Energetic Magick of John Dee Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in German
EUR 9.99 year 2016
John Dee was a philosopher, astrologer, magician, alchemist, and angel conjurer. Often he advised nobility and was connected, to the Rosicrucians. He Practiced esoteric philosphies and worked with the angelic realms.
The energies of this attunement you connected to the magick and energy of John Dee.
It opens your mind and energy to learning, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment.
As you work with the energies your expands enlightenment and you understand everything from a new perspective. You abilities to work with magick and psychic abilites improve and expand.
Your understanding of the angelic realms as you Increases learn to work with them communicate with them on higher energy level.
Energetic Magick of John Dee Empowerment John Dee worked with angels in a ceremonial fashion, calling upon them to assists him in His work, His healing, His divinations.
Whenever doing this kind of magickal work, it is strongly advised That You always protect yourself to prevent any negative energy or entities from interfering with your work and your daily life.
Whenever you work with energy and angels or other energy Beings, it is Necessary to Protect yourself and your energy. Ceremonial magick can draw negative spirits to join in -they see it almost as an invitation or at the very least as an opportunity to latch on to you and feed off your energy.
As you work with the energies of this system, it is Necessary to protect yourself first and then move on to working on your desire
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