cuzco (35)


year 2024

The mate thanks to its caffeine content with a tonic and stimulating action, can exert a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, useful in cases of excessive tiredness, fatigue, asthenia, its energizing power, stimulates neurons and promotes brain activity, mental clarity, memory and reasoning, useful as diuretic support , the antioxidant powers useful to prevents some diseases ,to regulates cholesterol and helps to improve blood pressure levels,digestive powers, purifies the body,support to maintain a healthy weight , antidepressan powers and more.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Mate -Tonic and Stimulating Drink - Healing Powers by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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The herbaceus plant Monarda has many medicinal properties, including antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

They are a useful support in cases of skin ailments, coughs, colds, sinusitis, flu symptoms and urinary tract infections, vaginal candida, digestive disorders, headaches and more

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Monarda Healing Properties- Mystical Flow by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The wonderful longevity and well - being energies contained in this traditional Japanese drink help strengthen the immune system and improve concentration, the beneficial energising and stimulating, anti-ageing, draining and detoxifying properties help the body to cleanse itself naturally.

They contain a powerful effect that can help reduce liver glucose levels, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and stimulate fat metabolism, which is very useful in cases of overweight, and much more These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive pdf manual with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ - Matcha Tea - Longevity and Well - being Essence by Cuzco (Teresa Rubiolo )



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 year 2024

The healing energies of Rhododendron Honey's properties are purifying, calming, restorative, their powerful restorative power makes them ideal support for combating even acute forms of stress ,support to resolve situations that require relaxation of the nervous system and also are useful as purifying energies to eliminate toxins harmful to the body or to treat arthritis and much more..

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive pdf manual with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ - Rhododendron Honey - Healing Essence by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The healing energies of sunflower honey contain multiple properties, they can be a useful support as an anti-nausea and febrifuge, a natural restorative, can help lower cholesterol levels, as a bone recalcifier, fast energy recovery and more.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Sunflower Honey - Healing Essence by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2024

Ancient Greek Goddess ,the symbol of female divinity, representing seduction, sensuality, a esthetic sense and love of beauty . Associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation,desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, victory.and the arts.



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CZ - Goddess Aphrodite - Mystical Essence - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2024

According to the Greek cult Demeter, daughter of Kronos and Rhea, is the goddess of nature, crops and harvests, grain and agriculture, responsible for the cycle of the seasons and more. In modern neo-paganism, Demeter represents an aspect of the female deity, the Goddess. She symbolises aspects of the mother and selfless love, generosity, abundance, nourishment and the source of life.

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CZ - Goddess Demeter - Mystical Essence - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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12311106459?profile=RESIZE_400x year 2024

Hestia Goddess of the ancient Greeks, personification of the household ,the Virgin goddess of the hearth and chastity.

Estia powers brings a deep rootedness in ancient values expressed in every daily action, brings the ability to remain focused on her inner world, distancing herself from the frenzy and giving each action its own rhythm, quiet and relaxed.

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CZ - Goddess Hestia - Mystical Essence - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Hera was worshipped throughout the Greek world and played an important part in Greek literature. Was worshipped as consort of Zeus and queen of heaven, Queen of the Gods, patron goddess of marriage, she presides over weddings, blesses and legalises marital unions, and the protectress of women in childbirth.

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CZ - Goddess Hera - Mystical Essence - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024


Hermes son of Zeus, is one of the Olympians, a deity of ancient Greek mythology , god of business, travels ,eloquence and writing ,athletic, and more



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CZ - God Hermes - Mystical Essence - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Many women suffer from a painful disorder, cystitis. It often occurs before the cycle, after sexual intercourse or during menopause, and is due to infection or inflammation of the bladder and urethra.

The main causes can be cold blows, intestinal disorders, incorrect or excessive intimate hygiene that can inflame the genital tissues causing itching, burning and bleeding and more.

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of this disord and related symptoms. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms

. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement is ready


CZ - Cystitis Healing Flow by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo



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year 2024

It can happen that our immune system goes through a period of stress and infections of the urogenital system such as candida and cystitis can occur and more. Candida albicans is a fungus that lives on the vaginal mucosa, in the intestines, but alsoin the mouth and on the skin and it is the best known species and most often responsible for candidiasis If the immune system is weakened , when the intestine is irritated at caused for antibiotic treatment, sugar-rich diets and more the candida finds fertile ground and can create a number of complaints including vaginal discharge, itching and burning when urinating and more.

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of this disord and related symptoms.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Candidiasis - Healing Flow by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo


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year 2024

Diverticulosis can appear in old age due to tissue relaxation, but also earlier caused by poor dietary habits or frequent use of laxatives and abuse of anti-inflammatory drugs and more. Diverticula are small sacs of inflammatory origin that form particularly in the colon slowing intestinal transit and creating a disorder that if neglected can create serious complications.

The symptoms of diverticulosis they can are cramping, bloating and abdominal pain, intestinal pain and dysentery alternating with periods of constipation , sometimes even fever and more.

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of this disorder and related symptoms.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Diverticulosis Disorder - Healing Flow by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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 year 2024

The andropause can bring unpleasant effects that can be both psychological and physiological in nature. The drop in testosterone is often accompanied by a reduction in sexual desire and activity, including erectile difficulties that are often caused more by insecurity and performance anxiety than by the hormonal decline itself. The andropause they can brings as asthenia, pervasive fatigue, depression, loss of libido, performance anxiety and much more.

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of these disorder and related symptoms.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Andropause Disorders - Healing Flow by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo


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 year 2024

Atopic dermatitis (also called neurodermatitis) is an immune-based inflammatory skin disorder , they can appears in early childhood,but can also reappear in adulthood ,may be linked to the presence of a predisposition to produce excessive amounts of specific antibodies .

Those with a genetic predisposition to allergies and those who manifest atopic dermatitis usually have family members who suffer from some form of allergy.

The main symptoms include dry skin, itching, reddened and blotchy patches, blisters and thickening of the skin. Typically, atopic dermatitis has alternating phases of improvement or worsening, often in conjunction with seasonal changes and they can is aggravated by heat or the stress Sufferers of atopic dermatitis they can will develop colds and allergic conjunctivitis or allergic asthma in the presence of pollen , dust mites and more.

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of these disorder and related symptoms. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Atopic Dermatitis - Healing Potion by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo


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year 2024

Hemp is a plant with a thousand uses , its cosmetic properties contain immense benefits,they do not trigger psychotropic or harmful effects on health ,but they are a panacea for the health and beauty of our skin, regenerate the skin, boast excellent soothing and antioxidant properties and are useful in fighting inflammation,they canperform an anti-ageing function, counteracting the action of free radicals that cause cellular ageing ,they cangiving elasticity to the skin, which is more toned, radiant and moisturised. They are also valuable allies as adjuvants to medicines in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, eczema or other ailments, and they can are excellent natural antivirals and antibacterials:

They are also a panacea for the beauty of the hair and the moisturisation of the scalp ,they strengthen the hair, making it shiny, and in the case of irritated scalp they can alleviate discomfort.

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis There is no liability.

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CZ - Hemp Cosmetic Ethereal Oil by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024

Marjoram is an aromatic medicinal plant that loves the sun, from which it absorbs vital energy .

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers of these healing powers they canimproves digestion ,promotes gastrointestinal well-being,hormonal balance and regularity of the menstrual cycle and also they can reduce the risk of age-related diseases and inflammation, cardiovascular diseases and more These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of these disorder and related symptoms.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms

. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Marjoram - Antioxidant and Anti- inflammatory Powers by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024

The botanical term pulsatilla encompasses numerous medicinal herbaceous plants belonging to the Ranuncolaceae family. They are useful against many ailments and are used in traditional Chinese medicine as well as in Western phytotherapy and homeopathy.

The therapeutic properties have a wide range of action, they are useful in the treatment of digestive spasms, spasmodic coughs, bronchial asthma, allergic asthma, allergic colds with inflamed eyes, influenza, bronchitis and other respiratory tract ailments . The pain-relieving and antineuralgic action is useful in all cases of neuralgia, headaches and migraines, including those associated with the menstrual cycle. Pulsatilla's healing powers also are an excellent remedy for insomnia, hypochondriac depression, anxiety and more

These powerful healing energies can be of great support in the treatment of these disorder and related symptoms.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Medicinal Plants - Therapeutic Essence of Pulsatilla by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)




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year 2024

These powerful healing energies boast numerous beneficial qualities for the entire organism. They can exert a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system by promoting the expulsion of LDL cholesterol, promoting the synthesis of good HDL cholesterol, helping to regularise the heart rate and preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease, helping to dispose of triglycerides to keep the arteries clean and helping to regulate blood pressure, also helping to regulate intestinal functions by ridding the body of waste and combating disorders such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome .

The anti-inflammatory and soothing action also protects against the risk of gastritis and ulcers, adjuvant in conditions such as arthritis, asthma and recurring migraines, the anti-degenerative effect of these powers also extends to the brain and nervous system, they help protect brain cells against neurodegenerative diseases, can improve cognitive performance and more .

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Flaxseed Healing Potion by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024


In the event of a contusion, the involved area swells and becomes purple causing a bruise to appear.

To prevent the formation of the hematoma or ensure its rapid resolution we can use these healing energies, they can be an excellent support to help in prevention / healing by reactivating the self-healing abilities of the skin in general, have beneficial effects on tissue trauma such as skin, muscles and subcutaneous tissues, but also be useful to prevent a hematoma or swelling from appearing on the face after treatment or tooth extraction and more.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

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CZ - Bruises and Hematomas - Healing Powers by Teresa Rubiolo





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