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Attunement to 20 Angels helping and guiding children in their personal development plus recommendations for semi-precious stones and colours to sooth children’s soul

Edite Peca is a recognised medium, who has been working with light beings of higher realms and has channelled messages from the higher vibrational planes out of which this workshop was tailored. She has worked in development management as a freelance consultant in several different Asian countries. In her quest for spiritual development she has studied philosophical and esoteric texts from ancient civilisations as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and has assisted the teachings of Buddhist, Taoist and Hinduist Masters. She holds diplomas in various alternative therapy forms including Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Spiritual Healing and Parapsychology and is the founder of Source of Light Reiki, Attunement to the Nature Devas as well as the co-founder of Aura Empowerment Reiki, Karma Transformational Reiki, Archangel Raziel’s Sacred Geometry, Crystal Devas and Chakra Tantra Reiki. She has a strong commitment to human well-being.

Beatrice Schwarz is a doctor of natural medicine and Chinese medicine and holds masterships in various Reiki energy forms. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and practitioner. and has a strong commitment to the well-being of this planet and its inhabitants.

Archangel links for children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune children to heavenly vibrations at a very specific energy vibrational length that corresponds to the energy vibrations of children’s light being.

Children go through specific phases of emotional turmoil as they first have to adapt to living on the earthly plane.

The archangels mentioned in this course will help them to overcome some of the most common problems and ailments children will encounter in their everyday lives.

If there are any children near you suffering from any of the problems described here just make a praying to the angels who can help with this specific problem. You can also give children a semi-precious stone that is infused with your praying or dress children in a particular colour, which emanates the vibrations that are most appropriate for tackling the specific problem.

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