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EUR 6.99

Working with the tree energy of Knowledge brings more balance, stability and sense of well-being in everyday life creates an adjustment between the first and the seventh chakra, between land and spirituality so between body and soul.

The face daily life with inner calm is easier to manage daily responsibilities and the impulse that lead ... heavy stocks may find relief.

Specifically for back pain, this energy can bring positive results you should follow the inner urge to leave unnecessary ballast.

You can use the energy of the Consciousness of the Tree Energy thinking of myrrh and allowing the flow after you received the activation.

You can switch the tuning to others.

Receive activation chi ball , manual in English or in German and lineage.

EUR  6.99


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EUR 6.99

Shamballa 1024 is actually a mechanism for the Ascension!

It includes new Shamballa symbols - a higher vibration of Energy Shamballa.

Shamballa 1024 is composed of symbols energy high vibration, the colors, the language, the universal energies, and much more.

Shamballa 1024 contributes to 'evolution, the expansion of consciousness.

For healers, Shamballa 1024 offers an expansion of its capacity.

The symbols have the purpose to deactivate the disease in the human and animal body "re-encoding" DNA

Getting the Shamballa 1024 and the Master symbols you get full access to all technical at Masters level.

Receive activation chi ball, manual in English or in German

EUR  6.99


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I AM - by Rev. Laura Bradley


EUR 6.99

The AM tuning is a process that allows a person to be a pure channel creative energy without intermediaries.

It is a process that begins with the acceptance that you are indeed a part of God, or whoever / whatever is believed to be the Creator whether it's a source of energy, God, Allah or Vishnu.

There is no need learn symbols for working more and understand what needs must be done or said in this healing in every situation.

The I AM energy is the energy of grace and light can only be used for a good purpose.

Know that when you embark on this journey of being I AM There is embarking on a trip of a lifetime and who fulfills his ultimate goal on this planet ... to be a channel of grace and universal love.

In the manual of the founder you can find a beautiful meditation very helpful.

Receive activation chi ball, Manual in English and spiritual lineage

EUR  6.99


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EUR 7.99

Master prerequisite.

Blue Star is a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man - the Rainbow Bridgeactivations, or initiations are permanent improvements to the subtle body.

Because these initiations are permanent, improvements, and the acceleration of personal vibration, spiritual development, evolution is not limited to this life, they will remain in all subsequent lives.

The main objective of the Blue Star Celestial Energy is the growth, evolution and spiritual development of its practitioners ... Also it protects against the "fragmentation" psychological that could threaten the psyche during its exposure to multidimensional experiences.

Blue Star Celestial Energy Training is offered in two levels.

The level is open to anyone involved in healing or ascension work

Level II / Master, which gives the ability to teach and transmit the energy of the Blue Star, is only open to Master Reiki or Seichim.

Receive activations, manual in English.

EUR   7.99


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Animal Reiki - by Amanda Davies


EUR 6.99

Single system ... wonderful way to help our 4 legged friends and ... parrots cats dogs horses etc ..

As with humans each animal responds differently when receiving Reiki ..

Animal Chakra

The chakras are a complex web of spinning mills, energy vortexes (often called "petals" in the Eastern traditions) that run throughout the body, universal energy (Prana, Chi, Ki) flowing in and out of the chakras along the meridian system , and finally in the aura into the physical body.

Emotions and actions can affect the chakras, and this is reflected in the 'aura.

Similarly, external stimuli, both positive and negative have an effect on the chakras.

We can balance the animal emotionally, mentally and physically, the animals have eight major chakras, 21 minors and 6 chakra chakra Bud there is another main chakra ....

It's called the brachial or Key chakra ...... in the manual in English by the founder found many very detailed information.

Receive the manual English, who Attunement ball.

EUR 6.99


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White Dove Reiki by Master Richard D. Kidd


EUR 6.99

Master Reiki White Dove

Different from other forms of Reiki focuses the energies during healings and attunements, displayed the white dove represents the energy purity that comes transported on its wings and is absorbed by the receiver allows the operator to have a central focal point in which to direct.

Throughout this manual you will learn how white dove Reiki can help you and allow you to be more effective in your practices.

White Dove Reiki was given in the hope that Reiki masters and practitioners using it and pass it to others.

Receive activation chi ball, manual in English

EUR 6.99


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Cerimonial White Magic by Catherine Hand


EUR 12.99

Prerequisite Reiki Master or similar

White ceremonial magic allows healing to increase up to three times, allowing the radiant heat in the 'intensification of sending healing.

The system is simple, easy to use will help your mind stay focused one.

Images, colors and spiritual views, which can be seen better opening crown, third eye, and spiritual awakening, telepathy and healing, are part of the benefits. In this way, the magic and the white tin

Ceremonial white magic has 5 activations that connects to the spirits, guardians and the tools there to help when you run the white magic You will be tuned:

Ceremonial Magic White Guardian

Temple Ceremonial Magic White Goddess

Unifier Ceremonial Magic White

vibrant beauty goddess Ceremonial Magic White Level, White magic wand.and more

Receive activation chi ball, English Manual

EUR 12.99


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EUR 11.99

Seven Chakras are energy nodes in the body.

The seven main chakras are aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

Each chakra is associated with a certain color, multiple specific functions, an aspect of consciousness, a classical element, and other distinguishing characteristics. other information in the manual

Receive attunement chi ball, manual in English or in German

EUR 11.99


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Magic Reiki - by Sarovskaya Elena


EUR 7.99

Magic Reiki is an energy healing system that concerns the world of ghosts, magic and witchcraft.

Helps clean the space from negative substances, neutralizes the negative programs created by others and negative energy pulses including those that were created in distant places or in previous lives.

Magic Reiki is healing for the body, soul and life Magic Reiki helps to create a powerful protection for you and your sacred space.

If you worked with the 'energy for a long time and you are in possession of more occult knowledge you will gain an ability to receive information from both worlds, meet ghosts, elementals etc.

Protected by Magic Reiki you can contact the representatives of different worlds not to be taken lightly !!!!!!

This system has two levels. Practitioner and Master

Receive activations chi ball, manual in English.

EUR 7.99


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EUR 15.99

This particular form of Reiki is by Reiki Master Rodney Cox.

This system goes beyond, of everything 'and that' Reiki, the symbols may be used in addition That for healing for the Magic, etc.

You can create magic item

Receive manuals in English or in German and chi ball attunement

EUR  15.99


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EUR 14.99

A Spirit and an energy system for anyone interested in animal care, shamanism, totem animals or Native American tribal culture.

A spirit and a 'very powerful energy-based shamanic system that uses the heart, unconditional love and Symbols. A spirit takes you inside of you so that you may see deeper below the surface and see your true self.

Within each of us there are totem animals that protect the chakra animals with their own special abilities that guard each Chakra.

Each chakra has its own particular animal keeper.

Receive activations, English manuals, and lineage.

EUR  14.99


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EUR 9.99

It 'a set of work practices with the energy given by the tune.

The functions given in these activations and the information and practices are drawn from the teachings and practices now called Huna.

This course can not have more than a couple of concepts and principles of these ancient practices.

Of this energy work system uses the energies and information from Hawaiian Kahuna. The Huna teachings are universal., It is drawn to these teachings preserved in the Hawaiian Islands.

It contains information and harmonies to the frequencies of energy which we call Shakti functions and techniques that strengthen the energy body will increase the capacity of the energy channels

to keep and bear more 'Mana.

Mana carrying the body's energy.

Aura Strengthening Attunement

Mana tuning Fontana and Meditation

Blessings tune earth and Booster

He Breath Method and Harmony

Breath Enhancement

Nervous System Enhancement

The improvement of the circulatory system

body Enhancement

Heart Foudation Attunement

subconscious Cleansing

Eye of the Flower Kanaloa Harmony

Mental Clearing Shakti

detoxification Shakti

Huna Healing Pracedura

Heart of the Sun

Cross of Fire

"Now" Manawa Attunement

Five Element Cycle

I-O-Pono Pono Shakti

Huna Soul Fuscion

Nulu Meditation

Individualizes Energy Work

You receive chi ball attunemement and Manual in English

EUR 9.99


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49 Angelic Symbols by Cherril Gothelf


EUR 6.99

This workshop will tune with 49 Angelic symbols.

Angel Symbols are a gift from the angelic realm.

They heal our souls, promote confiscation and mental health, we bring harmony and strengthen our subtle bodies.

You receive the meaning of these symbols and you'll be able to view them in your Ajna chakra (third eye) and invite the angels related to them.

Uses: send at a point of your body that needs healing, the use in meditation, charging water, to be used in healing sessions, to raise the vibration and much more!

To receive the activations can choose to receive them all together or for each individual symbol recommended if you are sensitive to the energies perceived differences very well.

Receive activations chi ball manual in English

EUR 6.99


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Angel Light Initiation by Susan Beaumont


EUR 9.99

Angels are messengers of the spirit That Allows us to greater understanding and connection to the higher realms

Angel Light is a series of very powerful activations.

There are 4 activations as part of the initiation or Angel each is very important and must be done in this order. Tuning Third Eye Initiation Crown Astral Heart Tuning Angel Initiations

These Initiations are designed to connect to a spiritual presence or a new guide or a guiding angel.

This initiation is for channeling healing, receiving guidance and training of a connection to the demigods.

It is usual to feel waves of pure love and energy on you. You will be in tune with the Archangel Michael, the Archangel Gabriel, the Archangel Raphael (or Labbiel), Archangel Ariel (Uriel), Angel of the Presence of Christ, Angel Open Heart, Angel of Dreams Come True, Angels in the core of the earth, Angel of Divine Mother of Creation, Angel of the I Am Presence, Rasiel, the Twelve Solar Angels.

Receive activations chi ball Manual English and lineage

EUR 9.99


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Feathers of Angel - by Aleksey Alekandrov

EUR 6.99

Feathers of Angels is a wonderful energy and can use as reiki

Once you activated you will receive a gentle stream of ethereal angel feathers coming down and around you

The energy of the etheric angel feathers help for problems derived from 'anxiety, worry and stress.

It 'wonderful activate this system before going to sleep

While viewing, sending the activation pay attention and look at the person to whom you send energy.

During the healing session it is possible to see the level of chakras problems of people.

There is a compensation technique, which will return to conception. All family problems are usually paid at once when sending feathers of an angel.

Receive activation with chi ball, manual in English

EUR 6.99


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Turquoise Flame by Christine Muller


EUR 7.99

The radius of turquoise energy is synonymous with loving yourself.

Turquoise is the acronym of Atlantis and dolphins with their ability to communicate from one heart to another and their ability to trust in the deep ocean and ride the waves exactly so, as they come and go.

So, as the breath comes and goes.

Turquoise expands the lungs so that it can assimilate the most valuable life energy (or Chi or Prana), as possible, to rebuild, to ride the waves of our lives.

So Turquoise shows the flow in our lives and especially in our emotions.

Turquoise ray is a channeled system given to us by the angel-essence Amai.

This range is particularly closely related to Lady Nada, Seraphis Bey and Hilarion.

Receive attunement chi ball, manual in English and lineage

EUR 7.99


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Crystal Deva by Peggy Jentoft



EUR 9.99

This amazing line has a wealth of information in this manual, if you enjoy working in 'learning of the crystals, this tune for you.

You will learn to be able to call in a number of (different crystal shakti energy) for healing, grounding, meditation, clearing the aura and chakras, and more!

Shakti they will be attuned to

Shakti amplification

Clearing Shakti

Remote Shakti

Shakti Focus

Shakti covered

Shakti group

Crystal Energy Repair

Customize Shakti

Programming Shakti Crystal

spiritual connection and Shakti Higher Self

Gem Elixir Shakti

Rock Sapienza tuning

Crystal Deva tuning Connection

Shakti Quartz Crystal Healing

Crystal Meditation Shakti

Grounding Shakti

Shakti Auto Tune-up

Crystal Healing Shakti

Shakti Rock September

the mode setting

set macro

Earth Blessing tuning

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites to receive the tune in this system, however, a certain knowledge on energy activities or Reiki is beneficial.

receive remote activation, manual in English and spiritual lineage

EUR 9.99


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EUR 14.99

Celtic Reiki and 'a beautiful Reiki style founded by Martyn Pentecost uses the vibrations of the Earth and some plants and trees to create healing energies, and' a variation of Usui Reiki

There are 3 levels, the 1st activation is used to introduce new energy and prepares the student to the next,

the 2nd working with manifestation energies and the 3rd with healing and the energies Master

Symbols used in Celtic Reiki derive the alphabet ancient OGHAM used by the Druids.

In the manual you will find in addition to the detailed instructions symbols

The course includes: 3 Activations Remote

3 manuals in English.or in German

EUR 14.99


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Mor Sanos Orra by Psychic Moon Coven


EUR 7.99

It is a magic system and not for everyone

From the ancient Celtic language the words MorSanosorra mean energy magic secret.

MorSanosOrra the system is a simple and powerful way to work with the energy that anyone can learn to use the development and harmony of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, all in themselves and to help others.

Through word MorSanosOrra and its history comes from an ancient Celtic tradition the same energy is not exclusively Celtic. Rather, the energy known as MorSanosOrra is the source of all creation known as spiritually guided life force energy.

MorSanosOrra works on all levels of a person's mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

For this reason, MorSanosOrra can also be of great benefit to break unwanted habits, addictions, help you focus, objectives and realize the richness demonstration and protects you from evil. Once you are in tune with MorSanosOrra, you have the ability to heal quickly heal themselves and help others.

Receive attunement chi ball, English manual and lineage.

EUR 7.99


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