Aura Clearing and Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in Japanese
EUR 7.99
year 2014
Aura Clearing and Healing Reiki connects you to Higher Source Energy and to your Higher Self.
The energies work to help clear and remove any unwanted energies in your aura and to fill that space with positive healing energies of love and light.Often ,things can attach to our energy fields and become blocks to our growth and expansion.The energies of this system assist you in removing those negative or outdated energies that have become attached and stuck in your aura .
As we go through our days living and taking care of ourselves and others ,doing normal things we need to do ,we may begin to notice that we feel heavy ,weghed down ,or sluggish.It may feel like something is blocking us from moving forward or causing us to have a lack of energy to get motivated or do anything .We might start to put things off,or feel listess.
These are all symptoms
of having something negative or no longer needed stuck in our auric energy feld.
These negetive energies that get stuck in our Aura ,as they are picked up from other people ,placed things and situations and issues that come up.They stick to your energy fields like glue and often won't let go unless you consciously remove them
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