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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 50

The Tantric Golden Hearts Flourish Attunement First level

You are attuned to universal golden tantric energy

To connect your sexual energy with your heart energy and create an energetic union with a partner

The focus of this practice is to integrate breath and creative visualization to gently fine tune and synchronize with each other’s energetic rhythm.

The energies are similar to reiki, so you can have a healing effect during the process. Emotional outburst or ecstasies experiences

Practice is the key to develop the energies.

“Mind and cosmic wave cohesion” it is the second level

Manual is for personal use only.

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 EUR 50

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

The Quantum sciencem has determent That solid matter like crystals can well defined, well shaped and molded by sounds.

These hypothetical sound particles are called fonons.

Fonons are cold That energy perfect physical structure.

Esoterically, is the "Sound current vibrating in all creation.

It can be heard by the inner ears. "Referred to variously as the Audible Life Stream, Inner Sound, Sound Current or Word in Inglese, is the esoteric essence of God Which is available to all human beings. The first sound of creation.

You are attuned To the main strain of all creation

It Can be use to Strengthen other mantras

It can be use on cleansing crystals for healing properties and Strengthen them

You can create antennas for specific purposes

No other light energy system can be so powerful like fonon essence except for the light

You are shape to your divinity in this life time in your physical body.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100   year 2013

Dharma (Sanskrit: dharma, Pali: dhamma) is the Law that "upholds, supports or Maintains the regulatory order of the universe. "Dharma has the Sanskrit root -dhri, Which means "that without Which nothing can stand" or "that Which Maintains the stability and harmony of the universe.

Knowledge of or duty undertake to conduct in forth by the Buddha as a way to enlightenment. One of the basic, infinitesimal elements from Which all things are made.

It brings order, joy to your life. Your are in harmony with the universe, cosmic truth. You are the cosmic truth here on earth. Everything in your life goes to a new order on earth. Your daily tribulations have a unique new order and the matters That take place around.

You will attract more love and light into your life.

The essence of all that is. it means a new order in your existence.

To dharma infused with vital energy in your chakras and meridians.

uses: like reiki

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200   year 2013

You have direct access to the Divine within. This is your birthright. All minds are One and sharing in the presence of a cosmic mind that has opened up. This diksha is given by angelic Beings of Light. These beings are experienced as divine Consciousnesses of unconditional. Each one of these Consciousnesses supports you through the various stages of your wakefulness.

Diksha is the transference of spiritual energy.

There are various forms of Diksha and different ways in which Diksha can be received, ie through touch, sight, word or mantra, ritual or ceremony.

The expression is derived from the Sanskrit root dā (“to give”;) plus ki (“to destroy”;) or alternately from the verb root dīk (“to consecrate”;).

mano-diksa is when initiation is performed in the mind and set in the heart. They fill with love you mind and body.

The Heart diksha flows from angelic kingdom

It has the power to release trauma, physical, mental and emotional. The energies flow directly to the physical heart and heart chakra. It often brings many emotional openings to the receiver and a heightened emotional state is experienced for a while. this is a very deep and profound healing as we are meant to feel.

The Healing Heart Diksha will release emotional pain, release anger and resentment and purify the energy system. It brings deep healing to the physical heart and the physical body as a whole. It has powerful grounding energies and brings you into your heart and into your connection with Mother Earth and your own Spirit.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300    year 2013

The Ashvins or Ashwini Kumaras (Sanskrit: अश्विê ; 4; aśvin-, dual aśvinau), in Hindu mythology, are divine twin horsemen in the Rigveda, sons of Saranya (daughter of vishwakarma), a goddess of the clouds and wife of Surya in his form as Vivasvat. The Ashvins are Vedic gods symbolising the shining of sunrise and sunset, appearing in the sky before the dawn in a golden chariot, bringing treasures to men and forestalling misfortune and sickness. They are the doctors of gods and are devas of Ayurvedic medicine. They are called Nasatya (dual nāsatyau "kind, helpful") in the Rigveda; later, Nasatya is the name of one twin, while the other is called Dasra ("enlightened giving"). By popular etymology, the name nāsatya was analysed as na+asatya "not untrue"="true".

The Ashvins avin- "possessor of horses", "horse tamer", "cavalier", dual avinau or Ashwini Kumaras are divine twin horsemen mentioned in the Rigveda. They are twins with head of a horse but the rest of the body of human beings; Lord Brahma granted them the boon that they will be extremely handsome and will have knowledge of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is the science of life, the first recognized ancient medicine.

They are the luminal deities, the spiritual strength which enables man to transcend the conscious mind in their quest for truth . They are resonant with light . They are the incarnation of joy, laughter, action, determination, intelligence and compassion .

In the epic Mahabharata, King Pandu's wife Madri is granted a son by each Ashvin God and bears the twins Nakula and Sahadeva who, along with the sons of Kunti, are known as the Pandavas.

Repels negative energy, and opens a path to the light, spiritual healing light,.

The Ashwinis chose compassion over everything and healed countless lame people and restored sight the blind. They had the ability to restore youth and vigor to the aged and decrepit.

Some people have translated their name to be Horsemen from Ashwa the horse, which they ride. The horse is a symbol of the life breath energy or prana , and it indicates the Ashwinis ‘ perfect control over the breath as well as explains their dazzling speed.

The energy opens and cleans your new pranic channels.

The frequencies of light on earth have been changed recently. So vital energy too, our bodies too, it is a good empowerment to manage your etheric energy and spiritual energy with no so much effort. And distribute- store it in your physical body.

you receive the celestial knowledge of:Medicine skills.Abundance, prosperity.

loving fulfilling relationships.You are empowered to ashvini stars light frequencies also.They are of White-gold colors madden.These stars are alpha-betha arietis.These light frequencies are good for strengthen your aura and protect you when doing healing work.

About kumaras

According to certain esoteric, mystic and gnostic traditions, Sanat Kumara (eternal youth in Sanskrit) and 144,000 souls from planet Venus came to Earth in her darkest hour to hold the light of God.

Notable beings in the 144,000 include Jesus, Gautama Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha.

Sanat Kumara is the great guru, saviour of Earth. Believers see him in all the major religions, as Skanda/Kartikkeya in Hinduism, Brahma-Sanam Kumara in Buddhism, Ancient of Days in Judeo-Christianity and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism. It is also considered that Sanat Kumara is Al Khdir (green man) known to Sufi Muslims (According to Dakshinamurti).

A shrine to Sanat Kumara which attracts and unites people of all religions and faiths is situated in the town of Kataragama, Sri Lanka.

In the Alice Bailey and Theosophical literature he is called Sanat Kumara or Raudra Chakri - the Buddhist ruler of Shambhala".

About Prana

Prana is the sum total of all energy that is manifested in the universe. It is the vital force, Breath is the external manifestation of Prana. By exercising control over this breath, you can control the subtle Prana inside. Control of Prana means control of mind. Mind cannot operate without the help of Prana. It is Prana that is intimately connected with the mind. Prana is the sum total of all latent forces which are hidden in humans and which lie everywhere around us. Heat, light, electricity, magnetism are all the manifestations of Prana. Prana is related to mind; through mind to the will; through will to the individual soul, and through this to the Supreme Being.

The seat of Prana is the heart. Prana is one; but it has many functions to do.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

The Energy Goes To Your Heart Chakra And Burns Any Mind Obstacle

It Is Good For Making changings IN Your Life, unravel Emotional, Phisical Mental Barriers.

Go Beyond Your Physical With Red Diamond shape. You Clear Your body, heart and Mind Totally

Stay grounded. Good for clearing spaces, houses.

It balances your Root chakra, heals your relationship and connects to your family and more

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 EUR 300

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250 

Energy is occurring on three levels: the outer, the inner & the secret.

These three levels of practice have similarities to what in Daoist practice are known as the Three Treasures (Jing, Qi & Shen); and also to what in Buddhist practice are known as the Three Bodies (Tri-Kaya) ofthe Buddha/Awakened Mind (Nirmanakaya, Sambhogokaya & Dharmakaya).

The outer level of practice is the most superficial (or densely vibrating) level. In qigong, it is called the level of the tendons and is associated ~ in terms of the Three Treasures ~ withJing/essence (which, among its physical substances, includes cerebral-spinal fluid, marrow & sexual fluids). This is the level at which one focuses on physical alignment: on creating a structure (of bones, muscles, organs,tendons) conducive to entrance into the deeper levels of the practice. This is the level at which one learns a form which (like a mandala, a yantra, or good or feng shui) can then serve as a portal through which the energies/insights of the inner levels of the practice can more easily flow. So as practitioners, this means learning the particular form(s) associated with Your chosen tradition.

The body of form; the body that is visible to (and which appears in response to the aspirations of ordinary human beings, beings still operating primarily on this outer level.

The inner level of practice is the level of light, sound &color: of vibration that is actually experienced as moving/fluid (vs.the experience of solidity that is characteristic of the outer level), this is the level of the meridians and is associated. This is the level of the pranic body/bodies. It is at this level that one begins to work with the internal forms or energetic. Most illnesses manifest in the physical body from the etheric so he is here to help us with etheric body healing as well.

This Attunements Are called, in Sanskrit, the svabavikakaya Attunements which means the essential body (or manifestation) of enlightened consciousness.

svabavikakaya Attunements Are The Unity Of Inner And Utter And undisclosed Energy.

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EUR  250

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200    year 2013 

While most of the energy healing is related to sound and light, healing with scents are less known.

Here you are empowered to heal with scents in an etheric level.

Bastet literally meant, (female) of the ointment jar. Her name was related with the lavish jars in which Egyptians stored their perfume. Bastet, hence increasingly became regarded as the goddess of perfumes, earning the title, perfumed protector.

Here you can call the universal energy or the infinite cosmic soul to be attuned to the healing perfumes and/or you can call the presence of bastet to be empowered to the healing perfumes and scents.

Amber is called the Father (or King) of Scents.

If Amber is recommended specifically for any kind of disease or problem associated with the heart. The rose is considered the Mother of Scents.

You interconnect your cells to the primordial scent to heal your emotional record.

You can use it for protection in your aura.

You can heal obsessive-compulsive behaviors, phobias, panic attacks and more. The Sexual response.

Here you can empower scents, from essential oil or vegetal oils.

You can use it by intention through your hands for direct healing combined with the other mantras.

Uses Like reiki

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300   

The Five pranas, empowerments and attunements

price 300 $ 

Kundalini gives a seeker true understanding of all the experienced pleasures. When Para Kundalini, Universal energy or para kundalini., penetrate all the knots, which sustain the sense of limitation, the knowledge of the Absolute unfolds. She fills the minds of sincere spiritual seeker with bliss, leads them to the state of illumination and dissolves all their worldly bonds, drinking the essence of the ecstasy of the light; the entire world becomes the embodiment of the self.

Although Kundalini permeates the human body, She has a special dwelling at the center of the body, in the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine. In fact, there are three kinds of Kundalini within the body - Prana Kundalini, Chit Kundalini and Para Kundalini - each of which has a different location. Kundalini can be awakened at all three locations; however, it is at the muladhara that She is usually awakened. The word mula means root and adhara means support.

According to the Sanskrit scriptures, this root is three inches long, and within it the Shakti (living force) resides in a subtle form, coiled three and one-half times; this is why She is known as Kundalini, the coiled one. When She is awakened, She uncoils and begins to journey upwards towards the sahasrara.

It activates your kundalini from the first chakra to the blue pearl, prana channels, golden kundalini prana, golden kundalini prana chakras, golden pearl golden prana

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BY Ramon Matinez Lopez

EUR 350  year 2015

advised price from Founder 850 $ 

Maha Vajra Kalachakra Shaktipat gives you a vehicle of light with specific qualities and quantity of spiritual energy to lineament with your soul and physical body.

Maha Vajra Kalachakra Shaktipat is not affiliated to any Buddhist tradition.

In Maha Vajra Kalachakra Shaktipat There are several empowerments and lineaments

Provides you with information about spiritual energy, how it can be access consciousness and activate like biophoton energy.

It is spiritual energies that biologically affect our cells, DNA and systems involve into.

On the other hand, an extent of different attunements are described such as KalaChakra and different channels of energy in your body like meridians, and more.

It is to increase your connection with energy sources, ancient ones and new frequencies for spiritual development.

You do not need to be an expert but a sincere seeker of soul connection.

Shaktipat is not "instant enlightenment", because the consciousness could not handle such radical changes, most people could not handle it all coming up so quickly, but Shaktipat does make for a smoother process. Shaktipat tends to be gentle, "To each according to their need and ability to receive, and not more than they can handle".

These energies are outstanding and always will be.

includes attunements for meridians, chakras, nadis to a greater extent and new ones like ultra-gold energy in supra galactic heavens and earth core.

Some of the Attunements

Susumna nadi

Vaira nadi

chitrini nadi

brahma, nadi

Brain balancing tantra

Amethyst fire ray

Shaktipat Holy Grail initiation

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 EUR  350

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100   year 2013

You will receive attunement to the mantras and more

About Nilakatha Dharani Empowerments

The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāranī (नीलकठ धारनी Also Known As Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī (महा कणा धारनी Popularly Known As The Great Compassion Mantra In English, And Known As The Dàbēi Zhòu (Chinese: 大悲咒; Pinyin: Dàbēi Zhòu) In Mandarin Chinese,

Is A Dharani Of Mahayana Buddhist Origin.

It Was Spoken By The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Before An Assembly Of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Devas And Kings, According To The Mahakarunikacitta Sutra. Like The Now Popular Six-Syllable Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, It Is A Popular Mantra Synonymous With Avalokitesvara In
East Asia.

It Is Used For Protection Or Purification.


Twelve scrolls of Nīlakaṇṭha Lokeśvara (नीलकठ लोके वर

(lit. "blue-necked Lord of the world") texts were found in the Dunhuang (敦煌 stone cave along the Silk Road in today's Gansu (甘肅 province of China. The text was translated in Khotan in Tarim Basin, Central Asia by Śramaṇa Bhagavaddhrama.

The text of the Nīlakaṇṭha was translated into Chinese by three masters in the 7th and early 8th centuries, first by Chih-t'ung (智通 Zhitōng) twice between 627-649 (T. 1057a and T. 1057b, Nj. 31 next by Bhagavaddharma between 650-660 (T. 1059 and T. 1060, Nj.320), and then by Bodhiruci in 709 (T.1058, Nj. 319).

The Siddhaṃ script of Chinese Tripitaka (T. 1113b, 20.498-501) was corrected by a comparison with the Chih-t'ung version, which is found in the Ming Trip iṭ aka. All the Sanskrit texts in the Ming Tripiṭaka were collected
together by Rol-pahi Rdorje in the quadrilingual collection of dhāraṇī which bears the title: Sanskrit

Texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking. The prime objective was to restore the Sanskrit text with the help of the Tibetan texts. The Rol-pahi rdorje’s
reconstruction (STP. 5.1290-6.1304) of the N īlankanthaka
as transcribed by Chih-t'ung during 627-649 (T. 1057b,Nj. 31 is longer than that of Amoghavajra (不空金剛 and is a remarkable effort at textual reconstruction,undertaken as early as the first half of the 18th century. However, Chih-t'ung's version is rarely mentioned in the Mahayana tradition.

The Nīlankantha Dhāraṇī was translated into Chinese byVajrabodhi (金剛智, worked 719-741 T.1112), twice by his disciple Amoghavajra (worked 723-774, T. 1111, T. 1113b)and in the 14th century by Dhyānabhadra (worked 1326-
1363, T. 1113a). Amoghavajra's version (T. 1113b) was written in Siddhaṃ script in the Chinese Trip iṭ aka (T.1113b, 20.498-501). This version is the most widely accepted form today.
A 1000 sentence mantra are found in Fangshan Stone Sutra.

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Zapharel Erbium Ray by Ramon Martinez Lopez



by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 343  year 2016 

Zapharel Erbium Ray will start energetic changes and clearings that over time

will bring harmony and peace in relationships with others – both in romantic

relationships and friendships and working relationships. Issues carried during

this lifetime and previous lifetimes will be healed and cleared and you will feel

less laden and more at ease with those closest to you

Zapharel is a member of the Seraphim which is closest to Source of spiritual light.

This ray can be more easily able to clear blocks and restore our energy to work in harmony with all around us.

So often people feel intense energy for healing themselves and others to become a pure and strong channel of energy.

Erbium ray Activates the energy in your heart to manifest love desires and increases love frequencies

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 EUR  343

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 500   year 2013

Kalachakra diamond refers to the inner light of yourself

Kohinoor means “mountain of light” from Persian, also spelled as Koh-e Noor or Koh-i-Nur

The mantra Aham Prema affirms one’s divine love energy within. A grand inner transformation is invoked, creating one’s highest essence of love. This emanation enhances all situations, everyday, creating a wonderful foundation for whatever one desires to manifest.

Nur karomah, means, rain light of miracles

Draum Kalachakra rubedo Shakti

Kalachakra refers to the inner light of yourself

It releases the blockages to the light that you are

Rubedo Energy

In Alchemy, „rubedo is the term for the highest vibrational level of human beings and substances. All things and beings possess an inherent potentiality to evolve „towards the light, towards rubedo, even when temporarily entangled in utter , darkness, in sickness, suffering and mindlessness, in other words, the lowest vibration called nigredo, blackness“. It is the purpose of alchemy to foster the natural development towards a higher vibration, towards order, harmony, love, sensitivity and awareness.

Consequentially, Rubedo is the name of extraordinary elixir.

The alchemists and cabalists speak of the water of life in terms of for example the Ab-e-Hyat or ‘prickling, fiery essence’. More commonly it is called the ‘alkahest’ or common solvent. The alchemist makes his tincture by purifying his body, his emotions and his thoughts, until he identifies himself with his divine essence. When the divine essence has been realized, the water of life pours forth and takes away all remaining dross, leaving pure gold.

These energies unify the full spectrum of light forming one. And what it is beyond the light, the core of love.

There is no difference between inner and outer love, all is made of love

Uses Like reiki

Purifying Physical, Mental, Etheric, Emotional, Spiritual body,

Purifying Meridians, Chakaras

To create elixirs

In objects ,Places ,Persons

It is good for Opening light vortexes for healing, meditation, channeling…

Grounding ,Balance of elements ,Electromagnetic balance ,All concerning about love

There is no master level

For serious spiritual practitioners

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EUR 500

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 350   year 2015 

The Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy Spirit. Which occupies this position in the hierarchy represents the Holy Spirit from the Father-Mother God, Alpha and Omega, for the evolution of this planet and the elemental kingdom. The retirement of Maha Chohan, the Temple of Consolation, is located in the etheric plane with a focus on the physical plane on the island of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), which are anchored the flame of the Holy Spirit and the flame of Consolation. His twin flame is Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth.

Maha Chohan means "Great Lord" and the Maha Chohan is the Great Lord of the seven Chohans, director of the seven Chohans of the rays. Among the requirements for this position in the hierarchy is to be an adept in each of the seven rays, which are merged into the pure white light of the Holy Spirit. With the seven Chohans, he begins our souls in preparation for the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11.

Since the Spirit of God infuses nature and man as the essence that gives life the sacred fire, the representative of the Holy Spirit must be qualified to interpenetrate all the substance through the dissemination of his conscience and to produce the flame that sustains life in man and nature through the focus of your consciousness.

The Maha Chohan attends to every person on earth as we enter this world and when we left it. At the time of birth, he is there to breathe the breath of life in the body and on the threefold flame that descends into manifestation in the secret chamber of the heart.

The Maha Chohan also assists in the transition we call death, when it comes to removing the flame of life and remove the sacred breath. Divine spark or flame returns to the Holy Christ Self, and soul, dressed in the etheric body also returns to the level of the Holy Christ Self.

more information in the manual

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150  year 2014

And star of Bethlehem or deneb

Why was this so important?

because this was the position on the Milky Way where the Milky Way splits into two, like forks into two (branches) to create what is known as the Dark cleft, the back memories of the unloved soul.

“If you start looking into the religious ideas of cultures and indigenous civilizations, you’ll find that the star Deneb, Cygnus constellation, in the Milky Way’s Dark aperture was seen as a point of entry and exit into the sky world. It was seen as this is where the souls came from and this is where the souls return to in death. It is the turning point into wholeness.

The golden-blue frequency and many other frequencies, the proclaimers
trust and that trust is described as the star of Bethlehem. In reality it is the
Prosonodo light.

This Prosonodo Light is the living Christ and the cosmic meridians of energy of follow this Prosonodo light star.

So it came about that many kinds of frequencies, with many People went on their uniqueness way to witness the birth of Christ within. Reborned into spirit, and guided by higher forces of light.

Just as there are meridians-lines of energy flow-in the human being, these meridians exist also in the greater cosmos of the macrocosm. As may be understood from the law of correspondences "as above, so below", if there are meridians in the human being, they must exist also "above" in the cosmos. We can picture an energy flow streaming from each star and intersecting our archetypical bodies of believes, the place of intersection is indicating the point of influx of the energy flowing from our cosmos into our solar system and so whenever the Sun or any planet in our solar system crosses the Deneb meridian, the Deneb energy flows in to unite with that planet or with our Sun. (Here energy is to be understood as the Divine Energy or Divine Love radiating from the stars.)
. Focusing upon the meridians as energy lines flowing through every star, the entire celestial sphere becomes significant.

you are attuned to your entire energetic auric field with cosmic meridians.

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EUR  150

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 350   year 2014 

jonsu means:

To go through youthful essence

The traveler it means traveler, And Also had the titles Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he was thought to watch travelers' overnight.

As the god of light in the night, Khonsu was Invoked to protect against wild animals,

Increase male virility, and to aid with healing.

Tara Kurukulle (Tibetan: rig that but. Inglese: The One of the Family Action): Goddess of Power. Kurukulle is to develop one's capacity and to make one attractive to beings.

The Tibetan equivalent of Sekhmet. Golden tara Kurukulla distinctiveness: Eliminates negativity

Inside And Outside Empowerment With Feminine Qualities ; Nurturing Passion Love Sex Dreams Sensitivity Creation Of Life

She Is A Destroyer Of negativity .Magnetism, Astral body cleansing And more

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 EUR 350

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

     year 2014

Amatsu Norigoto is Sukyo Mahikari (TRUTH OF LIGHT) innermost purification prayer.

Amatsu Norito is the name of prayers used in Shinto purification, Aikido, Omoto, and Sekai Kyusei Kyo. "Norigoto" and "Norito" both essentially denote "prayer".

more information in the manual

uses like reiki

Good for cell regeneration in all levels

release addictions

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EUR 19.99

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MAHA GOLDEN TUMMO by Ramon Martinez Lopez


 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 650   year 2016 

Very dynamic activations and not found in others dimensions on this planet.

Tumo means sacred fire (consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic

originated from Llamas in Tibet. Ever since and up to the late twentieth

century, Tumo is highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond

bounds of Llamas in Tibet.

Tumo and Kundalini are

separated energy even though they remain in concerning manner.

Releases fear and negativity, improves mood, balance and unblocks emotions.

Beneficial for internal organs, cleans the blood, restore tissues.

Photon energy is store in your pineal gland, your spiritual and material

information and dna codes.

72.000 CHANNELS ACTIVATE, psychic channels in your etheric body




TANTRA FIRE, activates your main subtle vital energy channels with new

maha golden energy

Light and matter are one, gold and photon are one resulting in ultra-gold

light You activate the non-duality consciousness You will reflect the energy and matter you shine by yourself infinitely and more

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150   year 2014

We all have currents in our bioelectrical bodies that connect to the electromagnetic terrestrial field

. We are all connected and we communicate with a magnetic force.

This force is important for our personal, social, spiritual life.

Recognizing this magnetic force in us, we can use it to our benefit and purpose.

Gold is the source of primordial light energy that connects us with abundance. The planet Earth's light grid is golden and is distributed through meridians or energy lines.

Through this empowerment you have access to this type of energy. Platinum unlocks obstacles to the power of success and expands it. Palladium redistributes energy more efficiently for success and abundance. The osmium protects the energy of your projects, it keeps away the opponents and enhances the previous energies.

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 EUR  150

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300    year 2015 

Why is it important for women to clean their uterus energetically?

It may sound strange to some that the uterus should energetically cleaned, perhaps for some clean means assuming that is dirty or unclean. But nor dirty nor impure, simply because the uterus is very important to reconnect the psyche of women, as long our uterus remained relegated to the world of suffering and pain and cleaning means leaving space free, drop off.

Is uterus more than an organ? Yes, the uterus is our sacred matrix and inhabits a huge energy potential.

In our case as women, our center of sensations there right there in our lower abdomen, everything moves into this space and it is why in this center a number of problems arise that if we cannot feel and releasing stagnate energies. This is the space of the feminine, as this is where most of the problems appear in women. Problems can be generated by specific themes or as an unfulfilled life full of difficulties, worries at work or partner, unsatisfied sex life, etc, which often ends up in symptoms, from pain to cysts, fibroids, or hormonal disorder.

The uterus acquires and collects memories through 4 energies:


Constitute an immediate and direct symbol of femininity, womanhood and satisfaction as a woman. The problems in the ovaries tend to indicate a deep conflict with this aspect of the self, expression of femininity itself, with being or mother, or even a conflict in womanhood.

Themes to heal: To have children ,Accept the children we already have

Comfortable with being a woman ,Punishment or abuse of the feminine aspect to us

Feel rejected by your husband or partner Going in the direction we want to go

,Included are:

Golden matrixtikum reconnection ,Golden ovaries reconnection

Golden uterus-ovaries clearing, cleansing and cleaning reconnection

Clearing the psyche ,Cleansing the emotions, insights…Cleaning the physical space

Uses like reiki

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Add to Cart   Golden uterus-ovaries reconnection empowerment and healing by Ramon Martinez Lopez


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