ramon martinez lopez (155)


 by Ramon Martinez Lopez


year 2012 advised price 300 $

Dragons are protectors.

They look after all beings (both in spiritual and physical forms) in Their chosen area.

They provide portals for all beings and help shape the land through energy and nature's elements.

Dragons can be guides for our personal journeys in Both past life, present daily events, and the astral realm.

They are teachers of true treasure and become trusted companions for life.

When we put aside the fear and old energy of misunderstanding we not only find great wisdom, but we Also watch the connection to Mother Earth That many of Earth's children have forgotten.

Remember Dragons know much about us; the way we think, how we express emotions, and can 'hear' our thoughts.

Do not hide things from your Dragon, Because Already they know.

Any relationships we have are built on trust and respect

Your connection, trust, and abilities with your Dragon Guides take time to created.

Fire Dragons Characteristics: Passionate, emotional, protective, and fiery temper.

Helps connect us to our passions in life, Creates loud voice to express our opinions and needs, shows us the boundaries we need with others, and teaches us true power

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by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300    year 2014

Advised Price 300 $

According to esoteric tradition, life exists throughout this solar system.

Though invisible to the untrained eye, millions of souls on other planets provide to the overall spiritual environment of our solar system and galaxy.

Our choices on earth also greatly impact their destiny.

The reason why our scientists cannot detect these life forms is because there are several dimensions within the physical plane that vibrate at different frequencies.

They vibrate at a higher frequency that corresponds to the etheric plane.

Some people who have clairvoyance would be able to perceive these life forms, just as they are able to perceive ghosts and demons within the astral plane of earth; fairies, gnomes, and leprechauns within elemental life; and angels and celestial cities in the etheric plane.

Receive their ancient wisdon to renew your energy system

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 EUR 300   http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Api Putih by Ramon Martinez Lopez



by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 200  year 2012 

The mantras used in this system carry the essence of Indonesian Shamanism and Tantric Shamanism, are useful for remote healing other people, personal protection, the ability to attract any man or woman as your lover.

However, the greatest ability is to transfer any psychic capability in just a few minutes., you have to do is gain some experience working with it.

MACAN, tiger

API, fire

PUTIH, white

Benefits : paralyze your enemies, gives your authority back , psychic protection

black magic protection , purifies your aura

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EUR 200   http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo


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Tantric Massage Attunements Master by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 300

year 2013 Advised price 300 $

If you have never tried a Tantric massage, the experience will impress you deeply, it will not resemble anything you have tried before.

In Tantra your body is seen like a temple of your soul, and treated correspondingly. Unlike the therapeutic and sensual massage practice of the Western world based mostly on anatomy and physiology, the Tantric massage is rather a spiritual practice that affects your psychic-energy centers – chakras, and allows the energy to freely flow through your body connecting your physical frame and your inner self. Thus you achieve the harmony between your body and soul, and even the whole universe. you open to new pleasant sensations, far more intense and prolonged than you have ever experienced.

The energy goes to your seven main chakras to balance male and female energy, or ying-yang aspect

The Tantric massage lasts longer than your usual massage session and combines chakra energy work with a full-body and a lingam or yoni massage. There is no point in rushing anywhere, as you know already that you have to concentrate on every single step of this almost sacred Tantric ritual and stop thinking about the finale. A Tantric massage session may include a sensual bath or a shower while the usage of fragrances and candles will help you to relax, clear your mind of all thoughts like during meditation and concentrate on your sensations. It is also very important to create the connection between a masseuse or a masseur and a receiving person, so you will learn more about the breathing pattern adjustment techniques, the importance of the eye contact and some other specific Tantric rituals

Used to balance the male-female energies in a couple.

Tantra attunements practitioners see the lingam and yoni massage as not mere stimulation of the most powerful erogenous zones, but as awakening and honoring of the sacred male and female creative energies. When one’s sexual energy is raised high, then it can be spread throughout the whole body and even used for healing and renewing, it can remove all the traumatic emotional blocks and in the end you feel a new and better self, more content, tranquil and surprisingly refreshed and full of energy

With the Tantric massage techniques you will be able not only to experience the higher level of pleasure, you will achieve the harmony between your body, soul and mind.

Can do distant healing with tantric energy

You can make your massage after these attunements and activate any time you want.

If you are an amateur of massage, you don’t worry the energy goes perfect after the attunements.

You can feel touch in different erotic-tantric manners with no even physical touch. This is the spiritual tantric energy from the masters of tantric spiritual light.

Create a sacred and relaxing space before you perform the massage

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EUR 300  http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Orchid Rescue Remedy Atttunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR  60 

Here you are attuned to The Symbol Orchid vanaspati Deva

and 28 orchid devas for healing


Uses :

flower therapy

protect your aura

ground yourself

clean your aura


rejuvenate your cells and more...

receive manual english, chi ball attunement, lineage

EUR 60 with the link http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Dragon of Kuan Yin by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Dragon of Kuan Yin by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 50

The sacred dragons

These benevolent and fully conscious beings exist and are to a degree a part of the Earth and humanity

They have supreme and divine intelligence are extremely advanced

THey are protectors of humanity and the planet and are awakening to a greater role in the Cosmic Trigger

These beings are masters of what kundalini is designated and as such are involved in design aspects of ley lines and lines that are actually dragon arteries of the life force on your planet

Benevolent dragons are sacred beings who still live on planet earth ,are great protectors of their world and work closely within the energies of the planetary

receive manual english ,chi ball

 EUR 50  http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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The Hotsuma Futomani by Ramon Martinez Lopez


The Hotsuma Futomani by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 100

Here you are attuned and empowered to the origins of reiki. The origins of Futomani chart Toyoke, lord of the japanese northern, drew up a chart using 51 phonetic symbols to represent the 49 deities residing in the heavens. This he presented to his daughter Isanami and her spouse Isanagi, 8th in the line of divine rulers of Japan.

Amateru, sonof Isanagi and Isanami, had his nobles compose poems based on Toyoke's chart.From these, he selected 128, which were then set down as the Futomani Book of Divination (the origin of Shinto divination rituals).

The book of heaven and the book of earth were published by Kushimikatama-Wanihiko around 600 B.C. and the third part the book of manwas reg istered by Ootaneko.

The symbols A-U-WA in the inner circle represent Amemiwoya, the creator of heaven and earth.

We are the result of A and WA and the hara strengthen our connection to original energy.

a - Represents the light ,u -Represents the principle of life, you , wa represents the vital force of life. Use for healing, protect yourself, your space, and meditate.

Receive distant attunement chi ball, manual English language, spiritual lineage

 EUR 100    http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Saint Cyprian Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 30.00    by Ramon Martinez Lopez

San Cipriano before being ordained a priest had devoted himself to the practice of magic, was an expert in black and white magic and wrote book called The Grinomium which includes esoteric magic rites of those times

San Cipriano and 'considered the saint for protection spells against magnet' and the dangers and love spells.

receive activation with those ball, manual in English by founder and lineage

EUR 30.00 http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Orgasmic Touch by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Orgasmic Touch by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 69.00

by Ramon Martinez Lopez special price limit time

And 'possible to use this energy about themselves and about other people

during intercourse can have a 'very deep experience that can' be spiritual ecstasy as well as physical this energy can 'bring expansion of consciousness, awakening of kundalini, male and female hormonal balance,

enhancement of creative energy, long-lasting orgasms, and more

with those who receive activation ball,

manual in English by founder and lineage

 EUR 69.00    http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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EUR 100   year 2017

Toad Bufo Alvarius empowerment - Put ego to sleep, deep meditiation, access superconsciousness, and more

known as "the toad of the dawn" or "the Sapo DMT".Live in the present beyond illusions Sexual-emotional disorders, abuse, additions, guilt conflicts,
determents your disconnection of your true self.

DMT is released by the pineal gland while a person is approaching

death. Thus explaining the imagery reported by survivors of near

death experiences. This to the beginning of the soul. He often

referred to the drug as the "God molecule" or the "spirit molecule"

Effects of DMT

Intense visuals

Altered concept of time

Stomach discomfort

Overwhelming fear

Lung irritation

Increased heart rate

Increased body temperature

Using DMT can be a serious health risk that results in death. Users can go into a state of unconsciousness or a drug induced coma.

5-meO-DMT a neurotransmitter molecule from the glands of the

Bufo Alvarius, a toad living in the Sonara (Mexico) desert - is one of

the deepest experiences, that a human being can obtain on this

planet at any level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

This empowerment breaks the chemical filters that the human mind uses to prevent a continuous state of perception, awakening and
complete consciousness. These filters are necessary for our day to day life, as they help us to function in this three dimensional reality,limited by space and time.

As soon as we open those filters it seems that we are finally able to put our ego to sleep and then go into a state of deep meditation, that means that we would be able to access the superconscious part of our mind, our true nature, oneness and unconditional love.

With this empowerment you do not need the chemical. Effects and dangers of bufoteina and DMT are suppressed.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 100    paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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  EUR 150   year 2017 Special price limit time

GOLDEN PURPLE JADE EGG EMPOWERMENT - Cleans Entire Energy System, All diseases of the reproductive system, and More

In golden jade divine egg is contained everything and all things originated from it, bringing the world into a fine balance for life to evolve.

The truth is the entire solar system is a series of such eggs - nested one within another- all resonating out of the Sun's golden spiral.

We live inside this solar system - growing in the yolk of an enormous fractal egg laid by the Milky Way. Etheric or physical it works either.

Purple Jade is a stone of mirth and happiness.

By purifying the aura and dispelling any negative feelings or attitudes, it allows for the spontaneous joy of life to fill the soul and spill over to others. Purple Jade, in shades of light to dark violet, is also a stone of discernment. Its frequency speaks of spiritual knowledge and the ability to use that information to decide what is most aligned with one's personal path.

Purple Jade aids shamanic journeys and in meditations when receiving information is the primary goal. It is also useful for enhancing dreams, dream recall, and interpretation.

It is a stone that because of its physical and energetic qualities (also mythical and mystical) allows us to enter into that spectrum of our subconscious to reveal the repressed contents of the feminine. Is a natural therapeutic tool that helps us heal diseases of female organs. As we all know, vibrational medicine focuses on healing through subtle bodies. On it we establish the scientific bases of the therapeutic work that explain the form of healing of such a valuable instrument. -

Cleans the entire energy system via the central channel, which includes the chakras, nadis and meridians, making it a valuable instrument of preventive medicine. -

Help in the healing of fibroids, cysts and all diseases of the reproductive organs when the woman is open to the process, since these are not diseases, but dense crystallized energies adhered in the physical body. -

It is a geometry that heals through the female sexual energy, from physical affections to emotional, which makes it highly recommended in the climacteric. -

Increases electromagnetic fields, which enhances the connection of women with their own physical and energetic strength. -

It supports the recovery of women's personal power, increasing their self-esteem. -

Energies of previous relationships that clog the energy flow of the current relationship are cleansed. -

It works in the belief system, so it is expected that the woman will achieve greater clarity as to their identity, their feelings and their choice. -

It works with the creative power of the woman and comes to unlock all the dense energy of the human energy system that goes from the sacrum to the head. -

Help in personal inner work and power all energetic practices such as meditation, qi gong or tai chi, among others.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 150    paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Zapharel Therium Ray by Ramon Martinez Lopez


EUR 500  year 2017 Special Price limit time

Will start energetic changes and clearings that over time will bring harmony and peace in relationships with others – both in romantic relationships and friendships and working relationships.

Issues carried during this lifetime and previous lifetimes will be healed and cleared and you will feel less laden and more at ease with those closest to you.

Zapharel is a member of the Seraphim which is closest to Source of spiritual light.

This ray can be more easily able to clear blocks and restore our energy to work in harmony with all around us. So often people feel intense energy for healing themselves and others to become a pure and strong channel of energy.

therium ray

Activates the energy in your heart to manifest cooper-silver-green light desires and increases love frequencies, healing frequencies, abundance frequencies, soul frequencies, joy ecstasies frequencies.

Thelema is all manifested existence that arises from the interaction of two cosmic principles: the infinitely extended and omnipresent space-time and the atomic Principles individually expressed from Life and Wisdom. The interaction of these two gives rise to the principle of the consciousness that governs existence.
Thelema connects the sun with every individual star.
It is the Fire of Desire at the Heart of Matter.
The combination of the upward-pointing triangle of and the downward-pointing triangle forms the Star of Spirit (the Hexagram). The union of the infinitely small and the infinitely great that causes an explosive rapture which leads to Samadhi.

Each person possesses a soul or "Body of Light" that is arranged in "stratums" or "covers" that surround that physical body. Thelema considers that each individual also has its own personal "Holy Guardian Angel"; Which can be reflected both as the "higher self," and as an independent, sensitive, divine being.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 500     paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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EUR 250   year 2016 special price limit time

They help you in love They bring you the elixir of romance

The mixing of elixir within your heart represent the fragrance of romance exuding from you. These angles come to you as guidance to follow the pathway of those feelings. Perhaps you’ve met someone who made your heart jump, and you wondered whether to pursue him or her. These angels encourage you to take action by making your feelings known.

If you’ve recently been longing for more romance in your life, these angels are a signal to take charge of making that happen.

You can also actively track the path and attract romance.

You’ll receive these angels as a signal that you are ready for a new relationship. It then guides you to take action, such as being aware of people you meet who may be potential partners, as well as frequenting places associated with your hobbies and where such potential partners may be.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 250   paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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EUR 275   year 2017 special price limit time

- Let go of Negativity, Meaning in past experiences, forgiveness, mercy, love, let go of pain

Ramon states in the manual:

Archangel Mariel has been making himself known to me in dreams

and told me an awakening name to contact and heal with him.

So I tuned in and there he was, waiting tolerantly for me to get it.

I asked him if he would like to come through to us, and share about

himself and what he does. His response was very interesting. He

said, I work with many Lightworkers at the level of the 11th

chakra, or at their Soul Star.

I am an Archangel to call upon when you begin to desire to let go of

negativity and to seek the Light of your Divine Being. I will help you

to find meaning in your past experiences. I will help you to find

forgiveness, mercy and love in your heart so that you can let go of

your pain and move on.

Release old patterns and behaviour, strength your nerve

system. Softy and tender, strong and focus. A new soul has been

awakening, connecting your soul-higher mind and will into motion in

your physical world.

Lift those old energies and give them to us, the Angels and Archangels!

In the energies of the expanding world, please allow yourself the

healing that releasing painful recalls will bring to you. Call upon me,

please. And call upon your personal guides and guardian angels,

God and Divine Creator to assist you all along the way!

I AM eternally with you,

Archangel Mariel “

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 275   paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Phoenix - dragon heart of Alshathi by Ramon Martinez Lopez

EUR 19.99         year 2014

Phoenix-dragon heart of Alshathi higher heart mind connection empowerments

The highest mind is made of cosmic love

This system balances the connection between your spiritual mind and spiritual heart through cosmic love and integrates and transforms the energies in your physical, earthy, ethereal bodies.

It is a new energy healing program which was channelled for more
spiritually advanced beings to heal and reconnect the human Body, Soul and Spirit with cosmic love.

These loving and awakened souls may, from time to time, assists Alshathiah initiates during their healings.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 300

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Phoenix - dragon heart of Alshathi by Ramon Martinez Lopez


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