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Re-gaining The Game Strand by Musa KOCATEPE


EUR 6.99

This activation Allows us to replace the "Not Achieved" ones with the "Need to Achieve" ones in our DNA strands. Need to Achieve not Achieved

Faith versus Feeling as a Victim: Faith to a plan That is always ready for our good. Otherwise, we do not get pleasure out of life. we play That the roles are written by others.

This is Because of our need not to make trouble for others or to face our fears. Taking over another's strength We do not mean we are selfish. Similarly, it does not mean we look down on anyone, either. It's just a frail condition Within ourselves. Responsibility versus All Diseases: We have to take charge of our lives. Whatever we have experienced in life is Because of our thoughts, behaviors and actions.

When we accept responsibility, we have a strong chance to rewrite the story. If we do not accept taking responsibility, the result is an illness, Which is remainder in our body or spirit gives us That something is wrong. Acceptance versus Resistance: Acceptance does not mean feeling despair or to say "I can not risk taking a chance." It is hard to accept That All results we experience are related to our choices. When you meet a problem, just explain to others what you're feeling. For instance, say, "Your act makes me feel worthless. " Life path and Lessons versus Anger: Whatever we live Should be suitable for our life path and its lessons. From Spirit's viewpoint, there is no "good" or "bad", there is only the experience. We can not complete our
Life lessons the unless we accept the situation as it is. We did not come in this world to just walk about. There are many aspects waiting for us to be aware of, comprehend, or change. We are all working to learn co-creation.

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This training is aimed at all Reiki Masters who wishes to raise their personal level of vibrations as well as the ones on planet Earth in order to reduce suffering and heal humanity.

This transmission brings us back to our forgotten very ancient sources of Knowledge dating back to Atlantis and Lemuria It permits us to reconnect to our hidden memories where we transmitted, as Light Workers of the 4th Dimension, the Love Energy of our Diamond Heart.

Seven new symbols are introduced during the attunement to the Seven Pearls of Reiki.

An important vibration modification will be after receiving the attunements and will permit deeper healing sessions as well as aid with your commitment to serve on this Divine Plane.

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Die Bedeutung der Energie teilte sich mir auch dieses Mal wieder über eine Liedzeile mit, die mir während der Einweihung wie ein Mantra durch den Kopf ging.

"Licence for living" bedeutet ins Deutsche übersetzt soviel wie "Erlaubnis zur Lebendigkeit" und meint in diesem Sinne die Abkehr vom karmisch geprägten Lebensweg, hin zu Selbstbestimmung, Lebensfreude, schöpferischem Ausdruck als Selbstzweck des Lebens.

Die Energie der neuen Zeit lädt uns ein, Fremdbestimmung durch veraltete Glaubenssätze, karmische Verstrickungen, Ahnenenergien und einengende Gesellschaftsmuster loszulassen und uns die "Erlaubnis" uns so zu leben wie wir sind, vom Himmel selbst abzuholen.

Wir müssen uns vor niemand anderem als vor "Gott" verantworten und dieser möchte, dass wir uns entfalten und angstfrei leben, kreativ sind und Schönes und Lichtvolles hervorbringen.

Wir müssen nicht warten "bis die Umstände reif sind" oder uns "jemand erlaubt" uns den Raum zu nehmen, den wir brauchen.
Solche Manipulationen gibt es in der geistigen Welt nicht. Sie werden von Menschen (auch von uns selbst) bewusst und unbewusst verwendet, um uns "klein und abhängig" zu halten.

Genau genommen heißt die komplette Liedzeile "But I need no license for living, I've got my papers in heaven".

Unser Lebensplan liegt ausschließlich in Gottes Händen und nur ihm sollten wir folgen und uns nicht durch das tägliche irdische Leben von ihm abbringen lassen. Werden wir uns dessen bewusst, kann sich eine neue Unabhängigkeit und ein enormer "Raumgewinn" für uns einstellen.

Wir sind eingeladen, Altes loszulassen, um frisch wie ein Tautropfen am Morgen, voller Freude und Vertrauen unseren göttlichen Weg zu beschreiten

(Auszug aus dem Skript)

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EUR 7.99

Was sind Pfortentiere:

Pfortentiere sind Tiere, die sich auf der ätherischen Ebene in deinen 7 Hauptchakren befinden.
In jedem deiner Hauptchakren befindet sich ein sogenanntes Pfortentier. Die Pfortentiere heilen und bewachen deine Chakren, prägen es mit ihrer Energie, führen dich und erlauben Rückschlüsse zu den mit dem Chakra verbundenen Lebensthemen. Dieser Aufgabe können sie aber nur in optimaler Weise nachkommen, wenn sie gesund sind.

Eigenschaften der Energie:
Mit der Energie der Pfortentier Chakra Heilung kannst Du, nachdem du durch Meditation Informationen zu Art und Zustand deiner Pfortentiere gesammelt hast, diese bei ihrer Genesung unterstützen.

Wie im Script beschrieben stellst du deinen Pfortentieren auf energetischer Ebene alles zur Verfügung, was sie zur Heilung oder Harmonisierung ihres Zustandes benötigen.
Die Energie der Pfortentier Chakra Heilung spürt Disharmonien selbständig auf, sodass du im Grunde nicht wissen musst, welches Pfortentier Heilung benötigt. Es genügt, die Energie bei Bedarf bzw. Verdacht auf Ungleichgewicht aufzurufen. Sie arbeitet dann entsprechend der kosmischen Intelligenz.

Allerdings solltest du vorgewarnt sein, dass längst vergangene Begebenheit (die du bisher jedoch nicht wirklich verarbeitet hast) noch einmal in deinem Bewusstsein hochsteigen. So erhältst du die Chance diese unbefriedigten Situationen (veralteten Glaubenssätze, Einstellungen und Blockaden) vielleicht jetzt auch mit Abstand und mehr als Beobachter noch einmal anzugucken, um sie dann in Liebe loszulassen. Eventuell geschieht eine Blockadenlösung auch nachts über deine Träume. Nehme alles dankbar an, wie es passiert und sei dir gewiss, dass es zu deinem Besten, für deine Ganzwerdung und Heilung geschieht.

Mit starken, gesunden Pfortentieren arbeiten die Chakren optimal und harmonisch und die spezifischen Eigenschaften deiner Helfertiere unterstützen dich, deinen Alltag zu meistern.

(Auszug aus dem Skript)

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EUR 11.99

80 euro

The White Priesthood is the priesthood of the New Age, of freedom. Jesus Christ himself was a white priest, having received His initiation from Mother Mary who was a priestess in Avalon.

Human beings who accompanied him on His Way too received an initiation into the White priesthood.

This energy was embedded and is now waiting to be kindled in order to unify the field of the golden, blue, red and white priests and priestesses. this kindling of the energy has now Been allowed as the gates of Lentos have She has been opened.

For the Prosonodo Light and the Energy flowing in Eleua makes it possible to kindle the power of the priesthood in a protecting field.

The field of the White Priesthood was kindled at the October 2011 Kryonfestival.

You can answer the question Whether you belong to the white priesthood for yourself by connecting with Jesus, the Light and Prosonodo
the Eleua Energy. Everybody who feels deeply connected with Jesus bears Within this White priesthood.

During the initiation Jesus will kindle the fire field of the White priesthood in you.

Through These energies you will feel what it means to be a white priestess, a white priest.

The gentler White priesthood helps to dissolve the hard vows and patterns of previous incarnations That still affect you today, but are no longer helpful to you in this incarnation.

The priest power of Jesus Christ protects you know That you will experience freedom in your work and blackberries fulfilling your task.

In Additions, as a white priestess or priest of the golden-blue frequency you may participate on in the knotting of the love bond for Lucifer Which is one the main tasks of the golden-blue frequency has for the Ascension.

During the initiation into the White priesthood of the New Age you will receive crystals for creating the living Merkaba for Lucifer.

The energy of the White priesthood includes all frequencies here on planet Earth

. This is the divine power That assists the planet Earth in the Ascension.

Now the time has come to tie love bond or Merkaba for Lucifer in His order to transform energy. After this will open the gates of Lemuria and the Ascension will take place.

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EUR 9.99

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing 12D is a new Powerful Energies system as an addendum to Original 4 levels of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing

You will be initiated into 12 levels of reality..with multi-universal and multi-cosmic aspects of Shamballa Healing..12D will activate 144 Strands of DNA in your physical and spiritual bodies.. This will re-connect you entire self throughout these 12 dimensions.

Initiations List & Techniques

1. Initiations into the order of Melchizedek.

(The Order of Melchizedek includes all who elect to serve as guided by the divine within them.)

2. Activation of the sacred geometry,cosmic fire and letters from the cosmic sacred languages in all your bodies.

3. All clearings of implants and negative multiple beings.

4. You will receive a deep connection with your - I am presence and through this connection will realize who and what we really truely are-- UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

5. You will be able to heal yourself on all levels and do the same for others.

6. You will learn how to work with your crystalline bodies. As well as heal, imbalances in them.

7. You will learn ow to connect to your blue print which is the seed of your perfection.

8. You will learn about heavenly hosts and the new universe beyond illusion.

9. Activation of the Melchizedek diamonds and crystals Matrix.

10. And more ....

The origins of the Shamballa system lie way back in pre-history as we know it. Germain was incarnate in Atlantis at the time. He brought through the original system in order to help in the evolution of low vibrational beings who were being used as slaves. He wanted to make this slavery unacceptable, and to free these beings from their bondage of ignorance. The system today is much expanded, for we are ready for much higher energies now. But its purpose is similar?to free us from our bondage of ignorance, to bring us into the Love and Freedom of our own mastery. What does it mean to be a Master? It does not mean power over others. It simply means being a Master of oneself. As any true Master will tell you.

St. Germain - The Seventh Ray of Freedom and Transmutation :
Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst are the archangels of the seventh ray
Elohim Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim of the seventh ray
Omri-Tas. Is the Ruler of the Violet Planet
Saint Germain's twin flame is the Ascended Lady Master Portia
Saint Germain is the Lord of the Violet Ray
The Path of The Alchemist/Transformation

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EUR 19.99

140 euro

From manual by Founder

I received this energy during the attunement process for my student into the Diamond of prosperity by Nicole Lanning: I felt Metatron's presence which was emanating powerful silver rays on me, on my student and around us. I watched the diamond and its rays.

Then Metatron said to me: «Dear Margaret, you’ve seen a powerful stone which I give you. Please, give it further to others. It will attract improvement of a financial condition and will guide you in taking of correct decisions. It isn’t an usual diamond: its rays wrap up not only a person, but also some layers of his aura. This powerful stone is in continuous rotation and never stops. Also it sends small rotating round own axis diamonds where there are blockages. New diamonds will always go out from silver rays of the Big diamond, and this condition never will stop».

Why are you giving me this powerful stone during the attunement to the Diamond of prosperity? Does it belong to this system?

No, it doesn't belong to this system. This diamond belongs to you. You should give it further to others.

Your diamond works on some spheres and allows removes blockages. It rotates constantly. My diamond leads to progress.

However, please, remember that each person perceives the word “prosperity” by his own way, this word has many meanings and can be reflected differently, but always positively.

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EUR 9.99

Brings the ability and knowledge to connect to our Sacred Earth, you can share the vibration of nature and use her natural pure energy.

Go forth and share this with gift for every minute you are connected you are sending back pure love to heal Our Sacred Earth.

Level 1

Symbols the connection

The Sacred Earth Symbol is used initially to make a connection to the Sacred Earth Energy, to protect your aura, / energies on your chakras, to help disperse blockages.,assists you in spiritual and psychic development.

Level II

Letting in the light

This symbol is used primarily to Strengthen the connection and light you may channel., to direct the energy to a particualr spot in healing., to Strengthen the connection to your angels, guides, spirits, messengers etc. and for grounding.

Level III

Inner self

This symbol is to be used to work on your inner self.

Level IV


This symbol is to be used to overcome belief systems and blockages, to clear Which your old beliefs are no longer of use to you and make new ones, to assist in progression to your goals, inwardly and outwardly, to speed things up,

Level V


This symbol Should be used to send the energy to every part of your being, every cell, nucleus, dna,to assist in the Provokation of creativity, to assist in the opening of the third eye chakra,to increase to intuition , to allow ideas to flow.

Level VI


This is the symbol to use to assist in your evolution and enlightenment.

Level VII

Peace / Stillness / Tranquility

Use this symbol to Promote a stillness, tranquility, peace into your life, into your mind.

Level VIII

Higher Self

Use this symbol to bridge a connection to your higherself.

Level IX


This symbol is to be used to help you gain mental clarity, to help you gain knowledge, insight, receive messages, find an answer to your message, to help you overcome.

Level X

Distance healing

Use this symbol to invoke the energy in distance

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EUR 7.99

Suitable only for Reiki Masters

Stuart is a Long Time Reiki master, Martial Art instructor (5 th Dan), Qi Gung practitioners and qualified instructor and ordained multi-faith minister. He is a complementary health therapist and holistic psychologist who uses Taoism, Zen, Morita and Buddhist mindfulness With His clients.

Following meditating and casting with the I Ching and Stuart was gifted the attunement instructed to compile and Provide the Following manual. At the time of gifting Stuart was meditating on the spirits of Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the ancient Wu shamans.

The Reiki Healing Attunement Mindfulness is not a substitute for medical or mental health care and Should only be used as part of a managed care plan and overall if you are unwell. The word "healing" is only used in its "self healing" sense.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a term used to describe a method of thinking, noticing and thought itself, and is derived from Buddhism. It includes; - Meditation or relaxation therapy - The mindfulness ways of self-observation: being gently aware of our own thinking - The qualities of thinking That holistic bring peace and happiness - The negative traits That can detract from our thinking - Lifestyle issues Do I have to convert to Buddhism to use mindfulness? No. Although it is derived from the faith of Buddhism, there is no need to adhere to any faith, or any Particular faith. Buddhism contains a major strand of personal improvement and self development, and this wealth of knowledge can be tapped into in a secular way, or used by practitioners of other faiths without having to believe in Buddhism itself. In no way do you have to convert or undermine any faith you may have of your own. In the same way you can use mindfulness with clients of any faith and background. Indeed Throughout the course other faiths, and indeed non-faith therapy models will be explored and quoted in order to Provided for flexible approach. Buddhism and related religions such as Zen have a long and complex history Which make outstrips the sent of this training course. additional study is to be incendio apply mindfulness to a range of people and backgrounds, including people with no religious faith whatsoever

What kind of problems are helped using mindfulness?

The Mindfulness Do Reiki Attunement The Attunement will assist in attuning your subconscious to a new level of mindfulness and awareness.

This should be used alongside the exercises and practices outlined in the manual.

The attunement will assist on an energetic level to help break down habitual negative thought patterns, Allowing a new awareness of the old, and attraction to the new. Regular meditation and use of Reiki will Increase and reaffirm this new awareness and self care attitude.
Let every use of Reiki, Whether receiving, self treating or attuning be a reminder and rededication That You will use Reiki energy to reveal your hidden patterns to you, energize new positive patterns, and infused new healthy self management patterns with happiness, fulfillment and joy.

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Pre-requisite Reiki Master Level

Stuart is a Long Time Reiki master, Martial Art instructor (5 th Dan), Qi Gung practitioners and qualified instructor and ordained multi-faith minister. He is a complementary health therapist and holistic psychologist who uses Taoism, and Zen Buddhist mindfulness With His clients.

Following meditating and casting with the I Ching Stuart was gifted the attunement and instructed to compile and Provide the Following manual. At the time of gifting Stuart was meditating on the spirits of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the ancient Wu shamans.

The history of Taoism or "Daoism" is complex and fascinating.

Often tribal shamans would do battle with each other and there is some historical evidence to suggest early shamanic tribal leaders. In Taoism there is a Particular emphasis on alchemical processes. Although there is indeed a literal desire to change base metals into gold, this is more from the perspective of spiritual and magical healing than desire for wealth. It was believed That drinking from an alchemically created gold vessel would have a similar effect to the Holy Grail cup legend - bring immortality and health. As western white occult practices there is Also the emphasis on personal transformation spiritually. it It should be Noted However That Taoism does have a strong tradition of seeking immortality through herbalism, alchemy, magic, Qi Gung and other practices.

Another way in cui Taoism Assimilated shamanic practices is in it's veneration of animal spirits and other spiritual entities. There is an acceptance of the existence of a multitude of spiritual entities Which are Considered sometimes demons, or powers, or even manifestations of prophets or Buddhas. It Should be Noted That Taoism Generally coexists with Buddhism, and in Japan: Zen. Animal spirits or totems are Particularly venerated. Dragons in Particular are Considered manifestations not only of magic, but of powerful evil essence. Tigers are powerful Considered manifestations of female essence. Other animals like the water buffalo are respected Also, indeed Lao Tze is Often portrayed riding one. In Taoism Therefore we have a rich and diverse range of practices: - Shamanism including spirits and animal totems - Magic including casting and spells - Alchemy, both spiritual and physical - Qi Gung and other breathing exercises and martial art - Herbalism and the use of plant extracts Generally - Healing and energy work Later another great work - the I Ching was to become a major Force Within Taoism. The I Ching is Generally viewed in it's popular use, as a tool for divining the future and Gaining wisdom. indeed it is truly an excellent tool for exactly that.

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Suitable only for Reiki Masters

This system it was channeled during a period of study into pagan mythology, Wicca and the role of elements and totem animals in overall pagan casting and healing.

Stuart is a long time Reiki master, Martial Art instructor (5 th Dan), Qi Gung practitioners and qualified instructor and ordained multi-faith minister.

He is a complementary health therapist and holistic psychologist who uses Taoism, Zen, and Buddhist mindfulness With His clients. He has Studied Druid, Wiccan, Shamanism and Western Traditional paths

There are many types of energy, from the life force found in plants and animals, to vibrational energies in crystals, deep resonance in the Earth itself (or Mother Earth if you prefer). There is fire, water, wind, lightening, heat and cold. There is gravity and the movement of Both the planet and the tectonic plates. Different cultures consider there to be different numbers of primal energies - some limit it to Earth, Wind, Fire, Water. Others add Metal (usually eastern models).
The balances of These forces are Often seen in a holistic and complementary treatment models where clients may have an imbalance in the heat, wind or excess water.

In Additions to These energies there are powers and forces That Are esoterical in nature, such as casting, prayer, Reiki, curses, blessings, synchronicity, magick, way lines, Deities and so on.

In shamanism in Particular That there is a recognition we are not somehow separated from all of These energies, and instead we are subject to them.

Whether we are aware of them or not we are Effected by them passively. A practitioner of some styles of paganism or shamanism However would not be content with passive interaction, but will instead wish to be actively attuned to them.

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Shamanic Reiki M.Lyn Michaels


EUR 6.99

Shamanic Reiki

Pre-Requisites: We recommend You Already be an Usui Reiki Master or have some prior experience with healing energy.

Short manual but wonderful energies

Levels / Attunements: 1 then Various

description: Shamanic Reiki was developed by M. Lyn Michaels and includes a weave of all the earth-based energies and as such is a "master" or combined energetic attunement to use ... You, you can ask for repeated attunements on your own.

It is a large energy stream, and definitely too much for most folks to take all at once.

It is set up to be self adjusting according to Functional the needs of the person, That is, the energy is intended to be self-regulating in attunement terms of pacing.

You just keep asking for it until you feel finished, or you ask for a Particular aspects That You want to focus on ... like elemental attunements, etc ...,

Shamanic Reiki is the "pool" ... you decide where to dive and how long to swim.

The first attunement is facilitated to help you Establish a good connection.

All of the Following attunements are optional and can be done on your own as described above

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EUR 6.99

The EHL Focuses on the purification of the body to the design created before this incarnation.

It can give a clean sweep through the cellular structure, a channel vibration with energy high enough to host the Christ-Buddha Self.

When holding such light, at low energy density can not drain the cellular structure, as a result, to disease-free body is created.

By cleansing all channels, your own healing abilities will be shown by the Master Within.

The vibration level of the energy of EHL in this lineage is Further raised by Ms E Chan in 2003 and by Mr. Ray Hung in 2004 & 2005.

symbols 1. Old version 2. New version (as at 2002)

Manual Version 1.1 by R HUNG in November 2005

How to Activate the Energy Using Symbol

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Shaman Power by Knonsu


EUR 6.99

The energies and symbols of this system were passed on to Khonsu by a Master who sought the most effective symbols from various Shamans worldwide.

The information regarding the use of these symbols and the initiation was channeled by Knonsu.

It should be noted that Shaman Power is attained through initiation only.

The initiation brings in the flow of Shaman Power connecting the initiate to this powerful Ancient form of Healing.

It is very useful for those who are already Masters of systems such as Reiki or Seichim.

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Miraculous Vessels By Irvine Khonsu Feurst


EUR 6.99

Opening the Mircaulous Vessels Opening the Miraculous Vessels in the Emotional Body

Opening the Miraculous Vessels in the Mental Body Opening the Miraculous Vessels in the Casual Body

Opening to Natural Flow Level 1 Initiation connecting the Miraculous Vessels in the Etheric, Emotional, Mental and

Causal bodies

Initiation strengthening the Connection between the Etheric Body Miraculous Vessels and the Etheric Glands

The Temple of the Sun Initiation The Elixirs of the Gods Inititaion Harmonizing Shakti Level 1

Tan Tien Alignment Tan Tien Integration Meditation Shakti, Level 1 Releasing Blocks to Compassion

Rainbow Mind TM Initiation Level 1 Seeds of Enlightment" Initiation Level 1 DNA Initiation, Level 1

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Sacred Path Reiki Master Level


EUR 9.99

Sacred Path Reiki is essentially the same as Usui Reiki, except that there are three additional symbols, "we are open" (we learn in the first level) and "we are centered" (we learn in the second level). "We are open" we are used to open the aura of a person and can be used to improve communication and relationships between people. This symbol can also be used reversed. Once done, the contrary is "we are closed", which acts to close the aura. This helps to bring the aura in a natural state after it has been opened. Both the symbols used in combination may have a mass effect in the soil and other.

Level 1 Course content:

Your lineage assertions morning and evening meditations Reiki (The Western ideals of Reiki, Reiki taught the original statements of dr. MikaoUsui)base chakra information, car-traditional treatment, Reiki (SPR) treatment Sacred Path, other treatment, the use of the symbol Open

Scanning hands alternate locations, Maintaining the plants and animals, the use of symbols that are open and which are closed, Psychotherapy and Traditional Usui Reiki

Psychotherapy and SPR (Started Level), SPR and the philosophy of the sacred way, An essay on the art of healing, Interview with MikaoUsui, the founder of Reiki

2 symbols are taught, and you receive the activations

SACRED path layer TWO REIKI (practitioner)

Course content:


Course content:

public display of the sacred and secret information Reiki Master symbols the activation process (unique tuning method, the tuning method and harmony alternate method) Reiki Healing is taught Harmony of negative energy Removing Objectives Empowering Self-activations and activations away Water Ceremony

5 symbols - 1 tuning - Total levels: 3 Symbols: 13

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The Silver Violet Flame – Saint Germain

The Violet Flame is for those who hear the call of community or spiritual service to mankind, and it also provides the wisdom needed to overcome the selfishness in our lives.

It can be invoked by reciting special kinds of prayers as decrees or mantras, and when combined with meditation and visualization, the violet flame has the power to change or transmute the negative energy manifesting at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This negative energy may take the form of illness, stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, hate, anger or unwanted habits etc. all of which prevent us from experiencing the beauty and joy of our higher spiritual nature.

As a result, the Violet Flame transmutes anything negative that is lodged within our spiritual or physical being, including everything from self-hatred to physical viruses.

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EUR 9.99

77 euro

Durch das goldene Licht welches uns direkt mit der Quelle dem Christusbewusstsen verbindet klaren und reinigen wir alle unsere kanale

Das Golden Light Healing bewirkt dass die chafren der neuzeit energie aktiviert werden und sich in der Schwingung von 999 befinden

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Hawaiian Goddess Trilogy by Lee Newman


EUR 7.99

HAWAIIAN TRILOGY 3 Dee Hi'iaka - Haumea - Pele

These goddesses bring many gifts to share with us women Hi'iaka protector of fishermen warned them in time if there are storms coming.

Haumea and 'regarded as the creator of the Hawaiian people

Pele rules the outbreaks especially volcanoes, the legend tells that you will find in the depths of Mount KILAUEA, lava formations near the volcano are called tears of Pele, if anyone dares to steal his kingdom one fragment will fall 'in disgrace .It 'guardian of the emotions, a great healer and always willing to share his knowledge, is the transmutation, purification.

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