cz (4)


year 2024

The properties of malachite alsoinclude the ability to relax the nervous system, they are good supporto in insomnia problem, anxiety and depression issues

. They can have a detoxifying action on the liver and more.

They can are useful for increasing concentration skills and psychic vision,helps to removing blockages and to manifest our goals and more.

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CZ - Malachite Properties - Mystical Essence - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo)


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year 2024

Turtles are considered a symbol of endurance and protection, these energies brings us and represent ancient wisdom, tenacity, resilience, strength, calmness, longevity and a great lesson that we should really make our own which is to always be able to achieve our goals using slowness as well, because we don't need to run to go far, but instead we need to use our energies well so that we can sustain the effort over time and build our future with greater awareness.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement

. An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready

CZ - Teachings of the Turtles - Mystical Essence by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo )


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year 2023 - 25 EURO

These energies help our personal power and inner willpower to manifest.

They help us relax our nervous system, connect us to our inner fire, and to our innate ability to transform what blocks us by holding onto situations or mental patterns that we cannot let go of.

If we are calmer, more relaxed and mentally more focused, we can have a broader vision of the situation we want to rebalance by 'burning out' worn-out situations and creating new ones that will help us to summon and manifesting all the abundance and wealth we deserve.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies

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an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready



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year 2023 - 25 euro

We all have the right to be happy.

These energies help us to enjoy life, they are related to pleasure, not only sexual, but in general to our ability to experience feelings. enjoying good food, the company of friends and more.

These powers help us to remove any traumas related to the sexual sphere and emotions. If in the past we have experienced Sexual violence, abuse, prohibitions on expressing our feelings or living our passions, we can now return to loving life and expressing our emotions unlimited and without fear.

Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.

An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


CZ - Mystical Essence of Pleasure and Emotions - by Cuzco ( Teresa Rubiolo



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