
Emerald Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Emerald Crystal Healing and Manifestation

This system connects you to the energy of emeralds and also to source energy. Emeralds work to clear and heal the heart chakra and are excellent for manifesting success and money.

The draw to you what your heart desires with love and abundance.

In healing use emeralds to heal emotions and heart disease. Emeralds are powerful, yet Their power has a beautiful, richness feel to it. They are perfect for working to manifest big ticket items.

Emerald Crystal Healing and Manifestation The power of the emerald is connected to nature and mother earth as well as abundance and prosperity. The emerald's green color is not only Also beautiful but one of the best healing colors for overall health.

Emeralds are wonderful healers, and the connection to green plants helps Strengthen the energy.

Use Emeralds to heal, to bring abundance, to bring peaceful nature experiences and joy.

They are powerful and beautiful and draw happiness

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