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Magma Power Shield by Brigitt



EUR 7.99   by Brigitt 

Price from founder 40

Magma in geology, magma refers to molten rock deep within Earth that consists of liquids, gases, and particles of rocks and crystals. Magma has been observed in the form of hot lava and the various rocks made from the solidification of magma.
Magma is generated within Earth's mantle, the thick layer between Earth's crust and outer core. Rock found deep within the crust is extremely hot, soft, and pliable, but rock does not become liquid until much deeper in the upper mantle. Pockets, or chambers of magma, can originate at various depths within the earth.

Magma Power Shield will help you with
Powerful protection to you against negative energies, negative people
Powerful protection to spaces ,house, business, objects
Protection against psychic attack
Protection from evil-eye, envy black magic
Protection from aggressors
Development of will powers

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Magma Cleaning Energy by Brigitt


Magma Cleaning Energy by Brigitt Clean negative energy - chakras - black magic

EUR 7.99

Price from founder 40

Magma is a mixture of molten or semi molten rock, volatiles and solids that is found beneath the surface of the Earth, and is expected to exist on other terrestrial planets. Besides molten rock, magma may also contain suspended crystals and dissolved gas and sometimes

Magma Cleaning Energy will help with:
Cleaning all kinds of negative energy
Clean chakras and all subtil bodies
Clean negative energy from spaces
Negative blocks
Black magic
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Sea Horse Energy System by Brigitt -Sexual Power Money Force Protection & mor

EUR 6.99

benefits of the sea horse energy system attunement:

Luck, prosperity, Protection, Energy, Fertility, Fidelity, Sexual power

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Butterfly Maiden Empowerment by Brigitt


Butterfly Maiden Empowerment by Brigitt Spirit Guide Nature Transmutation Beauty

EUR 7.99

$ 40

In Hopi tradition, the Butterfly Maiden is a kachina spirit who rules the springtime and the earth’s fertility.

Butterfly Maiden flutters into your life today to reconnect us with nature and to help us rediscover that graceful butterfly within each of us the one that effortless rises above problems, making the world its flower .
This spirit Goddess who help shed your cocoon, grow your beautiful wings and fly to new heights

The Butterfly Maiden will help you with .
Balance, Hope , Self-transformation , Transmutation , Joy
Renewal , Beauty , Sexual Healing, Creative , Exotic
Visionary , Magic , Dreaminy, Spirit Guide, Regeneration
Freedom , Fertility.

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Brahmaviharas Reiki 4 levels by Brigitt


Brahmaviharas Reiki 4 levels by Brigitt

EUR 11.99

by Brigitt

The brahmavihāras (sublime attitudes, lit. ‘abodes of brahma’are a series of four Buddhist virtues and the meditation practices made to cultivate them. They are also known as the four immeasurables (Sanskrit: apramā ṇ a, Pāli: appamaññā.
According to the Metta Sutta, Shākyamuni Buddha held that cultivation of the four immeasurables has the power to cause the practitioner to be re-born into a Brahma realm (Pāli: Brahmaloka). The meditator is instructed to radiate out to all beings in all directions the mental states of: 1) loving-kindness or benevolence, 2) compassion, 3) sympathetic joy, and, 4) equanimity. The four immeasurables are also found in Patañjali's Yoga Sutras (1.33), a text composed long after the beginning of Buddhism and substantially influenced by Buddhism. These virtues are also highly regarded by Buddhists as powerful antidotes to negative mental states (non-virtues) such as avarice, anger and pride.
Brahmavihāra Reiki will help you with
Powerful healing
Clean and clear negative energies
Power and balance all chakras
Works on all subtil bodies
Calm and tranquility

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The Three Pure Ones Reiki 3 levels by Brigitt


The Three Pure Ones Reiki 3 levels by Brigitt - protection clear karma & more

EUR 6.99

Prerequisite Reiki Master

The Three Pure Ones also translated as the Three Pure Pellucid Ones, the Three Pristine Ones, the Three Divine Teachers, the Three Clarities, or the Three Purities is the Taoist Trinity, the three highest Gods in the Taoist pantheon.
The first pure one is universal or heavenly chi. The second pure one is human plane chi and third pure one is earth chi. Heavenly chi includes the chi or energy of all the planets, stars and constellations as well as the energy of god (the force of creation and universal love). Human plane chi is the energy that exists on the surface of our planet and sustains human life and the earth force includes all of the forces inside the planet as well as the five elemental forces.
The Pure Ones Reiki will help you with:

Protection against negative energies
Powerful healing
Healing the past, present and future
Clear, purify and balance all chakras
Remove blocks
Clean negative energy from spaces
Develop Unconditional love & Compassion
Relieve Karma
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Oxossi Green Healing Ray by Brigitt


Oxossi Green Healing Ray by Brigitt - Healing Protection Prosperity and more

EUR 6.99

by Brigitt

Price from founder 25 €

Oxossi (also Oshosi, Ochosi, Ososi, Oxosi, or Osawsi) is both the Orisha of the forest and one of the three warrior orishas referred to as the "Ebora" in the Yoruba religion. He is a hunter, and his role as an often solitary figure in the wilderness lends him another role as a shaman.
He is also connected with all hunter communities, and is often depicted as a friend or ally of both the caboclos and the nature spirits of the forests of Brazil. Oshosi is most important to the people of Brazil in Candomblé (a Latin American religion derived from the traditional spiritual practices of the Yoruba people of West Africa), as the Amazon Rainforest brings this element of him to the fore in Candomblé more than in its cousins, the island religions of Cuban Santeria and HaitianVoudoun.
Oxossi help you with

Protection of Fauna & Flora
Powerful healing
Spiritual enlightenment
Healt ,Strength ,Balance
Love of Arts & Beautiful things
Prosperity ,Abundance and more.

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The Power of Amazons by Brigitt


The Power of Amazons by Brigitt - Healing power beauty courage

EUR 7.99

The notable Queens of the Amazons are Penthesiea and her sister Hippolyte

The Amazons have become associated with various historical peoples throughout the Roman Empire period and late antiquity. Their name has been a term for woman warriors everywhere.

The benefits of the Power of the Amazons Attunement are:

Protection ,Healing , Power ,Self-confidence, Authority

Resistance ,Great perception ,Beauty ,Courage

Strength of character, Spirit Warrior ,Strategy

Power Magic, Respect of the others ,Skill in sports and more.

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Andropause Reiki 3 livelli by Brigitt


Andropause Reiki 3 livelli by Brigitt

EUR 9.99

Andropause or male menopause, sometimes colloquially called "man-opause" is a name that has been given to a menopause-like condition in aging men. This relates to the slow but steady reduction of the production of the hormones testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone in middle-aged men, and the consequences of that reduction, which is associated with a decrease in Leydig cells. The impact of low levels oftestosterone has been previously reported. In 1944, Heller and Myers identified symptoms of what they labeled the "male climacteric" including loss of libido and potency, nervousness, depression, impaired memory, the inability to concentrate, fatigue, insomnia, hot flushes, and sweating.

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The Cornocopia Empowerment From Brigitt


The Cornocopia Empowerment  From Brigitt

EUR 6.99

Bringing in Prosperity; Open paths for new projects; ncreases your money capital; Brings Harmony in life; rings Harmony in the Couple's, Relationship, Vitality, Protection The Oracle of Bellini is a game of Tarot, that reborn by the hands of Edmond Bellini, bringing a method of divination that has long been forgotten. This was a simple method of interpretation that showed all predictions.

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Budai Empowerment by Brigitt - Prosperity Wisdom Good luck and more

EUR 6.99

by Maria Joao Sereno

Budai is a Chinese folkloric deity. He is usually identified with (or as an incarnation of) Maitreya Buddha, so much so that the Budai image is one of the main forms in which Maitreya Buddha is depicted in East Asia.

Budai is traditionally depicted as a fat bald man wearing a robe and wearing or otherwise carrying prayer beads. He carries his few possessions in a cloth sack, being poor but content. He is often depicted entertaining or being followed by adoring children. His figure appears throughout Chinese culture as a representation of contentment. His image graces many temples, restaurants, amulets, and businesses.

Budai Empowerment will help you with: Good luck Wealth and prosperity Happiness Generosit y ,Wisdom Spiritual enlightenment and more.

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Godai Reiki 5 Levels Attunement by Brigitt


Godai Reiki 5 Levels Attunement by Brigitt - power healing wisdom compassion

EUR 12.99

By Brigitt

One may encounter two kinds of five elements philosophy in Japan. One is called, in Japanese, gogyō, having its backgrounds in the Chinese five elements, and the other is called godai. Godai is usually regarded as a Buddhism term in Japan, with certain influences from Hinduism.

The five elements are, in ascending order of power, Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Void. This last is usually translated as "void" when referring to the elements, but refers to "sky" in most other contexts, and is therefore sometimes translated as "Heaven". Sometimes a sixth element is added, representing Consciousness, or shiki .

Godai Reiki will help you with

Powerful healing physical, mentally and emotional
Cleanses and balances all the chakras
Clears the negative energies
Stability .Compassion ,Wisdom , Benevolence
Adaptability, Magnetism
Power, Creativity, Disci pline
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Goddess Ba Chua Xu Lady of the Realm -by Brigitt


Goddess Ba Chua Xu Lady of the Realm -by Brigitt - Protection prosperity success

EUR 6.99

Bà Chúa X (Vietnamese for “Lady of the Realm” is a prosperity goddess from southern Vietnam, a supporter of business, health, and protection.

Goddess Ba Chua Xu will help you with:

Protection ,Health, business success, Prosperity

Domestic harmony and marital fidelity

Scholastic success

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