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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

year 2013 

Chakras are centers of life force (prana, shakti), or vital energy.

This attunes and empowers you to new kundalini reiki energy with white gold energy and earth kundalini

This is transfiguring alchemy energy of matter with the fire of white gold.

This is the strongest and save awakening of kundalini level you could ever have in your bodies. This white golden kundalini fire sparks your highest expansion of conscience not mean of external forces.

White gold kundalini shakti chakras activation

It is and strengthening of the energy of the chakras of human body or sentient beings

White gold kundalini reiki chakras activation

It activates the chakras in physical objects or places. It makes them spins in higher motions, centripetal or centrifugal movements for balance of the energy field, electromagnetic field. It can be very powerful, to raise the energy of a place or object.

Centripetal force is a force that makes a body follow a curved path: its direction is always orthogonal to the velocity of the body, toward the fixed point of the instantaneous center of curvature of the path. Centripetal force is generally the cause of circular motion.

Centrifugal force is the apparent force that draws a rotating body away from the center of rotation. It is caused by the inertia of the body as the body's path is continually redirected.


Like reiki and kundalini reiki

Releases all the blockages in the chakras

Magical Properties:

Energy: Protective

Element: Fire

Powers: Power, healing, protection, wisdom, money, success, joy, bliss.

Healing uses for white Gold kundalini includes the treatment of blood, skin, neurological and heart disorders. It is white Gold kundalini to be an energy generator and remover of blockages with the power to strengthen, amplify and conduct energy in the body.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300 

Aladdin's Magick Ring Empowerment and Attunement

Price $300.00

A good lamp will brigth your way. A good ring will free it."

After these words the magician drew a ring off his finger, and put it on one of Aladdin's, saying: ‘It is a talisman against all evil, so long as you o bey me.'"The Arabian Nights”

Some of the story of Aladdin

He is an impoverished young ne'er-do-well in a Chinese town, who is recruited by asorcerer from the Maghreb, who passes himself off as the brother of Aladdin's late father Qaseem,convincing Aladdin and his mother of his goodwill by apparently making arrangements to set up the lad as a wealthy merchant.

The sorcerer's real motive is to persuade young Aladdin to retrieve a wonderful oil lamp from a booby-trapped magic cave of wonder.
After the sorcerer attempts to double-cross him,Aladdin finds himself trapped in the cave. Fortunately, Aladdin retains a magic ring lent to him by the sorcerer. When he rubs his hands in despair, heinadvertently rubs the ring, and a jinni, or "genie", appears, who takes him home to his mother.

Aladdin is still carrying the lamp, and when his mother tries to clean it, a second, far more powerful genie appears, who is bound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp.

With the aid of the genie of the lamp, Aladdin becomes rich and powerful and marries Princess Badroulbadour, the Emperor's daughter.

The genie builds Aladdin a wonderful palace – far more magnificent than that of the Emperor himself.

the practitioner of these teachings would have a good percentage of success in their application with the appropriate knowledge at hand.

About the ring

Very powerful tool for creativity

Store magical knowledge and wisdom

You can put the ring etherically on children for protection and to develop their skills

So the ring can make your live more prosperous and creative. Think magic be magic all around yourself!

For Cleaning and cleansing your mental and emotional bodies.

Physically restorative.

Aura protection for every 24 hour.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250    year 2013

The Vairocanabhisambodhi-sutra was a work in the history of Tantric Buddhism, offering one of the first fully developed expositions of this form of

In India and Tibet it came to be secret as a Carya Tantra, or “Practice Tantra,” corresponding to the second category of what was to become in Tibet the standard fourfold classification of Buddhist tantras, only to be eventually superseded to a large degree by the Sarvatathagatatattva samgraha and the large body of literature spawned by this latter text (corresponding to the Yoga and Anuttarayoga Tantras).

In East Asia, on the other hand, the Vairocana -bhisambodhi-sutra has remained together with the Sarvatathagata tattva samgraha one of the two basic texts of Esoteric Buddhism and could indeed be said to have been the more influential of the two. (A translation of the Sarvatathagata -tattva samgraha, under the title Adamantine Pinnacle Sutra, appears in the volume

Two Esoteric Sutras, Numata Center, 2001.)

To date no manuscript of the original Sanskrit text of the Vairocana bhisambodhi-sutra has been discovered (although a number of passages are either referenced in other Sanskrit works or preserved in Chinese transcription), but it was translated into Chinese (Taisho no. 848) and Tibetan (Peking no. 126).

The Sanskrit title preserved in the Tibetan translation is Mahavairocana bhisambodhi - vikurvita dhirsthana-vaipulya sutrendraraja-nama-dharmaparyaya (Dharma Discourse.... and you will find more information in the manual if you receive

In this workshop you are attuned and empowered to the Ritual of the mystic seal of the adamantine armor mantra

And the later Tibetan vajra armor mantra

And cosmic diamond armor mantra

And how to empower elements with unique mantras

Also you are going to know how to be prepare for a ritual healing, meditation and shield.

Able to remove evil-minded beings of extreme ferocity,

You will see adamantine blazing fiery light all over the ground.

Overcome negative forces. Remove many negative forces and illnesses.

By merely binding this ritual [seal], immeasurable armies of the

heavenly negative forces And other obstructors will all most certainly disperse.

with it and adamantine armor, and on description of this secret embellishment you will become indestructible, like a vajra in nature. All those who hear your
voice or see or touch you will most certainly be with all merits completely accomplished, and you will be equal to the World-honored One Vairocana, with no difference.

The Vajra Armor Mantra is not only a powerful healing method, but a deep path to illumination,

This is the first level for practitioner only

EUR 250

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150

Fire Dragon blood FIRE attunements and empowerment



Burning fire inside you

Burning fire around you

Burning fire around your enemies or unwanted energies around you.

It cleans your blood cells

You have to treat to use it with care, it is a very powerful energy, and you have to be sure about what you want to do on others with these energies for the highest good.

Through these attunements you will know who you are; you have many twins in other dimensions. It will help you meet with twin.

Fire of the dragon helps you in the knowing of certainties.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 150

Magic and merlin are associated like miracles and saints or magicians and spells.

You can learn more about the myth of merlin in Wikipedia.

Here in this workshop you will to discover that you are your own magician of your life.

The Last Enchantment of merlin

Is the final end and first beginning of the sounds and the light. This means that every creation has its own sound after manifesting into the light. The last enchantment connects you to the primordial sound of creation.

Antares is the star of merlin

He is here to manifest your miracles through discernment of light and dark. Your thoughts of divine, your feelings of love, your passion of your true self to be manifest here on earth joyfully.

It is very grounding energy. It heals your birth-child traumas of disconnection from earth and material-spiritual unity world. It will build and heal early years of childhood.

Here you receive the ancient wisdom of the mother earth and heal your past traumas of your childhood. It alleviates your karma from the living world. Here you close a circle to new beginnings of life.

the staff of merlin and gives you protection in your aura ,this also increases your psychic abilities and rejuvenation. you can clear, cleans energies in environments

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

The practice of White Mahakalais done to bring wealth and good fortune in the areas of family, business, knowledge and spirituality. The practice removes obstacles to the flow of prosperity and invokes positive energies.

White Mahakala is a powerful deity of wealth and prosperity. He is a wrathful form of the deity of compassion,Avalokiteshvara. In this form, he demonstrates the compassionate activity of overcoming obstacles and attracting positive influences. His body is white and he is standing.

He has six arms,each holding a different implement, and three eyes. He is adorned with jeweled ornaments and wears a beautiful skirt made of many scarves with jewels hanging down on the skirt. His main right hand holds a wish-fulfilling jewel mounted on a jewel-tipped handle in front of his chest.

This emblem appears in pictures of deities associated with wealth.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 50

OM means universal energy

SHA vital energy coming from the earth

MUA TAMK Eternity, continuum

MA Supreme energy to the highest point of your being

PRA Destroy all negativity

It can be used for personal protection or surroundings.

Uses: Personal use only

cleaning objects ,cleaning aura ,protection , awakens earth kundalini

activates your first chakra very powerfully , lot of heating in your body and aura for protection, visualize or think that you are in a pyramid surrounded by the mantra and symbol, good for grounding energy and release exceed of energy and more through practice ,use your intuition

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200      year 2013

Hanta Yo is a Lakota Sioux term that means "clear the way".

It indicates the intention of drawing on the Great Spirit to clear the way while you do your part with faith. All mystical, conscious work, including yoga, meditation, the martial arts, and even organic gardening are about connecting to an infinite source of creative potential.

Techniques vary but the goals are identical: to conduct the life force more dynamically through the body/mind of the human being. This focused energy is then applied toward healing, well-being and creative expression.

Hanta Yo is an entrancing portal into Native American cosmology.

Hanta yo is of the Four Great Powers of the Medicine Wheel. To the North is found Wisdom. The South is the place of Innocence and Trust. The West is the Looks-Within Place,which speaks to our introspective Nature. The East is the Place of Illumination, where we can see things clearly, far and wide.

Hanta yo is universal, goes beyond Native Americans and it goes all around the world

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Golden Tummo Surya Kala Chakra by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

 year 2013     $300.00 

You receive the following attunements:

Golden tummo , surja Kala Chakra ,golden kundalini ,Kala chakra PAADAsHi

Kala chakra surja Serat ,Kala chakra surja pam

about Golden Tummo Surya Kala Chakra

Once placed in the heart chakra, it exists as a brilliant light like the Sun. It is the most powerful and infallible protection against negative forces. It is a very advanced initiation, and can only be done after the master level of tummo. It is built up in stages, through a series of attunements.

Tumo means sacred fire (consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic

originated from Llamas in Tibet. Ever since and up to the late twentieth century, Tumois highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond bounds of Llamas in Tibet.Tumo goes along with Kundalini in observe to Heat Energy of which Nath tradition called Rajas or Surya while in Buddhism known as Red Bodhicitta or Candali in India. Sanskrit Tibetan called as Tumo which means "woman with explosive anger and barely controllable." Tumo and Kundalini is separated energy even though they remain in concerning manner.

this attunement is equivalent to tummo vayra master or similar plus golden tummo kundalini activation which is stronger.
Kala chakra attunements Improves your development of the kundalini energy, relasing blockages in your energy system, psychic channels.
Strengthen your kidneys, adrenal glands, tiroid gland, hypophysis and hypothalamus gland, ovaries, testicles, prostate gland and Develop the perception in your five senses

More uses:

Absolute confidence ,Strong divine will ,Aura strong shield ,Strong protection against negative-obscure forces ,Sexual endurance ,Charisma ,Compassion
Healing diseases and Skin regenerator

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Gold diamond tree empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 60     year 2012

Invoke the masters of golden diamond light

And let the energy flow

This meditation is best done in a quiet place.

You are going to be a tree. Visualize our body as a large tree. A mighty Oak, a majestic Maple, a beautiful Walnut,a juniper, pick any tree that you care too. You are a tree, complete with full branches crowned with leaves, a solid sturdy trunk and deep strong roots.

Sense and feel the mingling of the heavenly gold light with this emerald green healing energy from the Earth. Feel the healing, the balance of both healing energies within all of your body. Let it bring release and the healing that you need.

When you have been able to do this,thank both the heavenly and the Earth for helping you to heal. Remember, Love is the strongest force in the Universe. This meditation will indeed bring you both Healing and Love when you accept it through your Heart.

Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in stage magictricks, and historically was believed to have healing powers. The word is thought to have its origin in the Aramaic language.

"AvraKadavrai" (אברא כדברי;) meaning "I will create as my words".

in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune, and false limits will be cluster down, to surrender to higher forces of illumination to your divine nature.

The golden diamond tree represents the union of heavens and earth in balance with life.

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Dragon skin ammonite attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 35    year 2012

Ammonite was first discovered and used by Blackfoot Indians who named it” Iniskim” or buffalo stone. Iniskim were use for their powerful healing properties withnearly every family possessing one.

Ammonite is a fossilized cephalopod, a sea creaturewho lived 400 million years ago and disappeared with the dinosaur. Because ofit's age and beauty, it is a protective stone said to promote longevity. In themiddle ages it was called Draconite and was believed to come from dragons.

Shamans have used the stone to amplify and enhance magical powers.

In feng shui, it is said to bring wealth and abundance.

Associated with the Root Chakra, it is a stone of grounding and survival.

It is also used to alleviate stiff joints, arthritis and problems of the extremities

Ammonite is a stone of protection.

It provides for insight and it helps to assist one inseeing the ‘whole picture.’ Gives stability to it's user. Since it isassociated with the Root Chakra, it encourages ones survival instinctsand is grounding.

Ammoniteis believed by Feng Shui masters to be associated to the scales of the mythicalcreature "Chi Lin" Dragon, Therefore, it is said to be a powerfulwealth stone and brings prosperity, grandeur and illustrious sons, similar tothe potency of the Chi Lin.

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Gold Ore Attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Gold Ore Attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 60    year 2013

Gold Ore is The 'Wizards Stone', this stone with its beautiful rich green auric field, works well with both the Root Chakra and Heart Chakra.

Gold Ore Bearing will help to "heal the heart", from broken relationships and in times of grieving.

With this stone holding strong balancing energies, it will encourage one to be more centered physically and mentally, as well as helping to ease and clear problems with the ears and hearing, dizziness and vertigo.

Gold Ore Bearing helps correct the flow through the kidneys, there for reducing toxins and this in turn will help to create a healthy and energized balance within oneself.

Being the 'Wizards Stone', Gold Ore Bearing holds truth and wisdom to share with its keeper, it is a wise and knowledgeable stone that can teach many.

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 35    year 2012

Use Burdock Flower Essence when you are caught up in old anger, especially if the anger is directed at someone, usually an authority figure.

Although the anger may be triggered by a current person/situation, the origin for this quality of anger is from a wound earlier in this life or a past life.

This anger may also be related to an experience of grief or loss.

Charoite releases victimization and negative emotions, and enhances courage and appropriate assertiveness. On the physical level, it can help to improve the condition of a diseased liver.

Provides for a connection between the head and the heart.

Instills Unconditional Love and Acceptance of others

Assist one in understanding self inflicted "lessons".

Helps in transforming relationships from one context to another, such as lovers into friends, and "letting go" of past attachments to a specific type of relationshiphelps to let go of attachments, and helps to instill the true belief that as one door closes, another one opens

Assists in the belief that you are exactly where you are supposed to be right here right now

Helps to bring about the best possible outcome for any given situation

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Mitar Tabarich Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300    year 2014

Mitar Tarabich (1829–1899), an illiterate peasant from the small Serbian village of Kremna, experienced occasional prophetic visions. Being a religious person and having a local Serbian orthodox priest for a godfather, he told this priest about his episodes of "seeing into the future".

The priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836–1918), wrote down everything in a small notebook, which was damaged by fire in 1943 when his family home was destroyed by the occupying Bulgarian Army. This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich’s great-grandson, Mr Dejan Malenkovich.

Tarabich’s best-known prophecy has to do with a series of political events in 19th-century Serbia. He predicted a sequence of events, spanning a course of decades and it played out as predicted.

You can receive prophetic visions and guidance for healing.

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EUR 300    year 2013

Asmaul Husna or Divine Names are used by the gurus to increase Inner Strength or"Tenaga Dalam," and to form a powerful magnetic-shield surrounding the body.

This power protects one from negative forces and even deflects aggressors or attackers as they come charging emotionally towards one's body.

prerequisite recommended Tridaya Level III

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Black Kundalini fire attunements with Black Jade angel-black venus goddesses by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250    year 2013 

Black Jade is an etheric bodyguard and a stone of protection.

Its strong elemental energy shields not only the physical body, but guards against negative forces or entities, energy vampires and people projecting anger and aggression.

Black Jade is also an important tool for looking inward. It allows for honest
self-evaluation, and helps absorb and transform unhealthy and destructive

Black Jade Uses and Purposes

Jade is excellent for healing feelings of guilt. It also treats an excessive desire
to adapt oneself to a group, even if it is sect-like, exaggerated militarism, a
follow-the-leader attitude.

As a professional support stone, Jade aids doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and all healers in making practical diagnosis and in their applications.

Black Jade Physical Healing Energy

Black Jade protects against viral and bacterial infection, parasitic infestation,
and associated illnesses.

Black Jade is thought to assist the reproductive system in both sexes, treat
illnesses in older people, and alleviate problems with the feet, legs, knees
and hips. It helps restricted blood flow and is believed to be useful in treating
deep vein thrombosis.

Jade is a powerful cleansing stone, enhancing the body's filtration and

elimination organs. It is excellent for treating the kidneys, spleen and supraadrenal glands, removing toxins and balancing.Jade has a restorative property, allowing for both the cellular and skeletal systems.

Black Jade Emotional Healing Energy

Black Jade is an excellent stone for absorbing and transforming negative
emotions, such as fear, envy, doubt, anger or hatred. It allows the unconscious to open and release the original traumatic memories which are
often at the root of such feelings.

Black Jade lends the courage and fortitude needed to examine one's own
negativity and its source, and to "face the shadow self." own emotional maturity, behavior patterns, ego… they can be faced and remedied, providing growth and loving integration of all aspects of self.

Jade provides confidence and self-assuredness, self-reliance and selfsufficiency.

Black Jade Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Black Jade stimulates the Root Chakra. The Base, or Root Chakra, is located
at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and
movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body.
When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as
lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant
stimulation. When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant.When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one's own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

Black Jade Spiritual Energy Jade assists in creating magic for the highest good and in protection from harmful or deceitful entities during spirit work.

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 by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

Mystic rose is the manifestation of God in humanity is the divine spark that lives in us.

The Rose of the World supports the creation of which we all belong and we are not separated from it.

His light shines more than the sun, can´t negative entities nor demons cause damage to your radiant presence with the star power of this Rose.

Feminine power

is resurgent today, which means movements for peace, rejection of coercive methods of social repression, a desire for greater beauty, love, cooperation,characterized by the values, the search for higher quality
life with sensitivity and wisdom and strength in balance

with the masculine.

The rose is the mystical union with the microcosm of the macrocosm, your spiritual essence and the essence of the universe come together for purification and healing.

The new pattern of consciousness that will determine the manifestation of the new Earth is what I call "The Holy Rose," the energy of the twin flame. Polar forces of the Divine Energy held in perfect balance, the awareness of God
can manifest in our culture in the angelic human form that can heal with the power of the twin flame,

Zagzagel is the Archangel who guides us and put in touch with the mystic rose.

It teaches us to listen and look within ourselves, helps us to discern from the heart without prejudice or fear. Teaches us to listen to our inner truth and guided by it. Provides mental stillness heading towards eternal peace and depths of our being, to transcend the joys and sorrows with a passing encircle
unimaginable ecstasy in our union with the divine.

In the second level master degree you are attuned to your twin flame.

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Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 250     year 2013 

There are two Empowerments included in this system. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and breathing technique.

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Sanskrit: महामृê ; 0;्युंज 351; मंत्र, mahāmṛtyuṃjaya mantra "Great Death-conquering Mantra"), also called the Tryambakam Mantra, is a verse of the Rigveda (RV 7.59.12). It is addressed to Tryambaka, "the three-eyed one", an epithet of Rudra, later identified with Shiva. The verse also recurs in the Yajurveda (TS 1.8.6.i; VS 3.60)

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra was found by Rishi Markandeya. It was a secret mantra, and Rishi Markandeya was the only one in the world who knew this mantra. The Moon was once in trouble, cursed by King Daksha. Rishi Markandeya gave the Mahamritryunjaya Mantra to Sati, Daksha's daughter, for the Moon. This is how this mantra became known which according to another version is the Bija mantra as revealed to Rishi Kahola that was given by Lord Shiva to sage Sukracharya who taught it to Rishi Dadicha who gave it to King Kshuva through whom it reached the Shiva Purana.

It is also called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of Lord Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes; and it is sometimes known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component of the "life-restoring" practice given to the primordial sage Sukracharya after he had completed an exhausting period of austerity. Its Devata is Rudra or Lord Shiva in his fiercest and most destructive roopa or aspect. In the Vedas it finds its place in three texts - a) the Rig veda VII.59.12, b) the Yajur Veda III.60, and c) the Atharva Veda XIV.1.17.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is the great mantra for conquering death for it protects against all threats and at the time of death eases the process of release. It is one of the more potent of the ancient mantras, a call for enlightenment and a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level. It is beneficial for mental, emotional and physical health.

It is also a moksha mantra which bestows longevity and immortality.

According to some puranas, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra has been used by many Rishis as well as Sati during the time when Chandra suffered from the curse of Prajapati Daksha. By reciting this mantra, the effect of the curse of Daksha, that could make him die, slowed, and Shiva then took Chandra and placed it upon his head.

This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva for warding off untimely death. It is also chanted while smearing Vibhuti over various parts of the Body and utilised in Japa or Homa (havan) to get desired results. While its energy protects and guides the intiates a mantra re-links consciousness to its deeper and more abiding nature and repetition of the mantra constitutes Japa, the practice of which develops concentration that leads to a transformation of awareness. Whereas the Gayatri Mantra is meant for purification and spiritual guidance, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is meant for healing rejuvenation and nurturance.

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KUKAI MIKIO wu wei LINGQI by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100    year 2012

KŪKAI - 空海 -also known as Kōbōdaishi - 弘法大師 - was a tantric master who established theVajrayana teachings in Japan in the early 9th century.

Kūkai's name combines two elements. Firstly Kū (空;) which in Sanskrit is ākāśa and means space, or emptiness (in the sense of śūnyata). Kūkaihad a strong association with the Bodhisattva Ākāśagarbha,known in Japanese as Kokūzo.

Secondly Kai (海;)means sea and perhaps relates to the story recounted by Oliver Statler in Japanese Pilgrimage that Kūkaigained Enlightenment on the coast at Cape Muroto, on Shikoku Island. So 'Kūkai'might be translated as Sea & Sky. Sea of consciousness and sky of infinity space.

MIKIO-means tree, in this case tree of unity, beyond duality. MIKIO REFERS TO TANTRIC PRACTICE of the union of heavens and earth deeply rooted in your body,heart and mind.

LINGQI-靈氣- means the spiritual energy of the mountains. It is Consistent, solid energy and everlasting and indestructible.

Wu Wei- is a Daoist (Taoist) belief, which speaks to the idea of letting nature take its course.

It opens and connects the new light frequencies of heavens and lines of the now changing mother earth. Similar to cosmic meridians and earth meridians but in an no duality form.

It busts your healing capabilities.

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BORNITE ATTUNEMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez


BORNITE ATTUNEMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200   year 2013

you will receive the attunements

physical bornite attunement

emotional bornite attunement

mental bornite attunement

spirtual bornite attunement

Bornite is known as the stone of joyfulness. It brings you the ability to see and accept the joy in any moment.

Bornite also compliments an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect Everything is for purposeful good. It assists in separating the positive from the negative and allows you to understand the distinct difference.

Bornite is one of the strongest healing stones on the mineral kingdom.

It has the ability to align every chakra when applied to a given chakra. The energy within bornite creates a circular, clockwise motion. Even though it is placed on one chakra, it will affect the other six.

It can cause a transformation that removes negative energy and replaces it with a strong, beneficial, positive energy. It possesses the unique property of energising not only the area on which it is placed, but all affects all of the surrounding area as well.

Bornite is a very powerful mineral.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 EUR  200

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