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€19,99   year 2020

These great protective powers acts as a powerful amulet capable of preserving from any misfortune. Among the various uses these sacred powers have an important action of purification and protection from negative energies ,are used to purify the rooms, for to keeps negativity away a absorbs the disease and are therefore useful in case of all inflammation or pain form and to eliminate the negative energies of the psychophysical sphere.

Are sacred wonderful powers ,useful for relieves from worries,

they exerts a positive influence and promotes solar nature, helps those who have a tendency to depressions and those who suffer from headaches and more because they acts as a soothing and harmonizing effect. Because they instilling optimism, light-heartedness, joy and strengthens self-confidence are recommended for people who tend to get depressed and influenced by others.

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CZ - Flashes of Divine Light by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2020

If you do overwhelm feeling stranded and sometime you being unable to life in 'the light " are useful working with these powerful energies and recreate a true connection with your inner light and the divine overall . Working with these energies take people down into the darkest places inside themselves, plumbing the depths, for clashing with the fear, the inner terror and their dark shadow side.

Are very helpful energies that repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts, they brings imbalances and shadow qualities to the surface for release, they replenishing with positive energy and reconnected you to the divine for facilitates the release of old grudges and provides support during any life change.

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€19,99   year 2020

These energies cleansing the mind, body and spirit of any toxins and negativity. The use of these energies with properties amplified by sunlight powers also are recommended to eliminate old wounds, blockages and traumas from the past..

Its detoxifying properties are also high as food purifier.

Some other benifits : A aid and support as anti-inflammatory particularly suitable for all inflammations of the throat area and to protect and prevent the throat from all ailments.

Acts on the thyroid bringing a hormonal balance. Strengthens the immune system.To prevent and treat vision problemsin addiction in some people also acts as a good "aphrodisiac support"and much more

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CZ - Angelic Powers - Light Beam by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2020

Angels like to help, only they want to be asked for it because they may can only help and intervene if we allow our higher self to accept. By working with these higher vibration, you give this permission and show your willingness and openness to accept their help.

The Angels helps us when we are desperate, gives us perseverance and foresight, shows us the way to love, we can see that there is always a new opportunity somewhere.

They are there to comfort ,to heal and to give us courage and confidence and also they helps us to remember our true size again.

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CZ - Ancestor Sacred Medicine Flow - by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2020

These ancient sacre powerful energies are useful for detach you from old thoughts and beliefs and encouraging the opportunity to look at attaining new goal.Working with these sacred energies for finding a more self- esteem and new of self-awareness also boosting our intuition for assists us in discovering and understanding unidentified messages received previously.

These powerful healing energies, they can help you to self - heal emotional, physical or mental issues, will also help you to get a deeper perspective on the disorder in order to know the exact reason and purpose of the you are undergoing and make you more aware of precarious situations and negativity that may surround you and delete them.

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CZ - Attract Money - Golden Touch - by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies The ability to turn everything you touch into money!

These great energies contain very strong frequencies to attract money at all levels to bring revenue and well-being both personally and in business.

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€19,99  year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies Working with these higher energies open a portal, a direct line to better communicate with other dimensions, also facilitates the akashic records reading, previous or future lives visions and much more.

Working with these higher energies boost your spiritual gifts, particularly in the form of premonitions and precognition for to warn you of any dangers or more other.

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CZ - Positive Attitude Essence - by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies Don't get contaminated by the power of another’s influence, protect one’s auric field!

Change your attitude - change your life!

These energies act as a protection shield for your auric field and as excellent emotional healer because they aid you to releases emotions of angst and jealousy replacing them with feelings of joy and positive motivation.

Are powerful energies full of frequencies of ancient wisdom, knowledge and positive motivation useful for introspection and the evaluation of any situation.

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€19,99  year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies Practice the art of seduction every day in every way and at all levels!

Working with these magical energies destroys negative energies in your energy system and brings good luck and prosperity.

Renews your appearance with a magical light and give you grace and elegance, beauty, rejuvenation, health and longevity.

Brings magical glow on your face and in your aura,a mysterious fascinating and magnetic appearance that enchant other, a strong self-confidence.

A glamorous and regal highly charismatic appearance.

Your sex appeal and your unapproachable attitude attract everyone's attention and you are be the center of attention everywhere!

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CZ - Magical Rainbow of Pearls - by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies.

These loving but powerful magick energies bringing out the best in people and brings greater flexibility for to flow better with life.

They stimulates the mind, soothing worry and anxiety, and to encourage to love and value themselves for who their are.

For to anyone who feels helpless because of weight problems ,they aid to reprogram your eating habits and improve the physical appearance, assist you in separating food from emotional needs.

They will be a good support to get back in shape leaving behind the protective shell of superfluous kilos and much more benefits that we will discover only by working with these magical energy Use intuitively

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€19,99   year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies.

This wise ethereal mixture includes powerful energies mystical high vibrational and the powers of herbs of the highest esoteric value.

The formulation is used to ward off evil in all its forms, to purify people and environments, but also for protective purposes, to be defended you or your customers from any magical attack and much more.

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€19,99  year 2019

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies.

You think of have you begun to see and communicating with other dimensions and realms?

Déjà - vu, dreams or visions that become vivid etc..are a sign you has a strong connection to psychic abilities.

When you begin to see / communicating into other dimensions and realms these energies are useful to you as a to help you awakening and boost your great gifts.

Working with these energies is useful for developing and boost any our natural psychic skills.

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CZ - Etheric Tiger Magickal Guardian by Cuzco

€19,99  year 2018

Personal Application or for other People any time, any place you need this energy. These great magickal energies give you an etheric tiger as your magickal guardian very useful to full protection. Protects you from any physical and metaphysical attacks, black magick, dark forces of every kind, djinn etc.. If you are in danger situation your etheric tiger automatically it comes to your help and making specific requests you can also use these great energies to destroy magickal protections and magickal energies of your enemies.

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CZ - Spiritual Growth Cosmic Flow by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2018

Personal Application or for other People any time, any place you need this Energy. These energies are perfect for any spiritual seekers, as it are energies of spiritual awakening and spiritual growth. Working with these energies purifies and protects you by placing a shield around the physical body and the your energy field. Increasing one’s intuition and all psychic abilities, it enhances mental acuity and focus and spiritual growth and awareness. Allows for a greater connection the spiritual realms with enhancing one’s connection with the Higher Self, the Spirit-Guides and the Angelic Realms. Opens the cosmic flow of energies, aligns the energy bodies and opens and activates the crown chakra. Offers psychic and mental protection, clears, repairs and strengthens the aura. Protects against black witchcraft and psychic attack and protects you Astral Travel Experiences from negative entities.

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€19,99  year 2018

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies.

Working with these energies enables to let go of the past and generate new pathways for to take.

Are excellent energies for removing self-imposed obstacles, balances the emotions, aid at clears phobias & fears and stimulate the patience and optimism.

Calming the mind and to guides into meditation..

Brings and radiates light energy that is both energizing and calming and help also for promotes the proper functioning the pituitary gland, fortifies the thyroid and stimulates metabolic rate, useful for aid at decrease weight gain etc..

Use it by your intuition and intention.

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€19,99  year 2018

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies.

Now do we have the luxury and of financial security If for you material security and wealth are a high priority these energies represent and awakening that part of ourselves that collects and hoards luxury thoughts and objects.

These energies came to you to suggest you that we might want to start now collecting the things we value, focus in the protect our homes, to possess luxury objects, other financial assets,attracts money etc.

Working with these energies it you can change your life as very you like.

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CZ - Red Power Magical Forces - by Cuzco

€19,99   year 2018

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies Help a overcomes any kind of problem present or future in your life.

Any situations returns in optimum position and or original position quickly and effectively.

Protects against against negative intervention by others in your life ,provides protection from envy, hatred, jealousy, black magic and misfortune.

Brings you inspiration and ideas, stabilizes in all respects all areas in your life and any your projects and businesses with success and luck.

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€19,99  year 2018

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies. As a hermit of mountain!

A hermit who has spiritual powers of magic rendering himself invisible, a occultist, alchemist, a Master of fortune telling and magic etc..

If you feel attracted to this system working with these energies will help you at realized your dreams!

Brings you longevity, wisdom, spiritual and occult magical powers, power of invisibility, help in magical practices, in healing sessions, protection, fortune telling powers, luck and more.

These energies are also wonderful for aid elderly persons, for to bring them a long life and a good, natural death and more.

Use it by your intuition and intention.

The practice is very important to develop the energies and also is good the meditation into these energies, through meditation you can find much uses of these energies and feel guided.

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CZ - Paternal Bond Strengthens - by Cuzco

€19,99  year 2018

After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies.

These energies brings strength of self defense into our lives to teach us how to draw upon strength and the knowledge of our familiar environment to defend ourselves and loved ones.

Working with these energies brings into focus paternal energy and the balance between masculinity and femininity, i n particular, strengthens a father's bond with his children, and brings his "nurturing "side to the surface without in any way compromising his sense of masculinity.

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CZ The Winner Powers by Cuzco

€19,99  year 2018

Personal Application or for other People any time, any place you need this energy. These energies clears any obstacles from your path, brings about success in every respect. in love affair, in business matters or wherever you want to succeed.

Working with these energies it brings you infinite confidence and power and great Self - esteem a powerful charisma and strong authority.

Difficult situations are suddenly simple and also hopeless situations will now be a success and you the winner.

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