeps Krishna under Her control.In short, She possesses unlimited transcendental qualities, just as Lord Krishna does. (Ujjvala-nilamani, Sri-radha-prakarana 11-15)

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EUR 30     year 2012


There are so many spiritual and healing systems Nowadays.

This channeling has arrived to ease the spiritual work.

You can call universal energy and combine several systems for healing, meditation and so on.

It eases the ligthwork And it mingles with any specific lightwork if necessary.

You have to be a healing-spiritual multimaster and you have to be attuned at least in about a hundred systems.

This system should be sold in low cost, to facilitate channeling of the spiritual masters.

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EUR 30

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EUR 200


special price imit time

Selkis - Water Scorpion.

From the nineteenth dynasty, Scorpion land. Scorpio woman or female body with a scorpion on her head.

In Dynasty XXI manifests woman's body and lion's head with the neck being protected by a crocodile


ATON-RARA SHU Aten Aton was a sun god of ancient Egypt representing the solar disk in the sky. He was considered the spirit that encouraged life on Earth in Egyptian mythology

The Blue Scorpio venom is beneficial in treatments for lung cancers and other tumors of the cervix, prostate and pancreas, in addition to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties

Scorpio is considered the oldest terrestrial arthropods with about 400 million years, and is used for medicinal purposes since the eighteenth century.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200

In ancient Egypt the human being was composed of different entities or elements, each had separate life and its functions. Kha, Ha or Haw - the physical body Ka-the life force of the person or His double Ba - the soul Za-the divine higherself Akhu (Akh, Khu, Ikhu) -

The immortal part That Emerged after the trial of death, and the ka and b together. As the soul is the part of the person that lives after the body dies. What bright spark of divine fire. Sahu - the spirit of the person left after The Judgment in the afterlife. Ank-eternal life Ra, the sun god Kheper-the god of immortality Which is Represented in a beetle Isis was the Egyptian goddess of motherhood and fertility. She is presently working with our crystalline bodies of light. As we ascend, the blackberries energy flows through us. Isis is here to help with the changes. Not only the physical, mental and emotional as well. In His words ... "The Things do not happen to you, things happen for you." Its Strengthen energy inner power. Mer Mer is given as instruction to actualize the Ascension process, unveiling the path out of the duality. Mer is for learning how to combine the positive and negative into Oneness, Unleashing the Light Which rises and begins the healing of the rest of the body, be it Person, Earth, or Universe. Mer is the very first step in Becoming Self Aware.

Mer and Sexual Tantra Combining Sexual and Spiritual bio-feedback with a reciprocating partners Animates Kundalini. It is the attitude of Mer Which Enables the individual to attain the balanced use of the left and right brain hemispheres at the same Time. Also it is the attitude of Mer That Enables the Energies of two people, simultaneously, into the Light of the same Portal.

The fire Sekhem destroys the nature of the former and at the same time Produces new life. This shows the nature of transition to unconditional love.

Kepher is the principle of becoming in this new life, and of the Corresponding transformations to the phases of all Genesis, life in birthing. Mer, and Sekhem, working in harmony with a state of detached discretion (out of your way) That offers an impulse of Wisdom, capturing a ray of light, and Recognizing the true path.

Ab Ib and TEKH. It Represents the thymus area, or the higher heart. Ab means desire. Ib means thirst. The two together Represent a whole thought of thirst / desire related to the energy of Kepher and of TEKH. If we begin to That understand the higher powers work together to form and complement Each Other. I know we have Ab Which is the reverse or reflection of Ba Which We know means the soul or astral body, and we have Ib Which is about the thymus. TEKH (3 rd eye and absorption), relating to Kepher (solar plexus).

Seshat Represents the pineal gland and it's association with the other powers. The pineal gland holds the Intelligence of the Heart and functions with the Wisdom of Love. Seshat is the female counterpart of Thoth who Represents the Keeper of Wisdom and is the Neter of writing and record keeping. Seshat means seven Which Represents the Potential and is key in Manifesting.

Ankh is traditionally known as the giver of life and is associated with the feminine. In the Egyptian Tantra, The Ankh is the pathway at orgasm to the highest dimensions. The Egyptian Ancients had it somewhat figured about orgasm, instead of orgasming up or down they would focus on Bringing the energy to the Kepher or Solar Plexus and sending it out the back in a circular motion to the top of the head, 8 th chakras, or higher self, and then back into the front of the Solar Plexus. This brings us back to the idea of Mer, or the combining of the male and female principles of the individual in order to join two individuals into Oneness and approach the Portal.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

In ancient Egypt the human being was composed of different entities or elements, each had separate life and its functions. Kha, Ha or Haw - the physical body Ka-the life force of the person or His double Ba - the soul Akhu (Akh, Khu, Ikhu) -

The immortal part That Emerged after the trial of death, and the ka and b together. As the soul is the part of the person that lives after the body dies.

What bright spark of divine fire. Sahu - the spirit of the personleft after the Judgment in the afterlife. Ank-eternal life Isiswas the Egyptian goddess of motherhood andfertility.

She is presently workingwith our crystalline bodies of light. As we ascend, the energy flows through us.

Isis is hereto help with the changes.

Not only the physical, mental and emotional as well will He is balanced.

"The things do not happen to you except to Strengthen you and you will be as you Strengthen heal better and live a happier life!

You can experience many illumined, expanded states of That awareness can feel deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of being- ness. There are three light body centers. As you awaken These centers and connect with your Source, you can Increase the balance, clarity, and harmony in your life. Awakening your light bodyis like having a new kind of vision, where you can see, sense, or feel the higher, more beautiful energies of your Universe, and make them a part of your daily life.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

year 2013 advise price $350

Setrap maitri bhavana empowerments

Setrap, a wrathful emanation of Amitabha Buddha, is an ancient Dharma Protector from the holy land of Bodhgaya in India. Setrap’s practice was introduced to Tibet, and has since flourished.

Setrap’s main intention is to swiftly alleviate our immediate problems and create a conducive condition for spiritual practice. In response to the sincere prayers requesting for his assistance, his mantra brings relief from all sorts of negative energies; ie: black magic, and grants strong protection against paranormal harm.

Metta (Pali: मेत्तì ; 6; in Devanagari) or maitri (Sanskrit: मैत्रì ; 8;;) is loving-kindness, friendliness, benevolence, amity friendship, good will, kindness, close mental union (on same mental wavelength), and active interest in others. This is love without clinging.

The cultivation of loving-kindness (metta bhavana) is a popular form of meditation in Buddhism. In the Theravadin Buddhist tradition, this practice begins with the meditator cultivating loving-kindness towards themselves, then one's loved ones, friends, teachers, strangers, enemies, and finally towards all sentient beings

The function of the practice included in this system is to:

reduce selfish attachment

create positive karma by giving and helping

develop and expand loving-kindness

loving yourself

It cleanses the disharmonies that produce suffering

It clears the obstacles to joyfulness

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

Advised price $300.00


Every living in Earth has a DNA.

Healing the encoded information in the kundalini.

These mantras activates your kundalini and cleans your dna and earth dna etherically and physically.

It can be combined with previous mantras and attunements.

You can use these attunements and affirmations for yourself for others, for the entire planet.

This is an universal channel.

We are all connected

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EUR 100

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

advised price 300 $

For changing quantity and quality of Money

Financial matters, distribution of money in your life and in the planet earth.

Connecting material richness with spiritual ones.

Shift from fear and abuse to freedom and fluency of money. You can send this energy, for everyone in the planet.

Connects your 1⁰, 2⁰ chakra to your heart, soul purpose and divine mind with earth mind, holographic view of the planet, and been part of it, part of the earth plan not apart from it.

Activation of 1⁰and 2⁰ chakra with money kundalini.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

year 2013 advise price 350 $

Characteristics rainbow Shamballa diamond is simply to realize the radiance, the natural expression of wisdom, Which is beyond all intellectual concepts.

It is the true realization of the Absolute Nature just as it is the ultimate completion.

At the present moment our awareness is entangled Within our mind, completely enveloped and obscured by mental activity. through the Practice of shamballa diamond one can unmask this awareness and let its radiance arise.

Arising of the natural visions of discs and rays of light

These visions are naturally ready to arise from within the central channel That joins the heart to the eyes.

Such an Arising from this channel will Appear in a gradual process. space and awareness will reach its culminating point in our etheric bodies.

Through the practice of rainbow shambala, Love is the ultimate reality in cui the dimensions form a wholeness, with no duality and no karmic existence.

Twin heart diamond dimensions Reflects the cosmic love in other hearts beyond dimensions and balance the elements of your human existence.

meditate and uses like reiki

There is no master level

For serious spiritual practitioners

Meditate on the mantras, practice is the means to develop

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 500

year 2014 Advised price 500 $

The healing order of osmium phoenix

The phoenix "symbolize renewal in general as well as the sun, time, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary.

Phoenix palingenesia is a concept of rebirth or re-creation. Its meaning stems from Greek palin, meaning again, and genesis, meaning birth.

The phoenix development of a soul in physical form it form and structure to pass through the changes undergone in the evolution of the being.

It can be used to refer to reincarnation and Christian spiritual rebirth symbolized by baptism. Though our DNA contains the information about our ancestors and our soul evolution.

You are initiated in phoenix healing fire.Osmium ,is a white-blue color ray That helps in elevation and protection of the soul fire energy

Very powerful protection It helps in the "transmigration of souls" to higher levels of consciousness and energy

Renewing the energy of physical body coming from the soul fire Deep transformation in your life That needs to be happen Releases blockages in your karmic soul experience easily

It is a great quantum leap in your spiritual evolution And more uses through practice

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EUR 500

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 350

year 2014 Advised price 350 $ 

To attain your destiny empowerments

On the subject of the term of destiny: Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon cultures roughly Corresponding to do or personal destiny.

In Norse mythology, Mjölnir (MYOL-n (e) r; Also Mjolnir) is the hammer of Thor, a major Norse god associated with thunder

. Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome weapons, capable of leveling mountains the name to Russian (molniya) and the Welsh word mellt, both words are taken as meaning "lightning". This would make Mjölnir the weapon of the storm god Identified with lightning, as in the lightning-bolt or vajra in Buddhism.

In the Old Norse texts, Mjölnir is hamarr Identified as "a hammer", a word That in Old Norse could mean "hammer" as well as "stone, rock, cliff", ultimately derived from an Indo-European word for "stone, stone tools", such as it is cognate with Asman Sanskrit, meaning "stone, rock, stone tools; hammer" as well as "thunderbolt" Ukonvasara, or Ukonkirves, is the symbol and magical weapon of the Finnish thunder god Ukko, similar to Thor's Mjolnir. Ukonvasara means hammer of Ukko; similarly, Ukonkirves means ax of Ukko. It was Said That Ukko created lightning with Ukonvasara.

Useful for

Opponents to defeat and black magick,

obstacles of any kind That opposed to your soul destiny.

To attain your achievements

To clean negativity around you

It is indestructible and armor or shield for your aura

Daily meditation on this system is very important

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

year 2014 Advised Price 300 $

Azeztulite powerful stones of light and clarity quartz crystals are found in the Mountains of North Carolina.

The Legend: Azeztulite is named after the Azez, beings of light and love, That Within the travel Angelic white light ..

The Azez are extraterrestrial beings That These crystals have imprinted with the knowledge and guidance for Those Following the light path.

Azeztulite are highly spiritual crystals and carry the gift of inner vision and psychic powers.

Similar to the Lemurian and Atlantean Azez the cultures are said to have left These as a gift to Those Who are in search of light and universal love. Azeztulite ™ has a very high and pure vibrational energy and is highly recommended for Healing, Shamanic and Spiritual Journeys.

For Those Following the White Light Path. Azeztulite heals the mind, body, and spirit on all levels and through all the Chakras.

In the White Light, everything is important from the tiniest subatom, to the largest spiral galaxy, all energy is transforming, evolving and changing.

Everything in time and space is a part of us, as we are of them.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

year 2014 Advised price 300 $ 

The healing order of platinum dragon ™

There is one symbol included with this system.

You have to be attuned to "the healing order of golden dragon level 3 "first, in order to receive the platinum dragon.

Platinum light is in the negative green spectrum,

the opposite is green, related with healing light and balancing energies.

Here platinum acts as a cosmic love-healing-balancing energy.

Platinum contains the energies of illumination; it is penetrating and focused, pristine and light. It will reflect negative energies back to their source. It exposes the hidden and untrue.

It is good to use in times of stress and stressful situations. It has also been used to bring alignment to the chakra system and facilitate Divine alignment. Its energy is incorruptible, which is why it has terrific potential for cleansing and protecting not only the human energy field but also the environment.

Platinum works on the endocrine system. Platinum supports the life force within all the bodies, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. and the surrounding auric field, allowing for a greater abundance of vital energy. It gives a feeling of total well-being.

The more you work with the platinum Dragon energies, the more physical healing will happen through your own soul fusion, your spiritual twin soul for illumination.

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