lavander flowers shades (1)

Lavender Flowers Shades - Greta's Elixirs


year 2019 - 14,99 euro

The lavender flowers there in many shades of color ranging from very clear to deeply dark ,we find the pink lavender color ,blue periwinkle ,gray, bright pink , magenta violet ,indigo purple and more.

Lavender flowers, unlike many other species, retain their aroma for a long time even if dried,it is in fact customary to put some canvas bags in the drawers to perfume the laundry.

The plant which was already known to the ancients people, was also used for the preparation of talismans and good luck, linked to magical and esoteric practices.

This magical elixir is sweet, enveloping at the same time at and powerful ,every shade of color has different frequencies performs a general cleansing of the subtle bodies

Useful for your spiritual growth, helps in connection with your higher self and your guides or in magical esoteric practices, creation of talismans etc.

You can use alone or combined with other forms of healing and cleansing energies for you or your clients

Note: Not to be confused with any other energy system that may exist now or in the future.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 14,99 euro 




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