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year 2025

The Tendinitis is the acute or progressive inflammation of a tendon and pain, local swelling and difficulty in performing movements with the affected joint are the main symptoms of tendinitis. The most affected joints can be the shoulder, elbow, wrist / hand, hip, knee and ankle. Some people with other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout or thyroid disorders, may be more predisposed to tendinitis. After the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be useful support to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation of this disorder. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Tendinitis - Pain and Inflammation - Healing Session by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo ) 2025

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year 2025

The Tendinitis is the acute or progressive inflammation of a tendon and pain, local swelling and difficulty in performing movements with the affected joint are the main symptoms of tendinitis. The most affected joints can be the shoulder, elbow, wrist / hand, hip, knee and ankle. Some people with other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout or thyroid disorders, may be more predisposed to tendinitis. After the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be useful support to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation of this disorder. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Tendinitis - Pain and Inflammation - Healing Session by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo ) 2025

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 year 2025

Myodesopsias also known as floaters, are an eye disorder that consists in the appearance in the visual field of dots, spots, threads or cobwebs of different shapes that move with eye movements. They are mobile bodies that form inside the eye in the vitreous, they project their shadow on the retina making themselves visible in the visual field and consequently generating spots on the vision. The size and quantity are different from person to person, there are those who see simple dots or spots of large quantities and in some cases even flashes of light called phosphenes induced by the stresses that the vitreous body exerts on the retina. This anomaly can manifest itself at any age but usually occurs naturally in the elderly even in the absence of particular eye pathologies, in these cases the causes are linked to a physiological aging of the vitreous which progressively deteriorates over the years. After a detailed analyses and the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be useful support to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation and as support also when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at solving this eye disorder. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Eye Disorder - Myodesopsias - Mystical Healing Flow - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo ) 2025

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year 2025

Sebaceous hyperplasia is a benign dermatological condition characterized by an increase in the size of the sebaceous glands, usually manifests itself in elderly people but can also affect younger individuals, especially people with oily skin or exposed to sun damage and more. It mainly manifests itself in the form of skin lesions that can vary in appearance, number and distribution, and can be confused with other dermatological pathologies which makes an accurate diagnosis essential. After a detailed analyses and the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be useful support to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation and as support also when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving that are the which are the triggering factors of this dermatological pathology They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Sebaceous Hyperplasia - Healing Flow - by Cuzo Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo ) 2025

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year 2025

 Anxiety dyspnea is not caused by a physical dysfunction of the heart or lungs, it usually occurs during moments of intense emotional tension or during panic attacks without the presence of an underlying respiratory disease. Its temporary nature help distinguish it from other forms of dyspnea related to more serious medical conditions After the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be useful to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation and as support also when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving the intense emotional tensions or the panic attacks that are which are the triggering factors of this issue. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Dyspnea Caused by Anxiety - Symptoms Relieving - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)2025

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year 2025

Alexithymia is a psychological condition that involves difficulty in recognizing and describing one's emotions and it can negatively affect the quality of life and interpersonal relationships. It is not considered a pathology in itself, but a personality trait or a phenomenon that can manifest itself in conjunction with other disorders, such as depression, anxiety and autism spectrum disorders, therefore a correct diagnosis is essential to avoid confusing alexithymia with other emotional or behavioral disorders. After the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be useful to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation and as support when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving this disorder.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Emotional and Behvioral Disorders - Alexithymia - Healing Flow - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)2025

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year 2025

Nephrotic syndrome can affect both adults and children. The main symptoms can be the appearance of edema, swelling of the face, eyelids, ankles, feet and hands, presence of proteins in the urine, decreased levels of albumin in the blood, hypercholesterolemia. After the diagnosis has been made from a specialist doctor the powerful and loving healing energies channeld in the CZ Card can be a useful support to relieve the symptoms and discomfort in case of manifestation and as support when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving this disorder.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Nephrotic Syndrome - Healing Session- by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo ) 2025

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year 2025

Our mind can influence the intestine and its activity. Stress constipation can also be interpreted as the expression of a difficulty in letting go of situations that are emotionally difficult to deal with, the brain accumulates tension and the intestine accumulates waste that has not been eliminated. The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be of help to those who find themselves in a state of blockage that prevents them from getting involved to live your life to the full , they can help overcome the inability to get rid of the old to make room for the new and more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Stress - Induced Constipation - Overcoming - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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The powers channeled in the CZ Card advise you to be careful not to push yourself beyond your capabilities, but they also remind you that laziness is not allowed and perhaps it is time to apply a little more courage and hard work to your situation. They promote success and prosperity by encouraging perseverance,hard work, respect, humility, great application of time, energy and love in all activities. They can be very useful for dreamers and eternal explorers who tend to become easily restless and dissatisfied, for those who require stability but although they require it they avoid it, they lose interest easily and quickly move on to other things and their desire for travel and adventure and wandering spirit makes it difficult for them to live stable situations and settle down and to have a family and life full of prosperity and success . They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Wandering Explorers and Eternal Dreamers - Mystical Source of Stability and Success - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)

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 Each of us can feel like a free spirit but also lead a very responsible life and use your creativity and career to really make a difference in the world. It's time to give space to your free spirit without letting yourself be influenced by anything or anyone and based on your feelings and your intuition "repaint yourself and your life" and finally become what you want to be. The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card can help you appreciate your uniqueness, open up to your creative potential, make you discover the entrepreneur, artist, singer, writer, astrologer, magician, dancer and more that is in you, to emerge, become more independent, more prosperous, more alive, free and happy, a non-conformist free thinker who can do his part for his own and others' well-being They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - I am a Free Thinker .A Free Spirit Responsible of my Actions - - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)

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Is defined bradycardia when be as a slow or irregular heartbeat, usually below 60 beats per minute, at these frequencies the heart is sometimes unable to pump a sufficient amount of oxygenated blood into circulation during normal activities or physical effort. The powerful and loving healing energies channeled into the CZ Card can be useful support both to help to alleviate symptoms in case of manifestation and as support when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving this disorder. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Bradycardia Symptoms - Healing Flow - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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Is defined bradycardia when be as a slow or irregular heartbeat, usually below 60 beats per minute, at these frequencies the heart is sometimes unable to pump a sufficient amount of oxygenated blood into circulation during normal activities or physical effort. The powerful and loving healing energies channeled into the CZ Card can be useful support both to help to alleviate symptoms in case of manifestation and as support when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving this disorder. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Bradycardia Symptoms - Healing Flow - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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The higher powers channeled in the CZ Card can help us live more in the present, think about the future and not dwell too much on the past. These energies can help us purify our body, mind and spirit from all the negative karma that we have accumulated with our past behaviors. Cleaning the negative karma that we have accumulated in this life helps us get more in touch with our emotions, heal problems with relationships, love, money, health and more, significantly improving our current life. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Purification of Negative Karma and Improvement of Current Life - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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The powers channeled in the CZ Card contain powerful transformation energies perfect for people of all ages who feel shy, introverted, insecure, often isolated and rejected just because they can't interact well with other people. These energies have the ability to make a powerful transformation, they can help you find self-esteem and make you become an extroverted, social, confident, trusting, loved, admired, accepted person, with the ability to adapt to any situation and feel comfortable in any social context, ready to establish solid friendships and long-lasting romantic relationships without worrying about what others think They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - I Feel Comfortable, Loved and Accepted in Every Situation and Social Context - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)

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The powerful powers channeled in the CZ Card contain the high vibrations of the luck and abundance, they represent the financial freedom, fortune, prosperity and wealth. They remind us that we have all the energy of wealth innate within us, they can help remove all blocks and obstacles to ensure that from now on luck is always on your side and you can have an improvement in your financial condition, have relief from all worries, enjoy financial security and great luck in business and / or in all more matters where money is involved. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - I Enjoy my Freedom and Financial Security - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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Cataracts are clouding of the crystalline lens, they tend to appear after the age of 60, but can also occur at a young age and can be treated with surgery. You can tell you have a cataract if you experience a decrease in visual acuity, when your pupil narrows for example with bright light or while reading, glare from bright lights, and more. The powerful and loving healing energies channeled into the CZ Card can be useful support both to help to alleviate symptoms in case of manifestation and as support to assist also even on a psychological level when you deal with a specific therapeutic path aimed at treating /solving this disorder. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Clouding of the Lens - Cataract Healing Mystical Flow - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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Every geographical place where we are contains energy, if we feel a strong connection with a country, a city, a street or place it means that we are experiencing the belonging to that place and we need to be there to nourish ourselves and express ourselves at our best at all levels, work, prosper, express our creativity, give and receive love and more. The powers channeled in the CZ Card will be able to guide you to find the perfect geographical location, the place for you, a place where you will never feel "lost in the universe" but a place where you feel you belong, where you can find the perfect friends, your perfect job, true love, the house of your dreams etc. You may still have some negative karma to deal with and not be able to change your geographical location etc. any time soon, but these energies will still help you and your life will be able to proceed in the right direction with renewed joy and inspiration to reach your true goal and experience that sense of belonging that can give you all the happiness, success and prosperity that you deserve. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - The Perfect Place for Me - Ethereal Connection - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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Build your financial empire now! The higher powers contained in the energies channeled in the CZ Card can positively influence every part of your life. If you allow these energies to enter your life, you will feel more peace and trust within yourself and you will feel absolute in tune with the universe. They can bring more flexibility into your life and help you in any aspect and situation, to heal yourself and situations, to overcome many problems in family, home life, difficult relationships, but especially in your career at work / financial level and help you build your financial empire defeating enemies and unfair competition, support you in legal matters and more that can be useful to you in bulding quickly your new financial empire. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - I Build Quickly a Financial Empire - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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The Higher Sacred powers channeled in the CZ Card can help you immerse yourself in the mysticism and magic of the ancient Egypt. With their help you can enjoy magical protection on all levels, be surrounded by enormous wealth on a financial and spiritual level, you can experience multiple benefits including, powerful physical strength, enormous inner power, unsurpassed determination, seductive beauty, strong charisma, and unlimited health, love, success and respect. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Ancient Egyptian Mysticism and Magic - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)

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It doesn't matter if you are married or single, but if you are not experiencing the joy of receiving and giving love in your life, the powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card can help you overcome all fears, help you identify patterns and problems that prevent you from feeling love and living your love relationships with joy. They can help you to balance and heal the heart chakra, to remove sadness, pain, shame, anger and fear of intimacy or more so you can experience the joy of being in love and loved and desired and live a successful love relationship. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Overcoming the Fear of Intimacy in Love Relationships - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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