
Cleansing Aqua Energy Essence by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Yer 2014

Cleansing Aqua Energy Essence connects you to the energies of the color Aqua and to your higher self and spirit .This attunement brings in the flowing ,cleansing ,relaxing energy of the color aqua with a flowing ,soothing feeling.It can be cooling or comfortably warm depending on your intention asyou use the energies .As it helps to remove stress and tension,it relaxes and releases the worries of the day ,which allows you to recharge your energies and feel reneved

Cleansing Aqua Energy Essence is a very fluid energy ..It washes over and through you.

It can be used with intention to cool you down if you have a fever starting to feel heat exhaustion ,or just need to cool off.

And yet ,if you need to feel warmer and more comfortable with intention you can use it to warm up which is helpful in colder climates especially .

The essence of the color aqua is ssothing ,comforting ,relaxing and peaceful.Its association with water and with beauty is healing.The color aqua brings in a fluid motion that helps with moving over ,under around and even through things which is beneficial when it comes to solving problems necessary for joyful living.

Helps to remove energies that are no longer helpful to you through an ethereal washing away of the negativuty caused by worry ,stress and tension .It helps to relieve the tightness feeling that comes with negative emotions

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