Butterfly Maiden Empowerment by Brigitt


Butterfly Maiden Empowerment by Brigitt Spirit Guide Nature Transmutation Beauty

EUR 7.99

$ 40

In Hopi tradition, the Butterfly Maiden is a kachina spirit who rules the springtime and the earth’s fertility.

Butterfly Maiden flutters into your life today to reconnect us with nature and to help us rediscover that graceful butterfly within each of us the one that effortless rises above problems, making the world its flower .
This spirit Goddess who help shed your cocoon, grow your beautiful wings and fly to new heights

The Butterfly Maiden will help you with .
Balance, Hope , Self-transformation , Transmutation , Joy
Renewal , Beauty , Sexual Healing, Creative , Exotic
Visionary , Magic , Dreaminy, Spirit Guide, Regeneration
Freedom , Fertility.

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