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year 2023 -  50 euro

These strong powers channeled in this CZ Card they are associated with regeneration and rejuvenation,to the life that continues and renews itself, they can brings of balance and growth and are for anyone who wants get the support they need every day to counteract the decrease in performance due to physical and mental tiredness, migraines or other ailments and contribute to a normal function of the immune system and to brings a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, a normal function of the metabolism in general, a protection of the nervous system from stress, and an anti-aging effect of skin, hair and nails and much more!

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs.

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Mystical Regenerative Chamber - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2023 - 50 euro 

Your mystical journey it starts now !

Let yourself be enchanted of the traditional mystical Japan charm!

The itinerary of your mystical journey if you want can includes Mount Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan but with using these great powers channeled in this CZ Card you can also retrace the footsteps of the Samurai ,visit charming villages nestled in the mountains with their characteristic houses, gardens and old residences , or walk among old inns and sake breweries ,or enjoy oasis of peace in a large park in the heart of Tokyo, or visit the tea rooms ,or the neighborhoods with the Temples,Shinto shrines and much more!

There are no limits , if you are ready your mystical journey begin now!!

After receiving the attunement you can call these powers and use them by your intuition and intention

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement

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CZ Card - Japan Journey - Mystical Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)




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year 2023 -  50 euro

The powers channeled in this CZ Card are useful in" to promote in general the fertility and the human reproduction " but not only!

They can revealed to be able to influence ovulation in women and keep testosterone levels constant in men and more!

If you try these powers you could discover much more about your sexual sphere and to exclaim of yourself....didn't know of I know .. I am worth and deserve !

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs.

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

. an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Powers of the Sexual Sphere - Magical Influence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )





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year 2023 -  50 euro

For a healthy and lasting weight loss the keyword are: Drains ,Protects and Reinstatement

For a healthy and lasting weight loss It is important a healthy diet, eliminate impurities and harmful toxins by expel excess liquids and fat, but when excess liquids are eliminated, sometime too many essential nutrients are also expelled making it necessary to fast reinstatement.

The powers channeled in this CZ Card they can are useful to protects the bladder , to performs a protective action on the kidneys by promoting the elimination of liquids to maintain and regulate a good function of your body, they can performs a detoxifying action with antioxidant properties and support in the replenish and promotes normal metabolism , to promotes the necessary weiht loss ,and stabilize your ideal weight ,keep blood pressure stable and more.

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Healthy Lasting Weight Loss by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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year 2023 -  50 euro

If you are ready the powers channeled in this CZ Card they can symbolize for you the birth of a new time and the end of another. It's time for change ,optimism and creativity!

These energies they can working for to strengthens your will , to artistic imagination and creativity,they can ,to awaken your ambition,the perception of pleasure and to induce you to look at life with greater optimism!

These powers also are connected to primary instincts , to the instinctive sphere of pleasure linked to food or sex but also our ability to control instincts and to fully enjoy all that human material life can offer us, but without falling into addictions. After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Creativity and Optimism Time by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)

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year 2023 -  50 euro

The powers channeled in this CZ Card they can are useful for to shed light in the midst of our mental confusion, by aid to focusing on what is really important to us at this moment and to be full present "here and now"

These powers contain a powerful stress reliever , are a great support especially when "you think you are not up to it " in moments of study , works ,or in love relationship because they helps to calm anxious states ,overcome insecurity, to instilling self-esteem, they can helps our ability to concentrate and mental presence and they teaches to focus and tackle one thing at a time ,and live in the present moment with more joy , confidence and positivity and more!

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement. an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

CZ Card - Removal of Mental Confusion by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )



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year 2023 -  50 euro 

Do not be afraid to be what you truly are!

Dedicate more your time to your psychophysical well-being,to your personal care, health ,rejuvenation, and your unlimited potential! Work with these powers to take full advantage of the gifts of your life earthly !

The powerful energies channeled in this CZ Card they can are a support to be relax you ,come in touch with your inner selves, and regain more energy and to take full advantage your potential .

If we live more relaxed and more self-confident they can we live using our full potential and recharge more easily that is very important for our health and longevity and this can even self-consciously we support to "rejuvenate " "and start over"!

If you are reading I think that the source has also destined them for you, do not waste them because they are divine blessings ,accept them and experience them for have more beauty, for have a perfect body , more health and longevity,for to attract and to manifesting in your life more love ,prosperity ,happiness and for realize all your goals ! Your potential are unlimited - advantage of them now!!

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Unlimited Potential - Sacred Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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 € 50 - year 2023

The powers channeled in this CZ Card contain great protective powers, included "the destructive powers "of angry and raging bull force and strong magic powers that destroys black magic of any kind and they can neutralizes all effects After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Black Bull Raging - Destructive Force by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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year 2023 -  50 euro

The Financial fortune, can come to you in many ways!

Using the powers channeled in this CZ Card you will find it much easier to attain your goals be acquire wealth, prosperity and successful in your life because are powerful energies that attracts abundance and it works to enhance your ability to manifest and opens you up to moreopportunities to attracts more money All obstacles will be removed and you can expect lots of luck from unexpected sources , in particular they helps win lotteries , scratch ticket lottery, online games ,but not only!!

You receive CZ Card JPG Image, pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement

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CZ Card - Prosperity and Fortune Wheel - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2023 - 40 euro

The powers channeled in this CZ Card in extremely powerful to use as part of the process to stimulate awakening and raise your Kundalini energy.

They can support you to contact elemental beings and work with their energy , also they can are useful for earth healing sessions and much more! After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Red Carousel - Stimulating Fire by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )




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year 2023 -  50 euro

If you want to pursuing your ambitions ,you love the power and you want a prestigious career ,you want to join the elite , to join high society membership ,the powers channeled in this CZ Card they can strengthen your determination and your perseverance to conquer leadership positions ,and much more that can help you achieve your goals. Furthermore If you love to change and you have the desire to live new experiences, these powers are useful support , they helps to see alternatives to every possibility and helps to have the freedom to always be yourself.

You receive pdf manual, Image JPG with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Savor High Society Membership by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2023 - 50 euro

If you feel trapped in static situations where you feel closed inside a cocoon waiting to let your true Self out ,.are also because now you tends not to believe in the future, and cannot let go of the past

This Attunement brings you powerful energies,the power and transformational strength useful for Spiritual growth, to initiate a change in order to progress and to manifest all you want After the attunement you will feel that you are regenerating ,feel the renewal, the push towards a new life and lots of bursting energy, feel as a great frenzy for to start a new life filled with everything you want to manifest because now you know you deserve the best only And Now you'll have the best only !

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download ,pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Renewal Strength Magical Wings by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2023 - 50 euro

 The great powers channeled in this CZ Card contain powerful energies of protection , they can have a detoxifying action on a physical and emotional level and much more Are useful for increasing energy and vitality ,they can removing all pent-up blockages , remove sadness,they can helps you to increase Self -esteem , create a barrier between you and everything which can weaken your immune system and more. After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .. as support also for weight loss, depression care etc...

You receive pdf manual, CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement,

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CZ Card - Removing Sadness - Healing Vortex

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year 2023 - 50 euro

If you working with these great powers your inner transformation has start and you will not be a fear of making wrong decisions which they might can lead you down a path that is not yours. When you have to make an important decision in love matters, work , money , health or more almost always we have a fear of making a mistake . If you have fear "of not getting on the train that passes once alone in life ", the powers channeled in this CZ Card they can aid to increasing your self-esteem ,you will feel more secure, and the goals to reach will seem closer without obstacles to overcome.

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CZ Card - Magical Crossroads of Opportunities by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)





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year 2023 - 50 euro

Working with the sacred powers channeled in this CZ Card makes us understand how important it is to open up to the spiritual vision of things and realize that everything is one.

These are powers transformation and growth useful for those who are interested in letting themselves be carried away and want to "see" and to "hear "the world outside and inside themselves ,to learn to look beyond the physical realm, and make progress into the spiritual to evolve to an Ascended level of Consciousness.

You receive pdf manual, CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement,

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CZ Card - Mystical Door of Awakening by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2023 - 50 euro

A new time has begun ,our future will be characterized by great transcendental events. Increased brotherhood among men, respect for nature and its inhabitants are just some of the goals to be achieved.

Many of us will be the great protagonists of this new era ,if we want we can we will reach a openness of mind and conscience with perceptions of pure spirituality that all great mystics yearn to experiment.

These new energies channeled in this CZ Card further aids "your awakening" ,your evolution and elevation of spiritual perception and more.

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download, pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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CZ Card - The Change has Begun - I'm the Protagonist - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2023  - 50 euro

These energies contain all the curatives powers of the sea.

The key word of these great powers is "purification "!

To making pure we mean the ability to separate what is poisonous, harmful from what is not andworking with the powers channeled in this CZ Card can help our body purify yourself and to eliminate "all of poisons forms "

But after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs .. weight loss, firming up etc...

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download, pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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CZ Card - Sea Curative Powers Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller (Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2023

The energetic powers channeled in this CZ Card they brings more health ,harmony and balance , they can are very useful for our daily well being because contain the ability to rebalance energies and much more .

These wonderful energetic powers they can are useful to strengthen our immune system,contain antiseptic properties and they can are support in our body detoxifications, of great support in care for all infections including all new virus ,i also they can are beneficial in cases of lung diseases , cardio circulatory disorders and provide relief to the issues connected to them and other more because after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much other uses of these energies!

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download, pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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CZ Card - Healing Flow - Mystical Sphere by Cuzco Artist Channeller (Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2023 - 50 euro

Overcome all Fear and Pessimism and to look forward now!

New Strengthening & Refreshing powers !

How drinking water it can quench our thirst,working with these energies channeled in this CZ Card has a refreshing, energetic and revitalizing, but not exciting action, these powers they can has a soothing function that can help overcome fears and pessimism, they can connect the conscious to the unconscious, the present with the past , useful to look forward definitively leaving behind us the past, the mistakes and the pain e since their function is also to unite the people and brings new oppotunities , these powers are a great support if use them for favor new events, to support in new jobs , to develop new business , new friendships, to start new love stories etc

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you ask that these powers to flood your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies!

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download, pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Morning Fog Energetic Revitalizing Powers by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2023

White color represents the light, the pure source of all the colors that the human eye can see, sometime the light makes us close our eyelids because it is too powerful.

The powers channeled in this CZ Card contain radiant energy with vibrations that symbolize the purity, innocence, cleanliness and much more. Are useful for cleaning your Aura, body , your office,house and much more you want ,to transmute chaos into order , well being and prosperity in any areas of your life.

After you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you ask that these powers to flood your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies!

You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download, pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

CZ Card - White Light Lightning Flashes - Energetic Cleaning by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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