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by Shakina Patel    EUR 6.99

Shen Wan Shan was a noble man during of the Yuan Dynasty and at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.

According to the legend, he was a fisherman on both sides of Qin and Huai River.
One day, Shen Wan San saw a person caught a bag of frogs and was preparing to cook and eat them.
He bought the frogs and released them into a pond in the vicinity.
In the evening, Shen Wan San was suddenly awaken by noisy croaking of the frogs.
He got out and had a look only to find that the frogs released by him were surrounding a pot, hence, he took the pot into his house.
When a golden hair pin would drop into the pot, the pot would magically filled with full of golden hair-pins.
When a silver ingot was to drop into the pot, the pot would magically filled with full of silver ingots.

It was thus known as the Treasure Pot.

Shen Wan Shan then became the wealthiest man in the southeast area.
Ever since, people treated the Treasure Pot as auspicious artifacts.
The Treasure Pot can bring wealth and luck to a person.

It can be placed at home or offices making business prosper.

Later, people worshiped Shen Wan San as God of Gold.

Shen Wan Shan Wealth Richness Treasure Reiki Will Benefit You:
Wealth ,Fortune ,Good Luck ,Business Prosperity , Personal Prosperity.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball

EUR 6.99




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by Shakina Patel   EUR 6.99

Tua Pek Kong is one the Popular Five Wealth Gods.
Tua Pek Kong distributes Wealth and Money on Earth.
He favors entrepreneurs, business owners, gamblers.
Tua Pek Kong literally means "Grand Uncle", is one of the pantheon of Malaysian Chinese Gods.

Tua Pek Kong was a man named Zhang Li from the Hakka Clan.
His Sumatra bound boat was struck by wind and accidentally landed on Penang island of Malaysia, which at that time had only 50 inhabitants.
After his death, the local people began worshipping him and built the Tua Pek Kong Temple there.

Tua Pek Kong Prosperity & Luck Reiki Benefict:

Good Fortune ,Prosperity ,Bringing Money Towards You ,Wealth Accumulation
Giving you Power, Luck in Business , Luck in Gambling , Career Advancement
Bestowal of Windfalls, Longevity.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball

EUR 6.99





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Matrix 7 by Daniela Hills by Daniela Hills


by Daniela Hills   EUR 9.99

Fixed price by the founder $ 37.77

7 And because the 'the most powerful and mystical number in the world.

Matrix 7 is the morphic field of the Mystical 7 who brings us our true if’, our divine soul for our spiritual journey, this is our only goal. No matter how you do it, or what path we take to get there.

7 Matrix is everywhere. And'deep inside us, above us, below us, and around us.

We are not aware of this because we are too busy with our daily lives. We will learn the difference between the logical mind and pure consciousness, our true self.

Matrix 7 brings us into a state of being in which our logical mind becomes quiet, and our divine Self appears your mind will become your friend in the here and now.

It will make the connection with Matrix 7, will be a leap in your spiritual development.

Matrix 7 uses a very simple symbol you will learn to instantly find your inner peace, your true self, your divine heart.

Receive activation chi ball, Manual in English, lineage.

EUR 9.99




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The Golden Eye Grid by Daniela Hills


by Daniela Hills    EUR 19.99

 $ 111

And 'the eye of inner knowledge, inner realization.

It stands out for the awakening of the mind and is the symbol of perception.

The Golden Eye brings the calm of thought, creating space for sending or receiving information. It helps to connect to the information and then to become a channel.

The golden eye in the grid will help 'to consciously connect with everything and observe.

Through the tuning of The Golden Eye Grid, your spirit will be awakened.

You will realize that everything in life is a kind of game, and you decide how you will play the game.

Do you realize that you are connected to all that is, and that there are no coincidences.

The Golden Eye will help you to observe the situation from "above" in order to truly understand what is happening in these situations. Your intuition opens and connects with your inner wisdom.

It also lets you look through the eyes of other people to understand better.

And 'possible to identify the root causes of problems, not only in this life, but also of past lives.

Receive activation chi ball. Manual of 38 pages in English, lineage.

EUR 19.99




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White Light Self by Daniela Hills


by Daniela Hills  EUR 10.00

The Self - empowerment white light system uses the symbol of the white crystal globe of radiant energy, helps to open and energize the chakras when working with this system our vibration increases so that 'can get in touch with our SE' Superior with spiritual leaders. And any other sources at high levels, our intuition will increase 'there are no special prerequisites to receive these activations but since we are not in a physical seminar but I will send' the activation remote and 'important that the student has received minimum 1 Reiki level or kundalini.

It 'an easy to learn system and is divided on 4 levels

1 level, the clearing here the knowledge of aura and chakras and 'essential because the first tune and' imprinted on cleaning work, daily have to do with the chakras and aura.

2 The Healing level attention and 'always focused on openness and healing chakra, you will also learn to harmonize with the ball of white light energy, energy security and meditation

3 Level Expansion will learn advanced meditation for healing technique of distance harmonizationthe connection with the sources of information with your SE 'Superior.

4 Level Master Teacher will learn the techniques of harmony and more.

Receive activations chi ball. Manuals in English, lineage.

EUR 10.00




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 by Victor Glanckopf    EUR 75.00

There are 2 level in this system

you will be tuned with the 8 sacred symbols

Sun symbol increases the 'Solar Energy Healing

pranicRycesimbol - manifesting special needs

About fields simbol - contributes to the manifestation of prosperity equine symbol - emotional balance

ski / cloud / Reiki symbol - bring balance into your life

consciousnessexansion symbol - the Spirit of insider support more 'lofty concepts

Highest meditation - the support to your If 'Superior to join the divine vibration

Purity pass symbol - alignment for a better energy flow

protection symbol - for emotional protection

the energies of shamanic will give answers to the hidden mysteries COUNCIL ..... !!!!!

Receive remote activations, 2 manuals by author in English

EUR 75.00




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Founders: Victor Glanckopf   EUR 75.00

Aura Empowerment Reiki is a powerful tool for healers to protect their aura during healing energy treatments.

Aura Empowerment Reiki works well for people who work in the medical profession, as well as for individuals who are involved in public work.

Aura Empowerment Reiki works well for anyone in the military or similar professions.

Aura Empowerment Reiki is very beneficial for people who every day of life are characterized by a difficult environment, with interpersonal relationships, for example, working environments or family problem situations.

Aura Empowerment Reiki works well with children when the energy fields are still open to the outside to the negative vibes.

Aura Empowerment Reiki works for sensitive children and indigo children.

The manual explains the 'Aura in great detail, if you've ever wanted to learn about the Aura, this is a very intimate and loving way to do it. It will help you

Connect with your Aura and understand more through this empowerment

You can also find in the manual - How to perform an Aura Empowerment Harmony, Chakra Cards and how to apply, and the aura empowerment activation process Reiki

This course will tune with the healing rays of the Archangel Metatron who

It helps you in your work Aura Empowerment Reiki. The tuner will also allow

to send to others.

Receive activation chi ball, manual in English ... very interesting

EUR 75.00




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Tantra Reiki by Victor Glanckopf


by Victor Glanckopf   EUR 65.00

Tantra Reiki aims to shed light on the energy aspects of Tantra without any analysis of different philosophies or practices.

Tantra recognizes the powerful energy produced by our desires as an indispensable resource on the Spiritual Path our goal and 'the realization of the maximum human potential.

Through the process of Activation our tantra style helps the transformation of the whole experience from the moment that our present life and 'inseparably linked to the desire, we have to use this strong energy if we want transform our lives into something transcendental

You receive remote activation.

Manual by author in English with the details needed to use Reiki Tantra with your Spouse / Partner.

activating chi ball.manual in English

EUR 65.00



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Chakra Tantra Reiki - from Victor Glanckopf

EUR 75.00    By Victor Glanchopf

Chakra Tantra Reiki is a form of spiritual healing that balances the yin and yang the masculine and feminine within the chakras.

Chakra Tantra helps to fully awaken the Kundalini energy.

In Hindu philosophy these two opposite poles represent Shiva and Shakti.

Chakra Tantra Reiki is a combination of the chakra balancing thoughts integration of polar energies, and ourselves to work on our creative energies to manifest our desires.

And 'also useful in reinvigorating our creative and sexual energies, regarding the scope sacral chakra.

It can help relieve back pain due to blocked energy, improve fertility and personal power.

Chakra Tantra Reiki combined with visualization exercises, aromatherapy and massage is helpful in removing energy blockages releasing beliefs and deeply ingrained behaviors. learn ...

How to give in person Chakra Tantra Reiki massage

That use aromatic oils

Focus massage on the ground

The balancing Symbol

Energy Healing & Massage Guided Meditation on the spine

Energy healing work on Chakra

Draw tuning Chakra Symbols

Crystals correspondent

Awakening and invigorate the sexual energies

Sending Long Distance Symbols tuning process.

Receive remote activation. Manual in English and lineage

EUR 75.00




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15 euro 

According to Welsh tradition, the Adar Llwch Gwin were gianT birds, similar in kind to the Griffin, which were given to a warrior named Drudwas Ap Tryffin by his fairy wife. These birds were said to understand human speech and to obey whatever command was given to them by their master.

They are servants that can work with other spirits, (white or dark), influence humans and situations and take presence on both physical and astral realms. They are good companions for anybody who wants to connect to an amazing and ancient energy.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement


15 euro 





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by Detelina Monova   EUR 6.99

After you have had time to wind down head to the further Top Osam river down the valley, here you will find owls, eagles, falcons, turtles, fish and many rare plants, some of Which are on the red list for endangered Bulgaria flora and fauna.

At this time you may be asking how to get there and revving up the engine, well it's easy: from the Lovech waterfalls are sign-posted all the way.

Receive this Attunement chi ball, manual English language,and lineage.


EUR 6.99




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by Detelina Monova    EUR 6.99

St. Ivan Rilski, krown also as the The Miracle Worker, is the most famous Bulgarian hermit. He was canonized right after His death. He had founded the Rila Monastery, where His relics are kept to this day and are said to still Shops provide miracle cures.

Receive this Attunement chi ball, manual English language, and lineage.


EUR 6.99




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Enyo'Day Empowerment by Detelina Monova


by Detelina Monova   EUR 6.99

Enyo's Day Healing System

Enyovden(June 24 )isa festival connected with the summer solstice.

Herbs gathered on 24 th June have stronger healing powers than those gathered on any other day of the year.

The day of the nativity of St .John the Baptist ,24th June ,is also known as Enyovden in the Bulgarian tradition.There is a popular belief that on this day before the sun rises it spins round

three time and then goes back to face the advent of winter.This rotation causes a shift in time and space and opens up a gateway to the world of magic .

Receive manual english language ,attunement chi ball

EUR 6.99




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Cosmic Ray Attunements LW by Chris Comish


by Chris Comish   EUR 6.99

This is the third manual in a series of 3 – consisting of:

1. Planetary Ray Attunements 1 (7 attunements)

2. Planetary Ray Attunements 2 (5 attunements)

3. Cosmic Ray Attunements (8 attunements)

The Cosmic Rays and the Great Beings of Light

There are cosmic versions of the planetary rays. The cosmic rays are sourced from the Godhead at the Creator level and then filtered through each level (cosmic, multi-universal, universal, galactic, solar) and then down to Earth. There is not much information on the cosmic rays, since humanity has only been accessing the rays since the late 1990s.

The cosmic rays are not yet grounded into Mother Earth, as most of humanity is not yet ready for them. Attuning yourself to the cosmic rays is extremely important to accelerate your personal ascension process and that of the entire planet. Each attunement to the cosmic rays grounds the energies into your being as well as the Earth. When enough of humanity has
grounded the cosmic rays, they will begin

Since very little is known about the rays and more about their sources, the background information here will concentrate on the Great Beings of Light who are the masters of the cosmic rays.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


EUR 6.99




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Planetary Ray Attunements 1 LW by Chris Comish


by Chris Comish   EUR 6.99

This is the first manual in a series of 2 – consisting of:

1. Planetary Ray Attunements 1 (7 attunements)

2. Planetary Ray Attunements 2 (5 attunements)

The Planetary Rays and the Ascended Masters

Prior to 1960, this planet for the last 3.1 billion years
basically dealt with the seven major rays. These seven rays

1. First ray: power, will and purpose (red)

2. Second ray: love/wisdom (blue)

3. Third ray: active or creative intelligence (yellow)

4. Fourth ray: harmony (emerald green)

5. Fifth ray: concrete science (orange)

6. Sixth ray: abstract idealism and devotion (indigo)

7. Seventh ray: ceremonial order and magic (violet)

Then in approximately 1970 a most extraordinary event occurred on this planet. There was a special dispensation to this planet of five new rays.

These five new rays are:

8. Eighth ray: higher cleansing ray (seafoam green)

9. Ninth ray: joy, attracting the body of light (blue-green)

10. Tenth ray: anchoring of the body of light, inviting soul merge (pearlescent)

11. Eleventh ray: bridge to the new age (pink-orange)

12. Twelfth ray: anchoring of the new age and the Christ consciousness (gold)

The first 7 of the Planetary Rays will be covered in this manual, and the next 5 in Planetary Ray Attunements 2.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


EUR 6.99





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Planetary Ray Attunements 2 LW by Chris Comish


by Chris Comish  EUR 6.99

This is the 2 manual in a series of 2 – consisting of:

1. Planetary Ray Attunements 1 (7 attunements)

2. Planetary Ray Attunements 2 (5 attunements)
The Planetary Rays and the Ascended Masters

Prior to 1960, this planet for the last 3.1 billion years
basically dealt with the seven major rays. These seven rays are:

1. First ray: power, will and purpose (red)

2. Second ray: love/wisdom (blue)

3. Third ray: active or creative intelligence (yellow)

4. Fourth ray: harmony (emerald green)

5. Fifth ray: concrete science (orange)

6. Sixth ray: abstract idealism and devotion (indigo)

7. Seventh ray: ceremonial order and magic (violet)

Then in approximately 1970 a most extraordinary event occurred on this planet. There was
a special dispensation to this planet of five new rays.

These five new – higher - rays are:

8. Eighth ray: higher cleansing ray (seafoam green)

9. Ninth ray: joy, attracting the body of light (blue-green)

10. Tenth ray: anchoring of the body of light, inviting soul merge (pearlescent)

11. Eleventh ray: bridge to the new age (pink-orange)

12. Twelfth ray: anchoring of the new age and the Christ consciousness (gold)

The first 7 of the Planetary Rays was covered in Planetary Ray Attunements 1, and theese last 5 rays are covered in this manual.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 6.99




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Axiatonal Lines Reconnection LW by Chris Comish


by Chris Comish   EUR 6.99

What are Axiatonal Lines and why do they need to be reconnected?

All that exists is SOURCE. Un-Differentiated Source continually differentiates, and casts parts of Himself or Herself out into Creation as Self in order to simply experience all there is to experience. After differen- tiation occurs, several successive “deeper probes” are
sent in order to express and experience greater and
greater levels of subtlety of Life.

At the end of the “program”, when a theme has played out, all aspects of Source then return back to the Un-Differentiated Source. This process starts all over again, and carries on for eternity to explore other themes. This, in a nutshell, is the Big Picture.
A long time ago, there was a “rebellion” of sorts. The lower aspects of Self wanted to go off on their own. When we consciously renounced our Divinity, we separated from the rest of Self. This break occurred below the Oversoul level.

By agreement, the Higher Self remained with the separated Self under the condition
of non-interference; and to provide assistance only when called upon to assist.

The etheric body which inter-penetrates the physical body When
separation from the larger Self occurred, a set of lines known as axiatonal lines (or axiatonal meridians) that connect all levels of Self were also severed.

These axiatonal lines used to feed into a 5th dimensional circulatory system known as the axial circulatory system, as well as the 4th dimensional acupuncture meridians. This flow of higher energy used to maintain the physical body and its organs, as well as the emotional and mental bodies in
perfect harmony. When the axiatonal lines were severed, the axial circulatory system became dormant. The acupuncture meridians were left to draw just enough energy to sustain life. ...more in the manual...

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 6.99




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Fear Energy Healing by Sophia Lozenko


I Suggest this option for those who intend to work with their fears ,to trasnform them into love and live a free life outside the trap of fear

The message for you

Patience and love

What is needed in the world.

After all,time is flowing so fast

by conduct that really can not be returned back

With patience and love everything you can take

Results achieved

Without prejudice to the rules of life ,and evil is not accepted.Patience ,the mother of learning

Learn to live with patience and love

And all will happen in your life for your benefit

Receive manual english language and chi ball attunement

6,99 $

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Fear Energy Healing by Sophia Lozenko


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Heal the Mother Earth and the surrounding nature.

We need to give the Mother all Earth Love, Peace and Tenderness we can.

All this is enclosed here.

You need to work every day, because bad weather is moving in a circle going from one to another place. And anytime is able to demonstrate us its power here or there.

People suffer, animals suffer, the ground sobs from a drought or a surplus of moisture.

Should be balance in the world.

Receive this Attunement chi ball, manual English in Russian, and lineage.

6,99 $

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Energy for work with Natural Disasters by Sophia Lozenko


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Earth is your mother and ask for protection.

It scared all of the aggression That happens on it.

People die, animals die.

Receive manual, english, and in russinan attunement chi ball, lineage.


6,99 $

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Energy for Protection of Mother Earth by Sophia Lozenko


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