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year 2024

The Herpes Virus Simplex is transmitted through contact, both direct and indirect, in the area of ​​the lips affected by herpes, inflammatory and itchy blisters can form which can then fill with liquid causing pain and discomfort, herpes heals in a few days but can recur. because once herpes has penetrated the body, it can reactivate in moments of greater tiredness, stress and decreased immune defenses. The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can help relieve inflammation and pain, speed up the healing of the blisters and help raise the level of immune defenses to ensure that the problem does not recu They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Labial Herpes Healing Session by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card help to harmonize energies by neutralizing negative ones. They can be very useful for their ability to counteract electromagnetic radiation and therefore protect our body from the harmful effects caused by these dangerous harmful waves and more. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Electromagnetic Radiation Neutralizing - Mystical Shield by Cuzco Artist Channeller (Teresa Rubiolo)

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year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card can also be used as a good luck charm and protection, but mainly you can use them to stimulate chi, vital energy and to balance yin energies and yang. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms

. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Yin and Yang Balancing - Energy Mystical Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller (Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024

Friendship, intelligence, benevolence, harmony are some of the meanings that distinguish these great energetic powers channeled in the CZ Card, but in addition to that they are also bearers of wisdom and intuition and powerful lucky magnets also to be used intuitively to protect us from adversity at all levels, including when necessary to protect our energy from energy vampires and much more They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Protective Mystical Magnet by Cuzco Artist Channeler ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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 year 2024

Celiac disease can present itself through gastrointestinal problems such as, diarrhea, constipation, dyspepsia and more. If not treated properly, celiac disease can lead to the development of other diseases, the progressive destruction of the intestinal villi can lead to important diseases such as hypothyroidism, alopecia, diabetes and intestinal tumors and more. The healing powers channeled in this CZ Card they can are a great support for to alleviate and care the disease symptoms. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

CZ Card - Celiac Disease - Symptoms Healing Session by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)

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year 2024

Renal colic occurs in the presence of inflammation / kidney stones with sudden and violent pain and contractions localized in the lower abdomen and back. The pain is usually caused by the transit / movement of kidney stones. The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can help to relax, relieve pain in case of colic and support other types of treatments / resolutive interventions for the elimination of the causes They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

CZ Card - Renal Colic Relieve Pain Healing Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card are connected to the emotions of the heart, they can stimulating the passion, love ,romance and more. These sacred powers can help to strengthen relationships, keep desire alive and renew passion in existing couples. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Love Relationships Magical Potion by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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 year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card help us to fully realize how we are living now and to come out of the cocoon that we have built around us. They can accompany us on a journey into our inner darkness, help us understand who we really are, support us, help us come out of our shadows transformed in spirit and with renewed inner beauty fully aware of the transformation that has taken place They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Spiritual Transformation and Reneved Inner Beauty Now by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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year 2024

The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be a useful support to alleviate pain and muscle spasms, to maintain the health of the lungs, liver and kidneys, to promote the detoxifying activity of the excretory organs and to detoxify the body in general. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Detoxifying Healing Powers Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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year 2024

The powerful financial healing and attraction energies channeled in the CZ Card have the ability to amplify energy and help attract unlimited financial prosperity. They are also useful for increasing concentration, improving meditation or supporting activities that require a lot of concentration, precision and creativit They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Unlimited Financial Prosperity Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The great powers channeled in this CZ Card promote a positive and relaxed attitude. They have the ability to absorb and transmute negative energies into positive energy and they can work on an emotional, mental and physical level . They can act a powerful protection ,a protective shield against negative energies and bad luck and more. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Relaxed and Positive Attitude - Mystical Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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 year 2024

The loving wonderful energies channeled in the CZ Card are a symbol of protection and prosperity of the home, the hearth, the family and all its members. They can bring more protection, health joy and prosperity to all members of the family ,to new couples, they can give support to new parents in taking care of their children, help take care of the elderly people , grandparents and much more. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

CZ Card - Protection and Prosperity of the Family -Mystical Shield by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )



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 year 2024

The powerful anti-inflammatory and healing powers contained in the energies channeled in this CZ Card they can help in case of neck pain whether caused by stiff neck or cervicalgia for to relieve tension and stiffness. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Cervical Pain - Mystical Healing Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )



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year 2024

The new healing and purifying powers contained in these higher energies channeled in the CZ Card can help relieve stress, tension, irritability, balance mood swings, eliminate anger, fear and anxiety and much more They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Mystical Flow of Healing and Purifyng - by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )




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year 2024

The powerful mystical energies channeled in the CZ Card are an excellent support for divination, useful for focusing on situations, enhancing psychic abilities, concentration, visions and mediumship in general. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.

CZ Card - Psychic Powers Increase - Mystical Flame by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )

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year 2024

Claim your Right to be Happy Now ! The powerful sacred powers channeled in the CZ Card remind you that if you are unhappy in any aspect of your life it is time to make changes. If you are ready they can help you, assist you and encourage you to make big changes in your life because it is your right to be happy. The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card can give you considerable support in creating your life experiences, make you more courageous and optimistic, determined to carry out your new projects and positive changes to create new opportunities and live the life you want and need to feel fulfilled They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms

. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Magical Wheel of the New Opportunities




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 year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card contain great sacred powers of good omen ,they can brings of serenity and love in your life. Are a good omen for success in work at all levels, they bring great luck and wealth also for all new business. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ CARD - Magical Money Box by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card are synonymous with love, fire, power, sensuality and attraction, useful for increase the passion in love relationships ,attract new lovers and much .more. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.,here are no manuals but you receive via email the information needed to receive and transmit the attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people


CZ Card - Sexual Magnetism - Love Attraction Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo



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 year 2024

The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can help eliminate excess uric acid from the body by helping the kidneys to filter the acid more effectively uric acid and facilitating its elimination through urine


. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.,here are no manuals but you receive via email the information needed to receive and transmit the attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people.


CZ Card - Excess Uric Acid Eliminate - Healing Session by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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year 2024

The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card are holders of our most ancient memories, they can teach us to listen moreto our inner voice, they symbolize emotional rebirth, they can help us understand the impact that our emotions have on our daily life and help us follow our intuition and primal instinct to heal the wounds that life has inflicted on us. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.,here are no manuals but you receive via email the information needed to receive and transmit the attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people.


CZ Card - Primal Instinct of Self Healing - Mystical Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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