craig (3)

Tibetan Sunrise Pilgrimage by Craig


by Craig   EUR 6.99

You remember the chant OM mani padme humthe jewel in the heart of the lotus

Sometimes all you can do is just watch the world with your mouth open in wonder at the beauty

The reiki inside watches with you

The light ,compassion and power are alive and are your friend

You have had them since your level one reiki

You didn ' t have to make a pilgrimage at all

You can recall this yellw orange sunrise with the spiritual chants of Tibet and use it for healing and protection ,as part of your reiki

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EUR 6.99

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Five Fairy Herb Empowerment by Craig


by Craig   EUR 6.99

This Empowerment carries the energy of wildflowers of Europe ,traditionally Associated with healing and fairies

Blue Vervain

Vervains is a protective and beauty enhancing flower


Eye bright is a healing herbs

Meadwsweet is useful for healing and protection

Wild Thyme

Thyme is an herb beloved of fairies ,good for psychic vision and cleaning wounds


Yarrow bestows courage ,heals bleeding wounds ,helps with self -esteem and friendship and spritual paths

Receive manual english language and chi ball attunement

EUR 6.99

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or add to car  Five Fairy Herb Empowerment by Craig


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Indigo Kids Energy by Craig


by Craig     EUR 6.99

    Can hanging out with such humans help us ? Perhaps.There are substances which can stimulate the immune proteins in the blood.These enzymes could be passed by casual contact.There are electrical fields generated by humans that affect proteins.And of course ,there are intentions and reiki energy which can carry the "vibe" of the Indigo Children ,which may stimulate good health and spirituality in normal people over a distance

So gaze on the children ,an receive this attunement to Indigo Kids energy

Receive manual english language and chi ball attunement

EUR 6.99

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or add to car   Indigo Kids Energy by Craig


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