€19,99 year 2021
After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.
Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies Are a very strong energies which aids the growth at the levels spiritual, psychic and mystical.
They offers assistance in the development of intuition, along with increasing the development of various psychic abilities, connects with the divine mind to enhance channeling abilities, great for mediums as it helps removes the veil into other dimensions to connect you with others worlds.
Helps to manifest into reality the ideas of philosophers, artist, dreamers etc..
Helps ground ideas of the thinkers, as many people are too mentally oriented, but they may lack the discipline to actually bring their ideas into reality and this is where these energies comes in handy, as it will help manifest ideas into physical reality.
Useful in all areas.
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