gabriela szafman (17)


5 euro

Lapis has been highly valued for many thousands of years.

The Lapis Lazuli will Work to enhance one's awareness, insight and intellect.It is said to impart ancient knowledge and wisdom to it's bearer, theknowledge bringing with it peacefulness, objectivity and self acceptance.

Lapis is also connected with Jupiter and thus expands the intellect, wisdomand leadership qualities as well as helping in legal matters that arise.

The stone works as a shield from psychic attack
It is used to relieveinsomnia and let go of anxieties.

Lapis (lapis lazuli) brings truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition,creativity, virility and manifestation.

It strengthens the mind and body as well as increasing awareness andspiritual connection / evolution.It can help organize daily life as well as quieting a restless mind and more!

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Worshipped by the native Sami, from the extreme northernScandinavia, Rana Neidda was the personification of Spring Bloom and was manifested as a young girl covered withleaves and flowers that drove the reindeer to the sunny places.

It was believed that she turned the snow-covered fields ingreen pastures, to feed the reindeer and encourage theirproduction.She chose mainly the hills facing the south, where the firstbuds appeared.

Goddess Ranna Neidda Will Help You:

Blessing New Beginnings

Promote Fertility

New Transactions



Enhance and Empower your Energy

Fell Energetic

Bring Joy and Hapines

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Enchanted Ruby Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

The Ruby will Work

Bringing fire into your life.

If you like to live your life intensely ,but often find it difficult to keep focus ,a ruby can help bring clarity and wisdom to your world.

Instead of flitting from idea to idea ,this gemstone will very well help you choose your most productive paths.

This gem will fire your passions and keep you motivated.

You 'll be stronger when resisting self -destructive pattern that have crippled you in the past

The Ruby provides and incredibly power shield against harmful intentions and more...

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Angelic Amber Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman


Angelic Amber Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

In general the sunny energy is used to transmute negative energy .

To cheer you upand help open you up toyour divine blueprint.

It is said to help draw sickness from the body and negativity from the emotional energy

Amber brings good luck

Due to the fact that amber is a fossil , is has association with time,cycles and longevity

As it once was a living substance ,it is related to Akasha.

This is what is commonly called " The Fifth Element ",which governs and binds together earth,air,fire and water ,and in a sense it the ultimate source of those elements.Akasha is also symbolic of life and living things,plants ,animals and humans alike .

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Angelic Sugilite by Gabriela Szafman


Angelic Sugilite by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

By Gabriela Yasmin Sza fman

Sugilite helps in understanding negative circumstance by showing one what is happening, and how it is out of balance.

Excellent tool for mediation exercises to bring the mind and spirit back into attunement.

Sugilite assists in connecting the physical to the spiritual, it aids in understanding the spiritual reasons for the lessons we encounter, as well as bringing loving comfort from the Universe to accept the lessons for what they truly are.

This gemstone will help us to follow our dreams and to become our higher selves.

It enhances belief in ourselves, and negates feelings of lack, anger, pain, and other unwanted energies.

Sugilite with black (manganese), can help to transmute and draw out negative energy.

The energy of this mineral flows from the crown to the base chakra, opening the chakras and providing a pathway for the movement of the Kundalini.

Sugilite is a balancer of the mind, body and spirit.

It encourages peace of mind and a general feeling of spiritual love, and well being.

It is also told to protect against as well as dissipate anger and other negative energies whether from oneself or others.

Sugilite is said to strengthen the heart, aid in physical healing and reducing stress.

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Angelic Turquoise by Gabriela Szafman


Angelic Turquoise by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

Turquoise is still a valued power stone.

It will strengthen and align all of the Chakras; and it can be used to cleanse your energy centres.

As a meditation tool, the gem can assist in clearing your mind, opening you to the Universal All.

Use Turquoise to attune to the spiritual plane or provide protection during vision quests or astral travel.

Native Americans believed the stone brought protection to a rider upon a horse, and great protection in general, especially to turn away the evil eye.

Called "sky stone" or "stone of heaven" by some Native Americans, the vibrations of turquoise can build a spiritual bridge between worlds and give strong psychic powers to the bearer.

Turquoise is considered to be a symbol of generosity, sincerity, and affection.

It preserves friendships and can make friends out of enemies in time.

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Enchanted Coral Essence by Gabriela Szafman


Enchanted Coral Essence by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

By Gabriela Szafman

The ancient Egyptians placed pieces of coral in tombs as a protection against evil spirits because they believed that each piece truly contained a drop of divine blood.

According to Greek mythology, when Perseus chopped off the head of the Gorgon Medusa, some drops of blood splashed into the sea, and thereby solidified into coral.

Records dating back thousands of years confirm that coral was used in decorative art objects as well as jewelry.

Ancient legends tell us that people once believed that Mars was composed of red coral due to it's striations and colorings.

Coral symbolizes joy and happiness, it enables the wearer to enjoy life.

Since coral is a stone of organic origin, it can be used to reconnect with nature and the variety of it's wonders.

Red coral was considered by the Pueblo Indians to be one of the four element stones.

Among the Hopi and Zuni, the Road of life is symbolized by four "elements", coral, jet, abalone and turquoise.

Coral is said to quiet the emotions and to bring peace to within the self, it facilitates intuition, imagination and visualization.

Coral helps one to both understand and use the qualities of the mystic.

It can bring one into communication with the Ancient Ones of the world and expedite and accelerate the transfer of knowledge.

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Enchanted Iolite Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

By Szafman

As it's soft and gentle nature, iolite is used to help us connect with our souls.

It will help us to understand who we are and why we are on the planet at this particular time. Use this stone for guidance in difficult areas of your life.

What is most unique about working with Iolite is the sense of protection you feel whilst delving into the deepest levels of yourself, the comfort and calm it affords you.

Iolite gives unconditionally, allow the positive energies of this stone to come into your life.

Iolite is one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand them as well.

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Elohim of the First Ray Attunement . Hercules & Amazonia by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

This ray can be indicative of needing to Opinions more step into your power, and / or having power and control issues with your family, partner, friends, colleagues and so on.

Even It is to be open to receiving, as many Spiritual warrior archetypes have an energy field with a big "no entry" sign written all over Their aura.

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Enchanted Agate Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

Agate, which is also Chalcedony, is known by many forms. No gemstone is more colored and creatively striped by nature than agate.

In ancient times Agate was highly valued as a talisman or amulet, it was said to quench thirst and protect from fevers, and there are legends tell us that.

Persian magicians used agate to divert storms.

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Sacred Machu Picchu Energy by Gabriela Szafman


Sacred Machu Picchu Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

Price $ 20 from Gabriela Szafman


Help grounding

Balance your energy center

Activate our healing powers

Heal yourself and the planet

Experience the regenerative strength of nature and the natural telepathy of love.

Help with ascension.

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Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

By Gabriela Szafman

The Lord Ashtar is a Ascended Christic Master” and immortal.

He belongs to the race of Human Adam Kadmon or Adamamic and is an emanation of the Ray, or “son” that being known as Lord Sananda and his divine counterpart or Twin Flame.

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Feng Shui Coins Reiki by Gabriela Szafman


Feng Shui Coins Reiki by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

Feng Shui Coins Reiki can allow you, among other things, to increase your income.

By keeping three coins tied with a read thread, you would protect your already existing income as well as increase it.

According to Chinese traditions, three coins tied that way symbolize prosperity and income protection.

By carrying these three tied coins with yourself you could attract personal wealth, as well as by using these feng shui coins in your house would bring prosperity and wealth for all its occupants.

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Enchanted Spinel Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

The name spinel is derived from the Greek spinther, which means sparkling.

It was valued as a gemstone and protective stone by the Greeks and Romans due to its sparkling colors.

Spinel is said to be able to clarify thoughts and creative ideas, as well as attracting the help that is required for any given situation.

Black will help one be in charge of situations and to handle other people in a correct manner.

Blue or Gray colored spinel will enhance discrimination, especially about friends and what situations we become involved in, also quite good for spiritual communication.

Dark Green is said to enhance communication skills as well as increase money.

Light Green is told to be worn when one feels fear.

Pink is the color that is quite good for couples in relationships as it fosters love.

Peach is said to build self-esteem and soften criticism towards others or oneself.

Red is excellent for increasing vitality, confidence and leadership

Violet is used to avoid being victimize, and helps enhance communication between generations.

Yellow is said to be for those with low self-esteem as it fosters a stronger belief in one's own abilities.

Energy Projective , Element Fire , Powers Energy and money

Spinel is used in magic to lend energy to the physical body, it is also worn for the same purpose.

I can be used to boost physical strength during periods of excessive exertion.

It is also used in spells designed to attract riches and wealth.

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Enchanted Staurolite Essence Energy by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

Staurolite gem mineral elixir gives protection from negativity, disease and accidents.

Helpful for grounding and considered to be a stone of Good Luck.

Useful with depression, stress and obsessive personality traits.

Staurolite is often called “Fairy Stone” or “Fairy Cross”.

Staurolite connects the spiritual, the ethereal, and physical planes

Since the first time it was worn, it has been considered a good luck charm as well as a charm that would protect children from evil spirits.

Traditional protection and good luck stone.

Gently grounding and shielding.

Can assist giving up smoking

Can connect and balance physical and astral planes

Helps organise thought patterns and ideas

Said to protect children from negative forces, especially disturbed children.

Thought to aid anyone battling evil, by giving courage, protection

Ability to discern truth.

Staurolite represents the four elements , tool to psychically communicate with the animal kingdom, helps psychic development, helps to find lost objects, grounding stone that assists in connecting with other worlds, including the fairy realm.

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Orixa Oxumare Empowerment- by Gabriela Szafman


Orixa Oxumare Empowerment- by Gabriela Szafman - long life prosperity

EUR 6.99

Price $20.00

by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

Oxumaré is the orisha of all movements of all cycles.

Oxumare is a serpent, a sacred Orixa of Prosperity, Wealth, Profit

Oxumarê is present in practically every moment of our life, everything evolves around money.

Oxumarê is present in negotiations, the bill payment, on receipt of an award, purchase, business involving expenditures, profits and expenses.

He is present in banks, financial, finally, in places where there is handling of money.

Orixa Oxumare Will Help You:

Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth and Ritchness Increase Entrance of Money Business Negotiations Hapiness Long Life Movement & Transformation.

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Dzambhala Reiki by Gabriela Szafman


Dzambhala Reiki by Gabriela Szafman

EUR 6.99

Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

The origin of the Dzambhala Wealth Gods is very interesting. It is said that a revered high Lama, Lama Atisha, was walking alone when he found a man starving and near death.

After looking around and unable to find food for the old man Lama Atisha cut flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man. The man refused to eat the Lama's flesh.

Being depressed and not knowing how else to help the man nearing death the Lama sat down next to him.

At that point there was a blinding bright white light and before Atisha appeared the Buddha of Compassion, the Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig.

The Buddha told Lama Atisha that he was going to manifest himself as the God of Wealth, Dzambhala, and assure that those in poverty would suffer no longer.

Jambala (Dzambhala) is the God of wealth and appropriately a member of the Jewel family.

In hindu Mythology Jambala known as Kuber. Jambala is also believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion , manifesting as the wealth-giving Buddha

Each Jambala has their own mantra and practice to help eliminate poverty and create financial stability.

gifts Prosperity Wealth Abundance Enjoy Abundance Enjoy Life Long Life and more

Dzambhala Reiki has 5 seperate attunements

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