
Annapurna-Goddess of Abundance Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2015

This system connects you to the Goddess Annapurna for empowerment and blessings of abundance.

She is the Hindu Goddess of nurishment and she brings blessings of food, money, possessions, and spirituals connection.

Working with her energies into positive abundance as it draws opens opportunities and helps you to allow yourself to receive all that you need to live and thrive.

Annapurna is the mother of nurishment.

She blesses Those who call on her with a higher spiritual energy That helps you to not just survive, but Also to thrive.

Often she is seen holding a golden ladle and an offering dish full of food. She is a great mother Goddess and has Been Often described as being one face of Lakshmi.

Her name means Full, Complete, Perfect.

She blesses children and opens you up to true spirituality.

As a Goddess of the Grains she will bless crops, help you attain spiritual enlightenment, and help you to always have your needs taken care of. She feeds the hungry, she Provides the nurishment, the money needed to live and thrive.

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