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Energy for Protection of Reiki by Sophia Lozenko


This is not reiki a attunement and not reiki based energy, so it can

receive any body, whether there are reiki attuned

or not. As recently many people lived under the name 'reiki practicioner', but

actually just hiding behind this name and so distorted the whole

light, harmony and balance of energy. Because these people are

suffering all those involved with Reiki. So you get the attunement

just sends energy into space. It will go where it should and will do

whatever it takes.

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Energy for Protection of Reiki by Sophia Lozenko


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The Energy of Love from Merlin by Sophia Lozenko



Merlin Told You to Love.

Love brings happiness to all the World.

And surrendering you will understand the love

the perfect moment.

Love is beautiful in all forms.

Love for the child, for the husband, for the beast.

Do not forget about yourself.

Everyone Should Love yourself.

Love gives you a break

from day cares, anxieties, worries.

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The Energy of Love from Merlin by Sophia Lozenko




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Universe helps you in transition and sends His Love

In gratitude for your help.

Send your love to the Universe.

Love, Which contains the energy security of the Universe.

This will help the balance of power and to Establish tranquility and peace.

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Energy for Protection of Universe by Sophia Lozenko


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Diamond Heart Aladya by Svetlana Perevalova

6.99 euro 

Aladya - the Angel of revival, regeneration.

An angel, giving the second breath to a body, soul and spirit. It Allows us to restore the forces, giving energy alive then When we feel weakened.

At the same time it actuates Both reason and intuition, and helps to get out of the confused situation.

Aladya is ready to help During The Moments When We aspire to changes, Which still are not capable to realize, and we test confusion in critical situations.

Aladya helps us find Necessary direction, helps us see the correct choice and can be called on in difficult Circumstances.

This energy is best used for spiritual development and growth.

Aladya Belongs to grade Seraphs.

After the attunement, you can be engaged in self-treatment, to help another and to transfer this attunement to others.

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The name Raphael means " The Gold heals " .Raphael gives fire for a life and bodies.The color of this energy is golden .This energy is very kind.It can raise a mood and tones up an organism.It goes a powerful stream ,being poured in from below in the Root Chakra and rising upwards along the backbone.Ruring attunement there are tactile sensations ,there is an internal calmness.Ask Archangel Raphael about spiritual healing and an enlightenment,about sactisfaction of Light Forces ,and everyone who helps you

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Artemis Ray by Svetlana Perevalova

6.99  euro 

Artemis is the giver of life. She takes care of all of Nature and mankind.

She makes the grass grow, gives color to trees and plantlife, and blesses with nature beauty and birth. Also she presides over weddings and marriages.

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Apollo Ray by Svetlana Perevalova


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Appolo's Ray affects the central nervous system, restore the hormonal background, normalizes metabolism, working to normalize weight.

Tightens and rejuvenates skin.

Also treat urinary-reproductive system, Increases libido men.

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The Silver Rain by Svetlana Perevalova

6.99  euro 

Very simple but powerful method

The most important properties of Silver Rain Reiki ... are clean and protected against negative influences around you.

It 'also a powerful energy to be used to clean housing offices etc. eliminates depression and fears stress.

Silver Rain energy can be used constantly to work on our energy fields it works in your aura to heal the cause of the disease emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally and psychically.

After the use of Silver Rain many have increased capacity and extrasensory or rediscover dormant talents.

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The Gold Beam of the Sun By Stelana

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The Gold Beam of Sun

Golden beams of the Sun and the universal energy

This energy normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, cleans the vessels and removes the pain

The aura of golden color and filled with energy.

The Field Increase Activation energy of the light therapy.

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Diamond Ray of Quan Yin from Svetlana Perevalova


6.99  euro 

E 'known as the Goddess of Mercy, the Divine Flame of Love and Compassion radiates qualities of mercy, forgiveness and compassion to' evolution of the Earth. In Chinese Buddhism, Quan Yin is the female personification of the Indian and Tibetan Avalokiteshvara, Amitabhi emanations of Buddha.

He has agreed to be at the service of p ianeta Earth until all the children of Light will be free.

Wonderful energetic connection to Kuan-Yin and its power of Big Love, compassion, wisdom and healing.


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Amon Ra by Svetlana Perevalova


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Amon Ra was a Deity 'Celesten

This activation helps to bring out successful new life projects

gives courage, come to the surface hidden skills, talent

you can self-treat and activate other.


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EUR 6.99

If you still want to do things your way Nathaniel is not the guy for you as he will once invoked karmikally stir your pot ensuring changes happen right away

If feeling stuck or stagnant is your issue ask ArchangelNathaniel to run his orange flame of transformation for you transmuting the blockages into light.

Put his energy into all of your manifestations to see instant and rapid changes and movement

When you work with Archangel Nathaniel you have no choice but to move forward specially as related to your life purpose

He can help you identify your particular soul mission in a hurry

Turn your passion into the reality of your life

Whatyou get in this empowerment

Connection to Archangel Nathaniels energy and aura which some might perceive as a fiery red colour

Connection to Archangel Nathaniels flame of transformation which will bring rapid fire changes into your life overnight so be careful what you wish for and more....

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Platinum Ray by Tina Sarup

EUR 6.99

The Platinum Ray is one of the higher rays of light available to mankind now as have crossed the dimensions and raised our frequency

The platinum Ray helps you awaken to your cosmic identity and is being facilitated through Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,invoking and working with this ray only one time can make you feel a sense of unity with universe

In the Platinu Ray empowerment you will

will get connected your platinum ray guide and the platinum ray angel

will get connected to the platinum ray lazer of balancing as sent to you by Master Melchizedek

will get connected to the platinum light shower cleansing of you all lover energies

The platinum ray rainbow bridge connecting your soul to creator's mind and heart and the universal mind and cosmic heart

and more...

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Fairies of The Roses Empowerment by Tina Sarup

EUR 6.99

In this Empowerment you will receive

The red ray of the Fairy of the red roses that you can anchor into your root chakra and sacral chakra to ignite passion and vibrancy into your energy again

The white ray of the fairy of the white roses that you can use in all fours parts of your light body your mind ,your emotions ,your body and your aura infusing you with peace ,refinement and purity

The pink ray of the fairy of the pink roses infusing you with sweetness,caring,affection,laughter,inno cence,bonding,healing anchor this into your heart chakra

The yellow ray of the fairy of the yellow roses infusing you with hope ,revival of desires ,warmth,friendship,cheerfulness,warmth and authenticity anchor this into your solar plexus chakra

The rainbow rose of the fairies of the roses combining the energies of all four fairies of the roses

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Spirit of Jaguar by Wanda Ruffner


EUR 6.99

the Spirit of the Jaguar brings improvement in capacity 'intuitive improves spiritual vision

increases awareness

It shows how to move silently sneaking always knowing how and when to act

It shows how to turn the painful experiences of the past and more receive activation chi ball, manual  English


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EUR 7.99

Sacred Shamanic breathing for some is a process for others it might be different.

Every person working with this system brings forward their thoughts and personal spiritual beliefs, enriching their own personal journey.

Although this is a self-healing system but also a system of healing for others and also to help heal our beloved Mother Earth.

A beautiful healing system that combines many different therapies. "I recommend it"

You will receive Manual by founder in English or in German version,chi ball attunement

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Spider Woman by Wanda Ruffner

EUR 6.99

Spider Woman the great Creator and Weaver life, and 'the Great Master Protector and Mother of all creation of many Native American cultures

As Mother Earth has created the vegetation, birds and animals.

Using clay in 4 colors created the Red People, Black, Yellow and White

The spider lives in the world and blesses our homes with its elegant cobwebs and frees us from insects

when sie Enter the world of synchronized Beings Spider SI vedreanno clocks score 12, 12 to 11.11 etc ..

Often there must be a death in a sense for a new birth.

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Gtumo Mao Shan by Yulius Eka Agun Seputra

25.00  euro 

Manual by Yulius Eka Agun Seputra (Changka Sakya Dorje)

Gtumo means sacred fire and mystical teachings from Tibet

Gtumo Mao Shan originates from China ... the teachers have embraced the knowledge of the Bible to prevent the invasion of black magic and to achieve perfection and enlightenment.

Gtumo goes along with Kundalini in a way ... of thermal energy.

1.Gtumo exoteric

Mastering exoteric Gtumo is mostly beneficial in terms of physical healing, mental, emotional and spiritual. Apply exsoterica Gtumo is very simple because it does not require any concentration because the healing process will take place simultaneously in a holistic manner.

2. Gtumo Isoteric

Isoteric gtumo ... intermediate level and is effective in the healing process, and as spiritual consciousness encouragement, materialization and so on.

Practicing isoteric gtumo would allow you to survive in very low temperatures, even without clothes on the peak of Everest Himalayas ...... ..

3. Gtumo Mystic (Master)

Mystic Gtumo uses distine practices for all occasions in his main purpose to improve the conscious spiritual understanding.

Practicing mystic Gtumo leads to an enormous satisfaction of the soul ... ...

There are 14 symbols of energy in practice (from level 2 up) that require visualization or depiction in supporting the healing process.

Gtumo Advanced (Vajra Master) teaches various energy applications mint cools - heating.

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7.99 euro 

That cos' it OBE (Out Body Experience)

Out-of-body experiences, also known as astral travel or OBE, they are traveling in the astral plane.

These trips can be the world view around you, but are not limited to this and security always guarantees a return ....

Before you do anything, you must be sure that you are not afraid of 'OBE you have to be passive relaxed, and have

patience ..Relax in a bed or chair .....and ....

In in the Indonesian language and English manual by the founder found the information ...

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Ajna Chakra is situated in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows.

"The person who focuses intently on this chakra gradually destroys all the negative effects of his past actions, in this land previous lives.

He obtains the eight great paranormal and thirty-two smaller capacity. "

Swami Shivananda  Chakra functions when activated:

Ability to be intuitive

Greater awareness -

Perceive things before the others and create an advantage

Greater capacity to influence an outcome.

Developed ESP,

in the manual you will find various exercises

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