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The Golden Ray by Ole Gabrielsen Manual in German only

EUR 7.99

The Golden Ray

Die Einweihung in Golden Ray

Die heilende Kraft des Vergebens

Du kannst nicht weiter gehen, ohne zu verzeihen
Wenn Du verzeihst, wirst Du zu einem spirituellen Licht
Wenn Du verzeihst, wirst Du ein wesentlich besserer Heiler
Wenn Du verzeihst, fließt die Liebe viel leichter durch Dich
Wenn Du verzeihst, hilfst Du der Menschheit
Wenn Du verzeihst, gibst Du Angst Frei
Wenn Du Angst frei gibst, hörst Du auf dich an negative
Erfahrungen zu klammern!

Ich hoffe Du verstehst nun wie wichtig es ist zu verzeihen, den Menschen um Dich herum zu vergeben, in der Vergangenheit und in der Gegenwart. Wenn Du wirklich einen großen Sprung in deiner spirituellen Entwicklung machen möchtest, fange noch heute damit an!

Es ist nicht nur wichtig, nein, es ist eine Notwendigkeit um sich weiter zu entwickeln und Fortschritte in der eigenen Spiritualität zu bewirken.

Anderen Menschen vergeben, ist eines der größten Entwicklungen die Du in deinem Leben erwirken kannst. Wir alle müssen vor allem den Menschen vergeben, die uns am nächsten stehen.

Wie soll ich das tun?

Starte mit den wichtigsten Menschen in deinem jetzigen und vergangenen Leben.


Wahrscheinlich wird es noch andere Menschen in Deinem Leben geben, füge diese der Liste hinzu. Wenn Du nun dieser Person vergibst, dann ist es nicht nur für Euer jetziges Leben, es ist für alle Leben, die ihr bereits zusammen verbracht habt

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Gold Reiki Level 1-2-3 by Ole Gabrielsen Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Prerequisite kundalini Reiki level 3

Gold Reiki 1 Attunement Transmutes fear and darkness into light
and joy!

Golden Light is the strongest light of transformation in the physical universe!

In the manual are some simple instructions for how to heal a person:

and are the instructions for distance and self healing:

Gold Reiki 2 & 3 Attunements

Both levels 2 and 3 increase and fortify the 1 attunement, this also raises your
vibration levels since this is light energy rather than earth energy, after you have received the third attunement you can pass on the Gold Reiki attunements to others.

Attuning objects: Crystals, trees and other objects can be opened to the Gold Reiki energy the same as

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Meister Heiliger Padre Pio 2017 von Ole Gabrielsen - Manual in German

EUR 7.99

Heilung, Vergebung, spirituelles Wachstum, Sehen.

Mit Pater Pio lebte ein Mönch in dieser Welt, der in allem konsequent war.

Sein Versprechen der Nachfolge Christi erfüllte er ganz und glaubwürdig. Ruhm und Ansehen waren ihm zuwider, obwohl er weltbekannt war, und er verzichtete auf alle irdischen Güter, obwohl man ihm Millionen schenkte.

Pater Pio strebte in erkennbarer Heiligkeit nach dem Himmlischen. Dass ihm dabei außerordentliche Gnaden geschenkt wurden, "ertrug" er - und setzte sie unermüdlich für das Heil der Menschen ein.

Pater Pio war ein Apostel. Einer, der lehrte, ermahnte, heilte. Er heilte die Seelen tausender Menschen.

Sein Ruf als Wundertäter war weltbekannt und beruhte auf dem Zeugnis vieler.

Pater Pio war wie ein "zweiter" Christus. Er trug die Wundmale des Herrn und wurde zum "Zeichen, dem widersprochen wird". Die Menschen folgten ihm mach. Zu Tausenden. Doch sie verfolgten ihn auch.

Vor über 30 Jahren starb dieser außergewöhnliche Mensch, dessen Eltern nicht einmal lesen und schreiben konnten. Am 2. Mai 1999 erhob ihn Papst Johannes Paul II. in der "Seligsprechung des Jahrhunderts" zur Ehre der Altäre. Hunderttausende Menschen waren zu diesem feierlichen Akt nach Rom gekommen, so viele wie nie zuvor zu einer Seligsprechung. Ungebrochen also seine Popularität und Gegenwart.

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Meister Merlin 2017 von Ole Gabrielsen - manual in German

EUR 7.99

Alchemie, Kristalle, göttliche Magie, hellseherische Fähigkeiten, Weissagung

Auch in Momenten wenn wir uns unsicher fühlen, nicht sicher sind, ob wir die Steine auf unserem Weg bewältigen können, wird Merlin, wenn wir ihn darum bitten, bei uns sein und uns den Mut und die Selbstsicherheit geben die wir benötigen.

Aber Merlin kann Dir auch bei anderen Dingen mit seinem Wissen helfen. Als Druide kannte er sich natürlich mit allen Dingen und Gesetzen der Natur aus.

Er wusste alles über Steine, Pflanzen, Tiere, Mutter. Die Erde und den Himmel, auch die Sterne waren ihm nicht fremd. Und aus seiner Schulung eines keltischen Druiden hatten die Bäume eine besondere Stellung.

In all diesen Bereichen kannst Du ihn fragen ob er sein Wissen mit Dir teilen möchte. Er wird es tun, wenn Du dazu bereit bist. Hier entscheidet er wann Du die Reife hierfür erreicht hast, dieses tiefe Wissen zu erlangen.

Einmal mit Merlin verbunden, wird er an Deiner Seite sein, auch wenn Du ihn nicht bemerkst. Er wird in seiner Weisheit nie urteilen, sondern Dir hilfreich zur Seite stehen wenn Du ihn darum bittest.

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Ascended Master Abundantia 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2017

Abundantia means "overflowing riches".

Abundantia is the Roman Goddess of prosperity, abundance,
success, and good fortune.

Goddess Abundantia is very wise in the ways of financial affairs
and she can help with guidance about attracting abundance and
financial investments!

She is also a protectress of prosperity and can help safeguard our

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128129675?profile=RESIZE_710x EUR 7.00

Kumara Kundalini Reiki is given in a single attunement.(Two Attunements in One )

It is a mixture of Kumara Reiki and Kundalini Activation. Kumara Reiki is described as the same as Usui Reiki, the energies just appear to be stronger and finer in vibration.

In Kumara Kundalini Reiki we find the combination of Kumara Reiki and Kundalini Power.

Kumara Kundalini Reiki may be used as you do Usui Reiki and also as you do Kundalini Reiki.

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Note : The " Prana" course ( where you learn to create the Prana " attunement oil "and other energy tools ) is recommended as a companion for Kumara Kundalini Reiki 2017 and other attunement systems,as the Prana will enhance and boost not only your haeling sessions,but also the attunements your give to others

EUR 7.00

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128129554?profile=RESIZE_710x EUR 7.99

These attunements contain the most up to date and strongest 'versions' of the Kundalini Reiki attunements available (version 2017).

Kundalini Reiki opens you up to the earth's energies as well as universal energies for healing self and others. Just like Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki attunements open and strengthen certain chakras and healing channels in the subtle bodies.

After the Master level attunement (level 3) a full rising of the kundalini fire takes place. This means that blockages and knots in the chakras are removed and the kundalini energy can now flow freely all the way up the body through the "main energy channel" and out the crown chakra, and also down through the channels in the arms and out the hands whenever you use the energy for healing.

Note that this does not necessarily equate to a full 'kundalini awakening', as this is orchestrated by your Higher Self in divine timing and should not be rushed - Kundalini energy is a very powerful force that can cause strong physical and psychological symptoms if awakened too quickly!...what it does mean is that the kundalini fire is activated in a safe manner and there is now an unimpeded flow up the central channel which is very beneficial both physically and energetically and will greatly enhance your healing abilities.

Receiving Kundalini Reiki attunements can also help those who have experienced a 'spiritual emergency/crisis' due to a sudden and spontaneous kundalini awakening, often brought on by a traumatic event, and who are suffering physically and emotionally as a result.

The 6 Kundalini Reiki 'booster' attunements that used to be taken after the three K R levels are not needed for these versions as they are the strongest versions available. Therefore everything you need is now included in the three attunement levels).

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Prana Attunement 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen




EUR 6.99

Prerequisites: None

The Prana attunement is an energy upgrade of all earlier Prana attunement systems It is the most up to date and strongest version of the energy available (version 2017 )

With Prana you will be empowered with the ability to create Prana 'antennas'. A Prana antenna is an object that has been altered on a sub-molecular level to act as a receiver/transmitter of Life Force energies.

In this course you will learn how to create different kinds of Prana antennas:

- Prana water
- EMF Phone Filters
- Prana "Attunement oil" (will enhance the attunement of any system!)
- Prana Discs (For charging items and rooms)
- Prana Chakra Stones (For cleansing and charging the chakras)
- and more...

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EUR 6.99

Prana 2017 Prerequisite

The Prana Source attunement is an energy upgrade of all earlier Prana Source attunement systems It is the most up to date and strongest version of the energy available (version 2017).

With Prana Source you will be empowered with the ability to create Prana Source 'antennas'.

A Prana Source antenna is like a Prana antenna except that with Prana Source, anything that comes into contact with, or close to, the source antenna will become a Prana antenna.

If you wear a Prana Source antenna you will become energetically contagious (in a good way!) and will be able to uplift your environment and help to uplift the people around you too. After a while your body will become a more effective receiver/transmitter of Prana too if you wear a Source antenna because it will become a Prana antenna itself!.

As with Prana antennas, Prana Source antennas can be neutralised/uncreated at any time if you no longer wish a particular object to emit that energy.

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EUR  6.99

Prerequisites Kundalini Reiki Level 1 / 3 and Prana

The Kundalini Reiki Source attunement is the strongest and most up to date 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).

Upgrade your Kundalini system in less than 24 hours!

The tool created with Kundalini Reiki Source energy will upgrade your Kundalini system in less than 24 hours!

It will not only improve your energy flow exceedingly but also strengthen your healing power and your ability to pass on other attunements!

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7 Chakra Source 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen


128127671?profile=RESIZE_710xEUR 6.99

Prerequisites Prana

The 7 Chakra Source attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' available (version 2017).

The 7 Chakra Source attunement gives you the ability to create a 7 Chakra Source energy tool that will upgrade your 7 chakra system in less than 24 hours!

You will become attuned to the energy of each of the 7 chakras and if you have any leaks in your chakra system they will be permanently repaired and sealed.

It will not only improve your energy flow exceedingly, but it will also strengthen your healing power and your ability to pass on attunements

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The Golden Light 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen




EUR 6.99

The Golden Light attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).

The Golden Light is a very gentle healing energy.

Great when working with forgiveness, releasing anger and fear. Further instills hope and courage for new beginnings.

It can be used as hands on healing just like Reiki, and you can also create Golden Light 'antennas' (the Prana attunement includes instructions for creating energy tools or 'antennas' which you can easily adapt for any of the other attunements)

The Golden Light attunement replaces all previous versions of 'Gold Reiki'.

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Kumara Reiki 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen



EUR 7.00

This attunement is essentially Reiki levels 1, 2 and Master Level in one powerful attunement and comes with a simple manual. Basically it is Reiki 're-channeled' and simplified.

The attunement is the strongest most up to date 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017)

Kumara Reiki was received by Reiki Master Ole Gabrielsen whilst on pilgrimage to Mount Kurama in Japan (the sacred mountain where Mikao Usui is said to have been blessed with the Reiki energy in the 1920's).

Whilst at the top of the mountain Mr Gabrielsen received a spontaneous initiation directly from the Reiki Source in much the same way as Usui is said to have received it.

The energy is very similar to 'Original Reiki' in that it is an 'upgrade' of the same energy that Usui himself received on Mount Kurama.

Kumara Reiki is concentrated into a single attunement and there are no symbols.

It's Reiki 'rechanneled' and simplified.

You may enjoy taking this one if you are already a Reiki Master, or if you're not interested in learning traditional Reiki levels.

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Violet Flame 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen



EUR 6.99

Prerequisites: None

The Violet Flame attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).

The Violet Flame is great at disconnecting from non-constructive energies and old situations.

It transforms/transmutes negative energy and can be used to purify the energy body and for room clearing.

It further helps to release tension and speed recovery.

It can be used on healing just like Reiki.

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128127370?profile=RESIZE_710xEUR 6.99

Prerequisites: None

The Pulse Reiki attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).

Pulse Reiki is a unique Reiki modality where the energy pulses at 7.83hz, which is the same frequency as the 'Schumann Resonance' or Earth's pulse.

When Reiki is pulsed in this manner it works much faster and you will find that stagnated energy and stubborn blocks are much easier to remove!

Can be used alone or during a regular Reiki session where the energy does not seem to be flowing well or you sense blockages.

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Water Elemental ( 2017 ) by Ole Gabrielsen


EUR 6.99

The Water Elemental attunement thi is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).
The Water Elemental is a very refreshing energy - use it to charge water by making energy tools or channeling the energy through your hands.

To create healing tools you will need to take the Prana attunement as the comprehensive manual that comes with Prana gives instructions on creating energy tools/antennas which you can adapt for any of the other attunement systems.
You can also use the energy during a Reiki session

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Magenta (2017 ) by Ole Gabrielsen



EUR 6.99

The Magenta attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).
Magenta 2017 is an upgrade of all previous versions of Magenta (and 'Purple Reiki').
Magenta is a great healing energy that combines the energy of the colors red and purple.

The red color will empower and energize the purple colour (which already is an effective healer) to work more efficiently and the purple color will further lift the red color and add a more spiritual nature to it.

Magenta helps to release old patterns of thinking and behaving that no longer serve you, helping you to grow and move forward to a state of greater balance and harmony.
Can be used for healing just like Reiki or create Magenta 'antennas' (the Prana attunement includes instructions for creating energy tools or 'antennas' which you can easily adapt for any of the other attunements).

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Oxygen 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen



EUR 6.99

Prerequisites: None

The Oxygen attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the Oxygen attunement available (version 2017).

Oxygen reverses "chaotic" energy structures. It balances and harmonizes.

Energy tools made with the Oxygen energy are great for "treating" water, as it has the ability to reverse the energy of unstructured water (like tap water) into a more harmonic state.

You can also do this by channeling the energy into the water through your hands.

If you would like to learn how to make Oxygen energy tools or 'antennas' you will need to also take the 'Prana' attunement if you don't already have it.

Oxygen energy can also be used on healing just like Reiki.

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The Magenta Source 2017 by Ole Gabrielsen



EUR 6.99

Prerequisite Prana

The Magenta Source attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).

You may also want to consider taking the Magenta Attunement first ,although it 's not stated as a prerequisite by the founder.

Like the Prana Source you will be able to create Source antennas with the energy of Magenta

A Magenta Source antenna creates anything that comes into it 's field into a Magenta antenna .Example if you place a Magenta Source antenna next to a glass pitcher with water ,both the glass pitcher and water will become a permanent Magenta antenna

Even the table the source antenna is placed on will become a Magenta antenna..Everything that is close to a Magenta Source antenna will become a permanent Magenta antenna

You will also recall from the Prana 2017 manual that you can always uncreate / neutralise an antenna or source antenna if you choose to for any reason

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EUR 6.99 

Prerequisite Prana

The Golden Light Source attunement is the most up to date and strongest 'version' of the attunement available (version 2017).

You may also want to consider taking the Golden Light Attunement first ,although it 's not stated as a prerequisite by the founder

Like the Prana Source ,you will be able to create Source antennas with the energy of the Golden Light

A Golden Light Source antenna creates anything that comes into it's field into a Golden Light antenna. Example: if you place a Golden Light Source antenna next to a glass pitcher with water,both the glass pitcher and water will become a permanent Golden Light antenna ... Even the table the source antenna is placed on will become a Golden Light antenna! Everything that is colse to a Golden Light Source antenna, will become a permanent Golden Light antenna...

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