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year 2024

The healing properties channeled in the CZ Card contain multiple benefits for our health. They have anti-inflammatory and draining properties, help fight abdominal bloating and promote intestinal regularity ,can help fight colds and much more .



They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Medlars- Healing Powers Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2024

If the anxiety you are experiencing is making you feel exhausted and down in the dumps the calming and relaxing effect of lemon balm is a good remedy indicated to reduce agitation , ward off bad thoughts , promote good sleep and more

The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card contain numerous virtues ,can help soothe states of anxiety, even those that occur at the gastrointestinal level, play an anti-nausea , digestive and antispasmodic action , but also alleviate pains of nervous origin, headaches, premenstrual syndrome , insomnia and more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ Card - Lemon Balm Healing Powers Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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12543779878?profile=RESIZE_400xyear 2024

The healing properties of echinacea channeled in this CZ Card can be useful in stimulating the body's natural immune defenses and a great support in the treatment and preventing of various illnesses and symptoms including flu and respiratory illnesses such as colds, fever, sore throats, coughs, bronchitis, as well as supporting in the treatment of urinary tract infections such as cystitis and more.


They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Echinacea Healing Powers Flow by Cuzco Artistc Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

CZ Card Transition situations and moments can be periods that encounter the difficulty of abandoning the old reality to let the new one emerge. The powerful energies channeled in the CZ Card can help us overcome what troubles us most, without unnecessary effort and suffering whether it be conflicting feelings, uncertainty, pressure in feeling forced to make a decision and having to take a decisive position, the inability to know what awaits us and more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Overcoming the Uncertainty of Change by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2024

If dermatitis or other suddenly appear on your skin, or when the complaints worsen you paying attention to what is going on in your life because Redness, itching and burning can also be a sign of inner discomfort and if you can free yourself from self-imposed roles, rigidities and restraints, you can return to have a healthy skin.


For example, over-diplomacy can hurt our skin because it can create relationships in which we end up trapped, unable to defend ourselves from what we do not like, and the unsaid accumulates until it spills over onto our skin which manifests irritation.

Sometimes we are forced to define our boundaries and defend them,a firm and firm no convinces and can even do our skin good.

The powerful energies channelled into the CZ Card can help us to set boundaries when we need to, for example in situations where the allocation of tasks and roles is unclear, help us to clearly establish what is ours and what is owed to us and much more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Psychosomatic Dermatitis - Healing Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Fever is a reaction of the body as a defense to eliminate viruses and bacteria, but it can also appear when we do not give enough space to our vitality. Retained energy raises the temperature and our body unable to express itself, fights in this way to recover the lost balance. The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card act like a beneficial fire that eliminates all that is static, stagnant in us ,in particular in our mind, useless thoughts, obsolete memories, and fixations that we need to get rid of in order to renew ,get rid all that keeps us trapped in an existential model that hinders us.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers

. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Beneficial Healing Fire Vortex by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024

Is a disorder characterized by hypersensitivity of the colon and diagnosed when there are no other reasons to explain the malaise reported by the patient once other triggering factors have been eliminated ,as lactose intolerance or coeliac disease, which can manifest symptoms similar to those characterizing irritable bowel syndrome. The origins of the problem are sometimes uncertain, the only thing certain about this pathology are the colitic symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and dysfunctions of the digestive system and more that occur unpredictably and can affect the sufferer's daily life.

The healing powers channeled in this CZ Card are very useful as support for alleviate the symptoms of this pathology

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Healing Flow by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The good communication is only the spontaneous communication, those who are afraid to express themselves have in mind an artificial model of how one should speak that is far removed from one's own nature. Being a reserved person is not a defect. There are people who are extroverted and others who are introverted; it is not a question of limits or defects, but the problem is the mask you try to put on without succeeding, that is, between what you would like to be or what you believe you should be, which makes you lose spontaneity and fluidity in communication.

The powerful energies channeled into the CZ Card help you overcome the fear of expressing yourself and much more..

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Overcoming the Fear of Expressing Yourself by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo )




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 year 2024


Learn to be respected, don't give up being yourself. When you don't feel taken into consideration, your self-esteem lowers, you feel inadequate, you can no longer recognize the qualities within you and you let others influence you and limit your abilities.

In one's own life, everyone has their own time and their own way of realizing themselves, the powerful energies channeled in this CZ Card help you on your path of growth to find your independence and uniqueness, to feel like the protagonist of your life without judging yourself and without fighting against yourself and do not you let others influence you and limit your abilities.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Respect and Consideration - Mystical Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo


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year 2024

When we complain about something that has gone wrong in our life, we reflect ourselves in our failures, fuelling within us a lack of confidence ,it is as if we are immersing ourselves in a static and heavy energetic swamp that sucks up our life ,strength and energy, always dragging us back into the past,causing lament to become our habitual attitude totally unable to find our direction in life.

The powerful energies channelled into the CZ Card help us to stop complaining, they remind us that what has been is what has been, it is useless and counterproductive to go back to it by rethinking and complaining, now it is time to look beyond, perhaps proceeding in a new direction than the one that did not work These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Overcoming the Complaining Attitude by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The properties of hibiscus flowers channeled into the CZ Card are important allies for the health , an support for the immune system and an excellent anti-aging agent. Their antioxidant properties help cleanse the body of free radicals ,also they can facilitate digestion andhelp activate bile production, they contain cholesterol-lowering properties, antibacterial properties that can be useful against sore throats, flu, coughs and colds, antiseptic and diuretic properties that help eradicate infections of the uro-genital tract and molto more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Hibiscus Blossoms Powers - Mystical Drink by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Trichotillomania is a real disorder that affects all age groups, and is characterized by the compulsive behavior of pulling hair and hair from the body. Hair-pulling is not induced by obsession or self-doubt about appearance, but hides behind a very strong state of anxiety or tension that one cannot cope with and that is relieved through hair-pulling.

The healing powers channeled into the CZ Card aim to reduce anxiety, depression and the symptoms associated with the disorder. They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Overcoming Trichotillomania Disorder by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Convincing others with skilful communication strategies can sometimes turn into a violation of the psyche of others. The ability to communicate and improve the incisiveness of what one has to say is important, asserting our ideas and our needs with determination is a right, but often one risks using strategies that can fall into more or less veiled forms of manipulation.

Dialogues or discussions with a partner, a friend, a colleague or a family member often reveal great difficulty in making oneself understood and in understanding,most people seem unable to converse calmly, and misunderstandings can lead to manipulation, at a certain point the tone becomes heated, and there is provocation, sarcasm, verbal aggression, or the use of artificial language to defend oneself.

The powers channeled in the CZ Card acts as protective shield ,help to dispel attempts at manipulation, to displace our interlocutor and improve his or her disposition without imploding or manipulating him or her, but to get him or her to dialogue and deal with us in a serene and gentle manner without violating the psyche of others

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Manipulative Communication Strategies - Protective Mystical Shield by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Years ago social life was truly social, private life truly private and getting to know someone meant sharing a real place and time, interacting if your presence on social networks makes you feel insecure, inadequate because "success doesn't come" and you feel invisible, you spend all your time wondering why your friends comment little on what you write, your photos get few likes and few people share your content the powers channelled into the CZ Card can help you to overcome the burden of "social reputation " and the insecurity generated by social networks to avoid feelings of fear, anxiety and even depression.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Overcoming the Anxiety Generated by Social Networks by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2024

Even if you when there is a need you are the first to give your availability to others, perhaps it may not always be free of charge and sincere because even if you don't realize it you may often be doing yourself a favour rather than to other person because if you are there to do things, you can control how they are done, which is why some interventions may arise from a desire of the curiosity , or to do things your own way rather than from genuine availability and much more.

The energies channelled into this CZ Card can help cure your curiosity attitude , your fake altruism and fake helpfulness towards other people

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ Card - Overcoming the Attitude of False Altruism by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Our past is full of many experiences, thinking back on them can bring up good or bad memories, they were dormant but not erased, this also applies to wrongs suffered where it is difficult to express what one feels and one often tends to be resentful.


The powerful healing energies channeled into this CZ Card can be an excellent support to help us get rid of unexpressed resentful and grudges.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers. These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual and JPG Image with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Overcoming the Wrongs Suffered and Unexpressed Resentments by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

If other people's opinions and judgements are conditioning you in your decision-making, behavior and lifestyle, remember that you were not born to be approved by others in everything you do. Stop underestimating yourself and thinking you are not good enough.


The powerful energies channeled into the CZ Card help you overcome the fear of judgement from others and feel free to be yourself again, to act consciously and create your own future without being influenced by external opinions , driven only by the desire to please others.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis.

You receive pdf manual with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready


CZ Card - Overcoming the Fear of Judgement from Others by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

The healing powers of liquorice channeled in this CZ Card have tonic properties and a soothing action to keep the respiratory tract clear and to clear the voice in cases of sore throat.They can help the proper functioning of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine, also they can help maintain healthy joints and support the body's natural defenses and much more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis.

You receive pdf manual with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Essence of the Healing Power of Licorice by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)



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year 2024

If we distance ourselves from nature, we fall ill and lose our stability, harmony and balance. The healing powers channeled into this CZ Card help us to reconnect with nature and regain well-being. They symbolize strength, robustness and majesty, bringing us the ability to survive even the most destructive storm ,helping us to turn away from negative thoughts and find solutions to our torments. When we have a problem that troubles us, these powerful energies of longevity and well-being with their ancient language can help us find solutions that we had not thought of.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis.

You receive pdf manual with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.


CZ Card - Reconnection with the Ancient Language of Nature by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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 year 2024

During periods of acute stress and in situations of particular pressure to speed up recovery and regain psychophysical balance the body may need an extra supply of amino acids. Arginine is an amino acid useful for the formation of proteins that are essential for the proper functioning of our body and for maintaining a correct body weight ,the more lean mass you have, the more calories you burn!

The powerful energies channeled into the CZ Card are very useful for those practicing sport to improve performance, protect muscle integrity and aid recovery after exertion, and also for those wanting to lose weight because they can help give the body energy , to while increasing lean mass ,burning more calories and much more.

They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.

These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms. It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

You receive pdf manual with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

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CZ Card - Less Fat and more Muscle - Arginine Mystical Essence by Cuzco Artist Channeller ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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