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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 50

This Attunement Its for calling in Divine Universal Energies.

The Great Diamond light surrounds you cutting all the negativities in your life.

It provides a clear mind, stronger connection to higher self, and divine mind.

It is a multipurpose system with wonderful energies.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 35

The Sumerian goddess of the womb. The gods asked her to create mankind for them.She created men, so they could till the soils and dig canals, and she createdwomen so that they could continue to bear men.

In Mesopotamian iconography, the mothergoddess is represented by the Ωsign, which is thought to represent a uterus . Sometimes the Ω (omega) sign is accompanied by a knife,which is interpreted as the tool that is used to cut the umbilical cord afterbirth. Specific anthropomorphic representations of the mother goddess are difficult to distinguish from depictions of other goddesses.

You can use these energies for Healing women´s womb

Physical healing, emotional healing ,Hormone balance ,Pregnancy problems

Physical and Metaphysical power of creation

Sexual issues, sex drive, orgasmic bliss, sexual blockages…

You can Heal Male´s abuse of female energy, for men too.

Integrate mental and emotional femaleenergy for men.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

Agartha(sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary citythat is said to reside in the Earth's core. Shamballa (also known as Shambalahor Shangri-La) is sometimes said to be its capital city. The mythical paradiseof Shamballa is known under many different names: It has been called theForbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, the Land of Radiant Spirits, the Landof Living Fire, the Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Hindushave known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; theLand of the Noble/Worthy Ones') - the land from which the Vedas come; theChinese as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother ofthe West; the Russian Old Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knewit as Belovodye and the Kirghiz people as Janaidar. But throughout Asia it isbest known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning 'the place of peace, oftranquillity.

The capitalof Agartha is Shamballa. Other cities include Shangri-la, Telos, Mikos,Catharia, Petiti, and Mt. Shasta. At least one entranceway near the North Poleis now beginning to show up on undoctored Google Earth photos.

Agarthancities are spread around … or rather, inside … the globe. Petiti lies under theAmazon jungle; Catharia, under the Aegean Sea; and Mt. Shasta, under the Nevadadesert.

AnAgarthan communicator named “Mikos” describes his life in Catharia, deeper thanthe bottom of the Aegean, off Greece’s mainland.

Here there is peace and comfort and abundance and great wealth of health and body and spirit.

It wascreated with Light technology, which turned the Inner Earth into a paradise.When we enter it, we apparently first notice the gentler, diffuse glow ofEarth's Central Sun.

MotherEarth's geomagnetic, geoelectric, and gravitational fields interlink to formthe life-giving essence that is truly her heart and soul. This living entity isthe sacred vehicle we now inhabit.

Theknights of Agartha teach us about, sustainability,continuum of life and self healing and more.

Adama is known as a light being of fifth dimension of the city of Telos.

Uraneus is the interdimensional energy for the omniversal energies of the earth,dwelling beyond earth planet. It has a turquoise and gold color.

You are attuned to the energy and wisdom of these masters.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

This was a culture that existed in the area that is now the Pacific Ocean. It was a tropical, femininely based, village society. It had central places where there were groups of clairvoyant seers, oracles and holy people did healing and sound work. This was a non-power oriented society.

Uses of Lemurian Angels

To bring back the alignment of your spiritual being, with your emotional and mental being.

To release resentment.Inner power ,Inner elixir,Inner light

Healthy limits ,concentration ,Reconnection

Find out your place in the universe and earth

Manifest your creation power

Activates kundalini

Unifies earth kundalini, cosmic kundalini and union of your seven mayor chakras with kundalini.

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Consecrating The Light Mantras Empowerment - Il   by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100   year 2014 

from the manual...

When you say these words mentally or aloud, you are calling the rays of creation, you raise your vibration internally in your cells and in union with cosmos.

Good before praying, healing sessions or just meditate on. This energy comes directly from the immortal light source to every sentient being and is filtered through various parts of the mind. We might call this energy divine creative force.

Miraculous Prayer uses the force of the miraculous to bring about a desired result.

Adding positive emotion to the energy of a prayer improves the outcome of the prayer.

Repeat a prayer mantra focused on your desired outcome.

There is no explanation for the mantras, this is the reason because these prayers go to the subconscious mind to release your false believes about who you are. If you trust you create an infinitive space for manifesting divine light that resides in you and the entire cosmos. Fill the gaps of information with with your intuition.

You do not need to recite the mantras correctly, follow your heart.
You can recite the mantras as many times as you can, follow your intuition.

The energy created by recitation cleans and awakens
your kundalini safely.

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 EUR 100

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 30

from the manual...

When you say these words mentally or aloud, you are calling the rays of creation, you raise your vibration internally in your cells and in union with multicosmos.

Good before praying, healing sessions or just meditate on.

This energy comes directly from the immortal light source to every sentient being and is filtered through various parts of the mind. We might call this energy divine creative force.

Miraculous Prayer uses the force of the miraculous to bring about a desired result.

Adding positive emotion to the energy of a prayer improves the outcome of the prayer.

Repeat a prayer mantra focused on your desired outcome.


There is no explanation for the mantras, this is the reason because these prayers go to the subconscious mind to release your false believes about who you are. If you trust you create an infinitive space for manifesting divine light that resides in you and the entire cosmos.

You do not need to recite the mantras correctly, follow your heart.

You can recite the mantras as many times as you can, follow your intuition.

The energy created by recitation cleans and awakens your kundalini safely.

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 EUR 30

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 by Ramon Martinez

EUR 60    year 2013

Archangel Asariel is the angel governing the waters of the earth, and also one of the twenty-eight angels governing the twenty-eight mansion of the moon.

Archangels Asariel's gifts and strengths are:

Intuition, Dreams, Emotions, Spirituality, Inner Soul Life.

Archangel Asariel guards the fluid and empathic energies of our
subconscious and our creative essences. This Archangel also has
dominion over the waters of the earth and the abundance of life that
exists there.

Archangel Asariel has an important part in our dreams and our intuitive wisdom
Archangel Asariel teaches through inner wisdom, understanding and

The Guardian Archangel of water also protects our inner emotional waters and reflects the love that is undeniably ours and foreveravailable to us from the universe.

Uses like reiki

you can print the mandala and use the mantra of azariel for healing and creating and emotional harmonic ambient.

It is also good for channeling through dreaming And Very useful for meditation at night.

Release past traumas

Treat addictions

You are attuned to: Azariel Archangel ,the mandala And the mantra

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 60

Develo-p a source of identity strong enough to face down death!

In Sanskrit, Yama means "the Lord of Death" and antaka means "one whoends." Yamantaka, therefore is, the "one who ends death."

Yamantaka,the ferocious emanation of Manjushri (Bodhisattva of wisdom), is the most complicated and terrible of all the wrathful Buddhist divinities. Under this from he conquered the demon king of death, Yama,who was depopulating Tibet in his insatiable thirst for victims. According tothis myth, in his paroxysm of insight, Manjushri traveled all the way to theunderworld to seek out Yama, the God of death, who dwells with all his minions in the sealed up iron cities of hell. Yama appears in Indian mythology with the head of a water buffalo. To tame Yama, Manjushri adopted the same form, adding to it eight other faces and a multiple array of arms, each holding fearful and deadly weapons. He further sprouted a number of legs, and surrounded himself witha vast host of terrifying beings. To confront death, he thus manifested the form of death itself, magnified to infinity. Death (Yama) saw himself endlessly mirrored back to himself, infinitely outnumbered by himself. Death was literally scared to death. Thus the yogi who meditates through the imagery of Yamantaka intends and hopes to develop a sense of identity strong enough to face down death, and the fear that attends upon it. Each head, each limb, each attribute, symbol and ornament of Yamantaka expresses the total mobilization of the faculties of enlightenment needed for this ultimate confrontation.

Yamantakahas the following characteristics:

1).Nine heads. The first head is that of a bull. Next to his right horn he has three heads, and three heads next to the left horn. Between the horns, is ahead red and terrible, above which is the head of Manjushri, with a slightlyirritated expression.

The main enormous buffalo head is truly fearsome, with its gaping jaws, rolling tongue, three red-rimmed, popping eyes, and red nostrils.

2).Thirty four arms, each holding a symbolic implement. The two main arms hold a skull and a chopper.

3).Sixteen legs, eight on each side. Lying face down under his bent right legs areone human male and six animals that are in turn, stepping on four devas, or heavenly gods. Under his outstretched left legs, four birds are stepping onfour devas, including a personification of Ganesha, the Lord of obstacles.

This portrayal of Yamantaka without his consort, in what is called the Lone Heroform, is tremendously powerful. The tight, muscular, blue body, modeled daringly with blue-grey highlights and dark blue shadows, has a tough reality that sets it apart from the more linear, decorative character of the rest of the painting. Each arm fights for individuality in the compact crowd of arms and red-palmed hands holding various symbols and weapons. The legs cluster together, appearing like thick supports for the wayward and spreading array of arms. His erect phallus has a bright red tip. He wears the characteristic ornaments of the wrathful deities-the garland of severed heads and the five-skull crown. He wears the jeweled girdle, and ankle,leg, arm, and wrist ornaments, all executed with gossamer white lines, a style known from as early as the late 12th century and seeming to have stylistic connections with art of Eastern India (Orissa).

The great clusters of limbs and heads create an awesome, even if cumbersome,effect. The Tibetan infusion of a quality of deep primordial power emanates without restraint from this mesmerizing figure, striking to the heart of one who witnesses it.

In Sanskrit "Vajrabhairava" stands for 'Adamantine Terrifier'. Regardless which manifestation of Vajrabhairava you are looking at it he is always depicted as fear-inducing, scary, and intimidating. Not only is he terrifying to look at but - according to the Vajrabhairava Tantra - he also has conquered all evilspirits, including the Lord of Death, Yama. That's why he is also called"Yamantaka", the Slayer of Death. Depending on which manifestation of Yamantaka the Tibetans call him either gSin-rje-gsed or in thebuffalo-faced aspect of Vajrabhairava rdo-rje 'jigs-byed. It seems that the term "Yamantaka" (and "Yamari") is used in a moregeneral way than "Vajrabhairava" which is restricted to the buffalo-headed yidam of the Gelug and Sakya schools (see Lokesh Chandra). Sometimes the protector Kalarupa is called "Yamaraja" and comes asOuter, Inner, and Secret Yama- or Dharmaraja. In the Gelug school Yama- or Dharmaraja is part of the Vajrabhairava practice.

Yamnataka's consort, Vajravetali the wrathful nature of Saraswati.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100 

Activates the energies of your heart in higher dimensions.

It balances the five elements, air, water, earth, fire and ether.

Activates your multidimensional being

Activates your connection to ancient Lemuria and Atlantida

Activates your micro-macrocosmic energies and universal energies of the diamond in the frequencies of gold, platinum, uranian light.Very powerful for the unity of the self nowadays.

Good for better channeling

Restoring your electromagnetic grid

Brain balancing

Activates your kundalini with these new frequencies

Dna repairing

Fundamental for your spiritual evolution and healing.

For your physical heart health and balance with brain activity. It intervenes in the short- and long-term control of water and electrolyte balance and of blood pressure.

The divine energy that it is transmitted and manifested through the light beings to build up the union between matter and spirit. The first breath of life. The energy that moves the Shakti power for manifesting.

You can go beyond your fears, false limits to encounter with your selfcore.

The symbol helps you in shining like a star towards spiritual illumination and expansion.

The aim of the golden mean is to maintain balance and harmony from directing the mind to a state of constant equilibrium and the heart moving the energy field in constant continuum.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 120

Strengthens, clears and protects the energy field,. Chakras ,Grounding ,Healing ,Protection ,Against Psychic Vampirism ,Against Etheric Parasites ,Against Energy Attachments

Metaphysical Properties: Helps reclaim one’s shadow self

Activates Root chakra and links it to the Earthstar chakra ,Great assistance for those whose path leads them downwards

Speeds the process of spiritual transformation by bringing up the lost parts of the self for healing

Repairs one’s connection to the body Beneficial to psychically sensitive people who easily become ungrounded

Aids in overcoming jet lag

Purifies the physical and spiritual bodies Helps overcome issues with sexuality

Healing Properties:Purifies The Blood ,Combats Viral and Bacterial Infections

and much the manual

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 EUR 120

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250

Archangel Yamiel Empowerment

Destroyer of Demons, ignorance, Protection for Aura, Passion for Life, Truth, More

Meaning:the light giver

Archángel Yamiel destroys demons, ignorance, protects mother earth structures.

He Assists people in dying. He brings you liberation and a deeper meaning of life and truth.

He awakens passion for life; he assists you in the changing process of human existence, Vibrational swift to higher realms.

He brings new conscience to new realities.

He gives you divine gold-crimson protection in your aura and surrounding.

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 EUR 250

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 70

Increase Personal and Remote Healing Power - Advanced Energy Work


Reiki form of use

Personal and remote healing


These attunements are for Reiki Masters

Any advanced energy work

Powerful Mantra !

Mantras are sounds that comes from thedivine and a way to integrate our divine power back again

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250    

Universal Love of Creation, Universal Life Energy, Peace of mind, body, soul

You can feel to be in contact with the universal life energy, that one has more confident about spiritual force and the strength of peace of mind, body and soul obtained from this practice.

It regenerates cell tissues.

This great harmony can be send to the whole humanity.

It opens an universal channel for groups of people for spiritual awareness.

You can feel to be in contact with the universal great spirit of the all light masters, that one has more confident about spiritual force and the strength of great spirit obtained from this practice.

You can feel the strength of the great pearl of the dragon of light in your body and soul obtained from this practice. It balances electromagnetic fields in huge physical areas.

This dragon is the great guardian of Reiki Channel Observer of your intentions and thoughts. So you can manifest easily.

You can Breathe deeply and send the energy through your breath for cleansing, protection and increase the power of light, increase the power of love, increase the power of wisdom.

You can activate every 7 days. You can put your intention into some specific area or issue to be solved and concluded.

You can feel the strength of the great angel of masters of light in your body and soul obtained from this practice. Guided by, protected by, and balanced of the energy electromagnetic field by this Angel. you can feel to be in contact with the universal forgiveness and passion in your lower chakras, that one has more confident about spiritual force and the strength of forgiveness and passion obtained from this practice.

Pre-requisite Master Reiki Usui And Reiki Grand Master All Levels.

Uses Symbols:

Dai Shen

Dai xin

Dai An

Daiming Zhu Lung

Dai tian shi

Dai shu and Dai jiking

Dai Shu and Dai Jiqing

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 EUR 250

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez 

EUR 150    year 2017

If the family bond is broken too soon, there are consequences: the injury it produces is a condition of the future.Inner child, is the access to your soul.

It is the base on spirituality,understanding, experience, human nature.

It never grows up, it makesmore sensitive, and trusting when we care and pay attention.

Heals the cords with mother-father, allows inner child to play with universe, and turnsinto joy and blissful experience.

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Diamond Cutter Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez-

EUR 300    year 2014

The mantra included it is to purify negativities in such a way that the one who reads mantra one time; will enjoy purification of negativities, of nonvirtuous deeds or bad karma of a thousand eons.

By the qualities of whoever sees, reads, remembers, talks or thinks about the Diamond Cutter Sutra Essence Mantra Leeds to situations conducive to the perfect practice of gifts, meet perfectly attain enlightenment quickly for the sake of all sentient beings.

May there be no war, drought, famine, disease, injury, disharmony or unhappiness, may there be only great prosperity, may everything be easily obtained, may all enjoy the happiness of Dharma, have love and compassion for all beings and only benefit and never harm each other.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez 

EUR 300     year 2013

The Lemurian crystal dragon of light is an electromagnetic force field of crystal- metallic energy light that surrounds planet earth.

The crystal dragon of light emanates a high energy love force that holds the power of creation.The crystal dragon of light holds inside it the highest vibration of unconditional pure love, harmony, unity and peace.

This dragon´s gifts include: perfect telepathy, the ability to know good and evil when it’s present, and to project thoughts into another person’s mind. the lemurian dragon takes one beyond the four dimensional space time continuum, and the individual becomes a fifth dimensional being.

They can literally think where they would like to be, and go there.

They can heal by the laying on of hands.

They have so much energy that they can literally embrace people and bring light and energy back into them.

When used for treatments can be used for etheric surgery

It speeds the light of your kundalini awakening

Reinforce the energy magick work

Interconnectedness of life is increased

Increases your intuition and awareness

This system is a catalyst when used with other healing-spiritual systems and reinforce them

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 EUR 300

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Diamond Guardian Angel by Ramon Martínez Lopez- build a portal to your higher self, connect with your multi-dimensional,

divine creative potential

EUR 350    year 2014


There are many kinds of angels that you might work with, though the single most important one is your solar angel (guardian angel). however, the primary purpose of thisangel workshop is not to guard you but to oversee your personal and spiritual evolution.) generally, archangels work with other angels and not with humans directly.
this attunements allows any angelic forces that with to work with you to do so more easily by facilitating communication and spiritual evolution (from them to you and from you to them.)

spiritual potential:

build a portal diamond - a powerful single channel to your higher self
in the light frequency of diamond

connects you with your multidimensionality

activate infinite divine creative potential

helps you integrate your lost luminously aspects unresolved (release of karma, care of the soul)

helps you to integrate and activate your light aspects and higher teacher aspects

through deep meditation you can build portals diamond light across the earth

you can help other people to join your channel higher self

light vehicle activate your light diamond

we will communicate and integrated into the matrix of the enlightened and avatars of all time

you will be guided and trained directly and individually by enlightened

helps transcend your ego consciousness

guardian angel diamond stands in portals of vibration level and temples of
bright diamond and diamond portals of universe.

possible applications:

the portal angel diamond is wonderful for meditation and bright individual work.of course, it also allows light and harmonize houses and buildings.

and much More in the manual .

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 EUR 350

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez 

EUR 350   year 2016

Atlantean Crystal Wisdom Ray -Sacred wisdom, mastering destiny, Ancestral heritage, telepathy, and more

Some of the atlantean crystal wisdom ray:

Be open to the unknown, explore like a child the mysteries of life and crystalize the moments of love.

Open to receive new information, recording of spiritual teachings of the universe and earth.

Sacred wisdom

Open to new things

Materialize and dematerialize information of the universe

You are the master of your destiny

There is no separation between divine, eternal and human existence

Divine order


Know your stellar origin

Ancestral heritage



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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 350    year 2013

Rainbow diamond is making you conscious of your right to act and to live.

We have the Right of free will in full awareness.

This is the awareness of the illuminated beings.

Invoke tantra masters of rainbow Diamond Light

says mentally or aloud the mantra

you can use it to heal yourself or someone else.

It is the expression of your diamond stone cosmic awareness. Rigpa (Skt. Vidya; Tib., Wyl. Rig pa) is a Tibetan word, Which in general means 'intelligence' or 'awareness', 'the innermost nature of the mind'. IT IS Our ultimate nature, the state of omniscience or enlightenment-a truth I know universal, so primordial That it goes beyond all limits, and beyond itself.

You can meditate using the mantras or just one of them.

enjoy your cosmic union .

It is very protective against any aggression, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

It manifests your divine will.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300    year 2014 

empowered to the archangel Vetrivel

remove our sufferings and grants us recovery.

let the energy flow 'Vetrivel' (victorious spear) - to grant refuge from all unpleasantness in life.

Victory in all evil, in love, prosperity, wisdom light ...

uses like reiki

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